Albany State University Assessment for Bachelor of Science with a Major in Chemistry Assessment Period – 2006-2007 Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose Unit Mission: The primary mission of the chemistry unit is to provide chemistry majors with the best education possible, through excellence in teaching, active academic activities such as student training and research, in order to successfully prepare students for graduate and professional schools and for entry into the workforce. Goal Statement: The chemistry unit Program Intended Student Learning Objectives Means of Program Assessment Results Use of Results Chemistry majors will have good understanding of basic principles of chemistry. ACS tests will be administered at the end of General Chemistry, CHEM1212, Organic Chemistry, CHEM2302, Quantitative Analysis I 2351, Quantitative Analysis II 2352, Biochemistry, CHEM3250 and Physical Chemistry, CHEM 3222. Adequate progress will be made if fifty percent of majors perform at or above national averages. An increased score of 10% or greater above average scores for baseline years of 2004-2006, for general chemistry, will CHEM1211 – ACS Test Version, First Semester, 2002 Objective not met. Average # of right answers of 70 was 27. Baseline data is 31.8 2005/2006) showing a decrease in performance when compared to baseline year. No student performed above 50th percentile rank More attention will be paid to the fundamental concepts, especially helping students establish graphic visualizations (models) for basic concepts, equations, and so on. If the trend of low perfomance in these courses especially the general chemistry continues, an introductory chemistry course may need to be implemented as a required course for unprepared students. An introductory course currently exists but it is an elective course. CHEM1212 – ACS Test Version, Full year, 2002 Average # of right answers of 70 was 29. No student performed above 50th percentile rank. This data will be used as baseline for this course as it was decided that the test used will produce graduates with quality education and training that will allow them to succeed in their chosen career field. also indicate progress. for 2005/2006 assessment was not the best choice based on information covered in the course CHEM2302 - The ACS form 2002 test was administered at the end of the Spring 2007 semester. The average of the 35 students (chemistry majors and non-chemistry majors) who took the exam was 46%. This will be used as a baseline for future assessment. CHEM2351 - The ACS test was administrated as the final exam using ACS test of analytical chemistry form 2001. From 50 problems, all students were allowed to solve only from problem 1 to problem 24 because CHEM 2351 K is the first part of analytical chemistry. The average of nineteen students including non-chemistry major students was 7.4 which were 30.3%. CHEM2352 - The ACS test was administrated as the final exam using ACS test of analytical chemistry form 2001. From 50 problems, all students were allowed to solve only from problem 25 to problem 50 because CHEM 2352 K is the second part of analytical chemistry. The average grade was 40.4 % and three student ( 37.5%) of 8 students scored above the 50% rank. CHEM3221- Forty Thermodynamics questions of ACS Physical Chemistry (combined semester Form 2006) were given as the final exam. National norm for the current version is not available. 13 major students participated in the ACS test with a mean score of 16.7. Take the most recent ACS Thermodynamics national norm (1999) as a reference, 6 of 13 students performed above national mean score (16.3) and scored above the 50th percentile. CHEM 3222 – Forty Quantum Mechanics questions of ACS Physical Chemistry (combined semester Form 2006) were given as the final exam. Eight major students took the ACS Test. The mean grade was 17 (42.5%) and four of eight students scored above the 50th percentile , which will be used as a baseline for future assessment CHEM3250 - The examination was administered for the first time in this course. Mean score was 23.95 Stand Dev:7.95. Two students (9.5%) scored above the 50th percentile rank. These scores will be used be used as baseline for future assessments Pre and Post tests (with embedded pre-test questions) in 2000-4000 level chemistry courses to access retention of Overall students are performing . Contributing factors are 1) many students taking the general chemistry course have not taken AP chemistry and do not have a strong backgound in the course before taking it at the college level, the result is less materia is covered in the course and this lowers performance on the ACS test in general chemistry and organic chemistry. A more useful assessment will be to look at how performance on these exams increase from year to year at Albany State. This will be done in subsequent years CHEM 1211 – The ACS Toledo Placement exam was administered. The test focuses on basic math skill, general and specific Results will be shared with instructors of prerequisite courses to better prepare students in these areas. basic chemical information from one course to another. Success will be measured by a post test score of 10 -20 % above pretest scores chemistry knowledge of incoming freshman chemistry majors. Total # of students: 110; Total # of questions: 60; Class Avg: 24.4/60 # of students above 50th percentile >32 correct = 21/110 = 19% CHEM 2301/2302 Students taking Organic Chemistry 2301 are evaluated on their retention of General Chemistry information by their performance on the first Organic Chemistry exam in the first semester. This exam focuses on information that was given in General Chemistry. Results: 9 Students scored 80-89%; 12 Students scored 70-79%; 9 Students scored 60-69%; 12; Students scored 50-59%; 28 Students scored below 50%. The class average was 61% CHEM 2351 - The pre-test was administrated at the first class time and the exam consisted with 15 problems based on the general chemistry text book that has been used for a long time at ASU. The highest score was 10 and the lowest score was 3, from the results of eighteen students and the average was 5.8 which were 38.7%. CHEM3250- Class average = 30.3%; Only one student obtained a passing score at 76.9 %. Students very deficient in solution preparation, naming and recognizing functional groups, and identifying basic organic reactions. Post test not administered. CHEM 3221/CHEM 3222 A pre-test was given to CHEM3222 (physical chemistry 2). Although the post-test did not embed exactly the same questions as the pre-test, considerable improvements (>20%) have been made by comparing the similar questions. This assessment will be improved next semester The poor retention of information from one course to another may signify that not enough focus is placed on the the important concepts needed to suceed in higher level courses. A different approach and greater emphasis on specific topics may need to take place. Major Field Objective not met. The Achievement Test baseline average score (MFAT) will be taken by (1997-2005 ) was 133. students in the senior During this reporting year and performance period eight (8) students compared to average took the MFAT exam. The scores of previous average score was 132. No students in the significant change in score department, scores of occured. schools of similar size and make-up and norm score. Success will be There is no cut-off score for MFAT performance, students only have to take it. This is possibly the major reason for poor performance in that the test is probably not taken seriously. To establish the importance of this exam, the exam will be admiistered in the capstone course, Senior determined by increased score of 10% above average score of former students, students meeting or exceeding national median performance on these exams. Students will develop independent work habits in information gathering, planning and executing experiments, and interpreting and communicating results as they progress throughout the chemistry program. Mini-projects that require independent thought and action will be embedded in General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Quantitative Analysis, Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry and Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry courses. Rubrics that assess qualities such as time management, resourcefulness, creativity, use of knowledge and skills and scientific maturity will be used to determine competency Success will be measured by a pass rate of 80 % or higher. CHEM 2302 – Objective met. Students were given an unknown compound and had to use their knowledge and skills to determine the unknown. Students worked in pairs. 95% of the groups were able to identify the unknown sample. CHEM2351 – Objective Met. Mini-projects (special projects) were conducted by six groups. Each group chose their own subject in various areas including protein analysis, formation of aspirin, isolation of Casein and Lactose from milk, isopentayl acetate, Old Nassau Halloween Research II class, CHEM4130 and assessed as part of the course grade. In conjunction with this review sessions will be implemented in the course as well to assist in preparation for the exam. Course in which objective was met will be reviewed to determine ways to increase students' performance. Reaction, and Extraction. One group has failed on the special project which means 83.3 % were passed on special project. CHEM 2352- Objective was not met. 62.5 % of student passed on special project. CHEM3222 and CHEM 4150.- Mini-projects were performed by the senior students in Physical Chemistry II (3222) and Computational Chemistry (4150). The projects are, (1) Review of the development of quantum mechanics ( 6 students) (2) Dimerization of adenine with density functional theory (3) Self-stacking of DNA bases with novel hybrid density functional theory Two students (25%) got an A, and others got B (75%). Through this and previous courses, it is likely that senior students got certain knowledge of the format of scientific report or short article, and of the skill of searching for references. However, creativity and independence should be further developed. CHEM3231- Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry: Objectives were met. Seven (7) of 8 major students met the requirements. Laboratory reports will be assessed for ability to utilize scientific format to communicate results, and for application of knowledge obtained to obtain manipulate and analyze experimental results. Success will be determined by 70% or more of students meeting expectations as defined by instructor defined criteria CHEM 1211 – Objectives met. 72.1% of students meet expectations in this area CHEM 1212 - Objectives not met. 68.1% of students meet expectations in this area CHEM2301/2302 Objectives Met. By the end of the semester 100% of the students were able to write a lab report using the Teaching techniques in labs needs to be evaluated/revised to more develop students data interpretation analysis and critical thinking skills proper format. The one area of weakness, however, was how to correctly write an abstract. More instruction in this area will be targeted in the future. CHEM2351/2352Objectives met. 75 %of students fulfilled the requirements. The major problem for week students was in the interpretation data. CHEM3221 - Objectives were met. Twelve (12) of 16 students (75%) fulfilled the requirements. The major problems for the weak students were in the numerical calculation, data fitting as well as discussion of the experimental results. CHEM3250 – All students (100%) met expectations in following the correct laboratory report format. In applying knowledge to analyze and interpret information, only 12 of 24 students (50%) met all expectations in this area. The major problem areas were graphical presentation and analysis of data and discussion of experimental results. Major weaknesses overall were writing an abstract, analysis of data and discussion of experimental results. Students analytical skills need to be developed more. The approach to teaching in the courses will have to be evaluated, to make analytical reasoning ability a significant aspect of each course Students through search of the chemical literature will gather information and develop an independent research project in Senior Research I (CHEM4120) and Senior Research II (CHEM4130). Success CHEM4120- Objective met. Each student has conducted literature searches in the library and internet searches for finding their own independent research project. The final proposals have been written based on This assessment wil be revised to further challenge students learning in this area. will be measured by a student pass rate of 85% or higher based on criteria/rubric established by the department. the literature searches and mentor’s guidance. The average score was 95.6 % based on title submission, pre-proposal, and final proposal including related papers. Two students chose a mentor from outside of ASU. CHEM4130- Objectives met. Seven of eight students (87.5%) performed at average proficiency. Students will be able to use scientific databases, the scientific literature and technology to learn gather, display and analyze chemical information and to present their work effectively in written communication in the form of scientific reports and orally in seminars to faculty and peers. Software to graphically represent data, draw chemical structures and model chemical structures will be integrated in laboratory reports and projects in general, organic, analytical, physical and biochemistry courses. A rubric will be developed and used by faculty to measure the ability of students to utilize software. At least 25 % CHEM 1211 -1 lab in CHEM1121K-5 ‘Graph Preparation with Excel’ was designed for teaching freshmen the use of Excel. 50% of the students reached intermediate proficiency. CHEM 2301/2302 Students are instructed on how to use ChemDraw software. All structures submitted in lab reports and presentations are to be Software use will be continued in both class and lab of lab reports will require the use of CHEM DRAW and Excel (graphing) and 75 % of students will demonstrate intermediate or higher proficiency. drawn using this software. 100% of students became proficient on the use of this software. Students also had to use excel to put their results in table format. 95% of the students were able to present their results consistently in this format. CHEM 2351-Students were introduced on how to use Excel. 100 % of students were reached intermediate proficiency. CHEM 2352- 100 % of students were reached intermediate proficiency. CHEM 3250 – Three of six labs (50%) required the use of graphing software (All students used Microsoft Excel there fore this objective was met. These were, Preparation of Buffers, Absorption Spectra, Beer’s Law and Standard Curves, and Enzyme kinetics. However only 33% of students met or exceeded expectations in utilizing graphical software and analysis CHEM 3221 - Objective was met. 75% of labs (3 of 4) required use of CHEM DRAW and/or EXCEL to draw chemical structures and fit the data, respectively. 81% (13 of 16 major students) met the requirement for drawing molecular structures with CHEMDRAW and for making plots and data fitting with EXCEL. CHEM 3222 -50% experiments (2/4) in Physical Chemistry II require Excel to plot energy potential surface. 62.5% (5/8) of the students demonstrated intermediate level of proficiency (met expectations). Capstone project requiring students to access and retrieve information from chemical databases will be implemented in Chemical literature course CHEM 4110 and Senior Research I). Success will be measured by 80 % or more of students exhibiting proficiency as determined by departmental criteria. All students will complete CHEM 4111 (Junior Seminar) which involves a capstone project in which individual oral and ????? CHEM 4110 -Objectives met. Each student was to find papers with using manual search of resources in the library and internet search including chemistry databases. They chose their own project based on their interests. A summary was required to be submitted including the library and internet research papers. The average score of the class was 96.8 % based on the final papers and library search and internet search papers. Ten of eleven students (90.9%) exhibited proficiency in accessing and retrieving information from the chemical literature using SciFinder Scholar. Objective Met. Nine of eleven students (81.8%) met or exceeded expectations in oral presentations when evaluated with faculty This assessment will be built upon to further challenge students to further enhance proficiency in this area. Techniques used in this course will be shared with other chemistry faculty for use in their courses. poster presentations based on a search of chemically relevant topic in the chemical databases. Success will be measured by 80 % or more of students exhibiting proficiency as determined by departmental criteria in poster and oral presentations developed rubric. Ten of eleven students (90.9%) met or exceeded expectations in poster presentations. The structured nature of the course forced students to make the effort to comprehend the material and how to effectively present the information in poster or oral format. This was done by providing weekly assignments requiring students to focus on some aspect of their topic/paper in order to facilitate student learning. Assignments related to their article included background research, relating research in article to a broader topic and how research done contributes to overall knowledge in topic area; explaination of techniques used in the research and summmarising the different subtopics in the journal article. Students found that this made assimilation of the information in a final well communicated oral or poster presentation possible.