Guidelines for Assistance for Creation /Strengthening of Infrastructure Facilities for Production and Distribution of Quality Seeds of the Central Sector Scheme- Development and Strengthening of Infrastructure Facilities for Production and Distribution of Quality Seeds INTRODUCTION In order to establish/strengthen infrastructure facilities for production and distribution of quality seeds for the newly carved States, existing States, newly created State Seeds Corporation and existing States Corporation including NSC/SFCI etc. assistance for creating facilities for seeds processing plants, machineries for seed cleaning, grading, treating , packing and seed storage godown is proposed. The assistance would be available in the form of grant for specific purpose of creating infrastructure facilities mentioned above only. (I) Norms for Establishing/Strengthening of Seeds Processing Plants for Processing of Seeds (Cereals, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibres, Fodders and Vegetables) The assistance will be provided at the standard rate of Rs.22.25 lakhs per processing plant of 1000 MTs capacity(including construction of building and machineries/ equipments) and mulitiples thereof in proportion to the capacity. The States/Seeds Corporation will have the flexibility to establish/strengthen seed processing plants of the required capacity/capacities as assessed by them. (i) Norms for Construction of Seed Storage Godown The construction of seeds godown shall be as per the CPWD or State PWD specification or any specification laid down in this behalf. The Storage godown shall be properly ventilated shall have well fitted doors, windows and ventilators and shall be waterproof (control) of moisture from floor, walls and roof, etc. The seeds godown structure shall have protection from rodents (high pucca elevated platform with wooden/other type staircase).The seeds godown shall have protection from birds (window/ventilators with jail).The openings of the seeds godowns such as doors, windows etc. shall be designed in such a manner that the seeds godown can be sealed for effective fumigation etc. The Seeds godown complex shall have an easy approach road, pucca internal roads, proper drainage, arrangements for easy loading and unloading of stocks. For construction of seed storage godown under this scheme assistance will be provided at the standard rate of Rs.25 lakhs per seed d\godown of 1000 MTs capacity and multiples thereof in proportion to the capacity. The States/Seeds Corporation will have the flexibility to establish/strengthen seed storage godown of the required capacity/capacities as assessed by them. OTHER CONDITIONS The funds should be utilized only for purpose it was released. The beneficiary organizations i.e. Seeds Corporation/State Government should submit the Quarterly Physical Progress and Financial Progress of utilization along with utilization certificate in GFR 19A to Department of Agriculture & Cooperation. The land cost/registration charges if any for the seed processing plants/seed storage godown is to be met by respective Seeds Corporation/State Government. While forwarding the proposal it shall be the sole responsibility of implementing agency i.e. Seeds Corporation/State Government that Seed processing machineries/equipment etc. being installed should be latest and cost effective, best suited for the agro climatic condition/crops grown in that area. The expenditure if any incurred over and the above mentioned in the guidelines is to be borne by the concerned implementing agency i.e. SSC/State Government. The implementing Agency shoulder the responsibility of further maintenance of the machinery installed under this scheme. MONITORING The progress under this component will be monitored by the Seed Division of the DAC and utilization of the assistance would be asked by way of quarterly reports from the State/Corporations. If required, the officers of the DAC and NSC may also undertake the visit of the facilities that are being created with this assistance. PROFORMA FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL UNDER CREATION OF SEED INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES Name of the implementing agency – Address – Contact person (alongwith phone no., email etc.) – Fax No. Name of the component – Creation of Seed Infrastructure Facilities Year of Implementation – Location wise existing Location wise seed S. Location capacity at present capacity proposed now in No. of farms available in MT per annum MT per annum S.P.P.* Seed Godown S.P.P. Seed Godown Qty. of seeds** produced / available per annum (MT) S.P.P. Amount proposed (Rs. in lakh) Seed Godown S.P.P. Seed Godown Total * Seed Processing Plant ** crop-wise, year-wise quantity of seeds produced to be indicated S. No. Crop Name Total # expected seed production 2009-10 Year wise seed production 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14# 2014-15# Amount eligible as per guidelines S.P.P. Seed Godown Position o and tech manpo availab PROFORMA FOR SUBMITTING PHYSICAL PROGRESS REPORT UNDER THE COMPONENT CREATION/STRENGTHENING OF SEED INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES Name of State/Implementing Agency_________ Year_____________ A) Seed Processing Facilities S. Location-wise Seed Number of No. Processing Plant Created Processing / Strengthened Plant Seed Processing Capacity Funds Received for Seed Processing (M.T.) from GOI (Amount Rs. in Lakh) Target Achievement Received Utilized Other Information (If any) Remarks Balance Total B) Seed Storage Facilities: S. Location-wise Seed Storage No. Godown Constructed / Strengthened Number of Processing Plant Seed Processing Capacity Funds Received for Seed Processing (M.T.) from GOI (Amount Rs. in Lakh) Target Achievement Total Grand Total (A+B) Received Utilized Balance Other Information (If any) Remark