Free Training Programme for Volunteers in London Museums

Free Training Programme for Volunteers in London Museums
The Museum of London Volunteer Project is working to support museums with volunteer
involvement. The project is providing a range of initiatives to develop museums capacity to
involve volunteers. During May this year, we are offering free training sessions, open to anyone
volunteering in a museum in London. Please note that these are the last scheduled events for
this particular programme until Spring 2014.
Each session lasts for half a day, and is designed to raise awareness, and improve people’s
skills and knowledge in key areas. There are only fifteen places on each course, and these will
be assigned on a first come first served basis. To make sure that as many museums benefit as
possible, we are only accepting two volunteers from each museum per course. Anyone else will
be added to the waiting list and contacted if spaces become available
We are also running free one day session on Emergency First Aid. Everyone attending will be
awarded a certificate valid for three years, and recognised by the Health and Safety Executive.
There are only twelve places on this course, so we will only be accepting one booking per
museum. The session is only open to volunteers
The training will be held at Mortimer Wheeler House which is local to Old Street Tube Station.
Each volunteer will receive a certificate of attendance, and £5 on the day to contribute towards
their travel expenses, lunch will also be provided.
The courses tend to book up quite quickly, and we often have waiting lists, so it is very
frustrating when people book on courses, and then don’t turn up on the day. It also
means that by having to pay for a training space that goes unused we are wasting very
precious limited resources. We understand that things come up, and there are legitimate
reasons why people have to cancel. But it would really help us if people checked before
they booked that they can definitely make the dates, and if they have to cancel after they
book, they could let us know as soon as possible so we can offer their place to someone
Please note that we are now able to offer these sessions to all volunteers in London museums,
including people volunteering in national museums.
If you have volunteers who would like to attend, please fill out the booking form, and return it by
email to Marie Gibbs,
 Customer Care
This course is suitable for any volunteers who have to work with the general public in person or
by phone. It will help them explore the needs of a variety of museum customers, and how these
impact on their work. There will also be a chance to look at ways of dealing with difficult
“I’m more aware of situations that might potentially be difficult and feel I have learnt how to deal
with them”
 Object Handling
This course is a very basic introduction to how to handle objects safely. It is suitable for any
volunteers who have to work directly with objects as part of their role. You will get a chance to
practice with a variety of different objects
“I am more aware of the effects of actions on objects - no matter how small”
 Disability Awareness
This course will tackle some of the assumptions people have about people with disabilities. It
will cover disability etiquette and language, the Disability Discrimination Act and will look at
some of the things volunteers can do to make their museums more accessible.
“I am more confident that I can ask someone if they want any support without offending them”
 Working Safely with Children
This course is suitable for all volunteers who work with children. It will explore some of the legal
issues around child protection, and look at ways of identifying and reducing risks.
“I now have a good understanding of all the variables involved in child protection”
 Introduction to Museums
This course is suitable for volunteers who are new to the museum sector and want to find out
more about how museums ‘work’, it will cover what a museum is, the museum Code of Ethics,
different types of museum and how they are founded, museum language, and the role of
volunteers in museums.
“I learnt about issues I had never considered before about how museums operate”
Museum of London, Volunteer Training
Booking Form
Please only sign up for sessions you know you can attend, spaces are tight and it’s very
frustrating when people don’t turn up on the day. If you can’t attend a session you are
booked on please let us know a.s.a.p. so we can offer your space to someone else.
Phone Number:
E-mail - so we can send you a map and further details about the course:
Dietary requirements:
Please let us know if you have any access requirements, you have a disability that you
feel it would be useful for the trainer to take into consideration, or you need any support
to help you get the most out of the course.
Which course/courses do you want to attend? (Maximum of 2)
Events at Mortimer Wheeler House, N1 7ED
Object Handling-Thursday 2nd May 2013 – 10-1 pm
Object Handling-Thursday 2nd May 2013 – 2-5 pm
Customer Care – Thursday 9th May 2013 – 2-5 pm
Customer Care – Friday 10th May 2013 – 10-1 pm
Working Safely with Children – Monday 13th May 2013 – 10-1 pm
Working Safely with Children – Monday 13th May 2013 – 2-5 pm
Introduction to Museums – Thursday 16th May 2013 – 10-1 pm
Introduction to Museums – Thursday 16th May 2013 – 2-5 pm
Disability Awareness – Friday 24th May 2013 - 10-1 pm
Disability Awareness – Friday 24th May 2013 – 2-5 pm