Church Phone: 292-9935

St. Andrew’s Parish
Mission Statement
Our mission is
“to restore all people to unity with
“God and each other in Christ,”
in an Anglo-Catholic parish
with a rich tradition of community
within the full sacramental life
of the church.
A Companion Parish of the Diocese of Quincy
3700 Woodmont Boulevard
Nashville, Tennessee 37215
The Rev. James M. Guill, SSC, Rector
Carl F. Smith, Organist and Choirmaster
Kaye P. Howry, Parish Secretary
Church Phone: 292-9935
Rectory Phone: 385-1872
Fax: 292-9917
Preschool: 297-5225
Year C
7:30 a.m. — Prayer and Low Mass CANCELLED
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Fourth Sunday of Advent
9:00 a.m. — Choir Practice
10:45 a.m. — Nursery open
11:00 a.m. — HIGH MASS with Homily
4:00 p.m. — Confessions
5:00 p.m. — Evensong (Chapel)
Welcome, Visitors!
We extend a most cordial welcome to our visitors. Please use the Visitor’s Guide in the pew to follow our service. As you
enter the Lord’s House, be thoughtful, be silent, and be reverent. Please remember to turn off all cell phones and pagers. Before Mass,
speak to the Lord; during Mass, let the Lord speak to you; after Mass, speak to the Lord through one another, as you join the Parish
Family for fellowship in the Parish House. Remember to sign our guest book, please!
Today, December 20, Bishop
Keith Ackerman will preach, celebrate and
confirm at a special service at 11:00 am.
We will be holding this service
jointly with St. Patrick’s of Smyrna, which
will also be presenting candidates for
confirmation, reaffirmation and reception. If
anyone is interested in being received, or in
reaffirming their faith with Bp. Ackerman,
please call Fr. Guill ASAP.
We have five confirmands at this
time: Elaine Davis, Patrick Guill, Caitlin
Guill, Andrew Carpenter and Jack
Carpenter. Remember them in your prayers
this week.
The parish will have a potluck
luncheon in honor of Bishop and Joanne
Ackerman, and for all the confirmands after
the High Mass. Please pray for safe travel
for the Ackermans!
In the coming weeks there will be
two “new” musical pieces performed for the
first time in services at St. Andrew’s. I say
“new” because both are arrangements of
existing music; both will be sung on two
different occasions.
Caesar Franck’s lovely “Come
Thou Dear Redeemer” will be sung by
Elaine Davis on Sunday, December 13 in
its original vocal solo version, and then on
Sunday, December 20, the St. Andrew’s
choir joined by singers from the St. Patrick’s
choir will sing my new vocal/choral
arrangement of it.
“Maria Walks Amid the Thorn” is
a fairly well known Renaissance German
folk carol (we will sing it in English) that, like
many German and English carols of the
period, interpolates liturgical phrases in
Latin – or in this case, Greek – into the
vernacular text. In this particular case, the
carol text speaks of Mary and the Christ
child walking amid dry thorn bushes –
which break into blooms of roses as they
pass. The interpolated Greek phrase is
“Kyrie eleison” (Lord have mercy). This
arrangement (really with just an added
organ introduction and closing) will be
performed on December 20 and again on
Christmas Eve.
I hope that one – or maybe bothof the ‘newish’ pieces will prove meaningful
to you.
—Carl Smith
The weekdays of the week before
Christmas beginning December 16 have
been especially enriched by the use of a
series of antiphons for the Magnificat. In
Latin they begin with the vocative “O”
(whence the name). They are a very
unique work of art and a special ornament
of the pre-Christmas liturgy. Each “O”
Antiphon combines a laudatory invocation
of the expected Messiah with a petition of
this coming as Savior. Much is made of
these “Great O’s of Advent” in monasteries
and those cathedrals where the divine
office is well sung, but in ordinary parish
churches much of the biblical content of
these mosaic compositions is lost to the
ordinary people.
A copy of these antiphons, to be
said or sung before and after the Magnificat
at Evening Prayer, will be found on the
table in front of St. Mary’s chapel. You
might want to make use of them along with
The Magnificat from Daily Evening Prayer
on page 65 of The Book of Common Prayer
in your own personal devotions.
Looking ahead to December 24th,
we will decorate the church at 10:00 a.m.
Our Christmas Carols and Readings will
begin at 10:30 p.m., with the First Mass of
Christmas to begin at 11:00 p.m. On
Christmas Day, we will have High Mass at
10:00 a.m. Babysitting will be available for
all for Christmas Day, but not Christmas
All services after Friday High
Mass on the 25th through December 26th
are cancelled. The Office will be closed
Friday, December 25. In an emergency, call
the office, Ken Pitts or Henry Carpenter.
Remember that we will celebrate
the Feast of the Holy Name Friday, January
1, 2010 with a Low Mass at 10:00 a.m.
Make your plans to start out the calendar
year with the Most Holy Sacrament!
Father Guill and Patti wish to
express their heartfelt appreciation for the
wonderful gift from the Parish to them in
recognition of Father Guill’s ten-year tenure
at St. Andrew’s. Anne Ross made the
presentation at the St. Andrew’s dinner, and
Father Guill was speechless!
latest, so they can be deposited in the bank
by the end of the year.
In preparation for Christmas, we
are collecting donations for the flower
offering at this time. Please mark your
contribution as "Christmas flowers" and
leave it in the plate offering or send it to the
office. Envelopes for your offering may be
found at the back of the Sanctuary.
We have a few bundles of ten
Christmas cards for sale for $5.00 apiece.
All proceeds go to Right to Life to help fund
their operation of an ultrasound machine.
The cards are on the table in the parish
Christian formation is cancelled
on the morning of December 27.
The end of the year is fast
approaching and we are slightly behind on
our pledge contributions. Please remember
that any pledge money you wish to claim on
your 2009 income tax returns must be
turned in by noon December 31st at the
The Annual Meeting of the
Congregation of St. Andrew’s will be held
on the Feast of the Epiphany, Wednesday,
January 6, after the 6:00 p.m. High Mass,
and immediately following our potluck
dinner. We will elect three new members of
the Vestry to be the class of 2013. The
outgoing Vestry members who also
constitute the Nomination Committee are
Vicky Davis, Henry Carpenter and Ken
The nomination forms may be
found in the Parish Hall on the Diocesan
qualifications to serve on the Vestry.
Please submit your nomination to the
Any questions regarding a
person’s qualifications should also be
submitted to the committee. A sign-up
sheet for the potluck brunch is on the
bulletin board in the Parish Hall.
Next month the Men’s Club will
meet Saturday, Jan. 9, beginning with
Morning Prayer in the Chapel of St. Mary at
8:30 a.m.
The subject will be evangelism
as well as a review of the Baptism of Our
The Requiem Mass for January
will be held on January 11. Please call the
office with the names of any of your loved
ones who departed this life during the
month of January, or add names to the list
located in the parish hall.
Other Items
Confessions: The next scheduled date for Fr. Guill to be in the confessional is December 20, at 4:00pm. You may also call Fr. Guill to schedule your
confession at any time.
The Sanctuary Candles in the church and in St. Mary’s Chapel are given by St. Andrew’s to the glory of God.
During the penitential season of Advent, we have the Advent Wreath, which was decorated by Olive Wagner.
The Old Testament Lector for High Mass this month is Bob Ahlschwede. Next month’s lector is John Carpenter.
The Acolyte Team for today is Team II. The Special Team will serve at the Christmas Eve and Christmas day services. The 7:30 acolyte for next week
is Michael Climer and Team I will serve at the 10:00 am service.
This week’s Coffee hour is a potluck hosted by the parish family. Next week’s coffee hour does not have a host.
Schedule of Daily Services
Mon., December 21:St. Thomas the Apostle (red)
9:00 a.m. — Morning Prayer (Chapel)
6:00 p.m. — High Mass (Church)
Potluck Dinner following Mass
Tues., December 22:Advent Feria (purple)
9:00 a.m. — Morning Prayer (Chapel)
5:00 p.m. — Evening Prayer (Chapel)
5:15 p.m. — Mass (Chapel)
Wed., December 23:Advent Feria (purple)
6:30 a.m. — Morning Prayer (Chapel)
6:45 a.m. — Mass (Chapel)
Thurs., December 24:Vigil of the Nativity (purple)
9:00 a.m. — Morning Prayer (Chapel)
10:00 a.m. — Bible Study (Conference Room) CANCELLED
4:00 p.m. — Evening Prayer (Chapel)
10:30 p.m. — Christmas Lessons and Carols (Church)
11:00 p.m. — Christ’s Mass (Church)
Fri., December 25:The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ (white)
10:00 a.m. — Christ’s Mass (Church)
Sat., December 26:St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr (red)