Equality Impact Assessment

Equality Impact Assessment
Current and Proposed
Functions and Services
To be used for medium and high priority impact assessments
What is this form for –
The purpose of carrying out an equality impact assessment is to ensure we are providing the best services we can, fairly to people
who are entitled to them. This form should be completed for existing,, reviewed or proposed policies.
In order to comply with current equalities legislation, Merton has to examine the impact of its policies and functions. The council
must assess everything it does to ensure we are positively promoting equality, tackling discrimination and promoting community
cohesion or good relations in the community and the workplace.
The council has broadened the impact assessment procedures to include issues relating to ethnicity, disability, gender, age, faith,
deprivation, and for assessments of HR policies staff including those based outside civic and those without intranet access
Staff/service user representatives eg unions, staff networks, advocacy groups etc.
The council has to reflect the results of consultation and reviews in the assessments and must publish the results of impact
The Merton is also working at level 4 the Equalities Standard for Local Government. The standard is divided into 5 levels. Level 5
is the highest level and we aim to achieve this by March 2009. Each Department/Division will assess their own progress and
produce evidence whilst working towards achieving the Standard.
This will ensure we treat all people fairly and comply with current legislation such as the Disability Discrimination Act, the Sex
Discrimination Act, Human Rights Act, EC Directives on Race, Sexuality and Faith, as well as proposed legislation.
Please provide quality information, as this form when completed will become a public document.
Medium and high impact assessment form: functions and services – 8 Aug 2007 version
Guidance on completing this form
The form is intended to help improve the way we deliver our functions and services. This means that we will examine the whole
process, starting with the way you conducted your consultation, set and deliver targets, monitor and review progress, and how
this informs the service planning.
This form should be completed by any manger who is responsible for delivering functions and services. This includes managers
responsible for functions/services provided by contractors, private or voluntary sector agencies acting on behalf of Merton
Use a copy of the form for each key function or service. Copies are available from http://intranet/departments/ce-index/cewho/ce-policydivision/equalitiesteam/ce_pandp_eptforms.htm on the intranet or on extension 3864.
If you identify any gaps or weaknesses in your function or service please make a note of the actions required in the
improvement plan.
If you are aware of any other forms of negative impact your service might have due to service users’ ethnicity, disability, gender,
age, faith, being looked after or vulnerable, deprivation that is not covered by this form please include it on an additional sheet.
Please ensure you complete the evaluation form at the end. This will help us improve the form.
Please pass a copy of the form to your Head of Service, retain a copy for your own use and email a copy to
diversityandcommunityengagement@merton.gov.uk for information.
The assessment results and improvement are owned by you, your head of service and your department.
The next stage is for you to arrange a challenge meeting where the assessment can be discussed. The manager completing the
form should invite a member of the Chief Executive’s Diversity & Community Engagement Team and a member of their
Departmental Equality Group to attend. Where appropriate it is acceptable to invite a community representative or service
user(s) so that we can be transparent and open to external challenge.
You then report the issues raised and improvements agreed at the challenge session, to your head of service who identifies
themes and overlaps with other assessments and identifies which issues should be dealt with at DMT, CMT, at service, team or
individual level.
Medium and high impact assessment form: functions and services – 8 Aug 2007 version
Impact Assessment Form for functions and services – medium/high impact
A) Service
B) Current
(please circle)
C) Title…Cemeteries……………………………………………………………………
Priority High/Medium/Low …M..
(As previously defined by your department)
Department and Division… (E&R) Leisure and Cultural Green spaces….
Head of Service…Michael Owens….
Officer completing assessment…Mark Robinson…
Brief description of function/service including aims and objectives
The London Borough of Merton is responsible for four cemeteries within the area. They are:
Church Road Cemetery (also known as St. Peter & St. Paul’s Cemetery)
There are no new graves available for purchase in this cemetery. Only burials in already purchased graves are accepted as the
cemetery is full.
London Road Cemetery (also known as Figges Marsh)
This cemetery is open to residents and non-residents and there are new graves available for purchase.
Merton & Sutton Joint Cemetery
This cemetery is open to residents of both Merton and Sutton and non-residents. There are new graves available for purchase.
Wimbledon Cemetery (also known as Gap Road Cemetery)
This cemetery is open to residents and non-residents. There are new graves available for purchase.
Wimbledon War memorial – maintenance only
Mitchem War Memorial – Vestry Green – keeping it tidy
Medium and high impact assessment form: functions and services – 8 Aug 2007 version
St Mary’s Church Yard – Merton Park – maintenance only
The service provides maintenance and burials of the cemeteries. The maintenance includes: grass cutting, keeping paths/roads
clear, shrub/hedge pruning, planting of flower beds, ensuring the building are maintained. Graves are dug as and when funerals are
arranged with the cemetery office.
The Council is responsible for ensuring legislation is complied with. Therefore, please ensure that all questions are answered even if
a third party provides the service
Does a third party or contractor provide the function or service? ..N… If so who?…………………….
The word Service is used throughout the form as a generic term to include function or Service.
Please ensure you answer all questions relating to the current or proposed Function or Service identified at C)
What are the general equality issues and community cohesion issues associated with the use of this type of function or
service? This can be based on local or national research or consultation.
Access – Wheelchair or people with mobility problems. DDA compliance. – Gap Rd Cemetery has wheel chair access to the
chapel, it only has one toilet with no wheel chair access
Age – under 12s must be accompanied by adults.
Safety – free from graffiti and antisocial behaviour.
Religion or belief – ability to cater for all religions and beliefs.
Church Road Cemetery has no public facilities
From 19/7/2005 the council allowed non residents to be buried in cemeteries where they have no previous relatives buried.
This has led to people who are non residents being buried in local cemeteries due to the cheaper prices within the borough
of Merton.
Medium and high impact assessment form: functions and services – 8 Aug 2007 version
Medium and high impact assessment form: functions and services – 8 Aug 2007 version
Consultation on function/service
How have you identified:
a) Why the service is required?
b) For whom is it required?
What methods have you used to consult with service users on the
impact of
A) Current Services?
B) Proposed services?
How have you ensured you have consulted with:
 people of all ethnic groups including ethnic minorities
 Disabled people
 Men and women or girls and boys
 Looked After Children or other vulnerable people
 People of different ages
 LGBT people (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered)
 People of all religions or faiths
 People of differing socio-economic status
 People living in all or relevant parts of the borough
None at present.
How do you know to which groups people belong?
Initially taking a telephone booking the information is
written on the booking form, this does not cover all
before mentioned groups. We take the required relevant
information in order to complete the register. Undertakers
send through an interment form, which has deceased
and grave owner’s details.
If you do not know, please explain why this monitoring
information is not collected.
a) Some services or functions may discriminate against different
groups listed in 3. How have you overcome this?
b) Some services or functions may have a negative impact on
community cohesion in relation to groups listed in 3. How is this
a) This is a statutory requirement. Local Authorities
Cemeteries Order 1977
b) For everyone including non residents.
No formal consultation process has been carried out.
The only type of informal consultation carried out is when
bookings are made we ask service users for specific
requirements related to religion or faith in order to decide
where the person is buried. e.g. Muslim, Jew,
consecrated and unconsecrated.
a) Service is for all, cemeteries are split since the 70’s
into 4 sections - Muslims, Jews, Catholics and church of
England which allows all people to be catered for.
As far as possible with existing budget and resource the
cemeteries are changing to comply with DDA.
Police/Community Police presence in London road has
made people feel more secure when visiting the
Medium and high impact assessment form: functions and services – 8 Aug 2007 version
How do you feedback and where appropriate publish results of
A) Needs assessment
B) Consultation
b) London Road has had issues due to non residents
being buried there. This is because the costs of plots
within the Borough are lower than those of surrounding
Boroughs. This attracts people from other boroughs e.g.
Lambeth. We try to overcome by accommodating
individual needs.
Not currently undertaken.
Medium and high impact assessment form: functions and services – 8 Aug 2007 version
Setting Targets
How have you identified a base line for service users
 Ethnicity
 Disability
 Gender
 Age
 Sexual orientation
 Religion or Faith
 Socio-economic status
 Postcode
This has not been done as service is for all.
What Performance Indicators do you use to measure
change or outcomes (not outputs) for
customers/service users?
There is a Performance Indicator for the amount of burials carried
out at each cemetery which are compared. This is reported on a
monthly basis. There are no other Performance indicators for
A comparison with the Local Boroughs is undertaken for the fees
and charges
Are targets set as a result of consultation with:
 People from all ethnic groups including ethnic
 Disabled people
 Men and women, girls and boys
 Looked After Children
 People of all ages
 LGBT people
 People of all religions or faiths
 People of differing socio-economic status
 People living in different parts of the borough
What is the timescale for achieving targets?
How are targets published?
A comparison of burials is produced monthly.
A new Cemetery IT system will be able to produce information and
Also that info can be provided on the number of residents and non
residents buried. Information is recorded monthly
Medium and high impact assessment form: functions and services – 8 Aug 2007 version
How do you monitor Performance Indicators?
Monthly burial performance indicator report.
List the statutory Performance Indicators relating to
equality you use or contribute to.
List the local performance indicators relating to
equality you use or contribute to.
How often are monitoring reports produced on
Performance Indicators?
How would know from your monitoring if any one was
disadvantaged as a result of your service in relation
to their:
a) Ethnicity
b) Gender
c) Disability
d) Age
e) Sexual orientation
f) Religion or Faith
g) Socio-economic status
h) Postcode
Through the council complaints process, this could be either by
telephone, e-mail or letter.
People may not use services for a number of
reasons, for example, because they cannot read
English, lack of transport or they may feel their
culture prevents them. How do you know if people
are not using your service for these or other reasons?
There have been complaints from Muslims in relation to their 24hr
burial requirement. We have resource constraints which do not
always allow this to be possible but always strive to accommodate
this when possible. The requirements of others must also be taken
into account as there may be other burials arranged for the same
time which may have been booked sometime in advance.
Although we have not received complaints we are aware that the
more traditional sections are not wheelchair friendly. All new lawn
sections are laid out providing easy access for wheelchair users.
 Information is available upon request in different languages
and in Braille.
 An interpreter service may be provided upon request.
 The cemeteries are also located within easy reach of public
Medium and high impact assessment form: functions and services – 8 Aug 2007 version
Hearing loops in chapels
We do not know unless we are told that people are not using the
service for these reasons.
Council’s website and information provided through undertakers.
How do you ensure service users and the public are
informed about the services your section provides?
How will you inform service users about any changes
that will improve the service?
Ramps installed, hearing loops, and adapted toilets
The cemeteries were split into sections in the late 70’s to cater for
various religions and beliefs.
What changes have been made to enable people to
use the service? Eg changes aimed at improving
access for disabled people or men if service is
usually accessed by women etc
How do you measure customer satisfaction? For
example complaints, customer surveys.
Have you identified trends in customer satisfaction
related to their:
a) Ethnicity
b) Gender
c) Disability
d) Age
e) Sexuality
f) Religion or faith
g) Socio-economic status
h) Postcode or location
When was your last survey?
When is your next survey?
Something for the future
Through the complaints process.
There have been complaints from Muslims in relation to their 24hr
burial requirement. We have resource constraints which do not
always allow this to be possible but always strive to accommodate
this when possible. The requirements of others must also be taken
into account as there may be other burials arranged for the same
time which may have been booked sometime in advance.
What action is taken if targets are not met?
Medium and high impact assessment form: functions and services – 8 Aug 2007 version
What is your monitoring telling you?
How are monitoring results fed back into business
plans to improve services?
How often do you review your service/function?
When was your last review?
When is your next review?
Continuously trying to improve the service for the benefit of service
users. However a formal review was carried out in November as part
of the winter works program with improvements on going.
How do you share lessons learnt with other
colleagues in the Council and with the Merton
Partnership, with external organisations or
Lessons learnt are shared with other local councils on a continual
basis usually informally. The council is also a member of the Institute
of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) – an industry
standard, which provides courses and qualifications for its members.
The ICCM also send out two information booklets annually which
provide information to its members. The cemeteries team have
regular meetings which address any issues which need escalating to
the Green Spaces management team meetings.
Medium and high impact assessment form: functions and services – 8 Aug 2007 version
When formulating the improvement plan consider:
Might a more effective service/function be delivered if a different approach is taken to: service delivery; training or supervision;
consultation; measuring customer satisfaction?
Improve website
Action Required To Resolve
Make all information on the
service available on the
council’s website.
Jenny Tapping
and Mark
Feb 08
Medium and high impact assessment form: functions and services – 8 Aug 2007 version
Impact Assessment Function or Service- Form Evaluation
To help us improve this questionnaire could you please answer the following questions.
Was the aim of the form clear?
How could it be improved?………………………………………………………………
Was the guidance useful?
How could it be improved?……………………………………………………………..
Were the questions clear?
How could they be improved?………………………………………………………
Was the action plan useful?
How could it be improved?………………………………………………………….
How much do you know about the Corporate Equality Scheme? (Please circle)
Never heard of it
Heard of it but do not know what it is about
I could explain the key points
I have a good working knowledge
How much do you know about the Equality Standard for Local Government? (please circle)
Never heard of it
Heard of it but do not know what it is about
I could explain the key points
I have a good working knowledge
Medium and high impact assessment form: functions and services – 8 Aug 2007 version