Republic of Iraq

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Industry and Minerals
State company of Electrical Industrial
Baghdad – Waziria-Iraq
E-Mail :
P.O. BOX : 46110
FAX 4227271
Dept: commercial affairs
Tender no.:
Tender name : Supplying Anew-Complete Lines for manufacturing
Different kinds of Electrical lighting Appliances ( fluorescent
luminaires , street lighting )
Dear Sirs,,
With much pleasure we are appreciate your participation and cooperation with us for
supply us anew Complete lines to produce Different kinds of Electrical lighting
Appliances ( fluorescent luminaires , street lighting Sodium & Mercury) according to the
attached general requirements and scope of tender .
1- Scope of tender :
The Supplying of complete production lines ( machinery & equipments ) to produce
different kinds of Electrical lighting Appliances ( fluorescent luminaires 20 , 40 watt
, street lighting 125 watt , ( 250,400 watt Sodium & Mercury ) with complete
production lines for different capacities of ballast .
should be included ( supplying , testing , adjusting , training , submit know-how and
install with start up of production .
1-1 Production Capacity
The factory production capacities:1- planned capacity 600 000 pcs / year , for 2 shifts in some sections
The capacity distribute as follow :
Fluorescent luminaries 4 feet, 2 feet
Street lighting 125 W
Street lighting 250 W Sodium & Mercury
Street lighting 400 W Sodium & Mercury
2- Calendar: 240 day/year.
unit / year
500 000
50 000
25 000
25 000
1-2 General technical specification of different kinds of Electrical
lighting appliances :
A)) The product should be of first class quality and design for continuous satisfactory
operation and working in our tropical climatic conditions .
The chock design should be copper winding .
The products should be according to the latest issue of the international standard
( IEC , BS , JIS .. etc ) ISO 9001 certificate is valid .
B)) Climatic conditions : The electrical lighting appliance should be suitable to the
Following :
climatic conditions :- Ambient temperature
Max . temp.
+ 55 C
Min . temp.
- 10 C
Air Humidity
- Technical specification of :
1- Fluorescent luminaries ( 18) , ( 36)W
Rated out put power
18 W
36 W
Current ( Max )
Intensity of illumination
A.C 220V, 1Ph, 50Hz
0.20 A
2 feet
1500 Lumen ( min )
A.C 220V, 1Ph, 50Hz
0.43 A
4 feet
3000 Lumen ( min )
Chock & electronic
Chock & electronic
70 ˚C max. ( normal )
70 ˚C max. ( normal )
Power factor
Temperature (∆T)
Insulation class
Degree of protection
2- Street lighting fitting 125 W
Specifications acc. to
Last suitable standard
Current (Max )
125 W
220V , 1 Ph , 50Hz
1.15 A
Optical dept. : IP 65
Gear central dept. : IP54
75 ˚C max. ( normal )
Class of protection
Power factor
Temperature (∆T)
Insulation class
Heat resistance , clear glass
AL .deep drawing
brightened and anodized. state reflector
capacity & oxide coating
3- Street lighting fitting 250 W ( Sodium & Mercury )
Specifications acc. to
Class of protection
Lamp holder
Body fixture
Power factor
Temperature (∆T )
Insulation class
Last suitable standard
250 W
220V , 1Ph , 50Hz
Optical Dep. :- IP65
Gear Control Dep. :- IP54
Easy & Fast
Clear glass
( 99.99% ) Aluminum electro
brightened and anodized. state reflector
capacity & oxide coating
made of deep drawing corrosion
resistance Aluminum Alloy
70 ˚C max. ( normal )
4- Street lighting fitting 400 W ( mercury & Sodium )
Specifications acc.
to IEC 598.
220V , 1 Ph , 50Hz
220V , 1 Ph, 50Hz
3.25 A
4.45 A
Optical Dep. :- IP65
Gear Control Dep. :- IP54
Optical Dep. :- IP65
Gear Control Dep. :- IP54
Lamp holder
Easy & Fast
Easy & Fast
Clear glass
Clear glass
( 99.99% ) Aluminum electro
brightened and anodized.
state reflector capacity &
oxide coating
( 99.99% ) Aluminum electro
brightened and anodized. state
reflector capacity & oxide
Body fixture
deep drawing corrosion
resistance Aluminum Alloy
deep drawing corrosion
resistance Aluminum Alloy
Power factor
70 ˚C max. ( normal )
70 ˚C max. ( normal )
Class of protection
Temperature (∆T )
Insulation class
Note :- If the supplier has another equivalent technical specification data
please submit us with the offer to study .
2 - Supplying complete lines to produce different kinds of Electrical
lighting Appliances
1- Complete line ( machinery & equipments ) to produce all parts of Electrical lighting
appliances ( fluorescent luminaires , street lighting fixture 125 , 250 , 400 W ) with
with complete production lines for different capacities of ballast , the production
lines have an ability for modification & development .
2- All the progressive dies , moulds , fixtures , tooling , accessories and other associated
items to be supplied with the main equipment .
3- Complete line of assembly & testing ( final test station for routine and type test
and all the testing instruments with measuring tools .
4 - Complete Packing line .
5 - The necessary equipments and handling to complete the production lines like
cranes , conveyors , forklift , hydraulic hand operated pallet truck , air
compressor , generators enough for operation , softener … etc .
6 - During primary operation (test run) and for start up , the contractor must be submit
the raw material for product ( 1500 ) different type of Electrical lighting Appliances
free of charge , and also supply parts as S.K.D for producing ( 11 000 ) sets of
different kinds of Electrical lighting Appliances .
*Extra Qty. 3% of supplied Qty for each type of . should be equipped as spare parts
for each parts Electrical lighting Appliances for service after sells
( ballast , igniter , starter , condenser , lamp holder …etc)
7 - Supplying spare parts for two years to machine , equipment , tools , dies , fixture
and utility .
8 - supplying purification and industrial water treatment and oil treatment .
9 - Supplying machines for tool shop repair and Laboratory testing instruments
according to the specification in attachment ( A ) .
3 – The documents and know how of different kinds of Electrical lighting
Appliances that should be submitted after open LC (during 2 month )
3 -1 Supplying and transfer of the technology and know-how include modern computer
software design , manual calculation design , process production , raw material
specification , quality control , documentation ..etc as following :1- Design sheet for each kind of Electrical lighting Appliances , design process flow
information & performance data .
2- Calculation formula , such as electrical , mechanical , and thermal , pertaining
to the design of parts of products .
3- All information necessary to manufacture high quality different kinds of Electrical
lighting Appliances , including electrical and mechanical soft ware design for each
kind of Electrical lighting Appliances .
4- All technical documentation like design process flow information design drawing for
each parts , subassembly and assembly to different kind of Electrical lighting
Appliances .
5- Process specification for manufacturing different kinds of Electrical lighting
Appliances including showing how to make coil winding for ballast subassembly
and assembly parts .. etc .
6- Purchasing complete technical specification and origins certificate of the Raw
material of production parts , standard parts , half products , Imported parts ,
ancillary products and should be according to the international standard , with
physical characteristic , chemical composition , electrical features , packing
method , and part drawing ,with the supplier address and price this is very
necessary for production and making purchase order .
7- Quality control which include ( type test and routine test ) their instructions for all
manufactured parts and assembly of different kinds of Electrical lighting Appliances
( electrical , mechanical & thermal test ) & all characteristic curves
Notes :
The specifications to be according to the international standards , such as ISO or IEC
or DIN ,covering the physical characteristics , chemical compositions , packing
methods and parts drawings .
3-2 For machines, tools ,dies, moulds :
1- Catalogs of machines & equipments must be submitted and should be included
( the specification of electrical and mechanical drawing, instillation and
maintenance processes& manual operation & fault diagnosis ) .
2- All technical documents , design drawing and specifications for ( machines ,
equipment , apparatus , tools, dies, moulds , fixture….etc) used in the manufacture ,
test and quality control of products .
3- Supplying middle electric cabinet between the main electric supply cabinet to the
machines electric board with cables .
1- The machines ,equipments and test instrument used for producing different kinds
of Electrical lighting Appliances (fluorescent luminaires 20, 40 watt , street lighting
125, 250, 400 watt Sodium & Mercury) with complete production lines for different
capacities of ballast has to be brand – new , up dating & good technology .
2- Electrical source of machines: 380 V/50 Hz/ 3 Ph/Ac
3- All equipment , machines , test equipment and tools are approved and have to be up
dated , high technology and according to international standard .
4- All equipment , machines , …etc , should be delivered in unbroken packages
Bearing the brand and makers name and should be stored on platforms and properly
covered to protect from moisture, heat and dust
5- Packing of SKD parts & raw material acc. to international standard .
3 - 3 For plant layout : (civil work not include in the offer )
the plant layout will consist of the following :
- supplying Layout for production lines according to our plant which attached .
- floor plan to scale .
- block equipment diagram .
- work area to scale .
- materials handling details ( floor And overhead ) .
- floor loading for equipment .
-supplying to our plant layout for utilities including water , sewage and drains , exhaust
system and ventilation , compressed / make up air , generator, lighting , air
conditioning electrical requirements .
- storage area and with materials handling details ( floor & over head ) .
- flow charts for conveyors .
- building heights .
Note :- Supplying all the above like drawing , instruction .. etc in 6 copies , on CD ,
& flash memory and in English language .
- The supplier should offer the most economical , efficient and up to date
technology to the production reliability with good layout design to save the
time through handling material products .
4- Your offer must include the following :
1- Listed and priced of different kinds Electrical lighting Appliances of (fluorescent
luminaires 20, 40 watt , street lighting 125, 250, 400 watt Sodium & Mercury)
with complete production lines for different capacities of ballast .
2- Listed and priced as a table contain all SKD parts and Raw material used for the
manufacturing each kind of Electrical lighting Appliances .
3- listed and price of all production lines (machinery & equipments , tools, dies ,
moulds& testing equipments ) with origin for any machine and price of (know how&
Training) .
4- Flow chart for process in details with quality control points .
5- Suppliers are Responsible on installation, primary operation and should be Submit
execution program schedule .
6- Human resource ( man power ) like engineer , technician , worker ..etc
7- Guarantee period after the final acceptance certificate not less than ( 2 )Years .
technical specifications during the testing process ( trying operation ) of the machine
and equipment ..etc .
8- Training : The number of the trainers are about 50/2 weeks persons (eng.s &
Technicians ) , the supplier should give high importance to the training program and
dividing the trainers to many groups for design , technology processes , material
specification , installation and maintenance.. planning , management of plant etc .
9- Shipping time.
10- Origin certificate is required .
11- Certificate of inspection is required from third party inspection international
company ( LOIYDS or Equivalent ) fees are on suppliers account .
12- C.V of your company and CD film display the factory Departments and production
lines .
13- Layout for production line according to our drawing for plant .
14- After starting up the plant your support will continue to solve any problems Arise
during operation, update design for ten years with price and will be work under
your licenses .
Attachment A
1 )) Require machines for tool shop repair :
Max Work Piece Size
Max Work Piece Size
Axis Traverse( X-Y-Z)
Axis Traverse (U-V)
1300 Kg
1350 X 760x295 mm.
900x500x300 mm.
100x100 mm.
Max Taper Angle
Wire Electrode Diameter
Graphic Function
± 30/50
0.25-0.15 mm
3D Display
Axis :
X-Axis Stroke
Y- Axis Stroke
Z- Axis Stroke
1000 Mm.
500 Mm
350 Mm
Speed Range
Feed -Rate
Spindle Stroke
Motor Power
40-3000 R.P.M
0.01-0.12 Mm
100 Mm
15 Kv
2 )) Laboratory testing instruments :
1 – Osc. analyzer wave .
2 – Lux meter ( light meter ) .
Range – 2,000 / 20,000 / 50,000 Lux
3 - With stand voltage meter / Range 0 – ( 2.5 / 5 ) KV
0.01 to 120.0 mA
4- Digital power meter for ( Pi, I ,Vi , P.f , F ) .