HanWEB For IIS 1.5 (WinNT, Win2000, WinXP) HanWEB For IIS 1.5, a convenient plug-in for Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Server, is a robust, fast and accurate Fanjian (繁簡) translation engine in Windows. Besides, HKSCS translation is supported. System Requirement 1. 2. Microsoft WindowsNT4.0, Windowss2000 and WindowsXP IIS Server installed Installation (Windows2000 & WindowsXP) 1. Running the Setup 2. Restart IIS Server manually. Open a command prompt – “cmd”, then type “net stop w3svc” to stop the IIS. And Type “net start w3svc” to start IIS. Or using GUI configuration Accept list Default Translation Enable/Disable Form submit Enable/Disable (one domain only if trial version): URL for embedded font location Start/Stop IIS Server Clean Uninstallation 1. Stop IIS Server 2. Uninstall HanWEB For IIS To Enable/Disable Fanjian Translation There are 2 ways to enable the translation. 1. Set Default Translation (Low Priority) There are 3 options in GUI configuration None No default translation. All web pages served by IIS are unchanged. B5->GB All web pages served by IIS will translated from Traditional Chinese (TC) to simplified Chinese (SC) if haven’t Translation Cookie (Next part), including BIG5 to GB2312 and UTF-8 TC to UTF-8 SC. Otherwise, it will follow the Translation Cookie value. GB->B5 All web pages served by IIS will translated from SC to TC if haven’t Translation Cookie (Next part), including GB2312 to BIG5 and UTF-8 SC to UTF-8 TC. Otherwise, it will follow the Translation Cookie value. 2. Using Translation Cookie (High Priority) HanWEB For IIS will read every request from IIS server. If there is a cookie call “KanHanConvert” occurs in the request Headers, HanWEB will automatically do Fanjian translation, and serve translated HTML content to the user. If no such cookie, the original HTML content will be output by IIS or following the default translation. 1. Enable i. You have to Set a cookie called “KanHanConvert”, and set it with a value from your HTML page or JSP, ASP, PHP. Moreover, you should set the “No-Cache” header. Please refer to the sample ASP file – setcookie.asp, and see Cookie Options. 2. Disable You have to delete the cookie called “KanHanConvert”, and set it with a value from your HTML page or JSP, ASP, PHP, and make it expired. Moreover, you should set the “No-Cache” header. Please refer to the sample ASP file – i. delcookie.asp, and see Cookie Options. Customization 1. Fanjian Translation Vocabularies (Have only in Full version) There is a vocabulary Tool called “DB_tool”. (To run DB_tool, you have to set the Chinese locale to see the chinese). You can use this tool to customize your vocabularies. Please open “b5_gb_vocab.db”, and “gb_b5_vocab.db” which are in your installed directory. i. b5_gb_vocab.db is the vocabulary list for the Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese, e.g. BIG5 to GB2312. ii. gb_b5_vocab.db is the vocabulary list for the Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese, e.g. GB2312 to BIG5. Testing 1. 2. go to C:\Program Files\HanWEB For IIS 1.0\sample, unzip sample.zip and extract to a IIS’s virtual directory , e.g. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\test set the virtual directory test to anonymous access right 3. open configurate GUI, to check whether your IIS server’s IP/domain names are in the accept domain name/IP address list 4. open a browser. Type the location, http://<your hostname>/test/page1.htm. For example, 5. Click the link”簡體” to see whether it will be translated to Simp. Chinese. Cookie Options You can set several cookie values for “KanHanConvert” to perform different kinds of Fanjian translations. 3. 4. 5. BIG5 to GB2312: pls set “KanHanConvert=1” GB2312 to BIG5: pls set “KanHanConvert=4” Traditional UTF-8 to Simplified UTF-8: pls set “KanHanConvert=9” 6. 7. Simplified UTF-8 to Traditional UTF-8: pls set “KanHanConvert=10” No translation: pls set “KanHanConvert=0” Notice: please do not try to set other values. Or it will make mistakes. Solution of HKSCS You have to install a set of embedded font (created by KanHan) to display HKSCS when BIG5 -> GB. For release version, you will get font.zip in your installed directory. Unzip font.zip and place in your webserver, for example, C:\Inetpub\wwwroot, and to URL to access the directory is http://localhost/font. Then you need to check the “Embedded Font” and type “http://localhost/font” (or use relative path /font) in the configuration GUI. As a result, you can view the translated HKSCS HTML by embedded font. Trouble shooting in Windows NT 4.0 1. Follow the setup procedures above. 2. Check Event log If found this log, it should be installed successfully, otherwise go to step 3. 3. Modify registry manually - Go to - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3 SVC\Parameters\ , delete values in item “Filter DLLs”. Go to IIS control console like this Righ - Right click the computer name, for example “kh-nt4”, and select “properties”. Choose Edit” - Follow screen like this - - Choose “add” -> type “kanhan” in Filter name -> “Browse”, choose the installed directory and select “ConversionISAPI.dll -> click “Open” 4. 5. Press “OK” to finish the configuration Restart IIS server Check whether the module is loaded properly. Follow step 3, if you can see in the result in red circle. It should run properly. Support KanHan Technologies Ltd Tel: (852) 28653800 Fax: (852) 28611830 Email: support@kanhan.com Website: http://www.kanhan.com