King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Information and Computer Science Department ICS102: Introduction to Computing First Semester 2008 (Term 081) Lab01: Getting Started with Java Objectives Appreciate the importance of: 1. 2. 3. 4. Comments, Indentation, Good Naming Style, and Recognizing Syntax Errors. 2. Comments Comments are English sentences inserted in a program to explain its purpose. We use comments to explain the purpose of a class, a method or a variable. There are two types of comments: 1) Block comment /* … */ o Comments are ignored by the compiler. o Any message enclosed inside /* … */ is treated as a comment. o This type of comment can span more than one line. 2) Line comment // … o Any message following double forward slash, //, up to the end of the line is also considered a comment. o Notice that this type of comment cannot span more than one line. o It is often used to comment variables. You are expected to: o Write brief information about yourself at the beginning of each program, o Write comments explaining each program you write in this course, and o Comment every variable whose purpose is not obvious from its name. 3. Indentation Indentation involves using tabs, spaces, and blank lines to visually group related statements together. You shall: Push the statements inside a class, method, or structural statements such as if, while,… etc. by at least three or four spaces or a tab character; Separate between variable declarations and method declarations by a blank line; and Separate adjacent methods by a blank line. KFUPM, ICS Department ICS102: Introduction to Computing 2/6 First Semester 2008 (Term 081) Lab01: Getting Started with Java 4. Naming Style In programs, variable names should clearly suggest their meanings. This is called the naming style. Good naming style makes your program easier to read and easier to correct errors. For example, the A coefficient of an equation should be called: aCoefficient, coefficient_A, or similar; but never a, b, x, or z. The use of abbreviations is also discouraged. 5. Recognizing Syntax Errors When you make syntax errors in your program the compiler gives error messages and does not create the bytecode file. It saves time and frustration to learn what some of these messages are and what they mean. Unfortunately, at this stage in the game many of the messages will not be meaningful except to let you know where the first error occurred. Your only choice is to carefully study your program to find the error. Correcting Syntax Errors Some things to remember: Java is case sensitive, so, for example, the identifiers public, Public, and PUBLIC are all considered different. For reserved words such as public and void and previously defined identifiers such as String and System, you have to get the case right. When the compiler lists lots of errors, fix the first one (or few) and then recompile—often the later errors aren't really errors in the program, they just indicate that the compiler is confused from earlier errors. Always remember to close opened brackets, braces, and quotes. It is always important to remember to end every statement in Java with a semicolon ‘;’. Read the error messages carefully, and note what line numbers they refer to. Often the messages are helpful, but even when they aren't, the line numbers usually are. When the program compiles cleanly, run it. KFUPM, ICS Department ICS102: Introduction to Computing 3/6 First Semester 2008 (Term 081) Lab01: Getting Started with Java Exercises Exercise 1: ( Write the following Java program. /* * By: Al-Mahmodi, Ali Y. * ID: 251234 * KFUPM, CCSE, ICS Dept. */ /* * Print a message to the screen */ public class Hello { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World”); } } Compile and run the program to see what it does, then make the changes below and answer the questions as you go. Write down the resulting error messages in the following steps in a piece of paper and submit it to your lab instructor. 1. Class name different from file name. Delete one l (el) from the name of the class (so the first non-comment line is public class Helo), save the program, and recompile it. What was the error message? 2. Misspelling inside string. Correct the mistake above, then delete one l from the Hello in the message to be printed (inside the quotation marks). Save the program and recompile it. There is no error message—why not? Now run the program. What has changed? 3. No ending quotation mark in a string literal. Correct the spelling in the string, then delete the ending quotation mark enclosing the string Hello, World!. Save the program and recompile it. What error message(s) do you get? 4. No beginning quotation mark in a string literal. Put the ending quotation mark back, then take out the beginning one. Save and recompile. How many errors this time? Lots, even though there is really only one error. When you get lots of errors always concentrate on finding the first one listed!! Often fixing that one will fix the rest. After we study variables the error messages that came up this time will make more sense. KFUPM, ICS Department ICS102: Introduction to Computing 4/6 First Semester 2008 (Term 081) Lab01: Getting Started with Java 5. No semicolon after a statement. Fix the last error (put the quotation mark back). Now remove the semicolon at the end of the line that prints the message. Save the program and recompile it. What error message(s) do you get? Exercise 2: ( The following Java program declears and assigns 2 variables then prints the followings: The sum of the 2 variables, The difference of the 2 variables, and The product of the 2 variables. Type in the following program, correct all errors, then run it. /* * By: Al-Mahmodi, Ali Y. * ID: 251234 * KFUPM, CCSE, ICS Dept. */ /* * Compute the sum, difference, and product of two integer numbers. */ public Class Arith { Public Static Void Main(string[] args) { int number1 = 15; // 1st integer int number2 = 19 // 2nd integer variable variable system.out.println("Number 1: " + number1); system.out.println("Number 2: " + number2) system.out.println(); system.out.println("Sum: " + (number1 + number2)) system.out.println("Difference: " + (number1 - number2)); system.out.println("Product: " + (number1 * number2)) } } Exercise 3: ( Design then implement a Java program that displays the numbers 1 to 4 on the same line, with each pair of adjacent numbers separated by one space. Write the program using the following techniques: a. Use only 1 System.out.println statement b. Use 4 System.out.print statements KFUPM, ICS Department ICS102: Introduction to Computing 5/6 First Semester 2008 (Term 081) Lab01: Getting Started with Java Exercise 4: ( Design then implement a program to draw a square-like shape that has its 4 sides composed of 6 asterisks (*) in length as follows: ****** * * * * * * * * ****** Exercise 5: ( Although the following program, which computes the average of 3 numbers, running fine; it doesn’t follow the objectives of this lab (i.e., comments, indenation, and naming style). Type it then enhance it so that it follows all the lab objectives. public class X { public static void main(String[] args) { int x1=1,x2=2,x3=3;int x4=(x1+x2+x3)/3;System.out.println(x4); } } KFUPM, ICS Department ICS102: Introduction to Computing 6/6 Exercise 6: First Semester 2008 (Term 081) Lab01: Getting Started with Java ( In the provided box below, write down the expected output of the following program. Then, verify your answer by typing and running the program. Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Line 7 public class Guess { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(“2 + 2 = 2 + 2”); System.out.println(“2 + 2 = ” + 2 + 2); System.out.println(“2 + 2 = ” + (2 + 2)); System.out.print(“Two + Two”); System.out.println(“=”); System.our.println(“Four”); } }