
Whheerree cchhiillddrreenn lleeaarrnn
aanndd ssuucccceeeedd ttooggeetthheerr..
Newtown Road
Phone: 01228 409650
20th June 2014
Dear Parents and Carers,
It’s hard to believe that this will be our final Newsletter for this academic year; where has the year
A huge thank you to those of you who have recently stopped by my office to tell me how pleased you have
been with your children’s progress and happiness this year; it’s so lovely to hear about everything that’s
going well and all staff really feel appreciated when I can pass on those positive messages. Happy staff,
parents and pupils...excellent!
I would also like to thank you for working so hard across 2013-2014 to support your children, the teachers
and the school. I look forward to working with you again in September. Have a fabulous summer.
Please, please remember to apply a ‘once-a-day’ sunblock to your child/ren in the morning before they come to school
to avoid illness and sunburn. Water bottles are essential at this time of year and a sun cap would be beneficial.
Classes and staffing for September 2014
Children are beginning to talk excitedly about next year and guessing which class/teacher
they will have. I imagine that you are curious too?! We will be sharing this information with
the children on Move Up Day 1 (30.6.14) when they will spend time with their new teachers
and classes. Move Up Day 2, on 7.7.14, is a further opportunity for children to become
familiar with their new class and teacher. Parents of children due to enter Blackbirds and/or
Wrens, please look out for further information regarding transition opportunities.
Due to increased numbers of children on roll, we are delighted to welcome Ms Edson, a new
Classteacher who will be joining us in September. I know that she is already
planning exciting learning Projects for September. I also hear that she loves
music and plays the piano!
Free School Meals
You will have noted in the media that the government are introducing Free School
Meals for all Infant stage pupils nationally, from September 2014. This means
that all children in the Reception Class, Year 1 and Year 2 will not need to pay for
the hot lunchtime meal provided by our kitchens (Blackbirds, Chaffinch and Year
2 pupils in the new ‘Eagles’ class). I strongly urge you to accept this excellent
offer and encourage your infant child/ren to have a school meal each day. These meals are
tasty, carefully planned and intended to offer a balanced healthy diet for all growing infants.
Please note that all eligible parents must continue to claim for Free School Meals in both
Key Stage 1 and 2, otherwise our children will lose out on financial benefits and resources
will be lost. Furthermore, in KS2 (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6) pupils not eligible for
free meals must continue to pay for their meals.
The Chicken and the Egg
Perhaps you have heard tales of Henrietta, Scramblina, Hennifer and the Boys?!
These Very Important Visitors have entertained all children for the past few weeks and
fortunately have also taught them a great deal about Science! Ask your child more...
Website and E-safety
The website launch and e-safety meeting on 12.6.14 was extremely
successful both from parents and from school’s perspective. You found several elements of
the morning particularly helpful and these are some of your comments:- ‘Very helpful tips to
online safety, especially for younger children; Very useful to access the
different subjects for help with homework; I found out some useful tips...this will really help
my children’s progress; A good tool for the development of skills; I will be using the website
all the time; It is a really good site; Will love helping with homework now; 5 stars to Newtown;
The story was helpful in becoming aware of dangers online; The new technology, i-pads, look
very good. Thank you very much for attending and sharing with us your thinking about the use
and future of the website and technology.
24.6.14 sees children across the school taking part in Speedmark, where they will
have fun testing themselves with a football. This is an opportunity to raise some
funds and all sponsorship money received will be spent on the children in school. Pupil Council
are currently telling us that children would like some Poetry Books as well as re-cycling
facilities in school, eg composting and cardboard bins, and I believe they are also keen to
buy in some eggs next year again to hatch in the Spring! So please help your child to
safely secure some sponsorship money so that we can help them realise their
SUMMER FAYRE We’re all prepared and raring to go for our Summer Fayre on 12th July.
Please come and support your children and the school for a fabulous day of
Fun, Food and Face-painting! The children hope to raise enough money
from the Fayre to purchase an IT programme that supports learning
across the curriculum/school in a fun manner.
Friends Group
Coffee Morning
4.7.14 – 9am
Friends of Newtown (FoNs)
Everyone welcome - Join FoNs for a coffee and a bit of a chat.
Please don’t forget to ask about our ‘Busy Bees’ group every
Friday afternoon for adults with babies and toddlers.
See Mrs Rayson or Early Years staff for more information.
16.6.14 – Week of KS1 SATs/Phonic Tests
24.6.14 – Speed Mark – how fast can you kick a ball?
30.6.14- Move Up Day 1
7.7.14 – Move Up Day 2
9.7.14 – 6.00pm Year 5/6 Performance
9.7.14 – Blackbirds & Wrens Parents Meetings
10.7.14 1.30pm Year 5/6 Performance
11.7.14 – Sports Day (14.7.14- Reserve Sports Day)
3.9.14 – Term begins
27.10.14- 31.10.14 – Half Term
18.12.14Term ends
6.1.15 – Term Begins
16.2.15- 20.2.15 – Half Term
27.3.15 – Term ends
13.4.15 – Term Begins
25.5.15 – 29.5.15 - Half Term
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs F M Manuel
12.7.14 – Summer Fayre
17.7.14 – Year 6, Leavers Assembly
17.7.15 – Term ends