No., The name of books 1 Principles and practical of spectrochemical analysis Writer Norman H. Year 1950 2 Norman H. 1950 Thomas K. Thomas K. John Ricci Orsin C. Arthur K. 1952 1952 1952 1953 1953 Harold F. Arthur I. 1956 1960 John H. Arthur I. 1954 1968 P. C. Thorne Frank J. 1954 1955 Kynch 1955 Duncan 1963 John H. Paul delahay T. E. Wallis 1957 1962 1957 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Principles and practical of spectrochemical analysis Absorption and extraction Absorption and extraction Hydrogen ion concentration Inorganic chromatography Essentials of physiology chemistry Microscopy for chemistry Textbook of macro and semi micro qualitative inorganic analysis Instrumental analysis Macro and semi macro qualitative inorganic analysis Inorganic chemistry Semi micro qualitative analysis Mathematics for the chemistry Chemical applications of spectroscopy Trace analysis Instrumental analysis Analytical microscopy 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Solvent extraction in analytical chemistry Inorganic microanalysis Isotopic tracers in biology an introduction to tracer methodology Flame photometry a manual of methods and applications Qualitative testing and inorganic chemistry The chemical formulary Chemistry visualized and applied Spots texts in inorganic analysis Colorimetric determination of nonmetals Comprehensive analytical chemistry Chemical constitution Advanced analytical chemistry Applied inorganic analysis Analytical chemistry Handbook of chemical microscopy Ammonia manufacture and uses Liquid – liquid extraction Instrumental methods of chemical analysis George H. 1958 Ronald Belcher Martin D. Kamen 1970 F. Burriel 1957 John wiley 1957 H. Bennett Armand Joseph Fritz Feigl 1957 1957 David F. 1958 Advisory Board J Ketelaar Louis Meites 1959` Lundell Treadwell John Wiley 1953 1959 1958 A. J. Harding 1959 L. Alders Galen W. 1959 1960 1957 1958 1958 1958 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Instrumental methods of chemical analysis Quantitative inorganic analysis x-ray absorption and emission in analytical chemistry Comprehensive analytical chemistry Instrumental methods of chemistry analytical Analytical chemistry of the rare earth Spectroscopy A textbook of chemistry Treatise on analytical chemistry Treatise on analytical chemistry A textbook of quantitive inorganic analysis Treatise on analytical chemistry Treatise on analytical chemistry Chemical protection of the body against ionizing radiation Comprehensive analytical chemistry Spectroscopy Galen W. 1960 R. Belcher 1960 Winslow 1960 Advisory Board Galen W. 1960 C. Vickery 1961 S. Walker Stella Goostray Kolthoff 1961 1961 Kolthoff 1961 1960 1961 Arthur i.vogel 1961 i.m.kolthoff 1961 i.m.kolthoff 1961 v.s.balabukha 1963 Cecil l.wilson 1962 s.walker 1962 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Treatise on analytical i.m.kolthoff chemistry Treatise on analytical i.m.kolthoff chemistry Actions of radiations on d.e.lea living cells Theory and applications of h.h.jaffe ultraviolet spectroscopy Atextbook of pure and James e. applied chemistry Garside Fundamental chemistry Donald h. Andrews Introduction to nuclear Bernard g. physics and chemistry Harvey Laboratory organization and k.guy administration Laboratory organization and k.guy administration Peroxide reaction John mechanisms o.edwards Atomic and molecular d.r.bates processes Theoretical inorganic m.clyde day chemistry Nuclear chemistry Hans b. jonassen An introduction to the Arthur pap philosophy of science Fluorescence assay in Sidney biology and medicine udenfriend Administration of the Conrad chemical enterprise berenson 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1963 1963 1962 1963 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 The chemical elements in nature Chemical applications of infrared spectroscopy Treatise on analytical chemistry Developments in applied spectroscopy Advances in mass specrrometry Quantatives chemistry 1963 c.n.r.rao 1963 i.m.kolthoff 1963 j.r.ferraro 1963 r.m.elliott 1963 Glenn h. brown b.e.dawson 1963 h.stephen 1963 h.stephen 1963 i.m.kolthoff 1963 Noel l.allport Douglas a. skoog Joel h. hildebrand Joel h. hildebrand Arthur f. scott 1963 1963 81 Practical inorganic chemistry Solubilties of inorganic and organic compounds Solubilties of inorganic and organic compounds Treatise on analytical chemistry Colorimetric analysis Fundamentals of analytical chemistry Principles of chemistry 82 Principles of chemistry 83 Survey of progress in chemistry An introduction to radiation j.w.t.spinks chemistry Fluorine chemistry j.h.simons 76 77 78 79 80 84 85 1963 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Topics in phosphorus chemistry Fast reactions in solutions Chelationg agents and metal chelates Chemical principles Chemical kinetics of gas reactions Inorganic ion exchangers Developments in applied spectroscopy Introduction to infrared and raman spectroscopy Solubilities of inorganic and organic compounds The teaching of chemistry Titration in non- aqueous solvents Introduction to chemical process control Inorganic chemistry Systematic qualitative analysis Advanced analytical chemistry Introduction to paint chemistry Introduction to nuclear chemistry The chemical senses Inorganic chemistry t.howard Austin e.f.caldin f.p.dwyer 1964 1964 1964 Loren g. 1964 helper v.n.kondrat,ev 1964 c.b.amphlett j.e.forrette 1964 1964 Norman b. colthup h.stephen 1964 1964 n.f. newbury 1965 Jiri kucharsky 1965 Daniel d. perlmutter G.d.tuli r.m.caven 1965 Saad el din zayan g.p.a turner 1966 d.j. carswell 1967 1965 1965 1967 r.w.moncrieff 1967 r.b.heslop 1967 105 106 107 108 109 110 Biophysical technique : as applied to cell biology Nuclear chemistry Nuclear chemistry Fundamentals of analyticals chemistry Instrumental methods of chemical analysis Biochemicals organic compounds for research and diagnostic reagents j.chayen 1968 l.yaffe l.yaffe Douglas a.skoog Galen w. ewing 1968 1968 1970 1960