Department of Cultural Heritage Resources Management and

Department of Cultural Heritage Resources Management and
Courses' Description
0902121 Principles in Archaeology
This course presents the main principles of archaeology. It provides students with introduction on the meaning of
archaeology and its relation with other sciences. It reviews the theories in archaeology and the development of this
science through ages. The course also provides students with how to correlate the material cultural remains
discovered through archaeological excavations with history and documents.
0902201 Cultural Ressources Management (1)
This course presents clear definition of cultural resources and their management. It reviews the international efforts
and organizations that are concerned about the protection of the cultural heritage on international and local levels.
Also, the course presents the main ideas for the planning and the management of cultural resources. In addition, the
course presents the main ideas about the needed skills in communication and management of human resources. It
clarifies the leadership pyramid and the decision-making process that regulates and systemizes the management
program in any organization.
0902211 Information Technologies and Archaeology, (Prerequisite: 0106110)
This course has two parts, theoretical and practical, the first part presents the methods in data keeping and how to
design, analyze and keep a data base. It enables students to deal with statistical and digital information, and how to
convert such data into an html language to be placed on the World Wide Web. The second part of this course
provides students with lab training to some applications in the theoretical part.
0902212 Cultural Resources Management (2), (Prerequisite: 0902201)
This course presents an overview of the international regulations and legislations concerning the protection of the
cultural heritage. It presents also the standards and guidelines for all stages of CRM process such as identification,
documentation, evaluation, planning, conservation, interpretation and promotion. Also the course presents
advanced knowledge about the needed skills in communication and management of human resources.
0902221 Archaeology (1), (Prerequisite: 0902121)
This course offers a general introduction to the methods, theories, achievements of archaeology and systematic
study of the human past. The course is designed for students who are interested in learning how archaeology is
practiced and how it contributes to our understanding of past and present human life. The students will have the
opportunity to gain academic experience in the recovery and analyses of the material remains of ancient cultures.
0902222 Archaeology (2), (Prerequisite: 0902221)
This course offers more details about archaeology and will cover more information than the former course
Archaeology (1), the course includes studying the stratigraphical sequences of the archaeological sites from the
beginning until the latest occupation taking place on the site. More concentration will be focus on the content of
each strata and type of artifacts in addition to their function.
0902413 Management of Historic and Archaeological Collections, (Prerequisite: 0902351)
This course covers the various strategies and devices adapted to collect and document historic and archaeological
collections including measurements, descriptions, drawing, photographing, statistical basics and different archived
programs. In addition, the course deals with various methods for disposal of objects, management of storage houses
and galleries, also the methods used for maintaining and restoring archaeological objects
0902312 Cultural Resources Management (3), (Prerequisite: 0902212)
This course presents detailed analyses of all related actors in the process toward a comprehensive management plan
for a certain site or historic area. It focuses on the relation between conservation and management of cultural
resources and development through discussing the importance of tourism and other potential economic and cultural
sectors for the success of protection and management of cultural resources. Also it presents the main principles on
designing legislation framework as a preventive solution within the urban planning operation. Some case studies
will be given about how some areas or archaeological sites were managed through an organized management plan;
such situations have resulted from an overall Master Plan of the city or region. The course also presents the
importance of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in any CRM project.
0902313 Natural Reserves Management
This course offers general information about the concept of natural reserves and equivalent national parks. It
provides students with the scientific methods in protecting and managing the natural reserves and their
environment using analyses applications on arial photos and satellite images to all resources, water, fauna, flora
and the geology on digital maps.
0902321 Archaeological Sites in Jordan (1), (Prerequisites: 0901112 & 0902121)
The course starts with a brief historical sequence and an introduction to the geology and geography of Jordan,
focusing on the chronology from the Stone Age to Hellenistic Period. The course will concentrate on settlement
patterns in north, central and south of Jordan, and the role of pottery in developing the early community and its
relationship with economy and trade.
0902331 Remote Sensing in Archaeology
This course consists of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part covers the basics and principles of
remote sensing and the general characteristics of Infra-red spectrum. It introduces the different types of Satellites
and other instruments used in remote sensing. The practical part includes the practical applications of digital and
printed photos on drawn maps.
0902351 Museology (1)
This course provides with an introduction to the concept of museology and museums. It displays the various types
of museums, such as archaeology, anthropology, natural history, art, science, and open-air museums. The course
also covers exhibition planning through working with designers and other specialists, and producing objects’ labels
and illustration panels.
0902352 Museology (2), (Prerequisite: 0902351)
This course provides with an introduction to museums objects and collection management. This course also aims at
providing students with the basic knowledge about the museum documentation system. In addition, the course
deals with museum environment control storage system and disaster management.
0902353 History of Museums
Introduction to the history and development of the concepts of museum and museology during the Ancient Periods,
9th to the 12th centuries, era of Renaissance, 17th -18th Century, 19th Century and the 20th Century. The course
presents also the international evolution of the protection of World Heritage. In addition, the course presents the
new movements in museology and museums, and it examines the changes that led to the current state of museology
and museums.
0902402 Fundraising and Legalization for Cultural Heritage
This course is designed to collect and make widely available significant recent experience in a growing field of
fundraising and legalization for cultural heritage areas. It provides students with the methods, techniques, and
directed experience in fundraising practices. Theories of fund raising, donor motivation, legal issues and ethical
considerations are highlighted as well. Also, this course presents the main principles on designing legislation
framework as a preventive solution within the urban planning operation. Some case studies of how some areas or
archaeological sites were managed through an organized management plan, which resulted from an overall Master
Plan of the city or region will be presented.
0902411 Cultural Resources Management (4), (Prerequisite 0902312)
This course presents detailed analyses of the management of human resources and how to plan for the
building capacity of the site in terms of staff and visitors. Through some practical exercises, students will
be asked to design a planning model for the management and protection of certain site by which
applications of management theories of cultural sites could be included. The course also will focus on the
control of tourism impacts on cultural sites and their local communities.
0902412 Interpretation of Archaeological Sites, (Prerequisite: 0902312)
This course deals with the thorough understanding and presentation of archaeological sites as well as
archaeological material in context. It explores the history and evolution of the practice of archaeological
interpretation and its theoretical frameworks. The course looks at how archaeologists, cultural heritage managers,
tourist guides and conservators, investigate, reconstruct and present the archaeological records and sites to the
public using different technologies with some applications on the field.
0902421 Archaeological Sites in Jordan (2), (Prerequisite: 0902321)
This Course offers a general introduction to the archaeological sites in Jordan. The course will focus on the
following historical periods: The Classical Period which includes Roman and Byzantine sites in north central and
south of Jordan. More details will be given about the Decapolis cities such as Jerash, Pella, Gadara, and Abela ...
etc. In addition to a more extensive study of the Islamic sites all over Jordan; these include sites dated Umayyad,
Abbasid, Ayyubid-Mamluk and Ottoman Periods. The architectural remains and their distribution in the different
geographical zones will be the main issue to be discussed during the course.
. 0902431 Archaeological Information Systems, (Prerequisite: 0902331)
The central focus of "Archaeological Information System" is the understanding the different components, methods
and concepts of the Geographical Information System (GIS) , and its application in problems related to
archaeological sites, their preservation, and management.; also how GIS can offer additional digital tools for
improved CRM. Students will be exposed to the different issues of remote sensing and GPS, and how the
information generated, using field soft wares such as remote sensing and AutoCAD can be used and integrated into
Archaeological Information System.
0902451 Museology (3), (Prerequisite: 0902352)
This course aims at providing students with the basic knowledge about the visitor studies and the fundamental
reasons for studying visitors. This course also aims at presenting the basis of museum management and the
different skills required in museum work throughout certain examples from Jordan as a case study.
0902452 Learning through Museums, (Prerequisite: 0902451)
The course provides students with an explanation of the educational role of the museum and the learning programs
through museums. It deals with the significance of museum education and reviews the different educational
theories in museums. In addition the course will present a survey of a wide range of research methods employed in
visitor studies illustrated with examples taken from museums all around the world.
0902491 Seminar, (Prerequisite: Department Consent)
This course is designed to let students do their own research in a topic which is related to their specialty as CRM
students. It relies on their cumulative knowledge got through the last four years, the students will try to be more
focused in a certain field in CRM. The course also provides students with the basic skills in research methodology
and documentation to have their submissions and presentations more scientific.