DRAFT TOWN OF NAGS HEAD BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION March 18, 2009 The Town of Nags Head Board of Commissioners met in the Board Room of the Nags Head Municipal Complex located at 5401 South Croatan Highway at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18, 2009. COMRS PRESENT: Mayor Renée Cahoon; Mayor Pro Tem Anna Sadler; Comr. Wayne Gray; Comr. Doug Remaley and Comr. Bob Oakes COMRS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Charlie Cameron; Town Attorney John Leidy; Cliff Ogburn; Wayne Byrum; Butch Osborne; Dave Clark; Ralph Barile; Tom Gilliam; Kim Kenny; Tim Wilson; Bruce Bortz; Angela Welsh; Kelly Wyatt; Roberta Thuman; John Ratzenberger; Roc Sansotta; Aaron McCall; and Town Clerk Carolyn Morris CALL TO ORDER Mayor Cahoon called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. AUDIENCE RESPONSE No one spoke during Audience Response. Discussion of draft ordinance focusing on rooftop/small wind turbines for Hotel Overlay and C-2 Districts Planner Angela Welsh summarized her memo concerning wind turbines which read in part as follows: "At their February 18, 2009 mid month meeting the Board of Commissioners directed Staff to prepare an ordinance to regulate wind turbines in the Town. 'Staff has modified the Model Wind Energy Facilities Ordinance provided by North Carolina Wind Working Group at Appalachian State University. Of the four wind turbine categories suggested by Draft Nags Head Board Meeting Minutes March 18, 2009 the Wind Working Group, Staff has included roof top turbines and small wind energy facilities as either permitted or conditional uses in the C2, Sound ETJ (Ocean and Sound Waters District), Hotel Overlay District and Commercial Outdoor Recreational Overlay District. Medium wind energy facilities and large wind energy are not currently permitted as drafted. The height of the wind turbines for the Jennette’s Pier project of 105’ was incorporated into the Ordinance as the maximum height for small turbines within the Town and ETJ. Roof top turbines maximum allowed height is 15’ above the roof. Whether or not to allow medium and large wind facilities will be discussed at the Board meeting on March 18, 2009. 'Should the Board wish to pursue a Wind Energy Facility Ordinance; Staff will modify the exiting ordinance based upon the discussion on the 18th , have it reviewed by the Town Attorney and bring the Ordinance back to the Board at the May 1, 2009 meeting to initiate the Ordinance review process. 'In reviewing the report “Developing a Management Strategy for North Carolina’s Coastal Ocean: Draft Report” it’s Staff’s opinion the only regulatory influence we may have to not allow wind turbines is through our Land Use Plan. Any development permit issued by the Division of Coastal Management for wind turbines would have to be consistent with our Land Use Plan. Should the Board decide to exclude medium and large wind energy facilities from our ocean and sound ETJ waters, the Town may want to address this in a Land Use Plan policy. 'Staff would like to note during discussions about policies in the 2006 Draft Land Use Plan, the Board approved a policy which states “The Town will consider, on an experimental basis, the use of wind turbines by government entities only after the Town carefully reviews the advantages and disadvantages of alternative energy production and their effect on the visual environment.” At the request of Charlan Owens, DCM District Planner should the Town allow wind turbines for other than Government entities, the Town will need to address another policy that reads in part the Town will consider the use of wind turbines by private entities. The Land Use Plan is currently being reviewed again by the Division of Coastal Management and the Board will be reviewing the Land Use Plan again later this year. 'Attached is the Draft Wind Energy Facilities Ordinance for your review and discussion. At the meeting on the 18th, staff will have projections of the C2, Hotel Overlay, Commercial Outdoor Recreational Overlay District, and the Ocean and Sound Waters (ETJ) zoning districts." Deputy Planning Director Bruce Bortz reviewed the proposed model wind turbine ordinance with Board members. Mayor Cahoon asked Board members their preference for which zoning districts are to allow wind turbines and which type of wind turbines are to be allowed. Comr. Gray questioned the amount of noise caused by the wind turbines; Dep. Planning Director Bortz stated that the turbines do make noise but not a lot; in the CR District with no fall zone, they may be heard more. Board members felt all setbacks should be 1.1 feet. Noise and Shadow Flicker, Installation and Design, and Decommissioning (if not allowing large wind turbines, this section would not be needed.) were also discussed. 2 Draft Nags Head Board Meeting Minutes March 18, 2009 Mayor Cahoon suggested that the Town's zoning maps be revised/updated - the C-2 District is not really C-2 as it is realistically more residential. Comr. Remaley noted that they probably don't have to worry about a lot of the turbines right now as they are currently cost-prohibitive. In response to Comr. Gray, Mayor Cahoon noted that the Board needs to start addressing alternative energy sources. It was Board consensus to agree to the following chart for wind turbine type and location where "P" is Permitted, "C" is Conditional, and "N" is Not Permitted: Rooftop Small Medium Large Hotel Overlay District P C N N Comm Outdoor Rec Overlay District P C N N C2 District P N N N Ocean ETJ Sound ETJ P After a review of the types of wind turbines and possible locations, it was Board consensus to initiate the wind turbine ordinance process and send the proposed ordinance to the Planning Board. Mr. Bortz asked about the Land Use Plan update - he questioned if the Board wanted their position on wind turbines included in the LUP. It was Board consensus to wait and provide details on wind turbines when going through the Land Use Plan review process. Discussion, Request for Authorization, and adoption of Resolution authorizing application to State DENR - Division of Water Resources - Development Project Grant for the Local Beach Nourishment Project Town Manager Cameron summarized the agenda summary sheet which read in part as follows: "Request consideration of attached resolution authorizing application to the State for a grant to partially fund the Town's local beach nourishment project. 'The Board previously adopted a project ordinance for beach nourishment in the amount of $32.7 million dollars. If this funding request from the State is approved, the ordinance will then be modified to reflect the change in funding." MOTION: Comr. Remaley made a motion to adopt the resolution authorizing a grant application to the State DENR Division of Water Resources for a development project grant for the Town's local beach nourishment project as presented. The motion was seconded by Comr. Oakes which passed unanimously. 3 Draft Nags Head Board Meeting Minutes March 18, 2009 The resolution concerning the Town's local beach nourishment project grant application to the State, as adopted, read in part as follows: "WHEREAS, the Town of Nags Head Board of Commissioners desires to sponsor a local beach nourishment project in order to preserve the number one industry in Nags Head - tourism; the tourism market is what supports and drives the economy on the Outer Banks; beach nourishment would provide for the preservation and creation of jobs and would preserve the number one industry in Nags Head. 'NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: '1) The Board requests the State of North Carolina to provide financial assistance to the Town of Nags Head for a local beach nourishment project in the amount of $11 million dollars or 1/3 of the project construction cost, whichever is the lesser amount; AND '2) The Board assumes full obligation for payment of the balance of project costs; AND '3) The Board will obtain all necessary State and Federal permits; AND '4) The Board will comply with all applicable laws governing the award of contracts and the expenditure of public funds by local governments; AND '5) The Board will supervise construction of the project to assure compliance with permit conditions and to assure safe and proper construction according to approved plans and specifications; AND '6) The Board will obtain suitable spoil disposal areas as needed and all other easements or rightsof-way that may be necessary for the construction and operation of the project without cost or obligation to the State; AND '7) The Board will assure that the project is open for use by the public on an equal basis with no restrictions; AND '8) The Board will hold the State harmless from any damages that may result from the construction, operation and maintenance of the project; AND '9) The Board accepts responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the completed project." Request for extension of bow hunting season in The Nature Conservancy - Nags Head Woods Town Manager Cameron summarized the agenda summary sheet which read in part as follows: "Attached please find a request from the Nature Conservancy Steward Aaron McCall for an extension of the Nags Head Woods bow hunting season that is available through the Wildlife Resources Commission - Urban Archery Season. 4 Draft Nags Head Board Meeting Minutes March 18, 2009 'Also provided is a map detailing the area for bow hunting." The email from Steward Aaron McCall read in part as follows: "Sorry to bring this up at the last minute but I had mentioned this during my meeting with Cliff and had plan to bring it up during tomorrows meeting. I was hoping that you could bring up the topic of an Extended Bow Hunting Season that is now available through Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) called Urban Archery Season that I would like the Town to support. I will be happy to follow up during my April appearance but I need a letter of support by April 1st which is before my meeting with the Town. Below I have some points that cover the program. Also you will find attached a map covering the hunting areas. It is a bow hunting only program for Urban interface areas (fits well with Nags Head Woods Preserve) Extended Season Jan 10- Feb 14 (would give our hunter almost another month of hunting) This program was started a year ago to help keep deer herds in check in urban areas. Currently we are taking around 10 deer a year with bow hunters. I as well as the Biologist for Wildlife Resource Commission (WRC) would like to see an increase in this number I will work with WRC to manage and run the program. This is also a very slow time of the year for visitors in the woods and as always hunter must follow all hunting rules for Nags Head Woods for both their safety, visitors and adjacent land owners." MOTION: Comr. Remaley made a motion to approve the request to extend the bow hunting season in The Nature Conservancy as presented. The motion was seconded by Comr. Oakes which passed unanimously. ITEMS REFERRED TO AND PRESENTATIONS FROM TOWN ATTORNEY Town Attorney John Leidy - Request for Closed Session Town Attorney John Leidy requested a Closed Session to discuss a potential litigation issue with HML Corporation re: the US 158 waterline project. ITEMS REFERRED TO AND PRESENTATIONS FROM TOWN MANAGER Town Manager Cameron - Update on Town FY 09/10 Budget Town Manager Cameron reported that he and finance staff have been meeting with Department Heads to review proposed departmental budgets. He has also met with Board members individually. Blue Cross/Blue Shield is expected to provide quotes by the end of next week or the first week in April so staff can evaluate and include accurate cost figures in the proposed budget. The proposed budget will address staff-communicated needs; Town Manager Cameron said that he feels the FY 09/10 budget is the most difficult budget to prepare in the history of the Town. 5 Draft Nags Head Board Meeting Minutes March 18, 2009 Town Manager Cameron - Update on Finch Street drainage issues Town Manager Cameron reported that staff, the Town Engineer, and the Town Attorney have met with Finch Street property owners concerning drainage problems; at the April 1, 2009 Board meeting, he will provide recommendations to lessen the drainage problems on Finch Street for Board consideration. Town Manager Cameron - Update on nuisance structures on public trust land in South Nags Head Town Manager Cameron stated that he has received Planning Director Tim Wilson's investigative results of the three (3) nuisance structures on the public trust beach in South Nags Head. Mr. Wilson reported that the most important finding is that all three (3) structures are storm or erosion damaged to the extent that they are in condemnation status. They are all located in their entirety on the public trust beach; two (2) compromises beach access and one (1) prohibits beach access. Town Manager Cameron explained that the process to remove the nuisance structures will continue to move forward. Town Manager Cameron - Update on Dominion Power and vegetation removal in South Nags Head A meeting was held today (March 18, 2009) at the South Nags Head Fire Station to address citizen concerns about Dominion Power cutting the vegetation behind properties in South Nags Head. Dominion Power and Park Service representatives were also present as were four Board members. Town Manager Cameron explained that it was felt that communication by the Park Service and Dominion Power needs to be improved; the Park Service will review the complaints that were brought forward at today's meeting. Overall it was felt to be a very positive meeting. Mayor Cahoon thanked Town Manager Cameron for facilitating the meeting and allowing citizens to ask questions about the vegetation removal in South Nags Head by Dominion Power. Town Manager Cameron - Update on Conch Street Ocean Outfall Project Town Manager Cameron reported that the Conch Street Ocean Outfall Project is now underway with George Draper Construction working on the project for the State. One problem realized was that more pipes were found underground than were expected. It was believed some of the pipes were installed after the Ash Wednesday storm. Town Manager Cameron - Update on Milepost 10.5 Shoppes Project Town Manager Cameron reported that the work on the Milepost 10.5 Shoppes is moving forward as expected; The Food Lion is expected to open September 2009 and the commercial shops are 6 Draft Nags Head Board Meeting Minutes March 18, 2009 expected to open next year. Staff continues to monitor the construction. He noted that a second set of signage on Wrightsville Avenue was found to not be permitted which was brought to the attention of the developer. Town Manager Cameron - Beach nourishment The Local Beach Nourishment Project permitting process and negotiations with Corps of Engineers (COE) continues; COE is expected to publish by the end of this week in the Federal Register the announcement of a beach nourishment scoping stakeholders meeting. Town Manager Cameron reported that the stakeholders meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 28, 2009 at 3:30 p.m. at the south wing of Fire Station #16. Town Manager Cameron stated that public input will be received at that time. Town Manager Cameron - Request for Closed Session Town Manager Cameron requested a Closed Session to discuss personnel. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Mayor Pro Tem Sadler - Thank you to Town Manager Cameron for South Nags Head meeting Mayor Pro Tem Sadler thanked Town Manager Cameron for facilitating today's meeting with South Nags Head citizens concerning the Dominion Power vegetation removal on National Park Service property. MAYOR’S AGENDA Mayor Cahoon - Report on recent trip to Raleigh for terminal groin legislation Mayor Cahoon reported that she, Town Manager Cameron and Deputy Town Manager Ogburn went to Raleigh this week to support the introduction of terminal groin legislation. She stated that staff will monitor the legislation. Mayor Cahoon - Request for Closed Session Mayor Cahoon requested a Closed Session to discuss personnel. CLOSED SESSION MOTION: Comr. Remaley made a motion to enter Closed Session to discuss litigation and personnel in accordance with GS 143-318.11(a)(3) and (6) respectively. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Sadler which passed unanimously. The time was 8:35 p.m. 7 Draft Nags Head Board Meeting Minutes March 18, 2009 OPEN SESSION The Board re-entered Open Session at 8:46 p.m. Town Attorney John Leidy reported that during Closed Session the Board discussed a potential litigation matter and a personnel matter, stayed within the purposes of the Closed Session as identified, and no action was taken. Mayor Cahoon - Eure Art Center grant from Outer Banks Visitors Center Mayor Cahoon explained that the Eure Art Center has been awarded a grant from the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau through the Town; they are still working due diligence and have requested an extension. It was Board consensus to request a grant extension from the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau for the Eure Art Center until March 31, 2010. The time was 8:49 p.m. CLOSED SESSION The Board re-entered Closed Session to continue discussions re: personnel. The time was 8:49 p.m. OPEN SESSION The Board re-entered Open Session at 9:32 p.m. Session no final actions were taken. Mayor Cahoon reported that during Closed ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Comr. Gray made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Comr. Remaley which passed unanimously. The time was 9:33 p.m. _______________________________ Carolyn F. Morris, Town Clerk Approved: ___________________________ Mayor: ___________________________ M. Renée Cahoon 8