Feudal Life Work Sheet http://www.learner.org/exhibits/middleages/feudal.html Sheet 1 Name Feudal Life 1. What is a fief? 2. What were the people at the bottom of the feudal Pyramid called? 3. What was the Lord supposed to do for the people living on his land? Read more about Feudal life 4. What did the peasants have to do with most of their crop? 5. What household tasks were women allowed to do? 6. What other things did some women do when threatened by attackers? 7. What jobs were done by women? Page 1 Feudal Life Work Sheet http://www.learner.org/exhibits/middleages/feudal.html Sheet 2 Name Religion 8. What is a “diocese’? 9. Who controlled the “diocese’? 10. What did that call a very big Church? More about religion 11. What vow did a monk have to make and what did this mean? 12. How many times did a monk have to go to the church per day? 13. What did the monk do in the church during the day? 14. What was a pilgrimage? Bonus Question click on Collapsed Cathedral 15. Which Cathedral Collapsed and when did they finish building this Cathedral. Page 2 Feudal Life Work Sheet http://www.learner.org/exhibits/middleages/feudal.html Sheet 3 Name Homes 16. Describe the house used by a villein family? 17. How many rooms in a family house ? 18. Describe a rich persons house? 19. What was the ‘hearth” and what two functions did it play in the peasant family’s house? 20. How did this differ from the way rich people cooked there food? Bonus Question 21. Using the information on (Middle age Homes http://www.regia.org/houses.htm), what was the size of the small home? Page 3 Feudal Life Work Sheet http://www.learner.org/exhibits/middleages/feudal.html Sheet 4 Name Clothing 22. What type of clothing did most people wear? 23. What type of clothing was a sign of great wealth? 24. What was a monks clothing called? 25. What did the Poor Clare Sisters have to do to be allowed to wear socks? Bonus Questions Click on Medieval Hats 26. Which people wore the following hats Linen Head Straw or felt Visored Wimple Butterfly Read More 27. What was the most popular jewellery? Page 4 Feudal Life Work Sheet http://www.learner.org/exhibits/middleages/feudal.html Sheet 5 Name Page 5