CENTRAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT OF SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION (831) 479-6843 STANDARD DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS Sec No. FPB-59 Rev. Date 05/13/13 Eff. Date Subject: Access Road Requirements 05/13/13 Approved By Page 1 Jeanette Devery Fire Marshal of 4 These are the basic requirements for access roads in the Central Fire Protection District. Access roads shall be maintained to these standards at all times. PURPOSE: The purpose of these requirements is to guarantee sufficient access for fire department apparatus and other emergency vehicles. It also ensures adequate room for these vehicles to be safely turned around. REQUIREMENTS: 1. Fire apparatus roads shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building constructed or moved into or within the Central Fire jurisdiction when any portion of the building is located more than 150 feet from fire apparatus access as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. a. When buildings are completely protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system the provision of this section maybe modified by the Chief. b. When access roads cannot be installed due to topography, waterways, on negotiable grades or other similar conditions, the Chief is authorized to require additional fire protections as specified in the Uniform Fire Code. c. When there are not more than two Group R, Division 3, or Group U occupancies, the requirements of this section may be modified if in the opinion of the Chief, fire fighting or rescue operations would not impaired. 2. More than one fire apparatus road shall be required when it is determined by the Chief that access by a single road may be impaired by vehicle congestion, condition of terrain, climatic conditions or other factors that could limit access. 3. Access roads shall be in place before framing construction can begin or construction shall be stopped. 4. For access roads to special uses such as high-piled storage, open yard storage, hazardous materials, refer to the Uniform Fire Code. 5. Access for any new dwelling unit or other structure used for human occupancy, including a single family dwelling on an existing parcel of record, shall be in the duly recorded form of a deeded access or an access recognized by court order. 6. All access road and bridge improvements required under this standard shall be made prior to permit approval or as an condition of permit approval. ACCESS ROAD SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Minimum Street Widths. a. 1 and 2 Dwelling Units: 12 feet curb-to-curb, no parking; turn-around if over 150 feet. b. 3 to 5 Units: 20 feet curb-to-curb; sufficient off-street parking must be provided and fire lanes must be posted. c. 6+ Units: 24 feet curb-to-curb; sufficient off-street parking must be provided and fire lanes must be posted. 30 feet curb-to-curb; parking on one side only. d. Subdivision: 30 feet, parking on one side. 36 feet curb-to-curb; minimum subdivision allows for parking both sides and two-way traffic. Widths shall be increased when in the opinion of the Chief, widths are not adequate to provide fire apparatus access. Where it is environmental inadvisable to meet these criteria, due to excessive grading, tree removal or other environmental impacts, a twelve foot wide, all-weather surface access road with 12 foot wide (24 foot total width including road) by 35 foot turnouts located every 500 feet may be provided with the approval of the Fire Chief. Title 19 of the California Code of Regulations requires that access roads from every state governed building to a public street shall be an all-weather hard surface (suitable for use by fire apparatus) road way not less than 20 foot in width. Such roadways shall be maintained only as access to a public street. Obstruction of the road widths as required above, including the parking of vehicles shall be prohibited as required by the Uniform Fire Code. 2. Turns. a. No roadway shall have an inside turning radius of less than 50 feet. b. Roadways with a radius curvature of 50 to 99 feet shall require an additional 4 feet of road width. c. Roadways with a radius curvature of 100 to 200 feet shall require an additional 2 feet or road width. 3. Vertical Clearance. a. All access roads shall have an obstructed vertical clearance of 13 feet and 6 inches. 1) Upon approval of the Chief, vertical clearance maybe reduced, provided such reduction does not impair access by fire apparatus and approved signs are installed and maintained indicating the established vertical clearances. 2) Vertical clearance shall be increased when, in the opinion of the Chief, vertical clearances are not adequate to provide fire apparatus clearance. 4. Surface, Grade and Drainage. a. Access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the loads imposed by fire apparatus. b. Access road surfaces shall be all-weather, which means a minimum of six inches of compacted aggregate base rock, Class 2 or equivalent, certified by a licensed engineer to 95 percent compaction and shall be maintained. SUBJECT: Access Road Requirements Page #2 c. Where the grade of the access road exceeds 15 percent, the base rock shall be overlain by 2 inches of asphaltic concrete, type B or equivalent, and shall be maintained. d. Maximum grade of the access road shall not exceed 20 percent, with grades greater than 15 percent not allowed for distances of more than 200 feet at a time. e. Drainage details shall conform to current engineering practices, including erosion control measures. 5. Dead Ends. a. For information on turnaround requirements see FPO-015. BRIDGES: 1. Bridges shall be as wide as the road being serviced, meet a minimum load of bearing capacity of 25 tons and have guard rails. Guard rails shall not reduce the required minimum road width. 2. Width requirements may be modified only by the Chief. 3. The bridge capacity shall be posted and shall be certified every 5 years by a licensed engineer. 4. Bridges served by 12 foot access roads shall be provided with turnouts at each bridge approach. GATES: 1. Gates shall be a minimum of 2 feet wider than the access road or driveway they serve. 2. Overhead gate structures shall have a minimum of 15 foot vertical clearance. 3. Mechanically-operated gates shall have a Knox switch provided for fire department access. 4. Manual gates shall have a fire department lock installed for fire department access. BARRICADES: 1. The Chief is authorized to require the installation and maintenance of gates or other approved barricades across roads, trails, or other accessways, not including public streets, alleys, or highways. 2. When required, gates and barricades shall be secured in an approved manner. When required to be secured roads, trails and other access ways shall not be used unless authorized by the owner and the Chief. 3. Trespassing upon roads, trails and other access ways which have been closed and obstructed in the manner prescribed in this section is prohibited. EXCEPTION: Persons authorized by the Chief and public officers acting within the scope of their duties 4. Vehicles shall not be parked in a manner that obstructs the entrance to roads, trails, or other access ways which have been closed and obstructed in the manner prescribed by this section. SUBJECT: Access Road Requirements Page #3 IDENTIFYING FIRE LANES: 1. When required by the Fire District, approved fire lane designations shall be provided by the following methods: a. A sign posted immediately adjacent to, and every 150 feet there after, and visible from the designated place clearly stating, in letters not less than one inch in height, that the place is a fire lane. (This is only allowed if the roadway is NOT paved.) b. By outlining or painting the place in red and in white letters marking the place with the words "No Parking, Fire Lane," which are clearly visible from the vehicle, or; c. By a red curb or red paint on the edge of the roadway on which is clearly marked in white letters with the words "No Parking, Fire Lane." When the words are painted on a curb they shall be on the face of the curb. MAINTENANCE. 1. All private access roads driveways, turnarounds, gates, and bridges are the responsibility of the owner(s) of record and shall be maintained to ensure the fire department safe and expedient passage at all times. 2. To ensure maintenance of private access roads, driveways, turnarounds, gates, and bridges, the owner(s) of parcels where new development is proposed shall participate in an existing road maintenance group. For those without an existing agreements, the formation of such an agreement shall be required. SUBJECT: Access Road Requirements Page #4