NCEA Level 2 Social Studies (90272) 2011 — page 1 of 3 Assessment Schedule – 2011 Social Studies: Describe how people’s actions influence society (90272) Evidence Statement Achievement Achievement with Merit Fair Trade organisations’ actions that influence society could include: Gives reasons why the actions could influence society, which include: Fair Trade protects workers’ rights and working conditions Fair Trade organisations protect and promote the rights of women and children Fair Trade organisations raise awareness of the need for Fair Trade, so that people all over the world understand the issues surrounding trade justice. Fair Trade organisations support and promote the idea of environmental sustainability. Fair Trade raises awareness of the issues people face when living in poverty. Create partnerships with producers, help with product design ideas, workshop and trends and provide skills and infrastructure to strengthen their businesses Buy products from developing countries in a way that is guided by the Fair Trade Principles Guaranteeing a Fair Trade Minimum Price that ensures producers are paid a price that will cover their costs Paying a Fair Trade Premium gives an extra payment to the producer for investing in the community Educating consumers about communities in need and how buying Fair Trade can make a difference. Supporting evidence could include: Perspectives: Perspectives are expressed showing what someone thinks about Fair Trade and why. For example: The university professor who published the book The Effectiveness of NGOs thinks that NGOs can be effective only in providing short-term help to many communities. Comfort Kwaasibea, a Fair Trade cocoa farmer in Ghana, thinks that Fair Trade is having a positive impact on her community because extra money has been invested in facilities. It has also given women a voice in the community, and allows them to participate in the community’s decision-making process. Social Studies concepts: In using / applying Social Studies concepts, candidates define the concepts within the context specifically named examples of people, places, organisations, and events dates and detail of events quotes, etc. Achievement with Excellence Links reasons, social studies concepts, and perspectives. This could be demonstrated through the structure of the answer. For example: In conclusion, the concepts, perspectives, and reasons can be linked to show how people’s actions influence society. Comfort Kwaasibea’s perspective as a producer who lives in a community that has benefitted from Fair Trade sees women in her community participating in the community’s decision-making process more since Fair Trade initiatives began in their community. This links to the reason why Fair Trade organisations influence people and protect the rights of women and children. Kwaasibea’s perspective cares about the rights of women, and addresses inequalities based on gender within her community. Accurate and detailed supporting evidence could include: statistics specifically named examples of people, places, organisations and events dates and detail of events graphics maps tables quotes, etc. NCEA Level 2 Social Studies (90272) 2011 — page 2 of 3 Achievement presented, demonstrating a relevant understanding of the concept. Relevant Social Studies concepts are: human rights, beliefs, needs, community, equality, change. Consequences for society could include: improved infrastructure, such as healthcare centres, water wells, toilets, housing more environmentally friendly production methods improved productivity young people more likely to stay in producer communities buy new equipment for producers and their communities improved working conditions for labourers consumers have an increased understanding of the difficulties faced by poor communities in developing nations. Supporting evidence could include: specifically named examples of people, places, organisations and events dates and detail of events quotes, etc. Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence NCEA Level 2 Social Studies (90272) 2011 — page 3 of 3 Judgement Statement Achievement Answer describes actions that influence society. (D) Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence Answer describes actions that influence society. (D) Answer describes actions that influence society. (D) Answer explains giving TWO or more reasons why the actions influence society. (R) Answer explains giving TWO or more reasons why the actions influence society. (R) Answer describes TWO or more consequences of the effect of these actions on society. (C) Answer describes TWO or more consequences of the effect for society. (C) Answer describes TWO or more consequences of the effect of these actions for society. (C) Applies relevant perspective. (P) Applies relevant perspective. (P) Applies relevant perspective. (P) Answer uses (applies) TWO or more relevant social studies concepts. (SSC) Answer uses (applies) TWO or more relevant social studies concepts. (SSC) Answer uses (applies) TWO or more relevant social studies concepts. (SSC) Answer includes supporting evidence from 90272R. (SE) Answer includes supporting evidence from 90272R. (SE) Answer includes accurate and detailed supporting evidence from 90272R. (SE) Answer links reasons, social studies concepts and perspectives. (L) Judgement Statement Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence D + C + P + SSC + SE D + R + C + P + SSC + SE D + R + L + C + P + SSC + SE Consequence (short-term, long-term, positive, negative, etc) C Description: change / participation / society affecting people / people influence society (action) / nature of diversity / responses D Links reasons, social studies concepts, and perspectives L Perspective / viewpoint P Reasons why the chosen aspect of society has affected people R Social studies concepts Specific / supporting evidence SSC SE