1930s Slang: Words, Phrases & Their Meanings

Some assorted 1930's slang words/expressions:
"Greetings gaits"... " Hello, Joe, what d'ya know? "... "Hi sprout, what's growing?"... "
Hi Sugar, are you rationed?"... "What's buzzin, cousin?"... What's steamin', demon?"..."
What's knittn', kitten?" --Hi
"Abyssinia"--I'll be seeing you.
"brodie"- a mistake (named for a man named Steve Brodie who claimed to have jumped from a
bridge but probably didn't)
"egg"-a crude person
"Abercrombie"-a know-it-all (named for the Abercrombie & Fitch store which had a reputation
of always being able to find just the right thing for an expensive price)
"all wet"-no good
"booshwash"-empty talk
"drift" --to leave
"check" or "checker"--a dollar
"a merry can," "baby Lincoln, " "Detroit disaster," "tin can," "flivver,"--a car
"butter and egg fly"--attractive girl (also "honey," and "hot mama" and "sweet mama"
and "sweet patootie")
"S.Y.T."--sweet young thing
"fem.," "filly," "flame," "flirt," and "fuss"-- girl
"honey cooler"--a kiss
"Mitt me kid!"-- congratulate me
"plenty rugged"--big and strong
"pip"--an attractive person
"pill"--a disagreeable person
"wheat"--a person unused to city ways
"You and me both"--I agree
"aces up," "snazzy," "hot," "nobby," "smooth," juicy," "sweet," "swell" --good
"greaseball," "half portion," "wet smack," "wet sock," jelly bean,"--unpopular person
"scrub"--a poor student
"shake a leg"--hurry up
"snipe"--a cigarette
"slip me five"--shake my hand
"dead hoofer"--poor dancer (also "cement mixer")
"egg harbor"--a free dance
"hop," "jolly up," "rag," "romp" and "wingding"--a dance or party
"all the way"--chocolate cake or chocolate fudge and ice cream
"baby"--glass of milk
"Adam's ale," "city juice," "dog soup"--glass of water
"cats" or "alligators"--fans of swing music
"tin ear"--someone who did not like popular music "skin tickler"--drummer
Additional 1930’s Slang Terms
"clam-bake"--wild swing
"dog house"--string bass
"bumb the gums"--talk a lot
"blow your wig"--become very excited
"behind the grind"--behind in one's studies
"dig"--think hard or understand
"evil"--in a bad mood
"face"--a Caucasian
"five spot"--$5 bill (also known as "a Lincoln")
"crust"--to insult
"cave"--one's house or apartment
"make tracks"--leave in a hurry
"togged to the bricks"--dressed up
"You shred it, wheat"--you said it
"What's your story, morning glory?"--What do you mean by that?
"platter"--a record
"off the cob"--corny
"tin"--small change
"dil-ya-bla"--a phone call
"drumsticks"--legs (also "pillars," "stems," "uprights")
"hocks" or "plates"--feet
"dukes"--fists (hands were "meat hooks," "paws," "grabbers")
"blinkers"--eyes (also "lamps," "pies," " shutters")
"tie up the dog" -- drink at a pub on credit