
Born in Palermo (Italy) in 09/05/1977
Italian citizenship
Stockholm (Sweden)
Post-doctoral researcher
Mobile: +46 (0)737652148
Tel: (+39) 0662277684 (VoIP)
Creative and at the same time practical. Takes initiative to solve problems and instigate change. Selfreliant, willing to take responsibility and proactively finishing assigned tasks. Has strong inter-personal
skills and ability to effectively work in multi-disciplinary and international team environments.
Key technical skills
 Design, prototyping and performance analysis of different types of optical systems for retinal
imaging, optical coherence tomography (OCT), interferometry, industrial imaging/illumination and
optical profilometry applications.
 Design, fabrication and characterization of integrated optical devices such as lattice filters,
polarization splitters, arrayed waveguide gratings, EO modulators in lithium niobate, on-chip
Career history
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden)
Period: from 1st Feb 2015 to date, Role: Post-doctoral researcher
Main duties:
Realization of on-chip Ti:Al2O3 laser and passive spectrometer for intra-laser-cavity Raman
spectroscopy. The project is within the framework of the ERC Grant "Optical Ultra-Sensor"
Focal 2.0 BV (Enschede, Netherlands)
Period: from 1st Jun 2012 to 1st Feb 2015, Role: Sr. optical engineer
Main duties:
 Design, prototyping, testing of optical systems for medical and industrial applications (where
applicable according to ISO standards).
 Contributing to the preparation of system requirement documents, test&analysis reports and
review documents for internal projects.
 Work in a multi-disciplinary team in close collaboration with mechanical, electronic and
vision engineers within the same company or partner companies.
 Collaboration with research groups from national/international universities within R&D
projects (as the Dutch funded IOP project "i-OCT" for the development of adaptive optics for
optical coherence tomography) aimed at product improvement and development of new
Integrated Optical MicroSystems (IOMS) Group, MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology,
University of Twente (Enschede, Netherlands)
Period: from 1st Jun 2011 to 1st Jun 2012, Role: Post-doctoral researcher
Project: Low-cost handheld optical coherence tomography (OCT) devices (IOP project on
medical imaging)
Work towards integrated (swept-source) OCT system. In particular design and fabrication of
on-chip integrated micro lenses.
Side activity: Teaching lab-course “Realiseren in Materialen” on plasmonics for electronic
engineering students, academic year 2010-2011. Teaching assistant of the course "Integrated
Optics", academic year 2011-2012.
Period: from 1st Jun 2007 - 1st Jun 2011, Role: PhD student
Partners: TU-Delft, NRC-IBD Canada, Erasmus MC, River Diagnostics, LioniX and 2M
Project: The Raman Pen (towards low-cost, pen-sized Raman devices for applications in
health and medicine) - funded by STW and NL Agency
Design and realization of miniaturized (integrated) optical spectrometers in silicon-oxynitride
technology for Raman spectroscopy of the skin and teeth.
Main achievements:
o Demonstrated detection of early dental caries from extracted human teeth using polarized
Raman spectroscopy with on-chip spectrometers (2011)
Autorizzo al trattamento dei dati personali ex D. Lgs. 196/03
Born in Palermo (Italy) in 09/05/1977
Italian citizenship
Stockholm (Sweden)
Post-doctoral researcher
Mobile: +46 (0)737652148
Tel: (+39) 0662277684 (VoIP)
o Novel technique for on-chip laser excitation delivery and signal collection without need of
external optical elements (patented 2009, published 2010)
o 29 publications in high-impact journals and international conferences (5 first-author
publications in peer-reviewed international journals) including one patent
Side activities:
o Teaching assistant of the course “Vibrations and Waves”, for electronic engineering
students, academic year 2009-2010.
o Teaching lab-course “Realiseren in Materialen” for electronic engineering students,
academic years 2007-2008 and 2009-2010: practical course for building a humidity sensor
based on surface plasmons.
Thera S.r.l. (Rome, Italy)
Period: from 1st Jan 2007 to 1st Jun 2007, Role: Analyst/Programmer
o Specialist support for developing teams, analysis & development of J2EE applications on BEA
Weblogic 9.2 servers for DCSIT -INAIL
o Mobile multimedia tourist guide (for museum) based on RFId technology (development in C#)
o Access Management Software for Thera S.r.l., based on RFId (analysis & development in C#)
o Thera S.r.l web site (analysis and development in Java / framework Struts)
The Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology (NRC-IFN) in collaboration with SELEX
Sistemi Integrati (Rome, Italy)
Period: from 1st Jul 2006 to 1 Jan 2007, Role: Internship
Project: Design and technological implementation of electro-optical Bragg modulators on
annealed proton-exchanged (APE) lithium niobate (LiNbO3) waveguides
o Study of the optical properties of lithium niobate crystals and APE waveguide
o Simulation of Bragg waveguide grating, electro-optical behavior of device and thermal stability
(COMSOL Multiphysics/Matlab)
o Followed technological implementation of the device in the NRC-IFN cleanroom facilities
o Experience with SEM microscope for obtaining high resolution images of the Bragg gratings
STM Italia C&O S.r.l. (Rome, Italy)
Period: from Mar 2005 to Jan 2006, Role: Software analyst and developer
o Specialist support to developing teams on BEA WebLogic servers and web application stress
testing for the The Central Direction of Information Services and Telecomm. DCSIT-INAIL
o Development and analysis (Java Portlet on Oracle Portal 10g) of Web Portal “Acquisti in Rete”
of the Public Administration for CONSIP
Ajilon S.r.l. (Rome, Italy)
Period: from Feb 2004 to Mar 2005, Role: IT consultant for Hewlett-Packard
o Java development on BEA WebLogic 8.1 Platform - network management for TIM
o Stored procedure development for the Integrated Network Management System (INMS II) of
the SDH network of the National TV provider RAIWAY, and migration procedures from old
system INMS I (Oracle 7 - > Oracle 9/PLSQL/Unix)
Hewlett-Packard (Rome, Italy)
Period: from Jul 2003 to Feb 2004, Role: Internship
Project: Network Creation Process software reengineering for TIM Multiservice Access Network
(MAN) and IP Network (HP Process Manager/Visonael/Java/Unix)
Training & courses
14-20 Jun 2015: XVII International Krutyn´ Summer School (Krutyn´, Poland) - "Breaking Through
Experimental, Theoretical and Applications of Advanced Luminescent LanthanideBased Materials"- is organized by the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish
Academy of Sciences, Poland, and Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil.
Autorizzo al trattamento dei dati personali ex D. Lgs. 196/03
Born in Palermo (Italy) in 09/05/1977
Italian citizenship
Stockholm (Sweden)
Post-doctoral researcher
Mobile: +46 (0)737652148
Tel: (+39) 0662277684 (VoIP)
13 Nov-13 Dec 2013: Five-day course on optics and opto-mechanics, DEMCON (Enschede,
29 Mar 2011:"Optical design Workshop" (Zemax) Fotonica Evenement (Nieuwegein, The
2-17 Jul 2009: “Bio-Photonics: Spectroscopy, Imaging, Sensing, and Manipulation” Summer
School (Erice, Italy)
17-19 Jun 2008: Course on Phoenix MaskEngineer/FieldDesigner/OptoDesigner (Enschede, NL)
11-17 May 2008: “Technology for Photonics Integration” ePIXnet Spring School (Elba, Italy)
5-9 Nov 2007: “Fundamentals of Nanotechnology” MESA+ Workshop (Enschede, Netherlands)
14 Nov 2006: “Modelling of physical structures through COMSOL Script command line” COMSOL
Multiphysics Conference 2006 (Milan, Italy)
28 Sep 2006: “Introduction to the modelling of physical systems using COMSOL Multiphysics and
practical training on simple examples” COMSOL Workshop (Rome, Italy)
26-30 Jan 2004: “Developing Integration Solutions” BEA WebLogic Integration 8.1 course
financed by the Hewlett-Packard Company (Rome, Italy)
PhD in Integrated Optics (Enschede, The Netherlands) - see Career History for details
Master in Photonics and Optoelectronics (Rome, Italy)
Università Roma Tre (Physics Department), NRC-IFN (Photonics and Nanotechnology Inst.)
Defence Department T.E.I. (Telecommunication Electronics and Informatics)
Period: Jan 2006 – Jul 2006 + (stage in NRC-IFN from Jul 2006 to Jan 2007)
Master Thesis: “Design and technological implementation of electro-optical Bragg
modulators on annealed proton-exchanged (APE) lithium niobate (LiNbO3) waveguides”.
Thesis prof. F. Evangelisti (“Roma Tre“ University).
References: Dott. V. Foglietti, E. Cianci (IFN-CNR), Dott. L. Pierno and Ing. M.
Dispenza (Selex Sistemi Integrati)
Master in Telecommunications and Information Technologies – MATIT (Monreale, Italy)
Electronic Research Center in Sicily (C.R.E.S.)
Scholarship from: MIUR – Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research
Period: Sep 2002 - Jul 2003 + (stage in Hewlett-Packard in Rome from Jul 2003 to Feb 2004)
Bachelor Degree in Electronic Engineering, Università di Palermo (17th Jul 2002)
Specialization field (last 2 years of 5 year study course): Microelectronics
Thesis title: “Analysis and Simulation of Active Power Filters based on innovative control circuits”
Supervisors: prof. G. Capponi and prof. P. Livreri
Engineering Profession “Practice Qualification” obtained in 2002
“Maturità Classica” (Classical studies) - Lyceum Umberto I of Palermo (1995)
N. Ismail, A. Driessen, and M. Pollnau, "Laser delivery and signal collection by integrated optics",
Dutch Patent (WO2010126368) No. NL 1036920, filed May 1, 2009
Native speaker of Italian
English (fluent), Arabic (good)
Elementary proficiency in Dutch
Main skills
Zemax (Experienced - almost everyday use in the past two years)
Phoenix Software (OptoDesigner/MaskEngineer/FieldDesigner/Clewin) and RSoft (Experienced - 5 years)
MATLAB, C/C++ (Experienced - frequently used)
COMSOL Multiphysics 3 (Past experience - 1 year)
Autorizzo al trattamento dei dati personali ex D. Lgs. 196/03
Post-doctoral researcher
Born in Palermo (Italy) in 09/05/1977
Italian citizenship
Stockholm (Sweden)
Mobile: +46 (0)737652148
Tel: (+39) 0662277684 (VoIP)
Java, C# ,SQL, main web servers (Past experience)
Other interests
Travelling, camping, photography, chess, canoeing,
microcontrollers, web application development.
Autorizzo al trattamento dei dati personali ex D. Lgs. 196/03