Lab 2: Cell Division
Materials: Microscope with pointer; slide of onion root tip
What is the phase of mitosis at the end of the pointer?
If a normal cell has 14 chromosomes at the beginning of mitosis, how many chromosomes are present in each nucleus at the end of mitosis?
Can a cell with 7 chromosomes divide by mitosis? If so, how many chromosomes are present in each nucleus at the end of mitosis?
If a normal cell has a diploid number of 14, how many chromatids are present in each nucleus at the beginning of mitosis?
If a normal cell has a diploid number of 14, how many chromosomes would be present in a haploid cell of the same organism?
Name the process that divides the cytoplasm into roughly equal parts.
What are the large, highly stained structures in each interphase nucleus?
Name one function for the structures indicated in question 7.
Do these root cells have chloroplasts, mitochondria, neither or both?
Some of the cells in this section do not appear to have a nucleus. Why?
What method would you use to make certain that all cells in these tissues have nuclei?
What stain did you use to observe chromosomes in this lab?
Lab 3: Biological Molecules
Materials: Spectronic 20; two spec tubes for biuret, only one (labeled A) with protein.
What color is not absorbed by the solution in tube B?
Does blue light contain longer, shorter, or the same wavelengths as green light?
What is the name of the method used in lab to assay the protein content of a solution?
Specifically, what portion of the protein molecule reacts with this reagent?
Will this reagent also react with glucose, starch, or both molecules?
Is there reagent in tube A, tube B, or both?
Determine the absorbance of the sample in tube A. write this number on the line corresponding to this question.
At what wavelength did you determine this reading? (Be certain to include the units of measurement.)
The standard of 1.0 mg/mL had an absorbance of 0.44; the unknown, 0.11. How much protein was in the unknown?
In the above example, what would be the absorbance of a sample containing 0.75 mg/mL?
What is the name of the instrument used to make these measurements?
12-14. Name the contents of each tube that would be needed to determine the amount of protein in an unknown sample.
15. If you were simultaneously measuring the amount of protein in a second unknown sample, which tube(s) would have to be repeated?
Lab 4: Enzyme Activity
Answer the questions based upon the following graph, showing the effect of substrate concentration on an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.
What was the rate of the reaction at 2 mM substrate?
Assume the initial absorbances were all zero. What was the absorbance of the sample containing 2 mM substrate after 30 seconds?
The concentration of 3 mM is triple that of 1 mM. How much faster was the rate at 3 mM than at 1 mM?
What would you predict would have been the rate for a sample containing 2.5 mM substrate?
What was the rate of the reaction at 6 mM substrate?
What do you predict would have been the rate of the reaction for a sample containing 7 mM substrate?
What molecules were limiting the rate of the reaction at 2 mM substrate?
Other than temperature, what would you change to increase the maximum rate of the reaction in the above situation?
The above data was collected at 20ºC. what do you predict the rate would be for 1 mM substrate if the sample were assayed at 40ºC? [The enzyme is not denatured by temperatures as high as 60ºC.]
What is the most likely explanation if you found that the substrate was slowly changing to product even when there was no enzyme in the sample?
Lab 5: Photosynthesis
The following graph is the absorption spectrum for a pigment extracted from fern gametophytes. (The solvent only extracts nonpolar molecules.)
What is the wavelength corresponding to the maximum absorption for this pigment (in what is the wavelength corresponding to the maximum absorption for this pigment (in micrometers)?
What color is absorbed most by this pigment?
What color is the pigment?
Is the pigment chlorophyll? Defend your answer.
Name one other pigment found in plant cells besides chlorophyll.
If this pigment were responsible for the bending of stems toward light, what color(s) would be most effective in the action spectrum for the bending response?
How might you determine whether seed germination was controlled by this pigment?
Where in the cell would you expect to find this pigment?
How might you determine whether this pigment is in the chloroplasts?
What method might you use to be certain that the above absorption spectrum was for a single type of pigment?
Lab 6: Protists and Fungi
Materials: Microscope with pointer; any slide used in lab.
1. Into what kingdom does your textbook place this organism?
2. –4. Name three organelles that you might be able to see in these cells using a light microscope.
5. What is the approximate diameter of the cell at the end of the pointer? [Be certain that you include the unit of measurement.]
6. Is the cell at the end of the pointer haploid, diploid, or dikaryotic?
7. Was the cell at the end of the pointer formed by mitosis, meiosis, or fertilization?
8. What is the name given to the cell formed by fertilization in this organism?
9. Note one advantage of the sexual cycle in this organism.
10. Note one advantage of asexual reproduction in this organism.
11. If you were looking for this organism outdoors, would you have to take along a microscope to find it?
12. Where might you look for this organism (other than a biology lab)?
Lab 7: Plant Evolution
Materials: Microscope with pointer; slide fern gametophyte with antheridia, archegonia, or young sporophyte
1. Into what kingdom does your textbook place this organism?
2. Are you looking at the gametophyte generation, the sporophyte generation, or both?
3. – 5. Note three organelles that you could see in these cells using a light microscope.
6. What type of division produces gametes in this organism?
7. How are male gametes transferred to the egg in this species?
8. What specialized structure contains the egg in the species?
9. What is the name given to the new sporophyte developing within the female gametophyte?
10. If the cells at the end of the pointer had 50 chromosomes, how many would be found in each egg cell?
11. Where would you find this organism in nature?
12. What structures are associated with the long-range dispersal of this organism?
13-15. Name three characteristics that this organism has in common with green algae.
16-18. Note three characteristics that this organism has in common with gymnosperms but not with green algae.
Lab 8: Angiosperm Reproduction
Materials: Microscope with pointer; slide of lily ovary
1-2. The phylum for flowering plants is subdivided into what two classes?
3-4. Name two characteristics angiosperms share with gymnosperms but not with ferns.
5-6. Note two features that are unique to flowering plants.
7. What portion of the carpel was used to make this slide?
8. Are the nuclei at the end of the pointer haploid, diploid, or triploid?
9. Were the nuclei at the end of the pointer formed by mitosis, meiosis, or fertilization?
10. In terms of plant evolution, pollen is now recognized as the ________________ stage of the sexual cycle. [Be specific.]
11. Pollen is transferred onto what portion of the pistil?
12. How is pollen transferred in lily?
13. What is the process called in which pollen is transferred from the male to the female part of the flower?
14. What nuclei combine with a sperm nucleus to form the endosperm in flowering plants?
15. The ovule wall (integument) develops into what structure in flowering plants?
16. What happens to the ovary wall after fertilization?
Lab 9: Transport Systems in Plants
Materials: the first questions are about the experiment using Congo red to demonstrate the cell types involved in water transport.
1. What tissue is involved in the long-range transport of water in angiosperms?
2. What tissue is involved in the long-range transport of water in gymnosperms?
3-4. What two cell types transport water up nonwoody angiosperm stems?
5. What stain specifically reacts with lignin?
6. What stain reacts with lignified cell walls, though not specifically?
7. Do any cells have lignified cell walls that do not transport water? If the answer is yes, name the cell types(s)?
8. Why did you use Congo red in this experiment?
9. Why did you examine a cross section through an unstained stem?
10. Why did you float other cross sections in Congo red?
11. What cells controlled the movement of water up the stem?
12. If the experiment was taking too long, how might you have sped up the rate of water transport?
13. How is adhesion involved in the mechanism of water transport?
14. How is cohesion involved in the mechanism of water transport?
15. What bond is common to both adhesion and cohesion?
16. What tissue transports sugars from the leaves to the roots in this plant?
17. Name one cell type that is involved in long-range transport of sugars?
18. During sugar transport, do the mature leaves act as a sink, a source, or both?
Lab 10: Meiosis
Materials: Microscope with pointer; slide of lily anther.
The cells at the end of the pointer are in what stage of meiosis? [Be specific – include whether the stage is in meiosis I or II.]
Assume that the diploid number for lily is 8. How many chromosomes would be in each nucleus at the beginning of prophase I?
Assume that the diploid number for lily is 8. How many chromatids would be in each nucleus at the beginning of prophase I?
Assume that the diploid number for lily is 8. How many chromosomes would be in each nucleus at the end of telophase I?
Assume that the diploid number for lily is 8. How many chromatids would be in each nucleus at the end of telophase I?
Assume that the diploid number for lily is 8. How many chromosomes would be in each nucleus at the end of telophase II?
What significant event occurs during meiosis I that am not encountered in any other phase of meiosis or in mitosis?
If you started with two homologous chromosomes, one that has the allele for green hair and the other has the alternate allele for blue hair, what is the probability that the nucleus at the end of meiosis I will have a chromosome containing the allele for green hair?
In the above example, the locus of eye color is right next to that for hair color. Would the probability of crossing over between these two genes be high, low, or intermediate?
What part of the stamen was used to make this slide?
There are several cell layers surrounding the cells going through meiosis. Are the cells in these layers haploid, diploid, or dikaryotic?
Once lily cells complete meiosis, is the next step another meiotic division, a mitotic division, or fertilization?
Lab 11: Genetics
Materials: Chi-square table from Laboratory manual.
The equation for Chi Square is x 2 = Σ [(o – e) 2 /e]. What does the o stand for?
In the above equation, what does the e stand for?
What would be the predicted ration for a monohybrid cross where both parents were heterozygous for the same gene?
In a monohybrid cross, what would be the smallest Chi square value that would indicate that the observed was not the predicted ratio?
In a monohybrid cross, how would you interpret a Chi square value of 0.158?
In a monohybrid cross, how would you interpret a Chi square value of 20.195?
What would be the predicted ratio for a dihybrid cross where both parents were heterozygous for two unlinked genes?
In a dihybrid cross, what would be the smallest Chi square value that would indicate that the observed was not the predicted ratio?
In a dihybrid cross, how would you interpret a Chi square value of 0.465?
In a dihybrid cross, how would you interpret a Chi square value of 20.777?