Greater Phoenix Valley Resources for Veterans

1. East Valley Veterans Education Center
480 384 9850
2055 S. Cottonwood Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85282
 The EVVEC provides educational outreach and college advisement services to
veterans and their families. We offer practical information about education,
community assistance, and veteran resources found throughout the valley. All
services, workshops, and resources are provided at no cost.
2. Make the Connection
 The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) launched the Make the
Connection campaign to help Veterans and their families connect with services
that improve their lives. The campaign encourages Veterans and their families to
“make the connection”—with other people, with resources, with symptoms of
mental health issues, and with treatment and support—to get their lives on a better
3. Department of Veterans Affairs, Phoenix
3333 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85012-2436
 The Regional VA office provides benefits and services to eligible veterans and
veterans families.
4. eBenefits: a website service of the Department of veterans Affairs and the Department of
 A personalized workspace called My Dashboard that provides quick access to
eBenefits tools. Using eBenefits tools, you can complete various tasks. You can
apply for benefits (including your GI Bill), download your DD 214, view your
benefits status, in addition to other actions as needed. This workspace is available
to you once you have created an eBenefits account.
Therapeutic Resources
5. Soldier’s Best Friend
480 269 1738
Soldier’s Best Friend
P.O. Box 6242
Glendale, AZ 85312
 Assist veterans suffering from both PTSD and TBI by providing service dogs and
therapeutic companion dogs at no cost.
6. American Service Animal Society
480 802 9339
P.O. Box 13525
Chandler, AZ 85248
 Empower disabled veterans by providing a service or companion dog at no cost.
7. American Healing Arts Foundation
480 717 9888
 Free art classes for veterans intended to reunite veterans with peers, away from
hospitals and the battlefields in a peaceful environment.
8. Horse Rhythm Foundation
602 432 2009
 Horse Rhythm Foundation is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization created by
veterans for veterans and first responders. The foundation provides Equine
Assisted Services in an effort to bridge the gap between traditional healing
methodologies and true whole-being wellness of the mind, body, and spirit for
veterans suffering from war-time afflictions.
9. Wounded Warriors
 The Wounded Warrior Project was established to provide tangible, practical
support for the wounded-helping them to heal both physically and mentally.
10. Arizona VA Vet Centers
Mesa location:
Phoenix location:
West Valley Center:
3 locations in the Greater Phoenix Valley
Vet Centers serve Veterans and their families by providing a continuum of quality
care that adds value for Veterans, families, and communities. Care includes
individual & group counseling, as well as referrals, outreach and education
including Post-Deployment health.
11. Phoenix VA Health Care System
650 E. Indian School Road
Phoenix, AZ 85012
 The Phoenix VA Health Care System provides a variety of services at its main
medical center and outpatient clinics.
Employment Resources
12. Department of Economic Security (DES)
Numerous locations throughout the Greater Phoenix Valley
Arizona local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER) and Disabled Veterans
Outreach Program (DVOP): (list
of locations and contact info)
 Veterans Program supports veterans in obtaining employment and job training in
13. Arizona National Guard Coalition
Arizona Coalition
5636 E. McDowell Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85008
(602) 267-2534
 The Arizona Coalition for Military Families is a public/private partnership
focused on building Arizona’s statewide capacity to care for and support all
service members, veterans and their families. The Coalition fosters cross-sector
collaboration between the military, government and community. We invite you to
learn more about the Coalition and to contact us at any time if we can be of
14. Maricopa Workforce Connection
735 N. Gilbert Rd., Suite 134
Gilbert, AZ 85234
602 372 9700
MWC West Valley
1840 N. 95th Ave., Suite 160
Phoenix, AZ 85037
602 372 4200
 Veterans and civilians can register in the Arizona State job site:
 Maricopa Workforce Connections offer a number of workshops, such as
Interviewing Skills, Job Search Skills, and Resume Workshops.
 Computers are also available: if you are a veteran be sure to let the front desk
Community Resources
15. Save the Family (East valley)
450 W. 4th Place
Mesa, AZ. 85201
480 898 0228 x110
 Support Services for Veteran Families is a program to assist low-income veteran
families. Must meet certain requirements within target veteran group populations.
16. Disabled Veterans of America, DAV
DAV Department of Arizona
38 West Dunlap Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85021
Phone: 602-678-0333
 Phoenix chapter, Mesa chapter, Glendale and Scottsdale chapters provide support
and assistance to disabled veterans throughout the Greater Valley community.
The chapters hold fundraisers, as well as other events to benefit the local disabled
veteran community. Provides volunteer opportunities, job related opportunities,
and other necessary resources to disabled veterans in the greater Phoenix area.
17. Veterans Court
South Criminal Court Tower
175 W. Madison Courtroom 2D
Every Thursday beginning at 2:30 PM
 A post-sentencing problem solving court for Veterans who are on probation with
Maricopa County Adult Probation
18. Military One Source
 Military One Source provides assistance nation-wide to active military, as well as
veterans within a 6 month discharge period. For veterans past the 6 month
transition timeframe, such veterans can utilize Military One Source through
providers like EVVEC.
19. VFW, Veterans of Foreign Wars
National Military Services
1 866 789 6333
 VFW’s National Military Services supports military families while enduring
deployment hardships. There are 3 programs: VFW Unmet Needs, VFW
Operation Uplink, and VFW Military Assistance Program.
 Applicants must have been deployed over the previous 36 months and can receive
up to a possible $2,500 in financial support.
20. Mesa Community Action Network
480 833 9200
635 E. Broadway Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85204
 For nearly 20 years, MesaCAN (Community Action Network) has served…
…low-income Mesa residents from across the state, maintaining its own 501 (c)3
and Tripartite Board of Directors. This community-oriented program has
increased the economic stability of thousands of individuals and families in Mesa
by meeting their immediate needs and encouraging safe plans for their future.
 Can often help with utilities and rent.
21. Tempe Community Action Network
480 350 5890
2150 E. Orange St.
Tempe, AZ 85282
 TCAA is Tempe’s “Community Action Program”, assisting residents with
services to alleviate poverty, hunger and homelessness. Our mission is to improve
the quality of life for the underserved in our community. TCAA is managed by an
Executive Director and volunteer Board of Directors that live or work in the
22. Vista del Camino
480 312 0058
7700 E. Roosevelt St.
Scottsdale, AZ 85287
 Vista del Camino provides a variety of services to Scottsdale residents to prevent
homelessness, meet the basic needs of individuals and families in crisis, relieve
economic and emotional stress and assist individuals to maintain self-sufficiency.
Educational Resources
23. G.I. Bill:
 Use this website to apply for your GI Bill educational benefits.
24. Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Pin Number:
 Information on your F.A.F.S.A. can help you with college funding, as well as
provide you with a possible opportunity to work as a student worker on campus.
25. Veterans Upward Bound
Irish Hall A North Wing
1250 S. College Ave.
Tempe, AZ 85287
480 965 3944
 Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) is an educational program designed to meet the
needs of the veterans who seek to improve their academic skills in English,
reading skills, math and computer literacy. VUB provides free instruction, assists
with financial aid and scholarship applications, directs veterans to Veterans
Administration services, and helps them connect with the educational institution
of their choice.
Additional Resources: Nationwide
26. The University of Arizona
 This webpage provides a number of links and resources for Family Support,
Financial Assistance, Women Veterans, Counseling Services, Mental Health,
Employment Services, Family Support, State Resources, Networking, Disability
Services, and News.