Treasurer: Susan Vickers - Maitland Grossmann High School

Maitland Grossmann High School P&C Association
Minutes of Annual General Meeting – 1st March 2007
1. President’s Welcome
President John le Page welcomed members and visitors and invited all in attendance
to ensure they were financial members of the Association before the commencement
of election of office bearers.
Attendance 17 as noted in attendance book.
2. Apologies
Debbie Lea, Joy Wells
3. Minutes from Previous Meeting
The minutes from the AGM held on the 2nd March 2006 were read and accepted.
(Peter Kirsop, Susan Vickers)
4. Business Arising from the Minutes
5. Treasurer’s Report.
The treasurer presented the audited report of the Association’s finances for the year
ending 31st December 2006. The current amount is $143 666 which includes funds
from the Investing in Schools Program which the P&C are holding until payment for
work is required. The auditor’s report was circulated and read and a motion of
acceptance carried. (Leonie Paul, Jane Cook)
A copy of the audited statement is to be sent to the Federation of Parents and Citizens
Associations of NSW in accordance with Clause 7 of the Constitution requirements.
6. President’s Report
John Le Page presented a comprehensive report on the work and achievements of the
MGHS P&C Association and its committees during the past twelve months. Included
in the report was note of the support given to students with donations to the school for
security upgrades, end of year student presentations and awards, school signage,
money to assist students who participated in the NSW Schools Spectacular in Sydney
and a number of other smaller deeds. Note was made of successful grants received
during the year, notably the water grant and Investing in our Schools grant. These
monies will provide improved surrounds for the school and students. Thanks was
extended to all who attended meetings and assisted the school, P&C and Canteen
during the year. A special thanks was given to the executive of the P&C and canteen
for their work. The motion to accept the President’s Report was carried. (Susan
Vickers, Judith Moore)
7. Canteen Report
Carol Kaczorowski presented the canteen report for the year, giving an outline of
activities and monies raised. She thanked all those who have served on the committee
and helped in the canteen.
8. Election of Office Bearers
All positions were declared vacant and Dr Di Soltau took the chair to conduct election
of office bearers for the next year. The principal thanked the P&C Executive and
Canteen Committee for their work and called for nominations for positions and
conducted the election of office bearers.
Position were filled as follows:
President: Ken Blackwell
Nominated by Judith Moore, seconded by Susan Vickers. Elected unopposed.
Secretary: Judith Moore
Nominated by Ken Blackwell, seconded by Lee Osborne. Elected unopposed.
Treasurer: Susan Vickers
Nominated by Leonie Paul, seconded Jane Cook. Elected unopposed.
1st Vice President: Peter Kirsop
Nominated by Ken Blackwell, seconded John Le Page. Elected unopposed.
2nd Vice President: Greg Bell
Nominated by Ken Blackwell, seconded Jane Cook. Elected unopposed.
Assistant Secretary: Tracey Holz
Nominated Ken Blackwell, seconded Sue Vickers. Elected unopposed.
Assistant Treasurer: Jane Cook
Nominated by Sue Vickers, seconded Lee Osborne. Elected unopposed.
9. P&C Patrons for 2007
The following people were endorsed as patrons of MGHS P&C.
Milton Morris, Claire Hunter, Cheryl Kernot, Billie Andrew, Bev Smith, Chris
Welbourne. Letters will be sent to each patron informing them and asking if they wish
to continue in this role.
10. Canteen Committee Election
President: Tracey Holz
Secretary: Carol Kaczorowski
Treasurer: Yvonne Hinde
All members were elected unopposed.
11. Fundraising Committee
Fundraising Committee Coordinators will be nominated during the year for various
projects and activities. Lee Osborne has agreed to coordinate the sale Entertainment
Books for 2007.
12. Appointment of Auditor
Graham Prichard, who audited the books for 2006, will be approached to ascertain if
he is willing to once again do this job.
13. Date of the next AGM – 6th March 2008.
Meeting closed at 7.30pm.