New Orleans Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

New Orleans Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)
Mission Statement
To provide a multi-disciplinary collaborative response to sexual assault that expands the
scope of victim-centered services, holds offenders accountable, and reaches all
communities in New Orleans.
Values and Commitments
Victim-Centered: SART members recognize the power and autonomy of victims of sexual
assault, and commit to supporting victims in making their own choices regarding what services to
access and how to respond to their assaults. Each SART member’s role is to make victims aware
of their choices, be honest and realistic about the possible outcome of choices, and to understand
and honor each victim’s experience without judgment. By committing to a victim-centered
approach SART members understand the need to customize responses to meet victims’ specific
needs and to promote a compassionate and sensitive delivery of services in order to prevent revictimization.
Consistent Responses: SART members recognize that each discipline involved in responding to
sexual assault has a role in supporting victims, and that working together as a team will help to
ensure that services are consistent. This approach will improve the criminal justice system
response, promote effective and consistent forensic evidence collection and increase opportunities
for prosecution.
Collaboration: SART members commit to understanding and respecting the roles and
responsibilities of each member of the team, and to acting with integrity and honesty in dealings
with each other. Each SART member is accountable to the Mission Statement and to
implementing the Strategic Plan through collaborative problem-solving, communication and
completion of tasks appropriate to each team member. SART members believe working together
as a team will provide the most effective systemic responses for supporting victims and holding
offenders accountable.
Communication: SART members commit to listening to one another’s concerns and opinions
and recognize that open, respectful communication is necessary for positive, constructive
problem-solving and is vital to the success of the SART. SART members commit to resolving
differences and conflicts directly with each other, and to engage in ethical communication that
values honesty and active listening.
Community Awareness: SART members commit to working together to increase community
understanding of the dynamics and realities of sexual assault through education and outreach.
Through increased visibility of the SART team and awareness of services and supports for
victims, more victims will understand the options available to support them and the community
will recognize that every victim deserves to be treated with respect and dignity.
Trauma Stewardship: SART members recognize the possible negative effects of working with
victims of sexual assault, and commit to promoting a culture of trauma stewardship. This
involves mitigating vicarious trauma through support of each other through team work, and
celebrating the victories and achievements of the SART.