Supplementary Information Negative Regulation of Lymphocyte Activation and Autoimmunity by the Molecular Adaptor Cbl-b Kurt Bachmaier*, Connie Krawczyk*, Ivona Kozieradzki*, Young-Yun Kong*, Takehiko Sasaki*, Antonio Oliveira-dos-Santos*, Sanjeev Mariathasan**, Dennis Bouchard*, Andrew Wakeham*, Annick Itie*, Jenny Le*, Pamela S. Ohashi**, Ildiko Sarosi #, Hiroshi Nishina* Stan Lipkowitz§, and Josef M. Penninger* *Amgen Institute, Ontario Cancer Institute, Departments of Medical Biophysics and Immunology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 2C1 **Ontario Cancer Institute, Departments of Medical Biophysics and Immunology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada # Department § of Pathology, Amgen Inc., Thousand Oaks, California, USA Genetics Department, Medicine Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland, USA Cbl-b 2 Supplementary Information Facial features, skull preparations, and osteoclasts in cbl-b-/- mice From 6 months of age onwards, cbl-b-/- mice developed progressive changes in facial features diagnostic for their genotype. The snouts of older cbl-b-/- mice were shorter than those of cbl-b+/- or cbl-b+/+ littermates (Supplementary fig. a,b). Since no changes in connective or muscle tissue were apparent in cbl-b deficient mice, we analysed the head bone structure. Skull preparations revealed that the head was increased in width relative to the length of the skull in cbl-b-/- mice when compared to wild type littermates (Supplementary fig. c,d). Histological analysis revealed that older cbl-b-/- mice (from the age of 6 months onwards) had significantly increased numbers of osteoclasts compared to their wild type littermates (Supplementary fig. e,f). Because this phenotype developed with age, we analysed whether the ability of bone marrow precursors to differentiate into osteoclasts in vitro was already compromised in young (8wks old) mutant mice. Compared to wild type controls, bone marrow-derived precursor cells from 8wks old cblb-/- mice displayed enhanced osteoclastogenesis as determined by TRAP solution assay (not shown). Moreover, mature cbl-b-/- osteoclasts were dramatically larger than their wild type counterparts (Supplementary fig. g,h). Thus, Cbl-b is a negative regulator of osteoclastogenesis in vitro and in vivo. However, despite the increased numbers of osteoclasts and the progressive alterations to the facial skeleton, there were no significant anomalies in the structures of cbl-b-/- long bones. Since the facial skeleton and long bones follow different developmental paths, it is conceivable that Cbl-b has a role in establishing facial bone morphogenesis. Supplementary Information Bachmaier et al. 3 Figure Legend (a,b) Photographs depicting the heads of a 14 month old cbl-b+/+ mouse (a) and its cbl-b-/- littermate (b). Progressive changes in the facial features, evident only in the cbl-b-/- mouse, are diagnostic for the cbl-b-/- genotype. Asterisk in the cbl-b-/- mouse indicates the large submandibulary mass (see also Fig. 2b). (c,d) Skull preparations of 14 month old cbl-b+/+ and cbl-b-/- littermates. The head is increased in width relative to the length of the skull in a cbl-b-/- mouse (d) compared to the skull of its wild type littermate (c). Lines 1 to 5 connect the following points on the skull: line 1, the points at which the orbital arches reach the snout; line 2, the widest point of the orbital arches before they turn toward the snout; line 3, the narrowest point of the nose bone; line 4, the widest point of the orbital arches after they leave the skull; line 5, the widest points before the orbital arches emerge from the skull. Bars indicate 4.5mm. Cartilage (blue) is stained with alcian blue. Bone is stained with murexide red. Changes in the facial features develop with age and are not apparent in young mice. (e,f) Histological cross-sections of the femoral shafts of a 9 month old cbl-b+/+ mouse and its cbl-b-/- littermate. (e) No osteoclasts are present in the shaft region of the cbl-b+/+ femur. (f) The same region in the cbl-b-/- littermate mouse contains several osteoclasts (arrows); that is large cells staining positively (red) for TRAP activity. Hematoxylin counterstain. Magnification x 20. (g,h) In vitro differentiation of mature osteoclasts from bone marrow precursor cells of a young (8 week old)cbl-b+/+ mouse and its cbl-b-/- littermate. (g) Osteoclasts of the expected size and TRAP activity (red staining) in cbl-b+/- mice. (h) Osteoclasts in the Supplementary Information Cbl-b 4 culture derived form the cbl-b-/- littermate mouse are significantly larger. Bars indicate 0.5mm. Magnification x 200. Methods for Supplementary Information Bone tissue was decalcified using a formic acid solution and embedded in paraffin. The expression of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity was determined using a method of enzyme histochemistry that specifically stains osteoclasts red. Alcian blue was used for cartilage staining and murexide for mineral staining of the bone matrix. Skull preparations and staining with alcian blue for cartilage and murexide for mineral staining of the bone matrix were performed as described1. For in vitro osteoclastogenesis, bone marrow cells were cultured overnight IMDM (10% FCS). 1 x 106/ml non-adherent cells were cultured with various concentrations (0.16-500 ng/ml) of murine OPGL (aa 158 to 316) in the presence of murine CSF-1 (30 ng/ml). Osteoclast differentiation was evaluated by quantitation of large multinucleated cells staining positively for TRAP activity and ELISA2. Reference for Supplementary Information 1) Tarpley, J. E. Adult rodent double skeletal stain. Biotech Histochem;74, 116-8 (1999) 2) Kong, Y. Y., et al. OPGL is a key regulator of osteoclastogenesis, lymphocyte development and lymph-node organogenesis. Nature 397, 315-323 (1999). Supplementary Information