viii selasi


Second Call for papers

VIII European-Latin-American Workshop on

Engineering Systems


Within the framework of the 16 th Engineering and Architecture


Paper Applications

8 th Euro-Latin American Workshop on Engineering Systems


To be held in Palacio de las Convenciones, Havana, Cuba,

November 26 th – 30 th , 2012

Host Institution

José Antonio Echeverría Higher Polytechnic Institute (CUJAE)

Site for registering:

Closing Dates:

Sending abstracts

Notification of acceptance

Sending complete papers

Final acceptance

Event development

Up to June 20 th , 2012

Up to July 10th, 2012

Up to September 10 th , 2012

Up to October 10th 2012

November 26 th – 30 th , 2012

Contact us


José Antonio Echeverría Higher Polytechnic Institute (CUJAE), Cuba

“Oscar Lucero Moya” Holguín University, Cuba

Trujillo National University ,Peru

Ancash National University, Peru

Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Cantabria University, Spain

Territorial Polytechnic University of Aragua State, Venezuela

Valencia Polytechnic University, Spain

Entre Rios Autonomous University, Argentina


President :

José Arzola Ruiz, José Antonio Echeverría Higher Polytechnic

Institute (CUJAE), Cuba


Bettys Muñoz Henríquez, Territorial Polytechnic University of Aragua State,


Angel Cobo Ortega, Cantabria University, Spain

Rafael Perez García,, Valencia Polytechnic University, Spain

Alexis Cordovés García, “Oscar Lucero Moya” Holguín University, Cuba

Other members

Ricardo Ávila Rondón, “Oscar Lucero Moya” Holguín University, Cuba

Obidio Rubio Mercedes, Trujillo National University ,Peru

Jesús Edilberto Espinola Gonzales, Ancash National University, Peru

Alfredo Enrique Candia Véjar, Talca University, Chile

Rolando S imeón Monet, Holguín University, Cuba

Joseph Zarka, École Polytechnique Palaiseau, France

Eduardo Roberto Gutierrez, Higher Polytechnic School of the Army, Ecuador


Maria Lucia Brito Vallina, Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mechanical


Souset Guerra, Authomatics and Computing Department, Faculty of Electrical


Genovevo Morejón Vizcaino, Applied Mechanics Department, Faculty of

Mechanical Engineering



Alfredo Manuel del Castillo Serpa,

José Antonio Echeverría Higher Polytechnic

Institute (CUJAE), Cuba


Joaquín izquierdo Sebastián, Valencia Polytechnic University, Spain .

Rolando Simeón Monet, “Oscar Lucero Moya” Holguín University, Cuba.

José Soeiro Ferreira, Universidade do Porto, Portugal

José Gilberto Hernández Ramírez, Metropolitan University (UNIMET), Caracas,


Jos é Bienvenido Martínez Rodríguez, Hydraulic Research Center, Faculty of Civil Engineering,

José Antonio Echeverría Higher Polytechnic Institute

(CUJAE), Cuba

Other members:

Javier Cárdenas Oliveros, Territorial Polytechnic University of Aragua State,


Jaime Puig-Pey Echebeste, Cantabria University, Spain

Edmundo Vergara Moreno, Trujillo National ,Peru.


It is hard to overestimate the economic and scientific repercussion of the solution of the engineering tasks (classes of problems). Particularly, the analysis and the synthesis of preparing and making decisions under multiple criteria in design, technologies generation, production planning, logistics and maintenance and its integration to the economic management are considered of great importance to improve the enterprises economic efficiency.

The main objective of this workshop is to bring researchers, engineers and mathematicians together to review and discuss the recent advances in the development of methods and approaches devoted to solve engineering problems. Moreover, it will be an important opportunity and an effective communication forum between the research and the industrial communities.

Previous SELASI Workshops

I SELASI - Trujillo, Peru

II SELASI - Porto, Portugal

III SELASI - Talca, Chile

IV SELASI – Havana, Cuba

V SELASI, Quito, Ecuador

VI SELASI, Havana, Cuba

VII SELASI, Valencia, Spain


The Studies Center of Mathematics for Technical Sciences of CUJAE and the Cuban National Group of Engineering Systems invites engineers, mathematicians and researchers occupied in the solution of engineering and other linked problems to participate in the VIII Euro Latin American Workshop on Engineering Systems, taking into account the decisions concatenation, in the time, of the systems elements and its functions considering the presence of multiple objectives in any engineering system. This reality determines the complexity character, intra and interdisciplinary approach of the preparing and making engineering decisions processes, the necessity of these processes decomposition into optimization under multiple criteria, solutions simulation and graphic representation interrelated systems. The Event can also be useful to managers interested in optimizing its work helped by mathematicians, engineers and specialists in complex systems..

Some questions to which those managers can find answers in the workshop:

• How can I find solutions to my problems considering all the related objectives, including my subjective preference?

• Who can help me to automate the searching of solution to the engineering problems existing in my company, and its integration with the company management?

• How can I organize the solution to decision-making problems existing in my company?

• When and how can I use the entire knowledge existing in my company for making better decisions?

• Is there any successful industrial application already applied related to my specific problem?

• How can I use what I learned in the workshop upon returning to my company?

The workshop could answer some of these questions, and will ensure that immediately after that, the participants will be able to apply many of the principles and tools they have learned in their profession.


1. Analysis and Synthesis of Engineering Systems

2. Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Systems

3. Direct and Inverse problems in Engineering

4. Classic metaheuristic-based methods, hybrid optimization and its application to engineering.

5. Preparing and Making Decisions under Multiple Criteria

6. Optimal under Multiple Criteria Design and Manufacture.

7. Computers aided Geometric Design.

8. Optimal Planning and Processes Operation under Multiple Criteria

9. Reliability Engineering

10. New technologies in water resources evaluation and management

11. Solution approaches to packing, distribution and cutting of plane pieces.

Special sessions and its main organizers:

Analysis and Synthesis of Engineering System: Alberto Fiol Zulueta,

Metallurgical Educational United, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, José

Antonio Echeverría Higher Polytechnic Institute, Cuba

Decions Making, Optimization methods, metaheuristics applied to

Engineering: Lucía Brito Vallina, Centre of Mathematics for Engineering, José

Antonio Echeverría Higher Polytechnic Institute (CUJAE), Cuba

Processes Operation and Control: Souset Guerra, Automatics and

Computing Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering


José Antonio

Echeverría Higher Polytechnic Institute, Cuba

Design, Fabrication and Mecatronics: Genovevo Morejón Vizcaino, Applied

Mechanics Department, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, José Antonio

Echeverría Higher Polytechnic Institute, Cuba

Management water resources: Armando O. Hernández Valdés, Hydralyc

Reserches Centre, Faculty of Civil Engineering,

José Antonio Echeverría

Higher Polytechnic Institute, Cuba

Reliability Engineering: Alfredo del Castillo, Studies Center of Mathematics for Engineering,

José Antonio Echeverría Higher Polytechnic Institute, Cuba

Projects Presentations

The projects should be sent in Spanish or English, according to the format indicated in

. The abstracts and papers should be sent to these e-mail addresses:




The registration fees of the participants' inscription includes the accreditation module with the digital report of the participation in the academic activities and presentations, its inauguration and closing ceremony, attendance certificate presentation of works certificate for those who present any.

Delegate: 220,00 CUC

Undergraduate Student: 80,00 CUC

Companion: 70,00 CUC


In the site

some ways of access and lodging variants in

Cuba can be found. Through the same site you can carry out the inscription payment or you can do it in cash at the moment of the registration.
