BIOTECH PROGRAMME NEWSROUND Update on the Biotechnology research programme (DG XII) issue 12 (July 1998) Programme implementation Training workshops 28 proposals for second TSE call Biobiz: how to prepare a business plan Precisely 28 proposals involving 149 laboratories were received following the 2nd call for proposals for research on TSE that closed on 17 June. This call focused on risk assessment; inactivation procedures; and co-ordination of research activities in Europe. EC contact: L. Matthiessen – fax: 32-2-299.1860 Growth in new sectors such as biotechnology is driven essentially through the creation and development of new companies. For scientists, who are rarely familiar with management and finance, it is a new world. To provide them with some of the tools and know-how needed to prepare their venture and talk to financiers, the EC’s Biotechnology programme is supporting the Biobiz initiative organised by Amersham Pharmacia Biotech. These intensive 3-day workshops will enable entrepreneurs to prepare viable business plans. Results from projects Enhancing immune responses to DNA Using suicidal DNA vaccines, the team led by Peter Liljeström at the Karolinska Institute (SE) has overcome a major hurdle in the development of DNA vaccines – the low level of immune response. Berglund et al (1998) Nature Biotechnology, 16: 562-5 EC contract Bio4ct96-0006 Systemic long-term delivery of antibodies Implantation of cellulose sulphate capsules containing antibody-producing cells has been shown to ensure delivery of monoclonal antibodies over for several months. This could provide a means of surveillance treatment for cancer and severe viral diseases. Pelegrin et al (1998) Gene Therapy, 5 : 828-834 EC training grant Bio4ct95-0100 Technology Implementation Plan (part 2) The TIP can assist the exploitation planning process A clear view of the exploitation route should be decided on as soon as possible in the project and ideally should be included in the negotiations between the potential partners before they submit a proposal. This includes the exploitation intentions of all partners related to the potential results generated by the project. For those partners who have not yet signed or negotiated a co-operation agreement, the questions raised in the TIP are ideally suited to assisting the drawing up of such an agreement. TIP information and forms are available on the web: EC contact: T. Ingemansson Workshop locations and dates Amersham, Bucks, UK Freiburg, DE Paris, FR Uppsala, SE Roosendaal, NL Milano, IT Barcelona, ES 22 - 24 Sept. 1998 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 1998 13 - 15 Oct. 1998 27 - 29 Oct. 1998 3 - 5 Nov. 1998 10 - 13 Nov. 1998 17 - 19 Nov. 1998 The Biobiz workshops are specifically designed for (potential) entrepreneurs in the biotech sector. Applicants should be researchers with a well thought out start-up project, with at least a basic understanding of what is involved in starting and running a business and a working knowledge of Excel. Candidates will be selected on the basis of the maturity of their start-up plans. This initiative is in line with an observation made at the 1st conference of the Biotech & Finance Forum: although no one could be taught to be an entrepreneur, management skills can improve chances of success. For information or to register, please contact: Michel Lepers, Amersham Pharmacia Biotech fax: 49-7614-519 349 Advanced practical workshops (1998-99) The full list of workshops that are to receive EC funding is available by fax and on the Web. see W under “Courses” EC contact: A. Vassarotti For further information on any items contact us by fax: 32-2-299.1860, e-mail: If the W symbol appears, you can consult our web site: Training & Mobility Conferences & Events Biotech Training Fellowships Biosafety results of GMO field tests The last deadline for Training fellowships is closed. A record number of applications were received. There will be no further calls in this programme EC contact: A. Vassarotti- fax: 32-2-299.1860 5th international symposium on GMO field test Biosafety. A press conference will be held on the 7th, at 11am. Braunschweig (DE), 6-10 September 1998. organiser: J. Schiemann - fax:49-531-299.3013 EC contact: I. Economidis EC support for practical workshops An information package is available for those seeking EC support to organise advanced practical workshops. Final deadline for receipt of applications for Practical Workshop grants: 15 September 1998 Patentability of Biotechnological Inventions Conference organised and chaired by Mr. Willi Rothley MEP, vice-chairman of Committee on legal affairs. Brussels (B), 13 October 1998. organiser: M&M conseil - fax: 33- 1st Life Science Demonstration Conference EC contact: A. Vassarotti EC-funded practical workshops Bioinformatics 1. Sequence Retrieval Systems (SRS) Cambridge (UK), 28 Sept. 1998 – 2 Oct.1998 Bioinformatics 2. Databases in Molecular Biology Cambridge (UK), 12-16 Oct.1998 Bioinformatics 3. Protein Structure Prediction Cambridge (UK), 28-30 Oct.1998 M. Ashburner, EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, fax: 44-1223-494.470 - This conference will bring together all partners in EC-funded Demonstration projects to discuss topics such as dissemination of results, exploitation pathways, etc. Uppsala (SE), 12-14 October 1998. EC contact: I. Norstedt Applied Genome Research - symposium This 1st European symposium is organised by the EFB. Brussels (B), 26-27 November 1998. organiser: M. da Silva - fax: 32-2-656.8145 e-mail: Biological Safety in industrial and agricultural biotech. Zeist (NL), 12-15 Oct.1998 organised by R. Havenaar - tel. 31-30-694.4726 fax 31-30-694.4928 - Examples of Demonstration projects (vol. 2) DNA Sequencing: advanced approaches, automated methods and analysis EMBL, Heidelberg (DE), 2-12 Dec. 1998 W. Ansorge - fax 49-6221-387.306 Brochure describing 18 Demonstration projects from Life Sciences and Technologies funded in the BIOTECH, BIOMED and FAIR programmes (70 pages). Also available is vol. 1 with 15 projects (55 pages). EC contact: I. Norstedt World Wide Web Biotech home page on EUROPA EC project co-ordinators, please note that links can be made to your project home page. Biotech home page on CORDIS This site on CORDIS provides access to the database of all EU funded projects. New Publications Animal models – progress reports Compendium of progress reports from 6 BIOTECH projects on Animal models (area 3.2.2). EC contact: B. Lucaroni Biotechnology and Finance Forum - report The report on the 1st conference (12-14 May) of the Biotechnology and Finance Forum is now available, in print or on the Web (37 pages). see W under “Biotechnology & Finance Forum” EC contact: P. de Taxis du Poët A list of publications is available, with a request form. Editor: S. Hogan, DG XII-E-1, SDME 9/22, rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium tel: 32-2-296.2965 - fax: 32-2-299.1860 - e-mail: This information may be translated or reproduced without reference to the editor. see W under “Publications” Editor: S. Hogan, DG XII-E-1, SDME 9/22, rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium tel: 32-2-296.2965 - fax: 32-2-299.1860 - e-mail: This information may be translated or reproduced without reference to the editor.