1 Chapter 1. Molecular Markers Associated with Plant Disease Resistance** Molecular markers have become the most rapid and popular method for constructing detailed genetic maps. In addition, this technology can be used in various plant breeding applications. In plant disease resistance breeding programs, molecular markers are useful tools in the evaluation of resistant germplasm, identification and mapping of both major gene resistance and quantitative resistance, marker-assisted selection, and map-based cloning of resistance genes. Plant diseases are generally caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes. Plant resistance is usually divided into two types: qualitative and quantitative resistance. Because of the many complexities of resistance, a series of terms to describe resistance were developed and adapted by plant pathologists and plant breeders. Detailed descriptions of these terms is beyond the scope of this chapter. However, it is important to describe two specific terms: major gene resistance and quantitative resistance loci (QRLs). Major gene resistance is race-specific resistance and controlled by genes with major effects. The plants in segregating populations, such as F2 or BC1F1, can be divided by their resistance into clear and natural groups with discontinuous distributions or a binomial distribution. The synonyms of major gene resistance are qualitative resistance, single gene resistance, monogenic resistance, race-specific resistance, true resistance, and non-durable resistance. [**As a part of paper in: A. N. Shi, and W. P. Qiu. 1997. Plant resistance to fungus and bacterial diseases and molecular biology technology. in Biotechnology and Sustaining Agriculture (eds.) S. J. Wu, X. L. Zhou, and Z. P. Yong. Shanghai Scientific Technology Press, P. R. China. (in press) (Chinese) ] 2 The other type of resistance that can be considered opposite to major gene resistance can be called quantitative resistance, polygenic resistance, race-nonspecific resistance, field resistance, durable resistance, slow resistance, partial resistance, or minor gene resistance. This type of resistance varies continuously, without falling into clearly defined groups and possess a true continuous distribution. Quantitative resistance loci (QRLs) is a new term and it has been developed for QTL analysis of molecular markers associated with resistance genes (Young, 1996). QR was used for quantitative resistance by Geiger and Heun (1989), and is a subset of other quantitative traits, such as grain weight, number of ears, and yield. However, QRLs are considered separately because their expression is coupled to the expression of pathogen genes. QR can be controlled by major genes, minor genes, or both. QR varies continuously in expression of resistance, and may have a normal distribution, or a skewed distribution. QR can be either race-specific or race-nonspecific resistance. QRLs involve normal quantitative resistance, and some qualitative resistance which varies continuously with a skewed distribution, or it can be divided by resistance expression into groups with a discontinuous distribution. Often the segregation ratio will not fit the expected ratios for simple genes in the segregating populations. QR is usually analyzed by use of quantitative genetics methods, including estimating effective gene numbers, heritability, and genetic components. Now, QRLs can be mapped on chromosomes by the use of molecular markers and QTL statistical analysis, as is done for major genes. 1. Types of Molecular Markers Molecular markers are one kind of genetic marker. Three types of genetic markers, morphological, protein based, and DNA based markers, have been used in plant 3 disease resistance research. There are many kinds of DNA markers, for example, RFLP, RAPD, AFLP, SSR, STS, SCAR, SSCP, and VNTR (Liu 1997). RFLP and RAPD markers have been widely used in tagging disease resistance genes in plants (Michelmore, 1995, Young, 1996), and AFLP and SSR are suggested to have utility for tagging disease resistance genes. 1.1 RFLP RFLPs (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms) are genetic markers that are obtained by using restriction endonucleases to cleave a genomic DNA fragment containing a particular gene sequence (Botstein et al. 1980). RFLPs have been widely used in genetic mapping and QTL mapping. In tagging disease resistance genes, RFLPs have a specific advantage. They can map major resistance genes and QRLs by the use of available RFLP genetic maps. RFLP markers provide the maximum amount of information possible because they are usually co-dominant. However, compared with PCR-based methods, RFLP assays require relatively large amounts of pure, high molecular weight genomic DNA. They are relatively costly to develop because of the labor involved with screening, characterizing, and cloning informative probes. The process of preparing probes must be maintained in libraries of bacterial cultures. Batch automation is difficult to achieve due primarily to the large amount of hands on manipulation and the individuality of each probe. 1.2 RAPD and SCAR RAPD (Random Applified Polymorphic DNA) is a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique (Williams et al, 1990), but utilizing short nonspecific primers under conditions of moderate stringency. Typically primers are 9 or 10-mer oligonucleotides 4 that are random in sequence but often biased in nucleotide content. DNA manipulations are readily automatable, and analyses can be automated. Another similar technique is Arbitrarily Primed PCR (AP-PCR), in which the primers are longer, but low annealing stringencies are used for the first few rounds of amplification (Welsh and McClelland, 1990). RAPD phenotypes are inherited in a dominant fashion and therefore do not allow direct estimates of heterozygosity. Absence of phenotypes (bands) may arise due to insertion/ deletion events at the primer site(s), sufficient base pair mismatch due to point mutations at the primer site(s), complete absence of corresponding loci (or at least one or both of the primer sites), and biased synthesis of alternate loci in the same reaction. The advantages of RAPDs are their simplicity and speed. A disadvantage of RAPDs is that they are very sensitive to the reaction conditions, DNA quality and PCR temperature profiles. Because of its low reproducibility, a new PCR marker, SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region), was developed (Paren and Michelmore, 1994). It is a modification that allows a RAPD polymorphism to be made more robust. A RAPD DNA fragment is cloned and sequenced, permitting the investigator to develop new, longer primers that allow a much simpler and specific PCR fingerprint to be generated. This is especially valuable if there is a nonsegregating band of very similar size that makes analysis difficult. If a single product in just one of the parental lines results, a SCAR can be used with colorimetric gel-free assays. SCAR is similar to STS (Sequence Tagged Sites), which have been used in a genetic map of humans (Olson et al, 1989). 1.3 AFLP 5 AFLPs (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms) are a recently developed molecular marker (Zabeau and Vos, 1992, Vos et al., 1995). AFLP is a DNA fingerprinting technique that combines both classical, hybridization-based fingerprinting techniques (e.g., RFLP) and PCR-based fingerprinting techniques (e.g., RAPD). In AFLP, genomic DNA is digested by restriction endonucleases and ligated to adapter sequences. The amplified DNA fragments are separated by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to reveal polymorphisms. The AFLP technique can be used for DNAs of any organ or complexity. Fingerprints are produced without prior sequence knowledge using a limited set of genetic primers. The number of fragments detected in a single reaction can be tuned by selection of a specific primer set. The AFLP technique is robust and reliable because stringent reaction conditions are used for primer annealing: the reliability of the RFLP technique is combined with the power of the PCR technique. The AFLP bands are usually scored as dominant markers, but can be scored as a codominant marker based on the intensities of the bands by use of a computerized program. AFLP can produce 10-30 polymorphisms per PCR reaction, depending upon the genomes being assayed, making AFLPs a very cost effective marker system. But, AFLP technology has an additional template preparation step relative to other PCR-based assays. Slightly more genomic DNA is required, and it must be of sufficient quality to allow restriction endonuclease digestion and ligation of adaptor oligonucleotides. 1. 4 SSR SSRs (Simple Sequence Repeats) consist of mono to tetranucleotide sequence motifs that are tandemly repeated and display high levels of genetic polymorphism 6 resulting from the variation in the number of repeat units (Jacob et al. 1991). SSRs are called microsatellites (Litt and Luty 1989) also. SSR is based on the PCR-amplification of a genomic region containing a simple repeated sequences (Morgante et al., 1994). The length of these repeated sequences often varies, and the common forms of the repeats are simple dinucleotide repeats, such as CA and GT in mammals, and AT in plants. markers are codominant. The SSR technology could provide a standardized and highly accurate set of descriptors once relatively high development costs have been met. However, SSR markers require considerable effort for development. 2. Major Gene Resistance 2.1 Screening of Molecular Markers Near-isogenic lines (NILs) and bulked segregant analysis (BSA) have been widely used for screening molecular markers for major gene resistance. The development of a set of NILs involves selection of recurrent parent that is crossed with a series of lines with major genes for resistance to a specific disease. Six to eight backcross generations are routine before selfing and isolation of each NIL homozygous for a different resistance gene. The series of derived lines each with a single major resistance gene are known as near-isogenic lines. The NILs are similar for all traits except the major resistance genes. DNA polymorphisms between different NILs are likely to be associated with the different resistance genes. Screening molecular markers by use of NILs is simple and easy. But the NILs for most disease resistance traits are unavailable, and they are tedious to produce. Another disadvantage is NILs can be used only for screening markers associated with major genes. Another method, bulked segregant analysis (BSA), was suggested by Michelmore 7 et al. (1992) and it has been widely used as a tool to target disease resistance genes in segregating populations. A segregating population, usually an F2, is developed from a cross between a resistant and susceptible parents. The individuals in this F2 population are tested for their resistance. Equal quantities of DNA from each homozygous resistant individual is mixed as an R group, and the same amount DNA in each homozygous susceptible individual is mixed as an S group. In that way, the R group has the same genetic background as that in the S group except for the resistance alleles. In theory the difference between the two bulked DNA samples will only be present at the resistance loci. The disadvantage of BSA for screening dominant markers, such as RAPD markers, is the need to test the homozygous individuals in the segregating population (F2). For example, there are three genotypes for a resistance allele A in a F2 population: AA, Aa, and aa, but there are only two phenotypes, resistant and susceptible. If the resistance gene is dominant, the AA and Aa are resistant and aa is susceptible. So in the F2 generation, we don't know which individuals are heterzygotes. Thus F2:3 lines need to be developed and tested for reaction to the disease. This is time-consuming and expensive in terms of labor and supplies. However, there is no need to conduct resistant test in F2:3 lines for codominant markers and for coupling dominant markers. For a segregating population (F2 or BC1F1), the DNA from resistant individuals is composited into the R group, and the DNA from susceptible individuals is composited into the S group, regardless of whether the individual is homozygous or heterozygous. Besides NILs and BSA, heterogeneous inbred or backcross lines can be used in a 8 manner similar to near-isogenic lines for marker screening (Haley et al. 1994). Individuals developed from backcrossing or selfing, should have similar genetic backgrounds. Two sister lines, one resistant and the other susceptible are similar to two near-isogenic lines, and can be used as a pair of NILs for screening markers associated with resistance alleles. The advantage of this method is that one doesn't need to select a series of near-isogenic lines. Thus, the marker-based screening and conventional breeding population development are compatible. Lastly, marker screening can be conducted with translocation or substitution lines. This method has been used for identifying markers associated with resistance genes in wheat, where many translocation and substitution lines have been developed. 2.2 Estimates of Linkage The Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) is the most widely used to estimate the recombination frequency (r). This method requires the solving of the equation: K dL(r)/dr = nidlog(ei)/dr = 0, i Where, K is number of phenotypes in F2 or BC1F1, ni is the observed value for each phenotype, ei is expected frequency, and i = 1, 2, 3, ......, K. 2.2.1. Dominant marker and resistance gene For a BC1F1 population and a resistance gene with two alleles, A and a, and a marker with two alleles, M1 and m1, there are four possible genotypes AaM1m1, Aam1m1, aaM1m1, and aam1m1. The corresponding four phenotypes are: RM, R-, SM, and S-. RM is a resistant individual with the marker, in which R- is a resistant individual without the marker, SM is a susceptible individual with the marker, and S- is a susceptible individual without the marker. The four genotypes, phenotypes, and their expected frequencies, are 9 as follows: Phenotype RM R- SM S- Genotype for dominant gene AaM1m1 Aam1m1 aaM1m1 aam1m1 Genotype for recessive gene aaM1m1 aam1m1 AaM1m1 Aam1m1 Observed value n1 n2 n3 n4 Expected frequency (1-r)/2 r/2 r/2 (1-r)/2 So, the recombination frequency, r = (n1 + n2) / N, (N = n1 + n2 + n3 +n4), and the standard deviation Sr = [r(1-r)]/N. For an F2 population, a resistance gene with two alleles, A and a, a marker locus with two alleles, M1 and m1, and a polymorphism identified as band present (+) or absent (-), there are four groups of phenotypes. The four phenotypes, corresponding genotypes, and their expected frequencies are as following: Phenotype for dominant gene in coupling Phenotype for dominant gene in repulsion Phenotype for recessive gene in coupling Phenotype for recessive gene in repulsion F2 genotype Observed value (ni) Expected frequency (ei) for r in coupling Expected frequency (ei) for r in repulsion RM R- SM S- R+ RM S+ SM SM S+ RM R+ S- SM R- RM A_M1_ n1 A_m1 m1 n2 aaM1_ n3 (3-2r+r2)/4 (2r-r2)/4 (2r-r2)/4 (1-r)2/4 (2+r2)/4 (1-r2)/4 (1-r2)/4 r2/4 aa m1m1 n4 The phenotype RM is a resistant individual with the marker, R+ is a resistant individual with the polymorphic band, but without the marker, R- is a resistant individual without the band, SM is a susceptible individual with the marker, S+ is a susceptible 10 individual with the band, and S- is a susceptible individual without the band and marker. The recombination frequency r can be estimated by the ELM method and the formula for solving r is: K nid(ei)/dr = n1d(3-2r+r2)/dr + n2d(2r-r2)/dr + n3d(2r-r2)/dr + n4d(1-r)2/dr = 0 in i coupling phase, n1d(2+r2)/dr + n2d(1-r2)/dr + n3d(1-r2)/dr + n4d(r2)/dr = 0 in repulsion phase. It is difficult to solve the two equations, so the estimate of recombination frequency (r) can be solved by a transformed formula with a middle varable based on F2 generation data (Weber and Wricke 1994). Suppose = (1-r)2 in coupling phase, and = r2 in repulsion phase. The expected frequencies are (2+)/4, (1-)/4, (1-)/4, and /4 for , corresponding the four genotypes A_M1_, A_m1m1, aaM1_, and aam1m1 in the F2 population. In that way, = [K + (K2 + 8Nn4)] / (2N), (N = n1 + n2 + n3 + n4, K= n1-2n2-2n3-n4), S2 = [2(2+)(1-)]/[N(1+2)], then the recombination frequency, r = 1- in coupling phase, and r = in repulsion phase. The standard deviation Sr = S /2. The recombination frequency (r) can also been estimated by using SAS software (SAS institute Inc., 1990). The following SAS software program can been used to estimate r, kindly provided by Dr. Ben-Hui Liu, Department of Forestry, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8008, USA (unpublished). 11 DATA A; ID=1; INPUT n1 n2 n3 n4; DO r=0.000 to 0.499 by 0.001; L=n1*log(1-r)+n2*log(r)+n3*log(r)+n4*log(1-r); OUTPUT; END; CARDS; n1 n2 n3 n4 ; PROC MEANS NOPRINT; VAR L; OUTPUT OUT=B MAX=MAX; DATA B; SET B; ID=1; DATA AB; MERGE A B; BY ID; RL=L/MAX; RPOC PRINT; RUN; The linear equation above is adapted only for the estimate of r based on a BC1F1 population. For a gene and a marker in coupling phase in an F2 population, the linear equation is: L=n1*log(3-2*r+r*r)+n2*log(2*r-r*r)+n3*log(2*r-r*r)+n4*log(1-2*r+r*r);. For a gene and a marker in repulsion phase in an F2 population, the linear equation is: L=n1*log(2+r*r)+n2*log(1-r*r)+n3*log(1-r*r)+n4*log(r*r);. The n1, n2, n3, and n4 are four observed values in the BC1F1 or F2 generations. The 0.001 in the program step DO r=0.000 to 0.499 by 0.001 can be changed into 0.01, 0.001, or 0.0001 etc. according as the precision desired. Several examples are given for explaining how to estimate the frequency of recombination (r) follow: Example 1 (Shi et al. 1997a). In the NK-Coker 9803*2/ NC96BGTA5 BC1F1 population, there were 32 individuals which were resistant to wheat powdery mildew and showed RAPD marker OPAG04950, six individuals were resistant and without the marker, two individuals were susceptible and showed the marker, and 31 individuals were 12 susceptible and without the marker. So in this BC1F1 population, the observed values for four phenotypes RM, R-, SM, and S- are n1=32, n2=6, n3=2, and n4=31, respectively. The total observed number N = n1+n2+n3+n4=71. Therefore, the frequency of recombination, r = (n2+n3)/N = (6+2)/71 = 11.3%. The standard deviation, Sr = r(1-r)/N = [(0.113)*(1-0.113)/75] = 0.0376 = 3.76%. In using the SAS software program, the four observed values, 32, 6, 2, and 31, followed the CARDS step. In the SAS output results, r = 0.113 was obtained in the RL = 1.000 row. Example 2 (Chapter 3). In the NK-Coker 68-15/CP4 (NK-Coker 68- 15*6//CI13836/8*Cc) F2 population, 73 resistant individuals showed RAPD marker OPU17730, zero individuals were resistant and without the marker, 21 susceptible individuals were without the marker, and two susceptible individuals showed the marker. The four observed values n1=73, n2=0, n3=2, and n4=21 for corresponding as four phenotypes RM, R-, SM, and S-. Here, N = n1+n2+n3+n4 = 73+0+2+21 = 96, K = n1-2n2-2n3-n4 = 73-0-2*2-21 = 48, so = [k +(K2+8Nn4)]/(2N) = [48 + (48**2 + 8*96*21)]/(2*96) = 0.9571. S2 = 2(1-)(2+)/[N(1+2)] = 2*0.9571*(1-0.9571)(2+0.9571)/[96*(1+2*0.9571)] = 0.0008679, and S = 0.02946, Therefore, the r = 1- = 1- 0.9571 = 0.022, and Sr = S/2 = 0.0147. In the SAS program, the linear equation L=n1*log(3-2*r+r*r)+n2*log(2*r-r*r)+n3*log(2*r-r*r)+n4*log(1-2*r+r*r) was used because segregation of reactions for resistance to powdery mildew in the F2 population fit 13 a 3R:1S expected ratio for one dominant gene with the marker and the gene in coupling phase. An r = 0.022 was obtained. 2.2.2 Codominant markers and resistance gene The method for estimating r between codominant markers and a resistance gene is the same as described for a dominant marker. For an F2 population, a resistance gene with two alleles, A and a, and three genotypes, AA, Aa, and aa, can be grouped as two types: A_ and aa. If the resistance gene is dominant, the A_ is resistant and aa is susceptible. If the resistance gene is recessive, the A_ is susceptible and aa is resistant. Suppose the marker is M, the codominant marker has three genotypes M11, M12, and M22, so in a F2 population, there are six phenotypes RM11, RM12, RM22, SM11, SM12, and SM22. The phenotypes, genotypes, and their expected frequencies are as following: Phenotype for dominant gene RM11 RM12 RM22 SM11 SM12 SM22 Phenotype for recessive gene SM11 SM12 S M22 RM11 RM12 RM22 F2 genotype A_M11 A_M12 A_M22 aa M11 aaM12 aa M22 n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 r2/4 r(1-r)/2 (1-r)2/4 Observed value (ni) Expected frequency (ei) (1-r2)/4 (1-r+r2)/2 (2r-r2)/4 The recombination frequency can be estimated by the use of MLE, and solved by the formula: nidlog(ei)/dr = n1log(1-r2)/dr + n2log2(1-r+r2)/dr + n3logr(2-r)/dr + n4log(r2) /dr + n5log2r(1-r)/dr + n6log(1-r)2/dr = 0. Nevertheless, use of the SAS program is recommended: (a) n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 are substituted for n1 n2 n3 n4 in the INPUT step; (b) the six observed values of n1 n2 14 n3 n4 n5 n6, are in the CARDS step; and (c) the linear equation is: L=n1*log(1-r*r)+n2*log(2-2*r+r*r)+n3*log(2*r-r*r)+n4*log(r*r)+n5*log(2*r-2*r*r)+n6* log(1-2*r-r*r). In the following example, 152 resistant plants and 48 susceptible plants are observed in an F2 population. The segregation for disease resistance fits a 3R:1S expected ratio for one dominant gene. The six phenotypes observed are n1=49, n2=101, n3=2, n4=1, n5=1, and n6=46 corresponding as RM11, RM12, RM22, SM11, SM12, and SM22. The estimate of r is 0.025 by use of the SAS program. The recombination frequency can be estimated directly by use of computer software programs, such as MAPMAKER/QTL (Lander et al. 1987), PGRI (Liu, 1997). 2.2.3 Examples of identified major resistance genes Molecular markers linked to major genes for disease resistance have be widely identified (Michelmore, 1995), including genes for resistance to fungal, bacterial, virus, and nematode diseases (Table 1). 3. Mapping of QRLs by Use of QTL Methods 3.1 Screening markers The BSA for major genes also can be used for the mapping of QRL. QTL analysis is a little different from that for major genes. Usually, in a segregating population, 5-10% of the most resistant individuals are selected and composited to form the R group, and 5-10% of the most susceptible individuals are selected and composited to form the S group. The R and S groups are used to screen markers for mapping QRLs. QRLs include many resistance loci, and usually more than one locus is linked on a chromosome. The linkage analysis using a segregating population (F2 or backcross) can’t 15 distinguish the closely linked alleles. The location of identified resistance loci usually spans a segment of the chromosome. Progenies in a segregating population can’t be reproduced. However, RILs can be used to solve this problems. RILs are obtained by use of single seed descent (SSD). The advantage of RILs is their reproducibility. However, the disadvantage of RILs is cost. Development of set of RILs takes approximately seven or more growing seasons. In order to overcome this disadvantage of RILs, doubled haploid lines (DHLs) can be developed in some species. A doubled haploid is derived from a haploid plant by doubling its chromosome number. Anther culture of pollen from an F1 of a resistant by susceptible cross can provide a source of haploid plants segregating for the resistant allele(s). A set of DHL’s can be produced in one half the time of RIL’s. 3.2 QTL mapping There are many statistical methods and theories for QTL mapping (Liu, 1997). Several computer software programs are available, such as MAPMARKER/QTL, QTLSTAT, QTL Cartographer, MAPQTL, QGENE, Map Manager QT, and PGRI (Liu, 1997). 3.3. Examples Many QRLs for resistance to important diseases in plants have been mapped by QTL methods (Table 2). 4. Marker-assisted Selection For disease resistance, marker-assisted selection (MAS) can be used as a complementary method for selecting linked resistance genes, and gene pyramiding. 16 Identification of disease resistance is conducted in the field, greenhouse, and laboratory. Some disease screens are difficult to conduct in the field because of variability in aggressiveness or availability of the pathogen, or sensitivity of the disease reaction to environmental conditions. Some disease screens are time-consuming or can be conducted only at particular locations, times of year, or stages of plant development. However, it is not necessary to test the resistance reaction by inoculating with a pathogen or evaluating the resistance reaction in marker assisted selection. MAS is used for the pyramiding of major genes, the combination of major genes and minor genes, not only for one disease, but for multiple diseases. Selection of disease resistance by MAS is very efficient. For example, Shi et al. (unpublished) identified a RAPD marker OPU17750 linked to the Pm1 gene for wheat powdery mildew resistance (r = 2.2 1.07 %). The effectiveness of the marker was determined in other wheat lines with different resistance genes, and the results showed all wheat lines, which contain the Pm1 gene, exhibited the marker OPU17750. The pyramiding of resistance genes may be an efficient method of control of plant diseases and provide more durable resistance for plant breeding. Gene pyramiding results in resistant cultivars which contain more than one gene for resistance to a disease, such as in the wheat cultivar Normandie, which contains three genes, Pm1, Pm2, and pm9. Molecular markers tightly linked to resistance genes can be used for marker-assisted selection and facilitate stabilization of genetic resistance through gene pyramiding (Stuber, 1992; Michelmore, 1995). VI. Map-based Gene Cloning Map-based Cloning has been used to cloned plant resistance genes (Martin et al. 17 1993). It is also called chromosome walking (Keen et al. 1993), or positional cloning (Cai, et al. 1997). Major steps involved in map-based cloning are: Step 1, development of a high-density RFLP, RAPD, AFLP and/or SSR genetic map. Step 2, screening of a genomic library to identify overlapping clones covering the region of interest. Step 3, identifying clones that harbor the target genes by transformation and complementation. The first step in this strategy is to identify genetically polymorphic DNA markers that are closely linked to the disease resistance allele. A high-density genetic map of the resistance gene region is constructed, and the marker DNA sequences are located at both sides of the target gene. These linked sequences are used as starting points for the cloning of the chromosomal region where the target gene is located. RFLP or RAPD markers are the most useful flanking sequences for map-based cloning, since saturated maps of the target region using these markers can be easily obtained. The second step is to isolate DNA clones covering the entire region between the makers by a process known as chromosome walking. A physical mapping is constructed. Then gene identification can begin in earnest, complementary DNAs (cDNAs) encoded by the PFGE-band or YAC cloned DNA represent obvious candidate genes. The last, often most difficult, step in map-based cloning is pinpointing the clone harboring the target gene among all the overlapping clones identified during chromosome walking. It will be necessary to transform this DNA into a susceptible plant and inoculate with a pathogen to prove that the targeted gene has the capacity to suppress the pathogen. Obviously, the more tightly linked the flanking markers to the target gene, the lower the number of clones that have to be screened. 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Examples of previously identified molecular markers linked to major disease resistance genes _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gene Host Pathogen Type of markers Method Reference _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Xa-1 Rice Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae RAPD NILs Yoshimura et al. 1995 xa-13 RAPD, RFLP BSA Zhang et al. 1996 Xa-21 RAPD, RFLP NILs Ronald et al. 1992 STS NILs Williams et al. 1996 RFLP GMBA RFLP NILs Yu et al. 1996 Pi-4(t) RFLP NILs Yu et al. 1991 Pi-2(t) STS NILs Hittalmani et al. 1995 Pi-5(t), 7(t) RFLP RILs Wang et al. 1994 Pi-10(t) RAPD, SCAR RILs Naqvi & Chattoo 1996 RFLP NILs Ma et al. 1994 Pm1 RAPD BSA Hu et al. 1997 Pm1, 3 RFLP GMBA Pm1,3,18 RAPD, RFLP NILs Hartl et al. 1993, 1995 Pm2 AS-PCR NILs Mohler & Jahoor, 1996 Pm12 RFLP GMBA Jia et al. 1996 Pm13 RFLP GMBA Donini et al. 1995 Pm21 RAPD TL Xa-22(t) Pi-1(t), 2(t) Pm1, 2, 3, 4 Pyricularia grisea Wheat Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici Lin et al. 1996 Nelson et al. 1995 Qi et al. 1996 29 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 30 Table 1 Continue __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pm3 locus RAPD NILs Shi et al. 1995 Pm12,25 RAPD PP & BSA Shi et al. 1997a,b NILs Feuillet et al. 1995 Lr1 Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici RFLP, RAPD, STS Lr9 RAPD NILs Schachermayr et al. 1994 Lr24 RAPD, RFLP NILs Schachermayr et al. 1995 RAPD, SCAR NILs Dedryver et al. 1996 XM RFLP GMBA Bonhomme et al. 1995 Lr9,19,24,32 RFLP GMBA Autrique et al. 1995 Bt-10 Tilletia tritici RAPD NILs Demeke et al. 1996 Wsml Streak Mosaic virus STS, RAPD PP Talbert et al. 1996 Sr22 P. graminis f. sp. tritici RFLP NILs Paull et al. 1994 Puccinia hordei RAPD BSA Poulsen et al. 1995 P. graminis RAPD, STS NILs Kilian et al. 1994, RphQ Barley Ppg1 Horvath et al. 1995 Rh Rhynchosporium secalis Rh2 Ml(La) E. graminis f. sp. hordei Mlt, Mlf,,Mlj Pg3 Oat P. graminis f.sp. avenae RFLP, STS DHLs Graner et al. 1996 RFLP DHLs Schweizer et al. 1995 RFLP DHLs Giese et al. 1993 RFLP F2 seg. Schonfeld et al. 1996 RAPD NILs Penner et al. 1993a 31 Table 1. Continue ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pg9, 13 RFLP NILs, BSA Donoughue et al.1996 RAPD BSA Penner et al. 1993b RFLP BDLs Rooney et al. 1994 Bipolaris maydis RFLP GMBA Zaitlin et al. 1993 Htn1 Setosphaeria turcica RFLP GMBA Simcox et al. 1993 Rp3 Puccinia sorghi RFLP NILs Sanz-Alferez et al. 1995 Phytophthora infestans RFLP F1 seg. El-Kharbotly et al. 1994 AFLP, RFLP BSA Meksem et al. 1995 RFLP BSA Hamalainea et al. 1996 Potato virus Y AFLP BSA Brigneti et al. 1996 Tobacco Mosaic virus RFLP, RAPD BDL Pillen et al. 1996 Pc68 P. coronata Pc91, 92 rhm R1, 2 Maize Potato R1 Rysto Tm-2a Tomato NILs = near-isogenic lines, BSA = bulked segregant analysis, BDLs = backcross derived lines, PP = parents, TL = translocation line, SL = substitution line, GMBA = genetic map-based analysis, and PGA = pedigree analysis. 32 Table 2. Examples of dissection of quantitative trait loci determining QRLs ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Host Pathogen no. QTL no. markers Method Reference ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rice Barley Maize Potato Soybean Pyricularia oryzae 10 127 RFLP 131/281 RIL, MMQTL Wang et al. 1994 Rhizoctonia solani 6 113 RFLP MMQTL Li et al. 1995 Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei 2 155 RFLP 113 DHL, MMQTL Heun 1992 Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei 2 78 RFLP 110 DHL, MMQTL Chen et al. 1994 Exserohilum turcicum 7 103 RFLP 150 F2/F3, MMQTL Freymark et al. 1993 Cercospora zeae-maydis 9 87 RFLP 139-193 F2/F3, ANOVA Bubeck et al.1993 5 78 RFLP MMQTL Saghai-Maroof et al.1996 Gibberella zea 10 95 RFLP, 10RAPD 150 F2/F3, MMQTL Pe et al. 1993 Colletotrichum graminicola 1 113 RFLP 158 F2/F3, MMQTL Jung et al. 1994 Cochliobolus heterostrophus 4 116FLP, SSR 179 RIL, REG Carson et al. 1996 Phaeosphaeria maydis 3 116FLP, SSR 179 RIL, REG Carson et al. 1996 Phytophthora infestans 13 77+68 RFLP 189 F1 , LSIM Leonards et al. 1994 Pseudomonas solanacearum 3 67 RFLP, 12RAPD 71 F2, MMQTL Danesh et al.1994 Globodera rostochiensis 2 107RFLP F1 Kreike et al. 1993 Heterodera glycines 3 36 RFLP, 7RAPD 56 F2/F3, ANOVA Concibido et al. 1994 RIL = recombinant inbred line, DHL = doubled haploid line, F2/F3 = genetic analysis of F2 plant with disease screening of F2:3 families, MMQTL = MAPMARKER/QTL, LSIM = least squares interval mapping, Reg. = regression analysis, and ANOVA = analysis of variance. 33 Table 3. Previously identified cloned disease resistance genes by use of map-based cloning. ____________________________________________________________________________ Gene Host Pathogen Reference ____________________________________________________________________________ Cf2 Tomato Cladosporium fulvum Dixon et al. 1996 Pto Tomato Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato Martin et al. 1993 Xa-21 Rice Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Song et al. 1995 RPS2 Arabidopsis Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato Bent et al. 1994, Mindrinos et al. 1994 RPM1 Arabidopsis Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola Grant et al. 1995 Hs1prp1 Sugar Beet Cochliobolus arbonum Cai et al. 1997