Oracle to Kognitio Data Type Conversion Oracle Kognitio Data Kognitio Description and KOGNITIO notes Data Type Type Storage BFILE Not Supported BLOB Not Supported CHAR, CHAR(size) Number of Fixed length character String having maximum size in bytes. NCHAR NCHAR(size) bytes You must specify size. specified Max size in Kognitio is 32000 bytes. (Please note, this may be less than 32000 characters for non-LATIN1 character sets). In Kognitio, NCHAR is equivalent to utf32 CLOB Not Supported DATE DATE or 4 bytes, The Oracle DATE datatype is effectively a TIMESTAMP. TIMESTAMP 8 bytes In Kognitio, a DATE value consists of the fields YEAR, MONTH and DAY and has a permitted range of 0001-01-01 (January 1st 1AD) to 9999-12-31 (December 31st 9999AD) (Gregorian calendar). TIMESTAMP detail – see below FLOAT FLOAT 8 bytes -1.797693134862315708 e 308 <= FLOAT/DOUBLE <= 1.797693134862315708 e 308 INTEGER TINYINT, 1 byte, INT1 or TINYINT: -128 <= INT1 <= 127; one byte of storage SMALLINT, 2 bytes, INT2 or SMALLINT: -32768 <= INT2 <= 32767; two bytes of storage INTEGER, 4 bytes, INT4 or INT or INTEGER: -2147483648 <= INT4 <= 2147483647; four bytes of storage BIGINT 8 bytes INT8 or BIGINT: -9223372036854775808 <= INT8 <= 9223372036854775807; eight bytes of storage Where in Oracle, NUMBER is used with no decimal precision {e.g. NUMBER(4,0), NUMBER(9,0)}, please use the appropriate INTEGER type rather than decimal LONG Not Supported LONG RAW Not Supported NCLOB Not Supported NUMBER DECIMAL, REAL=4 REAL bytes DECIMAL Decimal precision ranges from 1 to 18. Where the precision is between 1 and 9, = 4 or 8 storage takes up 4 bytes. Where the precision is between 10 and 18, storage takes up 8 bytes. bytes Oracle NUMBER data types requiring a precision range of greater than 18 will require the use of REAL or FLOAT in Kognitio. REAL = -3.40282346638528860 e 38 <= REAL <= 3.40282346638528860 e 38. When using REAL or FLOAT as an equivalent for NUMBER, please note that you may see some issues due to values not being stored exactly, so this is likely to be inappropriate for certain details e.g. financial calculations. RAW Not Supported TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP 8 bytes A TIMESTAMP value consists of the fields YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND. TIMESTAMP declarations can be followed by an optional unsigned integer, in parenthesis, that gives the fractional precision for the SECOND field. All times are held in the KOGNITIO in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). INTERVAL INTERVAL 8 bytes XML Type Not Supported VARCHAR2 VARCHAR(size) VARCHAR NVARCHAR(size) Variable. Variable length character String having maximum size in bytes. You must specify size. VARCHAR is now deprecated in Oracle. NVARCHAR VARCHARS are stored as two four-byte fields followed by the data (e.g. a field with a NVARCHAR2 25 character string will use 33 bytes of storage, 2 x 4 byte fields plus 25 bytes). (This calculation assumes use of the LATIN1 character set). Max size in KOGNITIO is 32000 bytes. (Please note, this may be less than 32000 characters for non-LATIN1 character sets). In Kognitio, NVARCHAR is equivalent to utf8. TIME 4 bytes A TIME value can consist of the fields HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND. TIME declarations can be followed by an optional unsigned integer, in parenthesis, that gives the fractional precision for the SECOND field For further details about KOGNITIO data types, please refer to the Kognitio SQL Guide.