CV Dana Sapatoru - Central European University

Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Ph.D. in Education
Specialization in the Economics of Education.
Courses in graduate microeconomics (including price and allocation theory,
general equilibrium theory, game theory, labor economics), economics of
education, program evaluation, history of education.
 Dissertation title:
“Academic Tracking and Post-Secondary Education
Outcomes: Evidence from Romania.”
Columbia University, NY, USA
Master's in International Affairs
 Double specialization in International Policy Analysis and Management and
Central and Eastern Europe.
 Courses in micro- and macro-economic policy management, data analysis,
intermediate econometrics, international trade, public management, accounting,
European international relations.
Central European University (CEU), Prague,
Master's in Economics
 Graduated with honors.
 Courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, international
trade, public finance, policy issues and transition economics.
 Thesis title: “Incentives and Management Compensation.
The Case of
Private Ownership Funds in Romania.”
Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
 Specialized in industry, transportation and construction economics.
 Courses in mathematics (linear algebra, calculus, optimization theory),
econometrics, history of economic thought.
Jan 2001–
Stockholm Institute for Transition Economics (SITE)
Stockholm, Sweden
Research Associate
Coordinating a multi-country, multi-partner research project on “Should Free
Entry of Universities Be Liberalized? Estimating the Value of Public and
Private Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe.” Countries include
Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden and the U.K.
 Research on individual college choice, the labor market success of university
graduates, and on employer preferences in practices of hiring graduates public
and private higher education in Romania.
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Teaching and Research Assistant, School of Education
Conducted office hours and graded work of students enrolled in the
Introduction to Data Analysis course in the School of Education.
Worked with individual level data to analyze the relationship between the
participation of mothers in a welfare program and the quality of childcare for
the project "Growing Up in Poverty," under Prof. Susanna Loeb.
Jan-Mar 1998
and 1999
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Instructor, School of Education
 Taught course on principles of economics to undergraduate and masters
Oct 1996June 1997
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Research Assistant, Institute for Post-secondary Education
 Research on the extent and characteristics of remedial programs, and on
learning characteristics of young adults for the Project on Accelerating the Education
of Remedial Students in Higher Education, under Prof. Henry M. Levin.
Oct 1994Jul 1995
Center for Economic Research and Graduate
Education (CERGE), Prague, Czechoslovakia
Instructor, English Department
 Taught English, including academic writing, to first- and second-year Ph.D.
students in Economics.
 Provided editorial assistance to third- and fourth-year students and to
Jan - May
Central European University (ceu), Prague, Czech
Teaching Assistant, Economics Department
 Prepared and conducted discussion sessions in Labor Economics with
graduate students, held office hours, and provided assistance to students in
their research.
 Assisted the Economics Department and the CEU Library in identifying and
obtaining new sources of information, particularly regarding Central and
Eastern Europe.
May 1993 Jun 1994
Government of Romania and CEU Privatization
Project, Bucharest, Romania
Project Coordinator
 Established a new office in Bucharest, including the recruitment of local
 Participated in the design of a mass privatization program at the initial
request of the Prime Minister.
Oct 1990 Jun 1994
CEU Privatization Project, Prague, Czech Republic
Assistant Director
 Cooperated with the local teams of researchers in these countries, plus
Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Russia in observing
and analyzing the evolution of privatization policies in the region.
 Assisted in the organization of a Conference on Voucher Privatization in
Versailles, June 1992, attended by government officials from Central and
Eastern Europe and by prominent academics and economists from the West.
 Co-authored a two-volume set of reports on privatization policies in the
Nov 1990 Aug 1992
National Agency for Privatization, Bucharest,
Economic Adviser
 Coordinated technical assistance to the Agency for the drafting and
implementation of the Privatization Law.
 Participated in negotiations with the World Bank, IMF, EBRD, UNDP,
UNCTC, OECD, CEE/PHARE and other donor organizations. Cooperated
with the Privatization Division within the NAP in drafting the Privatization
Law and other regulations and procedures.
Organized seminars on specific privatization issues and other relevant topics.
Research Grant, Phare-ACE Programme, Brussels
Research grant, Open Society Institute (OSI) International Policy Fellows
Spencer Research Training Grant, Stanford University
Graduate study fellowship, Stanford University
Dean’s Fellowship, Columbia University
Central European University Fellowship
World Bank Fellowship
Fluent reading, writing, speaking
Basic understanding
Basic understanding
Basic understanding
“Educational Reforms in Eastern Europe: Shifts, Innovation, Restoration” (with H. Daun).
Educational Restructuring in the Context of Globalization and National Policies.
Holger Daun (ed.). New York: Garlands, forthcoming August 2001.
“Incentive Contracts, Corporate Governance and Privatization Funds in Romania” (with
J.S. Earle). Krakow: Krakow Academy of Economics, Working Paper, October
1993. Subsequently published in the Atlantic Economic Journal. Chapel Hill,
NC: 1994. Also translated and published in Italian.
“Large Privatization in the Czech and Slovak Republics” (with J.S. Earle). Sfera Politicii.
Bucharest: 1993.
The Privatization Process in Russia, Ukraine and the Baltics (with R. Frydman, A.
Rapaczynski, J.S. Earle et al). London: CEU Press, 1993. Also translated and
published in Romanian, Russian and Ukrainian.
“Privatization in a Hypercentralized Economy: The Case of Romania” (with J.S. Earle).
Prague: CERGE Working Paper no. 15, October 1992. Subsequently published
in Privatization in the Transition to a Market Economy: Studies of Policies and
Preconditions in Eastern Europe. J.S. Earle, R. Frydman and A. Rapaczynski
Also translated into Romanian and published in Oekonomika, 1993.
The Privatization Process in Central Europe (with R. Frydman, A. Rapaczynski, J.S. Earle et
al). London: CEU Press, 1993. Also translated and published in Romanian,
Russian and Ukrainian.