Service Virtualization in the IBM Pure Application Server

IBM® Rational ® Test
Workbench and IBM® Pure
Application Server®
Service Virtualization in the
IBM Pure Application Server
Lab Exercises
IBM Software
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IBM Software
SETTING UP PATTERNS .................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 DEPLOY IBM SHARED SERVICE FOR RATIONAL TEST VIRTUALIZATION SERVER .................................................. 8
1.4 CONFIGURE THE IBM RATIONAL TEST W ORKBENCH PATTERN .......................................................................... 9
1.5 COMMUNICATE TO SOFTWARE ENGINEERS THAT THE PATTERN IS READY FOR USE ............................................ 14
DEPLOYING THE SYSTEM UNDER TEST ......................................................................................................... 17
2.1 CONSTRUCT THE DAYTRADER SAMPLE VIRTUAL SYSTEM PATTERN ................................................................ 17
2.2 DEPLOY THE DAYTRADER SAMPLE VIRTUAL SYSTEM INSTANCE ...................................................................... 19
DEPLOYING A RATIONAL TEST WORKBENCH INSTANCE ........................................................................... 23
3.1 DEPLOY THE IBM RATIONAL TEST W ORKBENCH INSTANCE ............................................................................ 23
3.2 CONNECT TO THE INSTANCE ........................................................................................................................ 24
PREPARING THE SUT FOR VIRTUALIZATION................................................................................................. 26
4.1 ANALYZE THE SYSTEM UNDER TEST .............................................................................................................. 27
4.2 INSTRUMENT THE APPLICATION SERVER ....................................................................................................... 32
PREPARING THE SHARED SERVICES FOR VIRTUALIZATION .................................................................... 35
5.1 OPEN FIREWALL PORTS ON HTTP PROXY HOST ............................................................................................ 36
5.2 OPEN FIREWALL PORTS ON RIT AGENT HOST ................................................................................................ 37
5.3 RESPOND TO SOFTWARE ENGINEER ............................................................................................................ 38
VIRTUALIZING A WEB SERVICE ....................................................................................................................... 39
6.1 RECORD W EB SERVICE MESSAGES ............................................................................................................. 39
6.2 CREATE AND TEST A W EB SERVICE STUB ..................................................................................................... 43
6.3 DEPLOY THE STUB TO RATIONAL TEST VIRTUALIZATION SERVER .................................................................... 44
TESTING AN APPLICATION USING A STUB .................................................................................................... 47
DEPLOYMENT TOPOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 49
TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................................................................................... 50
GLOSSARY ...................................................................................................................................................... 50
NOTICES .......................................................................................................................................................... 50
TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS ............................................................................................................... 54
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Using IBM Rational Quality Manager to Manage your Quality Process and Automate Testing
IBM Software
The capabilities of the Rational Test Virtualization Server Shared Service and the Rational Test
Workbench Pattern can best be demonstrated through a realistic example. The DayTrader sample from
the Apache Geronimo project will be used in this workshop. A very simple architectural diagram is
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: DayTrader Topology
Although both the web client and the web services components are running in the same instance of
WebSphere Application Server, this is a three-tier architecture system. The DayTrader Web component
is a client of the services provided by the DayTrader Web Service component. The DayTrader Web
Service component is a client of services provided by the TRADEDB database.
Consider for a moment that you are a developer working on the DayTrader Web component. You need
to test your work, but you find that because the DayTrader Web Service component is under
development, it is constantly being taken down for maintenance and updates. This is making it very
difficult for you to conduct integration testing.
Or consider you are a developer working on the DayTrader Web Services. You are finding that the test
database you use is shared by many people. Constant updates and changes to the data are making it
difficult for you to isolate issues you are finding in your code. You would really like to test your work with
a variety of test data but have control over when it is refreshed and what goes into the database.
Test virtualization can help with both of those scenarios. In Lab 6 you will create and deploy a web
service stub, enabling you to test the DayTrader web with minimal dependencies on the DayTrader Web
How to perform these labs
There are several software components, patterns and host machines involved in this workshop and
keeping track of all the hostnames, IP addresses, ports, etc. can be challenging. Appendix A contains a
topology diagram including all the components that will be involved in these labs. The full architecture
will be introduced a piece at a time as you perform the labs. It is recommended that you print out
Appendix A and write the values for your specific deployment in the table in the lower left. Referring to
this topology diagram often as you perform the labs will help you understand the concepts being taught.
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This lab is divided up into two roles: Shared Service System Administrator and Software Engineer
Shared Service Administrator (Adam)
Typically there are only a few Shared Service Administrators supporting a team. This person is
responsible for Shared Service running within the cloud. They need to have Workload resources
administration with full permissions or the Cloud Administrator role. See the InfoCenter for more
Software Engineer (Evan)
This person may be a Test Engineer or a Developer. They wish to record and test their application that
is under development that is dependent upon some Web Services and a Database. The Software
Engineer needs to have permission to Deploy patterns.
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Service Virtualization in the IBM Pure Application Server
IBM Software
Figure 2: Roles and communication between roles
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The following symbols appear in this document at places where additional guidance is available.
This symbol calls attention to a particular step or command. For
example, it might alert you to type a command carefully because it is
case sensitive.
This symbol indicates information that might not be necessary to
complete a step, but is helpful or good to know.
This symbol indicates that you can fix a specific problem by
completing the associated troubleshooting information.
Shared Service
Section or task to be performance by the Shared Service
Software Engineer
Section or task to be performed by the Software Engineer
Figure 3: ICON Table
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IBM Software
Lab 1
Setting up Patterns
In this lab, the Administrator will deploy Shared Services that will support the software engineers. This
only needs to be performed once. If the shared services are already deployed read through these
sections for reference only.
[prereq] Import Rational SDLC
To leverage this lab the IBM Software Delivery and Lifecycle Patterns need to be imported and licenses
accepted. These steps are documented in the Information Center:
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Determine Cloud Group
Shared Services are deployed into specific Cloud Groups. A Cloud group is a mechanism used by IBM
Pure Application System to partition the total cloud resources. For this Lab you will need to identify a
Cloud Group to use which all Shared Services and Patterns will be deployed into.
All Shared Services and Patterns need to be deployed into the same Cloud Group
Deploy IBM Shared Service for Rational Installation Manager
These steps are documented in the Information Center:
Deploy IBM Shared Service for Rational License Key Server
These steps are documented in the Information Center:
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IBM Software
Deploy IBM Shared Service for Rational Test Virtualization Server
These steps are documented in the Information Center:
When deploying the Shared Services the Shared Service Administrator can provide a public SSH key.
This allows the Administrator to login via SSH to the machines using their private SSH key. This will be
necessary later in the lab when configuring the Shared Services.
Verify now that you can login to the Shared Services via SSH.
If you can not login to the Shared Services use the following directions on the wiki
( or consult the IBM Pure
Application System Information Center.
Configure the IBM Rational Test Workbench Pattern
Configuring the IBM Rational Test Workbench pattern consists of setting and locking default values for
several of the configuration properties used by the pattern’s script packages. In most cases, these
properties reference elements that are unique to your instances of the shared services deployed in the
steps, above. These values will be required to deploy the IBM Rational Test Workbench pattern but will
likely not be known by the Software Engineer performing the deployment. Furthermore, the Software
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Engineer will likely not have the permissions necessary to discover these values. For example, during
deployment, IBM Rational Test Workbench is installed on the instance using the software packages
available through the NFS share available through the Shared Service for Rational Installation Manager.
The location of the NFS share is provided to the script packages through a property. By configuring the
default property value in the IBM Rational Test Workbench pattern, you eliminate the need for the
Software Engineer to deal with this detail.
In this section, you will follow this basic procedure:
Navigate to the instances of your shared services in the Workload Console
Record the value of the required parameter
Set that value as the default property value in the IBM Rational Test Workbench pattern
Optionally lock that property value
It requires the least number of steps if you collect all the values first, and then set them all at one time in
the IBM Rational Test Workbench pattern.
Determine the location of your NFS share
Deploying the Rational Test Workbench pattern involves installing several IBM Rational software
components. The installation packages for these components are made available through an instance of
the IBM Shared Service for Rational Installation Manager Repository. As the Shared Service
Administrator, you will need to identify the path to the file server on your IPAS system in order to set the
value on the IBM Rational Test Workbench pattern.
Select Instances > Shared Services from the Workload Console menu.
Select the instance of the IBM Shared Service for Rational Installation Manager
Click the Endpoint link near the Repository middleware perspective.
Record the path for ENDPOINT. It will be in the form <ip address>:/storage/shared. This
value will be referenced later as NFS_SHARE.
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Cancel the dialog.
Determine the results database connection parameters
All Software Engineers that deploy the IBM Rational Test Workbench pattern will create a Rational
Integration Tester test project. This project utilizes a database to store results of the tests. The
database is hosted on a node within the IBM Shared Service for Rational Test Virtualization Server.
Select Instances > Shared Services from the Workload Console menu.
Select the instance of the IBM Shared Service for Rational Test Virtualization Server.
Click the Endpoint link near the DB2 middleware perspective. Two endpoints will be
displayed – one for DBA connections and one for general application users.
Record the path for the AppUser ENDPOINT. The path will be broken down into three
(Note: do not include the semicolon in the password.)
Cancel the dialog.
Determine the hostnames of shared service nodes
Your users will require some additional information about nodes within the IBM Shared Service for
Rational Test Virtualization Server in order to use it. You should document the hostname values for the
following nodes and share these values with any users of the IBM Rational Test Workbench pattern.
Select Instances > Shared Services from the Workload Console menu.
Click IBM Shared Service for Rational Test Virtualization Server – Shared Cloud Group.
Expand Virtual machine perspective if necessary. Record the Public IP hostname for the
following nodes in your deployment topology. You will share this information with your
Software Engineers in section 1.6.8.
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Cloud Group
Placeholder Node
Virtual Machine Name
Public IP/hostname
Clone the prebuilt IBM Rational Test Workbench pattern
When changes to a prebuilt pattern are required, a recommended best practice is to create a clone of the
original pattern rather than to edit it. In this section, you will clone the prebuilt IBM Rational Test
Workbench pattern to create a new pattern that is configured specifically for your cloud group.
Select Patterns > Virtual Systems from the Workload Console menu.
Select the IBM Rational Test Workbench Pattern v8.5.1 pattern from the list of Virtual
System Patterns.
Click the Clone tool on the toolbar above the pattern view.
Enter a name for the new pattern. A suggestion would be to append the name of the cloud
group being used. For example, if your shared services are running in the Shared Cloud
Group, name your new pattern IBM Rational Test Workbench Pattern v8.5.1 - Shared
Cloud Group.
Click OK to create the clone.
Set the IBM Rational Test Workbench NFS_SHARE parameter
Select Patterns > Virtual Systems from the Workload Console menu.
Select the new IBM Rational Test Workbench Pattern v8.5.1- Shared Cloud Group
pattern from the list of Virtual System Patterns.
Click the Edit tool on the toolbar above the pattern view.
(Note that you must be
listed in the Grant Access to field of the pattern in order to edit it.)
Click the Parameters tool on the Rational Configure File Server script package.
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Enter the value you recorded in step 1.6.1for NFS_SHARE. Use the lock icon to ensure that
this value cannot be overridden during deployment of the pattern.
Click OK to exit the script package parameters dialog.
Set the IBM Rational Test Workbench RESULTDB parameters
While still editing the pattern, click the Parameters tool on the Set Default ResultDB (On
Deployment) script package.
Enter the values you recorded in step 1.6.2 for RESULTDB_URL, RESULTDB_USER and
RESULTDB_PASSWORD. Use the lock icon to ensure that these values cannot be
overridden during deployment of the pattern.
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Click OK to exit the script package parameters dialog.
Click Done editing above the pattern editing area to close the editor.
Add the shared service hostnames to the comments
As a convenience to users of the new pattern, Adam will add comments to the pattern that contain the
hostnames of the nodes users will require.
Scroll to the bottom of the pattern viewing area and expand Comments.
In the comments box, enter the Placeholder Node and Public IP/hostname for the nodes
from section 1.6.3. Enter each node in a separate comment.
Update permissions on the Pattern so that the team can view it
Users will only see resources that they either own, or have permissions to see. Now that the Virtual
System Pattern is ready for use by the team we can add them to it. This is simply a matter of adding an
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individual or team (LDAP group) to the ‘Access granted to’ field. You may also use the group name
To add an individual, group or Everyone simply type their name in the field
Communicate to Software Engineers that the pattern is ready for use
At this point, the IBM Rational Test Workbench pattern has been configured for your IBM PureApplication
System environment and is ready for use by the Software Engineers. Your team can decide the best
method to use to communicate this information to the users – email, wiki, website, etc. An email
template is provided below.
IBM Rational Test Workbench Users:
A new IBM Rational Test Workbench virtual system pattern has been deployed on <IPAS System
IBM Rational Test Workbench Pattern v8.5.1- Shared Cloud Group
<URL to the pattern>
You may create personal instances of the pattern by following the URL above, logging into the
system, and selecting “Deploy”. You will be required to provide passwords as part of the
deployment process. Note that these passwords must comply with our corporate policies.
To use your Rational Test Workbench instance for integration testing and test virtualization, you
will likely need to leverage the IBM Shared Service for Rational Test Virtualization Server.
Hostnames for nodes in the shared services are provided below:
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Cloud Group
Placeholder Node
Virtual Machine Name
Public IP/hostname
As the Shared Services Administrator, you have deployed the IBM Shared Service for Rational
Installation Manager Repository, IBM Shared Service for Rational License Key Server and IBM Shared
Service for Rational Test Virtualization Server to your IBM PureApplication System. These services are
now available for any Software Engineers to leverage to do their jobs.
You also setup the IBM Rational Test Workbench virtual system pattern with values that correspond to
your unique deployment of the shared services, making it easier for the Software Engineers using the
pattern to deploy and use it.
Finally, you documented information that users of the IBM Rational Test Workbench pattern will require
to effectively leverage the shared services for Rational Test Virtualization Server.
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IBM Software
Lab 2
Deploying the System Under Test
In this lab, you will create a sample system under development that you will test against in later labs.
This sample system will be a Virtual System Pattern (VSP) that you will create on your IBM
PureApplication System (IPAS) system from pre-installed virtual images and script packages that you will
construct. File artifacts have been provided that will make this process easier for you.
The DayTrader system is a three-tier architecture. The web client tier is implemented in JSP and Servlet
technology and deployed to a WebSphere Application Server (WAS) instance. The web services tier is
implemented in Enterprise Java Beans and also deployed to WAS. The DB2 database is hosted on the
DB2 server.
Construct the DayTrader Sample Virtual System Pattern
The IBM PureApplication System Workload Console will be used to construct a sample VSP. This VSP
will consist of two parts – a WebSphere Application Server (WAS) part and a DB2 Database Server part.
The DayTrader application will be deployed into the WAS part using a script package that you will create
from the downloaded files.
The DB2 server part provides a mechanism to create a blank database as part of the deployment
process. This will be sufficient for our needs.
Download the provided zip file
We have provided a zip file on the deployment wiki that will be used to create the DayTrader
sample pattern.
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Browse to from your
desktop workstation or any machine that has access to the internet.
Download the file from the wiki page and store it on
your hard drive.
Create the script package
In your IPAS web interface, open the Workload Console.
Select Catalog > Script Packages from the menu.
Click the green plus sign
In the dialog box, enter Install DayTrader Sample - XXX as the script name where
XXX represents your initials and click OK.
In the Install DayTrader Sample view, click in the field to the right of the Script package file
label. Browse to the file you downloaded in step
Click Upload. The system will upload your file and parse the relevant information such as
description, environment, working directory, etc. from the script package file.
at the top of the list of Script Packages to create a new script
Create the pattern
Select Patterns > Virtual Systems from the Workload Console menu.
Click the green plus sign
In the dialog box, enter DayTrader Sample Pattern - XXX as the name of the pattern
where XXX represents your initials and click OK.
at the top of the list of Virtual System Patterns.
Define the parts in the pattern
Click the Edit tool
Enter DB2 Enterprise in the search box to filter the list.
Click and drag the DB2 Enterprise part onto the topology canvas. Note that your
particular IBM PureApplication Server may be configured with different prebuilt virtual
machines running different versions of application software on different OS platforms.
Choose the part that most closely matches the one below.
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above the DayTrader Sample Pattern - XXX view.
Service Virtualization in the IBM Pure Application Server
IBM Software
Replace the text in the search bar with Standalone server to filter the list.
Click and drag the WebSphere Application Server 64-bit RHEL 6 x86-64 part onto
the topology canvas. You can drag it anywhere on the canvas – the editor will position it for
Apply the script package
Click the Scripts bar below the list of parts to expose the Scripts list.
Replace the text in the search bar with Install DayTrader Sample to filter the list.
Click and drag the Install DayTrader Sample – XXX script package to the Standalone
server part on the topology canvas.
Click Done editing to the far right above the DayTrader Sample view.
Deploy the DayTrader Sample Virtual System Instance
In this section, you will deploy an instance of the virtual system pattern you developed in the previous
section. The deploy process will create a virtual machine instance for each of the parts defined in the
pattern. The script packages will be run on the virtual machines as you defined them in the pattern.
Several properties are available for customization. Values for some of these properties will be of your
choosing – such as passwords for usernames. Other properties will require specific values you must
provide – such as the name of the database you want created when the pattern is deployed.
Deploy an instance of DayTrader
If the DayTrader Sample Pattern – XXX view is no longer open, select Patterns > Virtual
Systems from the Workload Console menu and select the pattern in the list.
Click the Deploy tool
Enter DayTrader Sample - XXX for the Virtual system name where XXX represents your
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on the toolbar.
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To simplify the parameter selection, click Default password for all virtual parts (optional).
Enter a password for the root user and the virtuser user. Note that passwords may need to
conform to the policies defined by your system administrator.
Click Configure virtual parts and DB2 Enterprise.
Enter a password for Instance owner, Fenced user and DAS user.
Find the Database creation property in the list and set to Create-new-database.
Enter TRADEDB in the Name for the new database property.
Click OK to dismiss the DB2 Enterprise properties dialog.
Click OK to dismiss the deploy dialog. This will start the process of deploying an instance of
the pattern you have created in section 2.1. You will be taken to the view for the DayTrader
Sample - XXX instance. The current status will change as the deployment progresses. Do
not continue until the current status is The virtual system has been deployed.
Verify the instance is operational
Expand Virtual Machines on the DayTrader Sample instance view.
Expand the WAS server virtual machine node identified with “Standalone” in its name.
Make note of the hostname under Network interface 1, similar to what is seen in the image,
below. Record this hostname as DAYTRADER_HOST in your deployment topology
diagram. In future steps of the workbook, use this value anywhere you see the placeholder
Expand the DB2 server virtual machine node identified with “DB2-ESE” in its name.
Make note of the hostname under Network interface 1. Record this hostname as
DAYTRADER_DB_HOST in your deployment topology. In future steps of the workbook, use
this value anywhere you see the placeholder <DAYTRADER_DB_HOST>.
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Open a browser to Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.. Note that you will need to be able
to access the DayTrader system from a machine outside your IPAS environment. If your
IPAS installation does not permit such access, you may need to log into
<DAYTRADER_HOST> using VNC and run the system from within <DAYTRADER_HOST>.
You will see the DayTrader home page in your browser window.
Select the Trading & Portfolios tab
Click Log in, accepting the default username (uid:0) and password. You should see the user
and account summary page for user uid:0.
Click Quotes/Trade. You should see a table containing quotes for securities s:0 through s:4.
In this lab, you created a virtual system pattern to contain the DayTrader sample system. Your pattern
consists of two nodes or “parts”. The first part is a pre-defined DB2 database host running the Red Hat
Linux operating system. You selected properties on this part which caused a blank database to be
created as it was instantiated.
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The second part is a pre-defined WebSphere Application Server host. The DayTrader application is
installed into WAS on this part by the custom script package you downloaded earlier in the lab.
The result of this lab is a fully reusable pattern that can be deployed again and again to produce identical
operational instances of your DayTrader sample.
You then deployed a single instance of that pattern and verified that the DayTrader system was
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IBM Software
Lab 3
Deploying a Rational Test Workbench Instance
In this lab, you will deploy an instance of the IBM Rational Test Workbench Virtual System Pattern. This
pattern consists of a single node hosting several components of Rational Test Workbench including
Rational Integration Tester. In an operational environment, an instance would be deployed for each
tester responsible for creating integration tests or virtual services (stubs).
The Rational Test Workbench instance will be a fully operational “virtual workstation” complete with
Rational Test Workbench installed and configured.
Deploy the IBM Rational Test Workbench Instance
The IBM Rational Test Workbench Pattern includes all the components of Rational Test Workbench preinstalled and configured. You will be using the Rational Integration Tester component in this workshop to
create service and database virtualizations.
Create an instance of the IBM Rational Test Workbench pattern
Select Instances > Virtual Systems from the Workload Console menu.
Click the green plus sign
Select the IBM Rational Test Workbench Pattern v8.5.1 from the list and click OK.
Enter IBM Rational Test Workbench - XXX for the Virtual system name where XXX
represents your initials.
Click Configure virtual parts and Rational Desktop Part.
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at the top of the list of Virtual System Instances to create a new
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Enter passwords for root, virtuser and VNC user.
Set SSH Tunneling to FALSE if you have that option available. Note that your company’s
security policies may require SSH tunneling. See the InfoCenter reference at Administering
> Setting up and running an SSH tunneling session for more information on using SSH
Set Enable Firewall to FALSE if you have that option available. Your company’s security
policies may require the firewall to be active on your deployments. If your firewall is active,
you will need to perform additional configuration in later labs to open ports in your firewall.
Click OK to dismiss the Rational Desktop Part properties dialog.
Click OK on the deploy dialog. This will start the process of deploying an instance of the
Rational Test Workbench Pattern. You will be taken to the view for the IBM Rational Test
Workbench - XXX instance. The current status will change as the deployment progresses.
Do not continue until the current status is The virtual system has been deployed.
Once the instance has been deployed, expand the Virtual Machines node and the virtual
machine node. Make note of the hostname under Network interface 1. Record this
hostname as RTW_HOST in your deployment topology.
Connect to the Instance
You can connect to the running instance via the VNC viewer of your choice. One such VNC viewer is
Real VNC. You connect to the hostname of the instance using the credentials you provided when
deploying the instance. IPAS also provides a web-based VNC client that does not require you to install a
VNC viewer. The web-based VNC client is not a full-featured VNC client. It will be sufficient for the
exercises in this workbook, but we suggest the use of a more robust VNC solution for project work.
You may connect using Real VNC as detailed in section 3.2.1 or using the IPAS web-based VNC
detailed in section 3.2.2.
Connect using Real VNC
Expand Virtual machines and the osNode machine in the Rational Test Workbench
instance view. Note the hostname of the machine under Network interface 1 and record this
hostname as RTW_HOST in your deployment topology.
Open VNC Viewer on your workstation and enter <RTW_HOST>:2 for the VNC Server and
click Connect.
Enter the password you provided for Password (VNC user)) in section 1.6.2. A desktop
view will open to the instance.
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Connect using the IPAS web-based VNC
Expand Virtual Machines on the My Rational Test Workbench instance view and expand
the node for the machine.
Click on the VNC link at the bottom of the screen.
A new browser tab will open. Accept any Java security dialogs that might appear. (Note that
you must have Java installed in your browser to use this web-based client.)
Enter the password you provided for Password (VNC user)) in section 1.6.2. A desktop
view will open to the instance.
In this lab, you deployed an instance of an RTW desktop machine Virtual System Pattern. Deploying the
pattern creates an instance of a Red Hat Linux virtual machine and installs the components of Rational
Test Workbench for you. The deployment operation enables you to enter several parameters such as
passwords to customize your deployment.
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Lab 4
Preparing the SUT for Virtualization
“Stubbing” or Service Virtualization has traditionally been undertaken by developers and requires coding
knowledge and specialist skills. This has often resulted in sparsely documented and poorly understood
testing environments that rely on key individuals, and make continuous integration testing unachievable
or prohibitively expensive to maintain. Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server
change all of this: testers can now take control of their own destiny without needing any programming
language knowledge, creating virtualized applications in a commonly understood form that can be readily
shared and easily updated as underlying systems and data change.
The use of stubs during testing provides the following benefits:
Testing can begin while dependent web services are still in development and not yet ready for
integration testing.
Error conditions, poor response times and other forms of negative testing are easily simulated by
stubs where they may be quite difficult to achieve with live systems.
Stubs can easily be modified to simulate “what if” scenarios or represent upcoming changes to
service functionality. Applications can be tested before dependent services go live.
Testing can be conducted without invoking third-party services that potentially have a fee
associated with their use.
In this workshop, the Rational Test Workbench Pattern instance will be used to record messages flowing
between the DayTrader client application and the DayTrader web service operations. Those recordings
will then be turned into stubs to virtualize the DayTrader web services.
Rational Test Workbench depends on “interceptor” technology to enable recording of messages and
stubbing of services. The specific form of the interceptor will depend on the messaging protocol
technology used. In the upcoming lab, you will be intercepting web service traffic implemented as SOAP
messages on the HTTP protocol. For the HTTP protocol, the interceptor is implemented as an HTTP
The interceptors for most technologies are deployed as part of the Rational Test Virtualization Server
Shared Service in the IPAS environment. To intercept message flowing between the DayTrader client
and DayTrader web services, the WebSphere Application Server hosting the DayTrader client will be
configured to use the HTTP proxy running in the Rational Test Virtualization Server Shared Service.
This is done by adding JVM parameters through the WAS Integrated Solutions Console.
In the following lab, Evan the Software Engineer will prepare his DayTrader System Under Test (SUT) for
virtualization. This involves instrumenting the IBM WebSphere Application Server to route messages
through the Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack (HTTP Proxy) which is part of the IBM Shared
Services for Rational Test Virtualization Server. Messages that used to flow directly from the DayTrader
Web component to the DayTrader Web Services component will now travel through the HTTP Proxy on
the RITPP_HOST. There may be firewall implications to doing this, depending on how firewalls are
configured on the various nodes in your system. This lab will walk you through the process of identifying
the ports that are used by the System Under Test. A request must be made to the Shared Service
Administrator to open these ports on nodes within the shared service.
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Analyze the system under test
Each system being tested will be unique. The Software Engineers testing the system will need to have a
solid understanding of the messaging paths used by the various components to communicate with each
other. This lab will use the DayTrader sample as an example, but the process of analysis you need to go
through basically comes down to this:
1. Break the system down into the fundamental components you want to test or stub.
2. Gather all relevant information about the communication paths between those components.
3. Determine how you will use the facilities in Rational Test Virtualization Server to record, emulate
and stub those messages.
4. Identify any access or firewall changes needed enable these new paths.
5. Configure or “instrument” your system under test to use those RTVS facilities.
The specific values and steps required will be unique to the system being tested, but this process applies
to most any system you wish to test. The following steps demonstrate this process using the DayTrader
sample pattern.
Identify the fundamental components
Evan will begin by analyzing the DayTrader Topology initially introduced in Figure 1 and reproduced in
Figure 4 for convenience.
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Figure 4: DayTrader Topology
Evan wants to stub or virtualize the DayTrader Web Services. That means he wants to intercept and
record messages flowing between the DayTrader Web component and the DayTrader Web Services
component. This is where Evan will focus his attention.
Gather relevant information about communication paths
From the topology diagram, Evan identifies that the DayTrader Web Services listen on port 9080. He
needs more information that what is on the diagram, however. Through some research and talking with
the DayTrader architects and developers, he discovers that the messages are in SOAP format and are
carried on the HTTP application protocol.
DayTrader is not using a secure connection between the Web and Web Services components, but
security is always something to be aware of. If this were a secure connection, Evan would likely need to
consider SSL certificates, WS-Security, or various other security technologies that would need to be
addressed in order for Rational Integration Tester to record messages.
Determine how you will use RTVS
Since the messaging protocol is HTTP, Evan will use the Rational Integration Tester HTTP Proxy in the
IBM Shared Services for Rational Test Virtualization Server to intercept messages. The HTTP Proxy will
copy requests and replies to Rational Integration Tester during the recording phase and will route
requests to stubs when appropriate. The proxy acts as a gatekeeper or “switch”. This switch is inserted
into your System Under Test by reconfiguring the client of the conversation to route through the HTTP
Figure 5 shows the basic topology of recording messages with the HTTP Proxy. Request messages flow
from the DayTrader Web component through the HTTP Proxy to the DayTrader Web Service.
Responses will flow from the DayTrader Web Service through the HTTP Proxy and back to the
DayTrader Web component.
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Figure 5: HTTP Recording Topology
Figure 6 shows the basic topology for stubbing the DayTrader Web Services with the HTTP Proxy.
Request messages flow from the DayTrader Web component through the HTTP Proxy. If the stub rules
indicate that the message is not to be routed to the stub, the message flow continues to the DayTrader
Web Service much like it did for recording. Responses will flow from the DayTrader Web Service through
the HTTP Proxy and back to the DayTrader Web component.
If the message is to be routed to the stub, it will be sent from the HTTP Proxy to the stub running on the
RIT Agent node. Responses will flow from the stub on the Agent through the HTTP Proxy and back to
the DayTrader Web component.
There is one more subtle path that is easy to overlook. Stubs can include a “pass through” rule. This
directs the stub to pass the request through to the live service if matching conditions are not met. A
message path must therefore exist from the RIT Agent node to the live service as well.
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Figure 6: HTTP Stubbing Topology
Enable communications through firewalls
The best way to think this through is to trace the message path from client to service on each host
through to the destination and then trace the response back to the client. There will potentially need to
be a rule on each end of the connection (an output rule on the source and an input rule on the
destination). Exactly what needs to be done to the firewall settings will depend on how they are initially
configured, but your starting point should always be to trace the message paths.
Evan identifies the following message paths for recording.
1. DAYTRADER_HOST OUTPUT New request to RITPP_HOST destination port 3128
2. RITPP_HOST INPUT New request on destination port 3128
3. RITPP_HOST OUTPUT New request to DAYTRADER_HOST destination port 9080
4. DAYTRADER_HOST INPUT New request on destination port 9080
5. DAYTRADER_HOST OUTPUT response on Existing connection through source port 9080
6. RITPP_HOST INPUT response on Existing connection from source port 9080
7. RITPP_HOST OUTPUT response on Existing connection from source port 3128
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8. DAYTRADER_HOST INPUT response on Existing connection from source port 3128
Evan identifies the following additional message paths for stubs running on the RIT Agent.
9. RITPP_HOST OUTPUT New request to RITA_HOST destination port 9080
10. RITA_HOST INPUT New request on destination port 9080
11. RITA_HOST OUTPUT response on Existing connection through source port 9080
12. RITPP_HOST INPUT response on Existing connection from source port 9080
Evan identifies the following additional message paths for pass through messages.
13. RITA_HOST OUTPUT New request to DAYTRADER_HOST destination port 9080
14. DAYTRADER_HOST INPUT New request on destination port 9080
15. DAYTRADER_HOST OUTPUT response on Existing connection through source port 9080
16. RITA_HOST INPUT response on Existing connection from source port 9080
Evan sees that there are several paths that apply to the DayTrader system and others that apply to the
IBM Shared Services for Rational Test Virtualization Server. Evan has control over the DayTrader
system and can make those changes.
The DayTrader host firewall was configured to allow input messages to port 9080 and their responses
when the pattern was deployed. This was required for the application to work at all. That existing rule
set will enable paths #4, #5, #14 and #15.
Because he knew he would be interfacing with the RITPP proxy, he also added a rule to allow DayTrader
to send messages and receive responses with a destination port 3128 (#1 and #8).
Evan will need to get Adam the Shared Services Administrator to make the changes to the shared
services for him. He sends an email to Adam with the list of hosts and ports affected based on the list
Hey, Adam,
In order to use the IBM Shared Services for Rational Test Virtualization Server to record and run
stubs for my DayTrader Web Services, I need the following ports opened on the shared service
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1. RITPP_HOST INPUT New request on destination port 3128
2. RITPP_HOST OUTPUT New request to DAYTRADER_HOST destination port 9080
3. RITPP_HOST INPUT response on Existing connection from source port 9080
4. RITPP_HOST OUTPUT response on Existing connection from source port 3128
5. RITPP_HOST OUTPUT New request to RITA_HOST destination port 9080
6. RITA_HOST INPUT New request on destination port 9080
7. RITA_HOST OUTPUT response on Existing connection through source port 9080
8. RITPP_HOST INPUT response on Existing connection from source port 9080
9. RITA_HOST OUTPUT New request to DAYTRADER_HOST destination port 9080
10. RITA_HOST INPUT response on Existing connection from source port 9080
While Adam works on that request, Evan can begin instrumenting his DayTrader system instance
to use the HTTP proxy.
Instrument the Application Server
In order to enable the RTVS HTTP proxy interceptor to see the messages from the DayTrader Web to
the DayTrader web service, Evan must instrument the JVM of the DayTrader Web container. By
configuring the JVM to route requests through the HTTP proxy, the proxy will be able to choose which
messages should be recorded and send that information to RIT. The proxy will then relay the request on
to the DayTrader web service component. The web service component will be unaware that the request
routed through the proxy and will reply as normal. The reply will also be recorded by the HTTP proxy as
it relays it on to the DayTrader Web component.
Retrieve the HTTP Proxy hostname
In order to configure the proxy settings for the IBM WebSphere Application Server JVM, you must know
the hostname and port of the virtual machine on which the HTTP Proxy is running. This is information
that Adam provided in the comments of the IBM Rational Test Workbench Pattern v8.5.1 – Shared Cloud
Group pattern.
In the Workload Console, select Instances > Virtual Systems and locate your IBM Rational
Test Workbench - XXX instance where XXX represents your initials.
Click the link to the IBM Rational Test Workbench Pattern v8.5.1 – Shared Cloud Group
pattern next to From pattern.
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Scroll to the bottom of the pattern editor and observe the hostnames left in the comments by
Adam. Make note of these hostnames – in particular RITPP_HOST.
Instrument the WAS server
You will add two custom properties to the JVM configuration for WAS server1.
Open a browser to Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.. You may need to
accept security certificate warnings.
Log into WebSphere using username virtuser and the password you provided as the default
virtuser password in section 2.2.1.
Expand Servers > Server Types and click WebSphere application servers in the left
navigation area.
Click server1 in the Application Servers view area.
Expand Java and Process Management under Server Infrastructure and click Process
Click Java Virtual Machine under Additional Properties.
Click Custom properties under Additional Properties.
Click New… to add the following properties
Your JVM custom properties should look similar to the following screen shot (your value for
http.proxyHost will be different).
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Click Save directly to the master configuration.
Restart the WAS Server
Return to the IBM PureApplication System browser tab.
Select Instances > Virtual Systems from the Workload Console menu.
Click the DayTrader Sample - XXX instance.
Expand the “Standalone” node and click the VNC link at the bottom of the view. You may
need to accept Java security warnings.
Enter your virtuser password to open the desktop of the WAS server.
Double-click the Stop the application server (server1) desktop icon. Wait until the terminal
window completes and closes.
Double-click the Start the application server (server1) desktop icon. Wait until the terminal
window completes and closes.
??? <TBD>
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Lab 5
Preparing the Shared Services for Virtualization
This lab will only need to be done once per shared service instance. Once the first administrator
performs this tutorial on a given shared service, this section of the workbook does not need to be
repeated. In these cases, it serves as a reference.
One of the tasks of the Shared Services Administrator is to support the users of the shared services.
Software Engineers will be using instances of the IBM Rational Test Workbench pattern to connect to
and use capabilities of the shared services such as the HTTP Proxy and RIT Agents. If the shared
services are deployed in a high security environment, this will require opening firewall ports for each
system under test.
Adam the Shared Services Administrator received an email earlier from Evan the Software Engineer
requesting several ports be opened on nodes in the shared services.
Hey, Adam,
In order to use the IBM Shared Services for Rational Test Virtualization Server to record
and run stubs for my DayTrader Web Services, I need the following ports opened on the
shared service nodes:
1. RITPP_HOST INPUT New request on destination port 3128
2. RITPP_HOST OUTPUT New request to DAYTRADER_HOST destination port 9080
3. RITPP_HOST INPUT response on Existing connection from source port 9080
4. RITPP_HOST OUTPUT response on Existing connection from source port 3128
5. RITPP_HOST OUTPUT New request to RITA_HOST destination port 9080
6. RITA_HOST INPUT New request on destination port 9080
7. RITA_HOST OUTPUT response on Existing connection through source port 9080
8. RITPP_HOST INPUT response on Existing connection from source port 9080
9. RITA_HOST OUTPUT New request to DAYTRADER_HOST destination port 9080
10. RITA_HOST INPUT response on Existing connection from source port 9080
Adam will use the Linux iptables command to configure the firewalls of the machines. The iptables
command is a very powerful tool with many options. This workbook will not teach you everything about
the iptables command. There are many resources on the internet documenting the iptables command. It
is suggested that you feel comfortable with firewalls and iptables before continuing.
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Open firewall ports on HTTP Proxy host
To avoid jumping back and forth between machines, Adam sorts the requests into the two nodes and
turns his attention to the HTTP Proxy host first. Here are Evan’s requested paths for the HTTP Proxy
RITPP_HOST INPUT New request on destination port 3128
RITPP_HOST OUTPUT New request to DAYTRADER_HOST destination port 9080
RITPP_HOST INPUT response on Existing connection from source port 9080
RITPP_HOST OUTPUT response on Existing connection from source port 3128
RITPP_HOST OUTPUT New request to RITA_HOST destination port 9080
RITPP_HOST INPUT response on Existing connection from source port 9080
Adam immediately sees the last rule is a duplicate of the third rule so he can eliminate that one from the
He also recognizes that port 3128 is the standard port used by the HTTP Proxy and that the shared
services are already configured to allow requests and responses to the destination port 3128 on the
proxy host. He is left with the following list:
RITPP_HOST OUTPUT New request to DAYTRADER_HOST destination port 9080
RITPP_HOST INPUT response on Existing connection from source port 9080
RITPP_HOST OUTPUT New request to RITA_HOST destination port 9080
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Adam will not filter his firewall rules based on hosts, only ports. That means the first and third paths will
be satisfied by a single rule. Adam now translates Evan’s requests into iptable commands:
RITPP_HOST OUTPUT New request to ANY_HOST destination port 9080
-I OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 9080 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
RITPP_HOST INPUT response on Existing connection from source port 9080
-I INPUT -p tcp --sport 9080 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
These are the two rules he will add to the RITPP_HOST.
Add iptable rules to the RITPP host
Using an SSH client such as PuTTY, log into the <RITPP_HOST> virtual machine. You will
log in as user “virtuser” using the SSP private key that corresponds to the public key
provided when the shared service was created. You may need to work with your IPAS
Administrator to locate this SSH key.
From the command prompt of the RITPP host, enter the following commands. Type each
command on one line (no line breaks). Also note that there are two dashes before dport,
sport and state:
sudo /sbin/iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 9080 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --sport 9080 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
Save the change you made to the iptable.
sudo /sbin/service iptables save
Log out of the PuTTY session.
Open firewall ports on RIT Agent host
The remaining paths for the RITA_HOST are as follows:
RITA_HOST OUTPUT New request to DAYTRADER_HOST destination port 9080
-I OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 9080 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
RITA_HOST INPUT response on Existing connection from source port 9080
-I INPUT -p tcp --sport 9080 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
RITA_HOST INPUT New request on destination port 9080
-I INPUT -p tcp --dport 9080 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
RITA_HOST OUTPUT response on Existing connection through source port 9080
-I OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 9080 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
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Add iptable rules to the RITA host
Using an SSH client such as PuTTY, log into the RITA host using the hostname for
<RITA_HOST>. You will log in as user “virtuser” using the SSP private key that
corresponds to the public key provided when the shared service was created. You may need
to work with your IPAS Administrator to locate this SSH key. Perhaps add in a reference to
adding SSH keys to the Shared Service, and example ssh command to login. . ssh –i
[path_to_sshkey] virtuser@[hostname_rita]
From the command prompt of the RITA host, enter the following commands. Type the
commands one per line with no line breaks. Also note that there are two dashes before
dport, sport and state:
OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 9080 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
INPUT -p tcp --sport 9080 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
INPUT -p tcp --dport 9080 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 9080 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
Save the change you made to the iptable.
sudo /sbin/service iptables save
Log out of the PuTTY session.
Respond to Software Engineer
Adam responds to Evan’s email to let him know everything is set up.
??? <TBD>
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Lab 6
Virtualizing a Web Service
Once the Shared Service Administrator acknowledges that the firewall rules have been put in place, the
Software Engineer can record messages, create tests and stubs from them and deploy stubs to the
Rational Test Virtualization Server.
Record Web Service Messages
Once the web service client has been configured to route messages through the HTTP Proxy, you can
simply invoke the RIT recorder, interact with the application normally and the recorder will capture
message requests sent to the web service and their responses. These message events can be used to
generate an integration test or a stub.
6.1.1 Force update of VIE Port setting in Rational Integration
Due to defect 60367: Fixed VIE Port value is not picked up by RIT, the user
must open and close the Rational Integration Tester Library Manager before
starting Rational Integration Tester to ensure the VIE Port setting is
observed by Rational Integration Tester.
From the Red Hat menu, select Applications > System Tools >
Enter the following command to launch Rational Integration Tester:
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When the Library Manager appears, simply click OK to close it.
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Create a Rational Integration Tester Project
Rational Integration Tester assets – including recordings – are maintained in Rational Integration Tester
Return to the VNC viewer connected to your IBM Rational Test Workbench instance.
From the Red Hat menu, select Applications > System Tools > Terminal.
Enter the following command to launch Rational Integration Tester:
When the Welcome dialog appears, choose to create a New Project.
Enter DayTrader for the project name and click Next.
On the Server Settings dialog, click Test Connection in the Results Database area. You
should get a dialog indicating the connection was made successfully. This confirms that the
results database parameters entered by the Shared Services Administrator are correct and a
connection can be established to the database in the shared services. Click OK to dismiss
the message.
Confirm the Rational Test Control Panel URL contains the link to your RTCP instance in the
Rational Test Virtualization Server shared service: http://<RTCP_HOST>:7819/RTCP. It
should NOT contain “localhost”.
For Domain, select default_domain.
Click Finish to create the project
Publish the results database connection
Once a project has been created, the results database can be shared with the Rational Test Control
Panel. This will enable users to browse and review test results using the RTCP web interface rather than
the full RIT client. This is useful for managers and other stakeholders that are interested in testing
progress but not directly involved in executing the tests.
From the Rational Integration Tester menu, choose Project > Project Settings.
Select the Server Settings tab and select Domain default_domain.
Click Publish results database connection. Dismiss the message and settings dialogs.
Import the DayTrader WSDL
The project will open to the Logical View of the Architecture School perspective. The Architecture School
models the connections and operations in the system. The model can be constructed a piece at a time
by manually adding components to the Logical View. Many elements of the model such as operations
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can be identified during recording so you often can start with a minimal model definition and let Rational
Integration Tester do the work of building the model as you record.
Some technologies such as web services provide interface specifications from which Rational Integration
Tester can derive significant portions of the architecture model. Web services use a file called a Web
Services Description Language file (WSDL file) that specifies the endpoints, operations and data formats
for the system. WSDL files can be imported to build the model.
You will import the WSDL file which describes the DayTrader web services interfaces. When Rational
Integration Tester imports the WSDL file, it will construct a logical model and a physical model based on
the contents of the interface specifications it finds in the WSDL file.
From the Logical View toolbar, select Web > WSDL.
Click New configuration in the Create a new External Resource dialog.
Click Change in the New WSDL dialog.
Select the URL tab and enter the following in the URL field:
Click OK to return to the New WSDL dialog.
Click Analyze and select Schema Analysis and Schema Validity to verify the WSDL path
was entered correctly. If errors occur, review the URL and correct any problems.
Click Finish to return to the New WSDL dialog then OK to return to the Create a new
External Resource dialog.
Click Next twice.
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On the final screen of the wizard, select Perform the synchronization but don’t switch
views and click Finish. Rational Integration Tester will analyze the interface specification in
the WSDL file and produce a logical and physical model.
Configure Proxy Recording
Recording will be done through the use of the HTTP proxy on the RITPP node in the Rational Test
Virtualization Server shared service. This is enabled in the model through a setting on the
TradeWSServices endpoint.
Right-click the TradeWSServices element in the model and choose Physical Resource.
Select the Recording tab and switch Recording Mode to External Proxy Server.
Click OK to close the dialog.
Get the DayTrader application to the correct state
For simplicity’s sake, you will record only one request to retrieve a quote for the security “s:0”.
Open the DayTrader application in a browser by visiting
Select the Trading & Portfolios tab.
Click Log in, accepting the default username of uid:0.
Select the Quotes/Trade link.
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Record messages
When you engage the recorder in Rational Integration Tester, RIT sends a request to Rational Test
Control Panel which in turn configures the HTTP Proxy. The proxy will continue to pass messages from
source to destination, but will also log those events that match the recording rule to the Rational
Integration Tester recorder.
Return to the VNC viewer connected to your IBM Rational Test Workbench instance.
Right-click getQuote operation and select Add event monitor. This switches RIT to the
Recording Studio perspective and asks you if you would like to record all messages coming
to the TradeWSServices endpoint. You will only record getQuote at this time so click OK
without selecting anything in the References dialog.
Click the red Start Recording button on the Events View toolbar to start the recorder.
In the DayTrader web interface, click the “s:0” link in the symbols column of the Quotes
table. Four events will appear in the Events View in Rational Integration Tester.
Click Pause Recording on the Events View toolbar. These events will be used to create a
service stub in the next section.
Create and Test a Web Service Stub
A service stub or “virtualization” can be created by hand but can also be created from recorded
messages. Your stub will be created using the messages you just recorded.
Save recorded events as a stub
Select only the 3rd and 4th events in the Recording Studio Events View (click and ctrl-click).
Click the Save Events button in the Events View toolbar.
Choose Stubs and click Next.
Choose as hard coded values and click Summary.
Enter getS0Quote for the stub name and click Finish. RIT switches to the Test Factory
perspective and opens the setS0Quote.
Enhance the stub
In this section, you will edit the stub to return some fictitious data, making it easier to identify when the
stub is responding to DayTrader requests. You will also edit the stub to ensure messages not intended
for the stub are passed on to the live service.
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Select the Output tab just below the event name.
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Locate the text “S0 Incorporated” in the companyName field of the message. Replace the
text S0 Incorporated with text of your choosing, for example “My Great Company”.
Select the Properties tab near the top of the stub editor.
In the Pass-Through section, change the configuration from Discard to Pass Through.
Save the changes.
Test the Stub
Now that the stub has been created, you can run it under limited constraints from the Rational Integration
Tester workbench in order to verify its functionality. In this section, you will start the stub on the
workbench and then invoke the same quote operation in DayTrader to verify the DayTrader requests are
serviced by the stub and not the live service.
Start the stub
Right-click on getSOQuote in the Logical explorer on the left side of the Test Factory
perspective and choose Run. RIT will switch to the Test Execution perspective and the stub
will launch. Wait for the status to be Ready.
Invoke the quote operation
In your DayTrader web page, click s:0 to retrieve a new quote for the security. The
company name will now contain the text you provide in step 6.2.2, above.
In the Test Execution perspective Console of Rational Integration Tester, note the messages
that indicate the stub was invoked.
Select the getS0Quote task in the Rational Integration Tester Task Monitor and click Stop
Stop the stub
Verify DayTrader uses the live service again
Return to DayTrader and click s:0 to retrieve a quote again for the s:0 security. The
company name should once again be “S0 Incorporated” because the DayTrader client is
once again calling the live DayTrader service.
Deploy the Stub to Rational Test Virtualization Server
Running stubs from Rational Integration Tester is useful for development and verification of the stubs,
but in order to scale and share these valuable assets across your teams, you need to deploy the stubs to
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Rational Test Virtualization Server so they can be started and stopped as needed by anyone on the
When a stub is published, the stub is uploaded from Rational Integration Tester to the Rational Test
Control Panel in the Rational Test Virtualization Server shared service. Later, when a user chooses to
start the stub, it is deployed to a RIT Agent running in the shared service. A routing rule is registered
with the HTTP Proxy. This routing rule informs the proxy that if it receives a request for the DayTrader
web service getQuote operation, that request should be routed to the stub running on the RIT Agent
instead of the live service. By default, the stub will use the same port on the Agent machine as the live
service uses.
Figure 7: HTTP Stubbing Topology
Publish the stub to RTCP
Back in Rational Integration Tester, switch to the Test Factory perspective by pressing F10.
Right-click on the Stubs node under getQuote in the Logical explorer on the left side of the
screen and choose Publish Stubs.
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In the Publish Stubs dialog, ensure the Domain default_domain is selected and the
Environment TradeWSServices is selctec and then click Publish.
Click OK when the publish operation has finished.
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Lab 7
Testing an Application using a Stub
Publishing the stub to RTCP simply makes it available for others to use. To run the stub, a user visits the
Rational Test Control Panel and starts the stub on an agent.
Verify local stub is not running
In DayTrader, request a quote for s:0. Verify the company name appears as “S0
Incorporated”. If your customized name appears, it is most likely because the stub is still
running in Rational Integration Tester. Follow the steps in section 6.2.6 to stop the stub.
Start the stub in RTCP
Open a web browser to http://<RTCP_HOST>:7819/RTCP.
Log in with the credentials admin/admin.
Select the VIE tab in RTCP.
Select the default_domain Domain and the TradeWSServices Environment and click View
Click the green plus sign next to the getQuote operation and click Start stub. This will
deploy the stub to the RITA Agent. After several minutes, the status of the stub will go from
Deploying to Initializing to Ready.
When the stub’s status is Ready, invoke a quote request for s:0 in DayTrader. You should
see your customized company name appear.
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Invoke a quote request against the stub
Stop the stub in RTCP
Return to the VIE tab of RTCP.
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Click the down-arrow next to the getS0Quote 1.0 service and select Stop stub. Click Yes
to confirm. Wait for the stub to stop.
Invoke a quote request against the live system
When the stub has stopped, invoke a quote request for s:0 in DayTrader. You should see
the company name is once again “S0 Incorporated”.
In this lab, you “virtualized” a web service by creating a stub that was run in place of the live service
operation. This first involved recording interactions on a live system. To enable recording, you
instrumented the DayTrader web client to route communications through the HTTP proxy. The proxy
was then used to capture events while you manually interacted with the DayTrader application.
Once you had the recorded events, you generated a simple stub from the information contained in the
recorded events. You used the graphical interface to customize the stub’s response data and verified
that the stub worked by running it within your Rational Integration Tester IDE.
In order to share this stub with others and to scale your deployment to the enterprise, you published the
stub to the Rational Test Control Panel in the Rational Test Virtualization Server shared service. The
stub was then started and run on an agent machine. Once running on the agent, the stub – rather than
the live service – handled the requests and produced responses for the DayTrader system under test.
You have successfully completed the Lab Exercises!
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Appendix A. Deployment Topology
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Appendix B. Shared Service Information Table
Cloud Group
Placeholder Node
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Virtual Machine Name
Public IP/hostname
Service Virtualization in the IBM Pure Application Server
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Appendix C. Troubleshooting
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Appendix D. Notices
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.
IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries.
Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in
your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that
only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or
service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the
user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this
document. The furnishing of this document does not grant you any license to these patents. You can
send license inquiries, in writing, to:
IBM Director of Licensing
IBM Corporation
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For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property
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IBM World Trade Asia Corporation
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The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such
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states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this
statement may not apply to you.
This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically
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been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be
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Appendix E. Trademarks and copyrights
The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States,
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Control Panel
Rational Team
Rational Test
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ITIL is a registered trademark and a registered community trademark of the Office of Government
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IT Infrastructure Library is a registered trademark of the Central Computer and Telecommunications
Agency which is now part of the Office of Government Commerce.
Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
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© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
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