Newsletter Term 3 Week 1 PRINCIPAL’S PRATTLE It was a great sight on parade on Monday morning to see so many happy, smiling faces ready to take their learning into their own hands for another Semester at school. I have heard many wonderful stories about the students’ holidays with many telling me how they enjoyed spending time at home with family. Winter certainly approached during the break and it is hoped that the illnesses all stay away. Keeping healthy also means keeping warm during the colder months. P & C operate a uniform shop which is open every Monday for parents/caregivers to access. However, if you are unable to make it up on this day, please call the school and we will ensure your order is given to the P & C and delivered back to you as soon as possible. This term will be very busy with athletics, teaching and learning audit, School Opinion Survey and many other significant events occurring. It is still our number one priority to ensure every child at Biggenden State School receives a high standard of education with learning occurring every minute of every day. Parents would have received their child’s Semester One Report Cards by now. I encourage all families to sit down and read the reports together and set goals on learning improvements for the upcoming Semester. Students are continually receiving feedback from their teachers about their learning and it has now become accepted that students know where they are at and what they are learning. Student learning and achievements should be celebrated at home. Staff members and myself have shared with students their achievements and acknowledged how proud we are of their learning. Please contact the school if you have not already requested a parent teacher interview. At these interviews teachers will share your child’s work with you and acknowledge the areas of achievement and the areas to focus on. This Thursday and Friday I will be attending Quality Schools Inclusive Leaders Professional Development in Gladstone along with Natalina Royan. This training is of high importance and allows us to further understand students with disabilities and learning difficulties. The training will ensure the school is catering for all students’ needs and requirements. All students at our school are given opportunities to learn and achieve. ATTENDANCE Once again this term we will continue to strive to achieve our attendance goal of 96.3% across the school. Semester One saw the school achieve 93.4% which was a marked improvement on the same time last year. Students need to attend school to ensure they receive the maximum opportunities to learn. 17 July 2014 SCHOOL WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR This term our school wide positive behaviour topics focus on respect. Respect is a difficult concept for students to understand but it is an exceptionally important concept for everyone to learn and be able to display. Gotcha Winner – Ryley Gibbs Gotcha Winner – Amy Wayne ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Wednesday this week was the final day for our Biggenden Interhouse Athletics Carnival. Students all participated to the best of their ability, demonstrating some exceptional determination and sportsmanship. I am sure many students actually surprised themselves when they achieved so well. A big thank you to Mrs Carolyn Holmes and Mrs Susan Stark for all the extra work they do behind the scenes in organising these events. The hours they spend on the program ensures everything runs very well. Next Friday, 25th July, 2014, Biggenden State School will host the Biggenden & District Athletics Carnival for students aged 9 to 13 years from not only our school but also Coalstoun Lakes and Dallarnil students. This is a selection trial for students to be nominated for the North Burnett Athletics Carnival to be held in Gayndah on Wednesday, 6th August, 2014. I encourage all parents/caregivers to come along on the day and show support. A tuckshop will be operating on the day for the entire school and we ask for parent volunteers to assist in the canteen. Monies received from this day goes back to the Biggenden & District Sports Committee to purchase trophies and equipment to be used on District days. SCHOOL OPINION SURVEY This year the School Opinion survey will be administered to all parents from Prep to Year 10 on Monday the 21 July. Please ask your oldest child for the envelope handed to them from the office. This is an online survey; each family will be issued with a unique login and password so their privacy can be ensured. It is important for all families to complete this survey to assist us in reviewing or improving areas of concern or improvement in our school. The survey must be completed by the 3rd August. We thank you in advance for your cooperation to this matter. Big on Heart – Respect – Responsibility – Learning. While Striving to Excel Newsletter Term 3 Week 1 JULY 22 24 25 29 Years 9 & 10 Attend Careers Expo Under 8’s Day Biggenden District Athletics Carnival Multicultural Day AUGUST 4 USQ Camp Years 9 & 10 6 Primary Zone Athletics 11 Biggenden Show Public Holiday 13 Arts Council – Sarah’s Heavy Heart 19 Book Week Celebrations 22 NB Athletics Sec 27 Primary WB Athletics SEPTEMBER 12 Chaplaincy Dinner 17 Immunisation Clinic Yr 8 & 10 22 – 3 October SCHOOL HOLIDAYS 17 July 2014 Welcome back to all families of our school community. This term’s theme is all about respect. Self-respect is the basis of respect for others. Have a look in the mirror and see if you like and respect who you see. Remember, your true self is under the mask of your face. Make a decision to show yourself respect and care today. Multicultural Day Tuesday 29th July This is a day when we celebrate our family of origin. Bring food, costumes, flags and any other item of interest to share with your classmates. Activities will be done in class groups and food shared at first break. Family members welcome to attend. WANTED! A Chaplaincy Committee treasurer. Our long serving treasurer has moved to the country and would like to hand over the book keeping. It is an easy job which just requires a computer. If you are interested see/ring Moira 41271991 or Mark 41271959 LOCAL CHAPLAINCY MEETING this Monday 21st July 3.15pm BOOK WEEK CELEBRATIONS Biggenden State School will be celebrating Book Week in week 6 this term on Tuesday 19th August. The theme is Reading to Connect. Come dressed as a character from your favourite book. Put your thinking caps on and start thinking about your costume. PRE PREP PROGRAM to start at Biggenden State School SOON. Enrol your child for this very important program NOW. COMMUNITY NOTICES BIGGENDEN ROSE FESTIVAL PUBLIC MEETING Pre Prep students must be turning five (5) by the 30 June 2015. MONDAY 21st July 7pm A Birth Certificate is essential for your child’s enrolment being accepted. Please let your friends and neighbours know about our program. Come and have your say. We will look at how we can celebrate living in Biggenden with an annual or biannual Festival. Supper provided. Biggenden Memorial Hall Biggenden ... halfway between Utopia and Paradise CHAPPY NEWS Enquiries Moira Thompson 41271991 or 0458365051 BIGGENDEN HOSPITAL While Striving to Excel AUXILLARY Big on Heart – Respect – Responsibility – Learning. are holding a Newsletter Term 3 Week 1 17 July 2014 ----oo000oo--- LIVING WITH WILDLIFE – SWOOPING MAGPIES Between July and November, magpies defend their young from threats. Some magpies see us as threats – and they swoop. If you know what to do when a magpie swoops, you can stay safe and let these birds raise their young. Avoidance of the area is best. Magpies breed in spring and protect around 150metres around their next. If you must go near the next of a swooper below is a few handy hints. Wear a hat and sunglasses or hold a school bag or umbrella over your head. Some magpies only swoop at cyclists. If you get off your bike and walk, the magpie should leave you alone. ‘Spike up’ your bike helmet with a few cable ties to scare magpies away. Magpies are less likely to swoop if you walk in a group. Team up with others if you walk through a nesting area. Watch magpies. If they know they’re being watch they are less likely to swoop. Don’t fight back. Throwing sticks at a magpie will only make it more defensive next time. Never approach a young magpie that’s out of the nest. The parents may think you’re trying to harm it. Rescuing baby magpies is best left for wildlife rescue groups to carry out after dark. For further information visit or phone 13 QGOV (13 74 68) BIGGENDEN HOSPITAL AUXILLARY ----oo000oo--- NB & BUNDABERG FLOOD RECOVERY SUPPORT provides information and referral to free counselling for those affected by the North Burnett and Bundaberg Floods. Counselling includes: Individual counselling Family counselling Child counselling And relationship counselling To assist with development strategies to manage the stress, anxiety and depression that has developed due to the impacts of the flood and the trauma of rebuilding lives, relationships and homes. This is a free support service. To make an appointment phone 1300 523 985. Friendly intake staff will support you through the process. Office hours are: 9.00am to 4.45pm Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 4.15pm on Friday. are holding a TOMBOLA at the MEMORIAL HALL on SATURDAY 19 JULY, 2014 Doors open 8.30am Start 9-00am $2-00 entry (includes morning tea Bigand onlucky Heart – prize.) Respect door – Responsibility – Learning. A GREAT DAY OUT IN SUPPORT While Striving to Excel