Changes: Moving on to secondary school Session 1 BST Transition project: Group/Pupil: Session One: Year 6 45 minutes Objectives: To get to know each other To establish group rules To establish aims of the group To build self esteem/feeling good about yourself Date/Time Resources: The Dot by Peter H Reynolds, Drama bag, Sugar paper Activity (Children to be sat on chairs or carpet in a circle) 1. Introductions-Name games (say name with action and rest of group says hello, repeats the persons name and copies the action)/then throw ball across the circle have to say your persons name you are throwing it to. 2. Establish aims of the group- Circle of testimony-children to share positive thoughts about working in a group. 3. Can you all show me your drama faces (explain what drama faces are) about how you feel about going to Secondary School at the moment? Everything we do in this group is to help you feel positive about going to Secondary school. 4. Group rules/drama contract-Teacher in role-“I come from another school where everyone is horrible to each other when they work in a group.” Can the children as superhelpers come up with suggestions for group rules for the group to work well? (record the ideas on sugar paper) 5. Read The Dot by Peter H Reynolds. Stop and ask children to show drama faces/drama voices of how characters are feeling. Get children up to show a still image of something they are good at, use magic wand to ask children to explain their action. 7. Ending-Play pass the clap or pass the smile. Drama faces about how have felt about today’s group? Evaluation HIAS Healthy Schools website Jo Bean – Behaviour Support Team 1 Session 2 BST Transition project: Group/Pupil: Date/Time Session Two: Year 6 45 minutes Objectives: I can share something I am good at. I can share something I would like to get better at. I can think about ways to change and get better at something. I can express how I feel about change. Resources: The Dot by Peter H Reynolds, Drama bag, Sugar paper Activity (Children to be sat on chairs or carpet in a circle) 6. Warm-up-Move on game-split group into A and B pairs. Each partner to tell each other three facts about themselves. Class teacher to model this first with a volunteer. A’s then move on to another partner and repeat the process. Come back together and group leader to try and build up a picture of each member. 7. Recap on group rules/contract-thumbs up, middle, down for each rule. Discuss any thumbs down. 8. Recap on last week-children to freeze frame what they are good at . What are we good at as a group? I think I am good at….. use talking stone. Poster of ideas on computer. 9. Look at back at The Dot and ask group some questions about the child changing their ideas about art. Drama faces, show me what child thought about art at the beginning of the story (use magic wand again to ask children for feelings words, ask why if appropriate), then do the same for the end of the story. What has changed and why? Do you think it was easy to change? Does anyone ever feel like the child in the story? Thumbs up if do? Can anyone think of something they would like to change or get better at? Children to close their eyes as if going to sleep. When they hear the alarm clock it’s a new day and they have started to change or get better at something. In pairs tell partner what the change was and how you did it, act out each others change, freeze and use magic wand to ask about the change. Change isn’t always that easy it takes hard work. How does everyone feel about change? Drama voices and body language, say the word change. We are going to talk more about change next week. 6. Ending game-Who’s doing it? Choose one child to leave the room. Choose one child to be mime leader. When child comes back into room mime leader begins and children have to copy. Child who left the room needs to identify who the leader is. Evaluation 2 Jo Bean – Behaviour Support Team HIAS Healthy Schools website Session 3 BST Transition project: Group/Pupil: Date/Time Session Three: Year 6 45 minutes Objectives: I can share something I am good at. I can share something I would like to get better at. I can think about ways to change and get better at something. I can express how I feel about change. I can understand that change can be hard for everyone. Resources:Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt, Drama bag, Sugar paper Activity (Children to be sat on chairs or carpet in a circle) 10. Warm-up-Touch and tell-in partners one closes their eyes and is led round the room to touch five objects/surfaces, has to guess what they are-swap over. 11. Recap on group rules/contract-thumbs up, middle, down for each rule. Discuss any thumbs down. 12. Get children to draw their journey of life so far and changes that are going to happen in the future, not just Secondary school but after this as well. Drama faces for how they feel about change. 13. Read Scaredy Squirrel-use thought bubbles to show panic reaction and Squirrel’s thinking. Separate group into two one panic reaction one thinking. Conscience alley for Scaredy Squirrel leaving the nut tree. Class teacher to take on role of Squirrel and walk through the alley. 14. Use drama faces/body language/still image for what they think is coming next throughout the story. How did Scaredy Squirrel feel at the beginning and at the end. How has Scaredy Squirrel changed? 15. Go through cycle of change with the children. Use Scaredy Squirrel as an example. Then children to think back to what they wanted to change and discuss how they could do this using the cycle. 16. Ending game-Who’s doing it? Choose one child to leave the room. Choose one child to be mime leader. When child comes back into room mime leader begins and children have to copy. Child who left the room needs to identify who the leader is. Evaluation HIAS Healthy Schools website Jo Bean – Behaviour Support Team 3 Session 4 BST Transition project: Group/Pupil: Date/Time Session four: Year 6 45 minutes Objectives: I can think about how someone else may be feeing. I can share worries I have about secondary school. I can think about and share ways to make these worries better. Resources: Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt, Drama bag, Sugar paper Activity (Children to be sat on chairs or carpet in a circle) 17. Warm-up-up, down, freeze game. When group are used to the commands go to opposites e.g. up means down. 18. Recap on group rules/contract-thumbs up, middle, down for each rule. Discuss any thumbs down. 19. Re-cap on story of Scaredy Squirrel-tell the person next to you something you remember about the story. Share ideas. 20. When I wave my wand you are all now Scaredy Squirrel (children in role) at Secondary School. 21. Drama faces and body language about going to Secondary School. Ask Squirrels how they are feeling and what their fears are? Do this in a round. I feel…. About Secondary School. I am worried about…….. 22. Children in role as Squirrels to now write down worries about secondary school. Separate into two boxes ours and others (on acorn template to be buried). 23. Teacher in role, care taker from the school, has found the box of worries called a meeting with some of the pupils from the Secondary School to see what they can do to help/what they think the children could do to feel better about these worries, what helped them? 24. Then back as teacher and group again-look at worries say have had all these really good ideas, what do they all think? Were there any worries we couldn’t help with today? Role on the wall about we know about Secondary school and what would like to know? 25. Ending game-Pass the ball. Ask children to feel the weight of it, try bouncing it, what happens if it becomes hot, or cold, or as light as a ballon? Evaluation 4 Jo Bean – Behaviour Support Team HIAS Healthy Schools website Session 5 BST Transition project: Group/Pupil: Session five: Year 6 (Children should have been for their day at Secondary School) 45 minutes Objectives: I can think of positives about my Secondary School. I can express how I feel about Secondary school. We can work together as a group. Date/Time Resources: Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt, Drama bag, Sugar paper Activity (Children to be sat on chairs or carpet in a circle) 26. Warm-up-Walk together-on a given signal everyone starts to walk, and on a given signal everyone stops. Then try this without talking. 27. Recap on group rules/contract-thumbs up, middle, down for each rule. Discuss any thumbs down. 28. Scaredy Squirrel goes to Secondary School-when you cross over the magic line you are now Scaredy Squirrel the night before going to Secondary School (children in role.) 29. Two groups or in pairs, role play of packing emergency kit for Secondary School etc and freeze frame? What have you packed and why? 30. Out of role as a group look at homework diary, timetable for Secondary school, map of school-discuss. (real kit needed for Secondary school). 31. Anything that is still worrying them they can ask questions as we have visitors from Secondary School next week, look at role of the wall that we have already done. Think of list of questions to ask. 32. Ending game-pass the smile/pass the clap Evaluation HIAS Healthy Schools website Jo Bean – Behaviour Support Team 5 Session 6 BST Transition project: Group/Pupil: Session Six: Year 6 45 minutes Objectives: I can ask questions about my worries. I can work as part of a group. Date/Time Resources: Scaredy Squirrel, Drama bag, Sugar paper Activity (Children to be sat on chairs or carpet in a circle) 33. Warm-up-Try and get everyone standing up, without talking have to all stand up in turn, if two people stand up at the same time have to start again. (this to include pupils from Secondary school) 34. Recap on group rules/contract-thumbs up, middle, down for each rule. Discuss any thumbs down. 35. Put up children’s role on the wall and list of questions to help prompt them. 36. Question and answer session. 37. After our visitors have left fill in more on role on the wall. 38. Show with drama/emotions faces and body how you have felt about today’s session. Ask children if they feel they can share verbally how they feel, use talking stone. 39. Play final game-Pass the clap. Evaluation 6 Jo Bean – Behaviour Support Team HIAS Healthy Schools website Session 7 BST Transition project: Group/Pupil: Session Seven: Year 6 45 minutes Objectives: I remember things I have learnt about Secondary School. I can think more positively about Secondary School Date/Time Resources: Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt, Drama bag, Sugar paper Activity (Children to be sat on chairs or carpet in a circle) 40. Warm-up-Greet each other as move around the room. Give different emotions for children to express through body language ad voice when they meet each other. 41. Recap on group rules/contract-thumbs up, middle, down for each rule. Discuss any thumbs down. 42. One member of the group to be hot seated as Scaredy Squirrel after the induction day, have an advisor to help as well (one of Scaredy Squirrels friends)-children to ask questions about what the Secondary school was likehave role on the wall up as a reference point. 43. After add any new information to role on the wall. 44. As a round group to think of something positive about Secondary School. I am looking forward to……..Class teacher to write up all these positives. 45. Teacher in role as parent of new child who is going to join the Secondary school (give profile of child as being very nervous about joining a new school in September, doesn’t like change) but will have missed having these groups, what have you learnt that might help her/him feel more positive about going to Secondary school? 46. Make/or if not time give each child set of worry dolls for any final worries to take away with them. 47. Give out booklet for children to take home to look at over the summer about their Secondary school (include all timetable information/map/role on the wall/list of positives-all work we have done that can be put into a booklet). 48. Give out certificates 49. Play final game-groups choice. Evaluation HIAS Healthy Schools website Jo Bean – Behaviour Support Team 7