908.03 Hurricane Preparedness

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908.03 Hurricane Preparedness Plan
05/10/2007; 02/28/2007; 06/09/2006
Prior to or near the beginning of EACH hurricane season, Jefferson Davis Community College will
evaluate preparedness in the following areas.
 If construction projects are on-going, make sure that the status is documented as this may
affect the insurance from contractors.
 If we have sustained hurricane damage and another hurricane is approaching, it is important
to document the original damage as new losses may need separate documentation.
 Set Emergency Status of Staff and let each person know his/her status and expectations.
 Consider letting essential staff leave sooner than other staff prior to the hurricane (have them
get the campus ready and leave) so that they have time to get their homes ready and can
return to be on hand as needed during and immediately after the storm.
o Critical – key personnel
o Essential – must report immediately following the storm
o Standby – may be needed for labor pool
 What measures are in place to ensure funds are available for recovery efforts? How will
employees be paid? The College Treasurer has contacted the four local banks in which the
College has funds regarding their disaster recovery plans and how the College may be
impacted regarding access to the College’s funds. Each one has sent her a letter explaining
how the College would be able to access its funds, along with contact names and numbers
and alternative locations for transacting financial business if necessary.
 Do we have procedures for processing payroll when the power grid or computer system is
 Be prepared to deal with FEMA – highly detailed records must be kept to meet strenuous
FEMA reimbursement requirements.
Energy Requirements (not applicable at current time as we do not have fuel supplies or
 Do procedures keep fuel supplies at an adequate level?
 Can tanks be refilled quickly?
 Are the emergency generators tested on a regular basis?
 Do facility inspections include looking for basic building safety items like loose ventilator
cap bolts?
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Modified 2-28-07, 5-10-2007, 7-9-08
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IT Concerns:
 Do computer backups reside (physically or electronically) in multiple locations?
 Are computers adequately protected from water leaks?
 Is there a plan for quickly replacing damaged servers?
 Is there an identified off-site location to run critical programs when on-campus operation is
 Should college purchase wet-vacs and small generators to run them to quickly clean up
 Grounds: Remove trees and other obstacles.
 Also need to remove wet ceiling tiles and cut out wet drywall ASAP to prevent mold growth.
 A time will be set to close dorms consistent with college closure plans. The needs of students
living in coastal areas will be considered.
 Students will be given an information sheet outlining the following information and
including the disaster hotline number prior to closing the dorms.
 Students will be required to remove everything from refrigerators.
 Students will be required to provide a contact phone number.
 Students will be told to take everything of value with them. They will not be allowed to
return to dorms until they are officially reopened.
 Reopening information will be included on college disaster hotline. In addition all dorm
students will be called with reopening information.
Communication systems:
 The President will be the main point of contact for receiving and disseminating information
before, during, and immediately after the storm.
 The President will communicate with the county emergency management director prior to the
storm and will participate in county-wide preparedness meetings as appropriate.
 The disaster hotline will be used to communicate with employees and students and will be
tested in May of each year. The disaster hotline will be updated as information becomes
 The President, Dean of Business Affairs, Dean of Instruction, Dean of Student Affairs,
Atmore Campus Contact, and Maintenance Supervisor (or designee) for each campus will be
assigned Southern Link Radios to assure communications between them in case cell
phones/landlines are not working. It is quite possible that bandwidth from cell phone
providers will be directed to emergency needs.
 The President will communicate with DPE regarding campus closure plans.
 The Atmore Campus Contact will be identified as the person to lead initial recovery efforts at
Atmore if they are isolated.
Media Contacts (Media Contact list is appended to this plan):
 The President will contact radio and television stations with communications updates.
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Modified 2-28-07, 5-10-2007, 7-9-08
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Prior to landfall, a fax will be sent to all media contacts providing available information and
reminding them of the hotline and encouraging them to use it for updated information.
After landfall, the President will provide status of the college to as many media outlets as can
be contacted.
Employee Accountability
 Should we establish a clearinghouse for employees to report damage or injury once the storm
is over?
o For 2008, each employee will be asked to make a substantial effort to contact his/her
supervisor with a report of any damage/injury. Employee will let supervisor know of
his status and availability to return to work. Supervisors must provide contact
information to their employees.
Shelter Issues
 JDCC is not certified by the Red Cross and will not be used as a shelter pre-landfall. If
the College is used post-landfall, it will not be as an open shelter; rather it might be used for
up to 155 evacuees who would arrive on buses. It is very doubtful that evacuees will be
brought to JD if the college does not have power and water.
 Colleges are only expected to shelter for up to 96 hours after landfall.
 The local Red Cross Chapter will provide food service.
 The local Red Cross Chapter will provide a shelter manager and as many workers as
possible. They will probably not be able to fully staff the shelter. If the President of the
College requests Alabama College System employees on salary schedules C, D, E, H, or L to
work, they will be paid double-time for such work (approved by the State Board of
Education, June 22, 2006). If JD is used as a shelter, the President will request at least one
person representing JD to be available at all times.
 Custodial/Maintenance/Security Services: The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
between the ACS and the ACR indicates that colleges will be responsible for custodial,
maintenance, and security services. As noted in Brevard Community College’s article on
preparedness: “Generous custodial services are essential to a shelter – the amount of waste
that evacuees produce is overwhelming. Brevard keeps custodial services for emergency
shelters as a regular component of its outsourced custodial contract.” Should we add to
custodial contract, also to security contract? Will someone from maintenance be required to
stay at shelter when it is open?
 Porta-Potties – it is unlikely that our toilets will stand up under the amount of usage they will
receive with 400-700 people living on campus.
 Dumpsters – will need to have a place to get rid of garbage.
 Generator (natural gas)
When a named storm is approaching our area:
Prior to a storm:
 Campus preparations need to be completed about 48 hours prior to the storm.
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Modified 2-28-07, 5-10-2007, 7-9-08
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A fax will be sent to media contacts reminding them of the hotline and encouraging them to
use it for updated information.
Will the College be closed? As soon as named storm is approaching the area, websites
(NOAA, hurricane hunters, etc.) will be monitored to assess the need for closing.
What is the timeframe for closure? If our area will experience a direct hit of a category 2-3
storm people will need time to prepare. College should close to allow employees about 1-1/2
to 2 days of preparation time. It takes about 48 hours for a major evacuation and we can
expect our area to be inundated with traffic from evacuees and possibly will begin serving as
a shelter 24 to 36 hours before the storm.
DPE will be contacted regarding closure plans.
The College will be evacuated. If the college is closed, we will need to establish a time at
which it is considered evacuated, that is after a certain time, no one is to enter the buildings
until they are cleared after the storm. Some colleges have found that employees try to take
refuge in campus buildings or stay in their offices; this will not be allowed.
The Brewton Campus will serve as a shelter or staging area for emergency workers.
The Atmore Campus will serve as a staging area for Alabama Power.
Flyers with the hotline information and media list will be available on campus prior to each
named storm.
When it has been determined that the College will close, the President will send a memo to
all employees to include the following types of information:
o Time of closure
o Time after which no one will be allowed in buildings until post-storm evaluation
o Reminder to use hotline for information
o Reminder of each employee’s responsibility to notify supervisor of status and
availability for work
o Any information that may be available about use of campus as a shelter
Immediately following a storm:
 An assessment of damage must be made by the Dean of Business Affairs working with
Atmore Campus Contact and Maintenance Supervisors to include consideration of
o Extent of damage
 Water intrusion,
 roof damage,
 downed power lines,
 downed trees,
 landscape damage
 road closings
 power to any of the buildings
o A walk-through of each building must be made to verity it as a safe environment prior
to letting people have access to the building.
 If the Brewton Campus is serving as a shelter, how long is the shelter expected to remain
 If the Brewton Campus is serving as a staging area for emergency workers, what type staging
area? How many people?
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If the Atmore Campus is serving as a staging area for emergency workers, what type of
staging area? How many people/vehicles?
How long do we expect the college to be closed?
The President will contact DPE as soon as possible and provide the Chancellor with a report
regarding these issues.
After the Storm:
 Schools need to re-open ASAP for mental health of the community – schools being open
provides hope
 Send instructional make-up plans to DPE in writing.
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Modified 2-28-07, 5-10-2007, 7-9-08
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Hurricane Response
Dean of Business Affairs
Dean of Instruction
Dean of Student Affairs
Brewton Campus Maintenance Supervisor
Atmore Campus Maintenance Supervisor
Atmore Campus Contact
College Treasurer
Susan McBride
Bernie Wall
Kathleen Hall
David Jones
Don Odom
Fritz Currie
Kathleen Hall
Marie Heaton
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Modified 2-28-07, 5-10-2007, 7-9-08
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Media Contact List
Media Outlet
Email Address
Mobile, AL
Mobile, AL
Mobile, AL
Pensacola, FL
Brewton, AL
251-434-1010 News Director
251-479-5555 or 850-484-0655
850-456-3333; 866-856-9327
WNSI –FM105.9/AM1000
Atmore, AL
Lou Vickery
WEBJ – AM1240
WKNU–FM 106.3
WPGG – FM 93.3
WXBM –FM102.7
Brewton, AL
Brewton, AL
Evergreen, AL
Pace, FL
251-578-2780 or 251-578-3693
800-626-9926 or 850-310-9102 office:
877-994-0102 or 850-994-5357
Dennis Dunaway
Carol Ellington
WPFL – FM 101.5
Flomaton, AL
Ernie White
Brewton Standard
the Atmore Advance
Atmore News
Mobile Register
Brewton, AL
Atmore, AL
Atmore, AL
Mobile, AL
251-219-5618 (Jeff) or
251-2195632 (news)
Kerry Whipple Bean
Sherry Digmon
Tri-City Ledger
Flomaton, AL
Joe Thomas
WALA – Ch. 10
WKRG –Ch. 5
WPMI – Ch.15
WEAR - Ch. 3
Brewton Cable - Ch. 6
www.foxt10tv.com click on contact
June 9, 2006
Modified 2-28-07
Modified 5-10-2007