Rules & Regulations of The StuNed Scholarship Programme 2008 Contents: 1. Characteristics 2 2. Basic Conditions: rights and obligations 3 3. Duration of the Scholarship 4 4. Immigration Procedures 5 5. Travel to and from the Netherlands 6 6. Housing arrangements 7 7. Insurance 7 8. During the Study Period 8 9. Research outside the Netherlands 11 10. Calamities and Conflicts 12 11. Allowances and reimbursements 13 12. Termination and Sanctions 14 Annex Allowances and Reimbursements 1 1. Characteristics of the StuNed Scholarship Programme StuNed means `Studeren in Nederland’ . StuNed is a scholarship programme that aims to contribute to the development of Indonesia through strengthening the human resources of Indonesian organizations. Each year some 200 full scholarships are offered for professionals to follow master programmes, short courses or tailor made training, all conducted in the English language. Graduates commit themselves to return to Indonesia immediately after graduation and to be actively involved in the development of their organization and the country in general. The StuNed programme is in line with the Dutch policy for development co-operation which aims to achieve the UN Millennium Development goals in 2015. For Indonesia the bilateral programmes focus on generating capacity in development relevant sectors and themes such as: education, water management, sanitation and the environment, community based development, institutional development, trade, good governance & human rights, gender, HIV/AIDS, reproductive health and culture (strengthen cultural identity). In line with the Indonesian Policy, as laid down in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP), strengthening the decentralization process is another objective. Therefore attention is given to candidates working at local government level and those working outside Java. StuNed also aims at a balanced gender representation (minimum 50% women). 2 2. 2.1 Basic conditions; rights and obligations These Rules & Regulations apply to all Indonesians StuNed scholarship holders, regardless whether they received the scholarship through the Group Application or Individual Application procedure and is valid for all courses or training programmes provided. 2.2 Any person who accepts a scholarship agrees to the objectives and Rules and Regulations of the StuNed Scholarship Programme. 2.3 Scholarship holders must be available for the full duration of the study- or training programme and commit to follow the entire study or training programme. 2.4 Scholarship holders must be in good health and accepted by the insurance company. 2.5 The Government of the Netherlands, the Netherlands Education Support Office and the educational institutions involved accept no responsibility for the consequences of illness, accidents, etc., nor for any other risk may that acceptance of a scholarship entail. 2.6 The Netherlands Government cannot be held responsible for the actions of staff members of Neso or the educational institutions in question. 2.7 Neso and the institutions involved, and the scholarship holders are all bound by any decision made by the Netherlands Minister of Development Cooperation regarding the StuNed programme. 2.8 The scholarship holder promises to act in such a manner that will not bring disrepute or cause damage to any party involved in the programme including the host institution, the image of Indonesian students in the Netherlands and Neso. In case Neso considers this promise to be breached, Neso may unilaterally terminate the scholarship in which case all payments will be stopped and the scholarship holder is summoned to return to Indonesia immediately. The scholarship holders’ employer will be notified by Neso. 3 2.9 The scholarship holder may not be holding another scholarship, or receive funding that would give any overlapping benefits without Neso’ s written approval. Failure to report will lead to termination of the scholarship. 2.10 It is the scholarship holders’ moral duty to provide information about StuNed and the university of study in the Netherlands during the study period or any time after returning to Indonesia and to participate in alumni activities when so requested. 2.11 The scholarship holder gives permission to enter his/her personal data in a database to be used by Neso’ s discretion to provide information to other related (non commercial) organizations. 2.12 The scholarship provides allowances for the costs of international travel, insurance and costs of living, as specified in these regulations. Scholarship holders must cover any other costs from their own resources. 3. Duration of the Scholarship 3.1. The scholarship is to commence on the date stated in the StuNed award letter (which is usually up to three days before the actual start of the study programme) and ends up to (maximum) three days after the termination of the study programme concerned. Costs incurred prior to the scholarship period will not be reimbursed. 3.2. The scholarship covers the period during which the holder is actually taking part in the training programme concerned. If the scholarship holder arrives after the training programme has begun and is still able to join the programme, the scholarship commences on the actual day of arrival. If the scholarship holder leaves before the study programme/StuNed award is finished, the scholarship will likewise terminate at the day of departure. If the study programme is finished before the end date of the contract, the scholarship will terminate 3 days after the end of the study programme. 3.3. Holders of scholarships must return to Indonesia at the latest fourteen days after the expiration of the scholarship or earlier if the expiration of the residence permit requires so. Returning more than 14 days after the end date of the scholarship contract will result in termination of the contract, hence article 12 is applicable. 4 3.4. Neso may terminate the scholarship any moment during the scholarship period if Neso considers it evident that the scholarship holder will not be able to successfully complete the programme or course. To obtain information about the study progress Neso will be in regular contact with the universities. If a scholarship is terminated the institution might provide the scholarship holder with certificates or transcripts of study credits gained so far. Neso will arrange a flight home for the scholarship holder. In case of termination article 12 of these Rules and Regulations is applicable. 3.5. The scholarship can be terminated at any time if it transpires that the personal particulars and/or the circumstances of the scholarship holder are not in accordance with those stated in the application form on the basis of which the scholarship was awarded. In case of termination article 12 of these Rules and Regulations is applicable. 4. Immigration Procedures 4.1 Holders of scholarships must bring a passport (validity: end date study + six months). 4.2 For any course longer than 3 months the host institution (university in the Netherlands) will apply for an entry visa (MVV fee 250 Euro). After the Dutch Immigration has forwarded the approval to issue the MVV in the passport, Neso will submit the passport to the Netherlands Embassy where the MVV will be issued. The university in the Netherlands will also assist in obtaining a residence permit (VTV) after your arrival. The VTV is valid only for the duration of the scholarship, and only with the purpose of following the indicated postgraduate programme. The VTV will be issued by the immigration desk at the municipality where the scholarship holder resides in the Netherlands. 4.3 For any course shorter than 3 months Neso will assist in applying for a short stay visa. This visa will be issued by the Royal Netherlands Embassy. 4.4 Scholarship holders must abide by the rules and regulations governing the entrance visa (MVV) and short stay visa or residence permit (VTV). 4.5 For a stay of shorter than three months holders are obliged to report to the Vreemdelingenpolitie (Alien Department of the Police) in the town in which they are staying within three days after arrival. 5 4.6 Scholarship holders must apply for a VTV at the municipality (immigration desk, registry office (Dutch: (Im)migratieloket afdeling Burgerzaken) (application fee 188 Euro). The municipality submits the application to the IND who will assess the application. If the application is rejected the application fee will not be refunded. The process of application for a VTV usually does not exceed a period of 6 months. (Report to Neso if you have not received your VTV within 3 months after arriving in the Netherlands). The VTV application fee of 188 Euro and the MVV fee of 250 Euro will be paid together with the lump-sum allowance at the beginning of the study. A copy of the VTV must be sent to Neso as soon as possible after obtaining this document. 4.7 Holders must also report within 5 days after arrival to the Municipality of the city in which they are staying, in order to be registered in the Burgerlijke Stand (municipal administration). 4.8 Costs for extension of the VTV (EURO 52) after one year will be reimbursed after submitting the receipt from the municipality and only if the length of stay is supported by the StuNed award letter of the scholarship holder, or if extension of the programme was granted by Neso. Holders are advised to keep themselves updated on the latest applicable costs as these are subject to frequent changes. A copy of the extension permit must be sent to Neso immediately. 4.9 A residence permit (VTV) is valid only for the duration of the scholarship and only for the purpose of studying or receiving training in the Netherlands. The immigration Authorities will be notified of the end of the scholarships by the institution / university in the Netherlands. 5. 5.1 Travel to and from the Netherlands The only international travel costs covered by the scholarship are the flight from Jakarta to Amsterdam and the return flight, up to a maximum of EURO 1135. Neso will arrange departure and return tickets. Departure dates will be set by Neso. Return dates will be set after communication with the scholarship holders. The airline ticket cannot be cashed in or changed without the consent of both Neso and the airline company. Additional expenses such as excess baggage, airport tax and `fiscal are not covered. Airline tickets cannot be redeemed for cash. 6 5.2 For scholarships awardees through the Individual application procedure (IA) airline tickets within Indonesia from the airport nearest to the holder's place of residence meant for departure to the Netherlands and return to Indonesia will only be reimbursed based on equivalent of cheapest available economy class on the most direct route. Reimbursement of tickets within Indonesia (for departure to the Netherlands) must be requested directly after arrival in the Netherlands. Reimbursement of tickets returning to the place of residence in Indonesia must be requested within 3 months after return to Indonesia. Any requests after this date will not be taken into consideration. 6. 6.1 Housing arrangements The host institution is obliged to arrange appropriate housing for the scholarship holders. It is the responsibility of the scholarship holder to communicate and agree on the housing arrangement directly with the host institution in the Netherlands. Some institutes have their own hostels while others make use of privately rented accommodation or assist holders to find accommodation themselves. 6.2 If the holder has agreed to use the accommodation provided by the host institution, either in its own hostel or elsewhere, holders are obliged to accept this accommodation for the duration of the training programme or for the period stated in the housing contract. The scholarship holder will comply with any regulations that apply regarding paying rent, giving notice, keeping the property clean etc. 6.3 Advance payments for rent are supposed to be paid by the scholarship holder out of the settling in allowance after arrival in the Netherlands. No payments should be made before departure. Any requests to do so should be reported to Neso immediately. 7. 7.1 Insurance Neso will arrange an insurance passport (IPS) for all scholarship holders. The insurance covers : - medical treatment - theft or loss of luggage during traveling - accidents - repatriation in case of an emergency (a flight home) - 3rd party liability 7 General Terms and Conditions can be found in a booklet of the IPS available at Neso. Scholarship Holders are strongly advised to read these Terms and Conditions carefully before departure and take good notice of the alarm number and policy number of the insurance. The scholarship holder must report within one week after arrival to IPS to inform his/her address in the Netherlands. IPS will send the Policy to the Scholarship Holders’ home address in the Netherlands. It is in the scholarship holders’ interest to obtain this policy as soon as possible. Expenses not covered by this insurance are to be paid by the holders. 7.2 Holders are covered from the day of their departure until the end date of the Scholarship Contract. Staying longer means the holder will have to extend the insurance. Being in the Netherlands without a valid insurance is an offense and as such disqualifies the holder for a residence in the Netherlands, hence article 12 is applicable 7.3 The insurance is valid in all other West European countries and in Indonesia during a period of maximum two months but only after prior notice from Neso to the Insurance company. Therefore every stay abroad (=outside the Netherlands) must be reported to Neso in advance. Failure to do so might terminate your medical coverage and as such disqualify you for a residence in the Netherlands, hence article 12 is applicable. 7.4 If a scholarship holder is hospitalized, the subsistence allowance will continue to be paid for up to six weeks, depending on the duration of the course or programme. After this period, the scholarship provider may adjust the allowance to suit the circumstances. 7.5 The insurance cover has its limitations. It will not cover treatment for medical conditions that existed before the start of the scholarship. An example of a condition that is not covered is pregnancy. Scholarship holders should read the policy carefully to make sure they understand the details of the cover provided (glasses are not covered, for example) and know how to make a claim. 8. 8.1 During the study period Within three months after arrival in the Netherlands Scholarship holders are obliged to submit a `study schedule’ for the period of the study programme as agreed upon with the supervisor in the host institution. Modules, research, internships and holidays must be mentioned in this document. 8 8.2 Scholarship holders must be reachable by Neso at any time during their study, and respond within 48 hours on any formal contact attempt. Scholarship holders must ask permission and report to Neso when leaving the Netherlands for two weeks or more for any reason. Failure to respond to Neso’ s email without a serious explanation may lead to a cut in the monthly allowance. 8.3 Holders of scholarships are to refrain from commercial and political activities. Scholarship holders are allowed to work for a maximum of ten hours a week and only if the temporarily employer has obtained a permit to employ foreign employees. StuNed scholarship holders are strongly advised not to take up any regular job in the Netherlands given the heavy workload of the study programme. 8.4 Holders of scholarships must to the best of their ability complete the training programmes and/or research for which their scholarships were granted. They must be prepared at any time to provide Neso with information concerning the progress of their study programme, and to cooperate fully in any form of programme evaluation carried out by Neso, including attending any meeting held by Neso in the Netherlands for the scholarship holders. 8.5 Holders of scholarships will receive two or more evaluation forms during their study. These forms must be returned within two weeks after receipt of the form. Neglect thereof will lead to suspension of all payments by Neso. 8.6 Change of study programme A proposed change of the study programme will only be considered in exceptional cases. Requests for a change of study programme must meet the following criteria: Explanation as to why a change is proposed; The new programme must be in a related field, taught at the same institution; The request must be presented to Neso directly together with a statement from the scholarship holders’ employer stating there are no objections; The change in study programme must not affect the budget of the StuNed scholarship concerned and must take place in the same period of time as the original programme; The change of study programme must be applied for within one month of the starting date of the original programme. Neso reserves the right to reject a request based on the recommendation of the embassy or based on any other findings. 9 8.7 Interruption of the programme Allowable causes of an interruption of the course or programme include long-term illness of the scholarship holder and urgent family matters (see also article 10) 8.8 Extension Requests for extension must be submitted at least three months before the end date of the scholarship and are only granted to allow a scholarship holder to finish a programme as described and approved by Neso. No extensions are granted to allow scholarship holders to take additional modules or to undertake field study or additional research which does not form part of the regular programme. StuNed scholarship holders following a master’ s programme may apply for extention of the duration of their scholarship if, due to circumstances beyond their control, they are unable to complete the course or study within the prescribed time limit. These circumstances include personal circumstances and long term illness, delays in the thesis research that cannot be attributed to the scholarship holder, or changes in the duration or structure of the study programme longer than originally indicated by the Dutch institution. The scholarship holder and the host institution submit a joint request indicating the cause of the delay to the studies, and how they propose to resolve this. The request must include a realistic study plan and must include an original statement from the scholarship holder’ s employer stating that there is no objection to the scholarship holder spending a longer period on the study programme than originally agreed. This statement must be printed on the company’ s official letterhead paper, bearing an original signature and the company’ s seal. Neso will base its decision on whether or not to grant an extension on these documents and on the availability of programme resources. If an extension is awarded, an official notification will be sent to the scholarship holder. There is no automatic right to extend the study period. Requests for an extension will therefore be considered on a case-by-case basis. During an extension period the subsistence allowance, the insurance, any additional international travel expenses, and costs relating to the extension of the scholarship holders’ residence permit may be covered. No extra tuition fee will be paid to the host institution. 10 8.9 Deferral of a scholarship A scholarship that has already been awarded can be deferred only in very exceptional circumstances. The maximum deferral period is one academic year. 9. 9.1 Research outside the Netherlands In principle the StuNed scholarship programme does not provide any costs related to research. Only in special cases where expenses must be made (i.e. lab costs) the scholarship holder may request refund for these costs by providing invoices and supporting documents from the supervisor, and only after having obtained written approval on the research budget from Neso prior to conducting the research. 9.2 Certain master study programmes require research abroad. The StuNed programme does not support research carried out in Indonesia, however allows research to be carried out in other countries apart from Indonesia. A written permission from Neso that the scholarship holder is allowed to carry out research abroad must be obtained before departure (for procedure see 9.7). Research conducted in Indonesia will only be granted in very special cases. It is the scholarship holders ‘ responsibility to inform the supervisor that research is preferably to be carried out in the Netherlands. In all cases the duration may never exceed two months and may not take place at the scholarship holders’ original employer. 9.3 Travel expenses to and within the country of research will not be reimbursed by Neso. To bear part of the travel expenses Neso might at the maximum pay a full monthly allowance during the first month abroad. For the second month the monthly allowance will be reduced to the local standard. 9.4 Those permitted to do research abroad must report to Neso on the first and on the last day of their stay in the research country. Upon returning back in the Netherlands copies of the passport with exit and entry stamps or other proof must be sent to Neso to ensure regular payments will commence again for the remaining period of the study. 9.5 The monthly allowance for research in Indonesia or elsewhere in the world will be based on local conditions but never exceed the allowance applicable for stay in the Netherlands. For Indonesia, the monthly allowance is EURO 250. 11 9.6 To obtain a permission to conduct research abroad the scholarship holder must submit a request at least 8 weeks before the start of the planned research abroad, submitting the request too late will most probably result in rejection. 9.7 Documents to support the request for research: 1. Short outline of the nature of the research and motivation (not more than 15 lines). Do not send the actual research proposal; 2. Details of timing, place and length of research; 3. Short description of the institute where research will be carried out: 4. A written approval from the institute where the planned research will be carried out; 5. A letter from the study supervisor in the Netherlands stating why it is NOT possible to carry out research in the Netherlands and explaining the relevance to the study programme. Furthermore it must be clear from the beginning who will supervise the scholarship holder during the research period. 10. Calamities and Conflicts 10.1 Long term illness and personal circumstances If the scholarship holder is hospitalized, the monthly subsistence allowance normally remains unchanged for six weeks. After six weeks it is up to the scholarship provider to adjust the monthly allowance to suit the circumstances. If the scholarship holder is forced to return to his or her home country to recover from a long-term illness, Neso will not continue to pay the monthly subsistence allowance during this time. Neso will provide a return ticket if the scholarship holder can be expected to return to finish his or her studies. A one way ticket will be provided if it is clear at that point that the scholarship holder will not recover within a period of time so that he or she can successfully complete the studies within the prescribed time limit, even if the maximum extension of the scholarship period of three months were granted. If the scholarship holder needs to return to his or her home country because of a life threatening illness or death of family members in the first degree (father, mother, spouse, or child), travel costs will be covered by the scholarship holders’ insurance policy. In all other cases, travel costs will be the scholarship holders own responsibility. In these cases, the scholarship holder is expected not be absent long enough to necessitate the discontinuation of the monthly subsistence allowance. However, if the scholarship holder is 12 absent for more than two weeks, Neso will stop the payment of the monthly subsistence allowance for the remaining period of absence. 10.2 Problems and conflicts The types of problems that StuNed scholarship holders may face are varied, but can generally be solved at the host institution. This is usually the first port of call in resolving issues. Sometimes, however, international students do not know where to turn to or who to contact. This may happen, for example, if the problem lies outside the host institution. In such cases scholarship holders may seek the assistance of the International Student helpdesk at the host institution, the supervisor or Neso staff confidentially. 10.3 Whenever problems arise that may effect the study results and/or study period in the Netherlands, holders must report to Neso immediately. In such cases holders may request Neso to contact them by phone to discuss these problems confidentially. 11. Allowances and Reimbursements 11.1 An allowance is given for the costs of living (see annex). The allowance is considered sufficient to support one person's subsistence in the Netherlands. For scholarship holders departing in 2007 this allowance is set at EURO 870 per month. 11.2 For any stay outside the Netherlands of longer than 2 weeks the allowance might be adjusted in the case of research (see article 9). The allowance will be discontinued if it expires that the stay abroad was without permission of Neso, hence article 12 is applicable. 11.3 The scholarship does not provide for the cost of bringing any members of the holder's family to the Netherlands or of supporting them, nor will such family members be helped to obtain residence permits. It is strongly advised that no family members stay with the scholarship holder for any extended length of time during the study programme. 11.4 For a stay of longer than three months the scholarship holders is obliged to open a bank account as soon as possible after arrival in the Netherlands. In all other cases the allowances will be paid through the receiving institution in the Netherlands. 11.5 A lump sum allowance is included in the scholarship and will be paid at the beginning of the study, immediately after the details of the bank account have been communicated to 13 Neso. Therefore it may take a few days before the installment of the first payment from Neso arrives. Scholarship holders are strongly advised to bring some money with them to cover the expenses for the first two weeks. 11.6 Towards the end of the study an amount of 300 EURO will be withheld from the last monthly payment(s). The rupiah equivalent of this amount will be paid after all necessary documents have been submitted to Neso such as copies of return ticket, relevant passport pages, diploma, and evaluation report. Whenever these documents have not been submitted within 3 months after the end date of the scholarship contract, the 300 Euro will not be transferred and the scholarship will be considered as terminated and point 12 of the Rules and Regulations is applicable. 11.7 Holders are entitled to the allowances mentioned in Annex: Allowances and Reimbursements. The allowances are transferred to the scholarship holders’ bank accounts in the Netherlands. 11.8 Travel expenses in the Netherlands will only be reimbursed if these expenses are directly related to the study programme. Travel expenses related to an internship will not be reimbursed. All requests for reimbursement of travel expenses must be approved beforehand by Neso. Therefore prior to submitting a request a letter from the programme supervisor must be submitted in which it is stated that the traveling undertaken is part of the obligatory activities in the study programme. 11.9 The StuNed scholarship programme does not support internship as part of the study programme. Only in very special cases exemption to this rule is granted. All allowances as specified in the annex Allowances and Reimbursements might be withheld during any period of internship. 12. Termination of the scholarship & sanctions 12.1 The scholarship can be terminated with immediate effect if the holder: a) provided wrong/false information; b) commits an offence or is accused of; c) fails to observe the Rules and Regulations of the StuNed programme or refuses to act in accordance with oral or written instructions issued to him/her by Neso in connection with the scholarship; 14 d) arrives in the Netherlands too late to attend the start of the study programme, through his/her own fault; e) falls short of expectations required to follow the study programme successfully; f) voluntarily withdraws from the training programme, or is obliged to withdraw through his/her own fault; 12.2 Termination of the scholarship means the following: 1. Upon receiving notice of the termination of the scholarship the scholarship holder must return to Indonesia immediately. 2. The scholarship holder is obliged to pay back anything received in connection with the scholarship including the tuition fee. 15 Annex Allowances and Reimbursements 16 Allowances and Reimbursements for postgraduate (master's degree) programmes longer than 3 months In The Netherlands 1 In Indonesia/Abroad¹ Subsistence Allowance All costs of subsistence including housing 2 € 870 per month maximum € 870 per month Lump sum 2.a Settling in allowance 2 € 295 2.b Study materials 3 2.c Visa costs (MVV) and Residence Permit (VTV) € 285 € 438, Arranged and paid for by Neso 3 Travel costs 3.a International travel Arranged and paid for by Neso (maximum € 1135) 3.b Domestic flight from place of residence to Jakarta and back Actual costs of travel by airplane (economy class) 3.c Travel from the Netherlands airport to destination in the Netherlands and back Actual costs of travel by public transport (2nd class) n.a. 3.d Other costs of travel in connection with course or programme 4 Actual costs of travel by public transport (2nd class) n.a. 4 Contribution to Master's thesis research. n.a. 5 Insurance Arranged and paid for by Neso 1 Maximum stay abroad two months, 2nd month in Indonesia maximum allowance is € 250 2 One time allowance a.o. for settling in and for sending luggage 3 One time allowance meant as a contribution for the study literature needed 4 Only after approval from Neso prior to trip 5 Only after request for research outside the Netherlands has been approved by Neso 6 Only after Neso has approved stay abroad, see article 7.3 17 Reimbursement up to a maximum of € 750 (see art 9.1) 5 Arranged and paid for by Neso 6 Allowances and Reimbursements for short courses and tailor-made training (shorter than 3 months) In Indonesia 4 In The Netherlands Subsistence Allowance Per month Per day Per month Per day 1.a All costs of subsistence including housing € 870 € 29 € 250 €8 1.b All costs of subsistence excluding housing 1 max. € 750 max. € 25 n.a n.a 1 2 Lumpsum 2.a Settling in allowance 2 per month or part of a month € 100 n.a n.a n.a 2.b Study materials 3 € 75 n.a € 75 n.a 2.c Visa costs Arranged for by Neso n.a n.a n.a 3 Travel costs 3.a International travel Arranged and paid for by Neso (maximum € 1135) n.a n.a n.a 3.b Domestic flight from place of residence to Jakarta and back Actual costs of travel by airplane (economy class)6 n.a Actual cost of travel by airplane (economy class) 4 n.a 3.c Travel from Netherlands airport to destination in the Netherlands and back Actual costs of travel by public transport (2nd class) n.a n.a n.a 3.d Other costs of travel in connection with course or programme 5 Actual costs of travel by public transport (2nd class) n.a Actual costs of travel by public transport (2nd class) n.a Insurance Arranged and paid for by Neso n.a n.a n.a 4 1 The rent has already been deducted from the subsistence allowance 2 One time allowance a.o. for settling in and for sending luggage (maximum € 295) 3 One time allowance meant as a contribution for the study literature needed if not included in the tuition fee 4 In case of a tailor made training only in special cases; usually paid by Indonesian organisation 5 Only after approval from Neso prior to trip; only between cities 6 For tailor made programme, only in exceptional cases 18