Study Guide Ecology Ch 2 Quiz

Study Guide Ecology Ch 2 Quiz
Know the difference between biotic and abiotic factors and be able to recognize
examples of each.
- biotic = living
- abiotic = nonliving (climate, temperature, soil. Sunlight, air, water)
Know the difference between a consumer and a producer and their relationship in
energy pyramids.
- consumer eats producers or other consumers; they can’t make their own
- Producer makes it’s own food. Uses photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.
Bottom of energy pyramid.
Know the difference between a carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore. (from ch 1)
- Carnivore – eats other animals
- Herbivore – eats plants
- Omnivore – eats both plants and animals.
Be able to explain how nitrogen fixation happens.
- lightning
- bacteria
- decomposition by plants and animals
Know why nitrogen in soil is important to plants and animals
- plants need nitrogen to grow. Plants get nitrogen from the soil.
- animals need nitrogen to make proteins. Animals get nitrogen by eating
plants or other animals.
Be able to explain how carbon dioxide is cycled in nature.
- plants use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, then give off oxygen
- animals take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide.
- Carbon dioxide is also given off when organic matter decays and fossil
fuels are burned.
Know the relationship between soil and humus.
- Soil is made up of rocks and mineral particles, and organic matter known
as humus.
- Humus is the decaying matter of plant and animal remains. It helps make
up soil.
Know the difference between a food web, a food chain, and an energy pyramid.
- food chain shows how matter and energy transfers between organisms
- food web shows ALL feeding relationships between organisms – when
food chains overlap
- energy pyramid shows the amount of energy that is available at each
feeding level. Energy availability decreases as you move up on the energy
Understand energy is converted from one form to another and is not recycled.