G.A. Donets, L.N. Kolechkina ALGORITHM OF SEARCH OF LINEAR FUNCTION VALUES ON LEXICOGRAPHIC ORDERING TRANSPOSITIONS Algorithms of search of linear function values on lexicographic ordering transpositions are considered. The investigation serves to clarify the issue of possible application the graph theory to construct algorithms of finding a transposition under the basis of certain number and vice versa. F.A. Sharifov METHODS TO SOLVE THE SHEDULING CHOICE PROBLEM FOR POWER SYSTEMS JOINTED BY ACTIVE STATE We propose methods for finding an approximation solution the design minimum cost scheduling for choosing an active state of power systems that must be operated in a short time or for given time. The methods are based on approaches that are used in solving nonlinear programming problems. S.I. Dotsenko ON NASH EQUILIBRIUM IS SUCCESSIVE PURSUIT PROBLEM The problem of successive pursuit with one pursuer and two escapers is considered. It is assumed< that each escaper can choose his speed between zero and given value u. For different relations between pursuer and escaper Nash equilibrium situations are considered. V.V. Boyko, B.I. Goldengorin, V.M. Kuzmenko ABOUT ESTIMATION IN P-MEDIAN PROBLEM The paper considers lower bounds building for solving p-median problem. Authors use Hammer-Beresnev function as an objective while investigate properties of p-median problems and bounds building. This way permits use particularities of the function such as positive coefficients and pseudo Boolean property for data aggregation and decreasing problem size. The results of computational experiments are given. K.G. Dziubenko СONTINUITY OF LINEAR FUNCTIONAL AND STOCHASTIC INTEGRAL General criterion of continuity for linear random functional is established. Continuity of stochastic integral with respect to integrable function is proved. Differential form of stochastic integral increments is obtained. T.V. Pepeljaeva ABOUT SOME CONTROL PROBLEM OF THE STOCHASTIC DYNAMIC SYSTEM The stochastic differential equation with the fractional Wiener sheet is investigated. The existence theorem of optimal control of the corresponding equation solution is proved. E.P. Karpets, G.F.Kikot, S.V. Panasenko PROBLEMS OF PROGNOSTICATION OF THE BALANCED ECONOMIC STRUCTURE In this article the principles of the use of model of interspecific cooperations are described in prognostication of structure of budgetary proportions. The got results enable not only to define the extreme variants of structure of economy but also outline the possible scenarios of structural balanced for the basic types of economic activity. V.I. Biletsky ON A PROBLEM OF SOIL MASS DISTRIBUTION AND THE ALGORITHM OF ITS SOLUTION We consider a problem of soil mass distribution, when the soil from the groove is inappropriate for levee construction and the soil is taken from borrows, located along the road at a certain distance from it. We point out peculiarities of the borrov soil mass distribution problem, describe the algorithm of its solution using the method of sequential analysis of variants. A.V. Chikrii ON MULTIPLE CAPTURE OF THE EVADER Conflict-controlled processes with group of pursuers and single evader are studied. Sufficient conditions for multiple capture in a finite quaranteed time are obtained. G.A. Shulinok ABOUT MINIMAL GENERATRIXES SET FOR COMPLETE SUBGRAPH OF THE NA-GRAPH Natural arithmetic graphs are considered. Minimal generatrixes set for existence of complete graph of appropriate level is investigated. A number of proposition was proved to determine existence of complete subgraph in the target natural arithmetic graph. O.V. Mironenko THE EXISTENCE OF T-FACTORIZATION OF ODD ORDER FOR SYMMETRICAL TREES In this paper we explore the problem of the existence of T-factorization of complete graph Кn of odd order n = 2k + 1. The research in this direction is confirm the hypothesis «For each symmetrical tree of odd order T-factorization is possible» for tress of order n = 13, n = 15, n = 17 with the help of a half-turned method. The results of studies are presented in the form of table. S.I. Sirenko ON THEORETICAL STUDY OF AN ACO-H METHOD Рaper considers a hybrid metaheuristic method of combinatorial optimization ОМК-Н and studies its convergence. A class of method’s algorithms is formally described. A convergence in value to an optimal solution for the algorithms from this class is shown. L.B.Vovk, O.P. Knopov MODELING AND CREATING ALGORITHMS FOR FINANCIAL MODELS Some algorithmic approaches to the random values and processes modeling for obtaining the calculated estimators for stock, options and other kinds of valuable papers are investigated. Z.V Nekrylova ABOUT THE MODELS WITH BOTH DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS PARTS DEPENDENT VARIABLE The models that have both discrete and continuous parts dependent variable are investigated. One important model is the Tobit. It is an extansion of the probit, but it is one approach the problem of censored data. Two possible solutions for consistent estimations even in the face of heteroscedasticity are discussed. A class of problems involving a treatment and an outcome and two-step method for them are discribed. E.I. Nenakhov ON LINE LINEAR EXCHANGE MODEL An exchange model with variable budgets is considered. The linear utilities functions of the traders is proposed. Investigation of the model is based on it’s reducing to finite system of inequalities. Given model, that has periodic points, has a vector of equilibrium prices. V.B. Bigdan MODELS OF DATA FLOWS CONTROL IN THE PROCESSES OF THE DISTRIBUTED SEARCH OF OPTIMAL DECISIONS The features of realisation are considered in regard to some basic aspects of Data Mining technology in the frame of optimisation-simulation system NEDISOPT_D developed at V.M.Glushkov Institute of cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine. The emphasis is made upon the models of data flows control in the processes of the distributed search of optimal decisions with the subsequent search results accumulation in warehouses of experience of modelling. Yu.M. Tchornyy RELIABILITY EVALUATION FOR THE RESULTS OF DIRECTED SEARCH OF OPTIMAL DECISIONS The possible approach to the problem of reliability evaluation for the results of directed search of optimal decisions is considered. This approach is based on the conception of replications runs and was implemented in the optimizationsimulation system NEDISOPT_D. W.M. Gorbachuk THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF COURNOT–NASH AND BERTRAND–NASH EQUILIBRIA FOR DIFFERENTIATED PRODUCTS In the case of heterogeneous duopoly, the fact of substitutability or complementarity of differentiated products is more improtant for profits’ difference at Cournot–Nash and Bertrand–Nash equilibria, than the degree of their uniformity. For substitutes (complements) the price and the profit of each firm at Cournot–Nash equilibrium are higher (lower), than ones at Bertrand–Nash equilibrium, and the output is lesser (larger). Yu.P.Laptin, D.L.Kroshko SOME NETWORK NONLINEAR OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS The problems under consideration are described by a set of interconnected functional blocks. Some block outputs may be used as inputs for other blocks. Functional dependencies of blocks are defined on bounded areas. Problem solving approach is based on function redefining at full space. P.I. Stetsyuk, O.P. Lykhovyd, O.V. Pylypovskiy OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS FOR CHOICE OF ELECTRIC LOADS IN A POWER SYSTEM A family of mathematical models for finding optimal (for total costs) load of power units in a power system for planning period is considered. Constraints for ecological factors and a possibility of manoeuvring for load levels of power units are taken into account in these models. The mathematical models are formulated in the form of linear and nonlinear programming problems. N.G.Gurbenko, B.M.Chumakov METHOD OF MODEL HEAT-EXCHANGERS IN CALCULATIONS OF THE THERMAL SCHEMES A method for calculation the thermal schemes is proposed. The method is based on the construction of model heatexchangers. Calculation of thermal schemes consists of the iterative procedure. The main iteration operation is the solution of system of linear equations. The results of solving the system of equations are used to adjust the parameters of the model heat exchangers. The algorithm is used for software engineering of the tasks of optimum projection of steam boiler A.V. Popov OPTIMIZATION OF PARALLEL ALGORITHMS OF PROBLEMS WITH SPARSE MATRICES SOLVING The problems of organization of solving of the systems of linear algebraic equations and partial generalized eigenvalue algebraic problem with sparse symmetric matrices are considered. Modification of parallel algorithms of solving of the systems of linear algebraic equations with sparse triangular matrices is offered for the rise of efficiency. T.A. Lazebna ON SOME ASPECTS OF MODELLING OF HUMORAL IMMUNE REACTION The aspects of existence and uniqueness of equations system solutions have been investigated. The system presented describes model of humoral immune reaction on non-reproducting molecular-disperse antigen, which is based on relative approach for described reactions of B-lymphocytes and its products with antigen.