Reading List for ACE-ECA Postgraduate Research

Reading List for ECA Postgraduate Research Methods 2011
Below is a list of suggested readings on different topics for the PG Research Methods
course during the 2011-2012 academic year. There are recommendations of further
resources about research methods in specific subject areas on the final page. Some
additional practice-based bibliographies are available on WebCT. If the listed
readings are not available as PDF files on WebCT, they will be in the main University
of Edinburgh library’s reserve section (HUB Reserve or Short Loan) for reading
and/or photocopying. The University of Edinburgh’s library shelf marks are provided
for you.
There are two main textbooks for this course:
Bryman, Alan. (2004). Social Research Methods, 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. pp. 1-748. Main Library (HUB Reserve) Shelfmark: H62 Bry.
Seale, Clive (ed.). (2004). Social Research Methods: A Reader. London:
Routledge. Main Library (HUB Reserve) Shelfmark: HM511 Soc.
Introduction to Research Methods
Bryman, A. (2004). Social Research Methods, pp. 3-58.
Designing a Successful Research Project: Strategies, Goals and Planning
Clifford, James, and G.E. Marcus. 1986. Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of
Ethnography. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, excerpted as
“Partial Truths” in Seale, Clive (ed.). Social Research Methods: A Reader.
London: Routledge, pp. 384-388.
Managing Your Research
(this has a primary focus on PhD research)
Creative Practice, Images, Artefacts and Sounds
Article by James Elkins on practice-based PhDs (available on WebCT)
Becker, Howard S., and Blanche Geer. 1969. Participant observation and
interviewing: A comparison. In G. McCall, and J. L. Simmons (eds.), Issues in
Participant Observation. New York: Addison Wesley in Seale, Clive (ed.). Social
Research Methods: A Reader. London: Routledge pp. 246-251.
Reading List for ACE-ECA Postgraduate Research Methods 2010
Reading Strategies and Context Review
Plummer, Ken. 2000. Documents of Life. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage (First
published in 1983.) excerpted in Seale, Clive (ed.). Social Research Methods: A
Reader. London: Routledge, pp. 282-289.
Applying Theories of Knowledge and Evidence
Archival research: Bryman, A. (2004). Social Research Methods, pp. 380-397
Optional books to read for more information about this topic:
Chalmers, Alan F. (1999). What is this thing called science? An assessment of the
nature and status of science and its methods, 3rd edition. Buckingham: Open
University Press. Main Library (HUB Reserve) Shelfmark: Q175 Cha.
Hospers, John. (1997). An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis, 3rd edition.
London: Routledge. Main Library (HUB Reserve) Shelfmark: B808.5 Hos.
Snodgrass, A. and R. Coyne. (2006). Interpretation in Architecture: Design as a
Way of Thinking, London: Routledge. Main Library (HUB Reserve) Shelfmark:
NA2750 Sno.
Winch, P. (1990). The Idea of a Social Science: and Its Relation to Philosophy,
2nd edition. London: Routledge. Main Library (HUB Reserve) Shelfmark: H61
Good Practice and Ethics in Research
Bryman, A. (2004). Social Research Methods, pp. 505-520.
Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Research Methods
Lewontin, R.C. 1995. Sex, lies, and social science. New York review of Books, (20
April) 24-29 in Seale, Clive (ed.). Social Research Methods: A Reader. London:
Routledge pp.182-192.
Qualitative research: Bryman, A. (2004). Social Research Methods, pp. 291-379, pp.
Quantitative research: Davies, M.B. (2007). Doing a successful research project:
Using qualitative or quantitative methods. pp. 1-18, pp. 51-69.
Mixed research methods: Creswell, J.W. & V.L. Plano Clark. (2007). Designing and
Conducting Mixed Methods Research. pp. 1-19.
Reading List for ACE-ECA Postgraduate Research Methods 2010
Publishing Your Research
Making an Impact with Your Research
Optional reading, with suggestions about using PowerPoint: Tufte, Edward R. (2003).
The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint. Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press LLC.
Reading List for ACE-ECA Postgraduate Research Methods 2010
Additional Resources about Research Methods in Specific Areas
1. Bryman, Alan. (2004). Social Research Methods, 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. pp. 1-748. Main Library Shelfmark: H62 Bry.
2. Creswell, John W. and Vicki L. Plano Clark. (2007). Designing and Conducting
Mixed Methods Research. pp. 1-275. Thousand Oaks, Calif.; London: SAGE.
Main Library Shelfmark: H62 Cre.
3. Davies, Martin Brett. (2007). Doing a successful research project: Using
qualitative or quantitative methods. pp. 1-274. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Macmillan. Main Library (HUB Reserve) Shelfmark: H62 Dav.
4. Gillham, Bill. (2008). Observation techniques: Structured to unstructured. 112
pages. London: Continuum. Moray House Library Shelfmark: BF76.6.O27 Gil.
5. Groat, Linda, and David Wang. (2002). Architectural Research Methods.
Wiley. Main Library Shelfmark: NA2000 Gro.
6. Kuhn, Thomas. (1970). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago, Ill.:
University of Chicago Press, excerpted in Seale, Clive (ed.). Social Research
Methods: A Reader. London: Routledge pp. 199-202. Main Library Shelfmark:
HM511 Soc.
7. Nagy Hesse-Biber, Sharlene and Patricia Leavy. (eds.) (2008). Handbook of
emergent methods. pp. 1-740. New York: Guilford Press. Main Library
Shelfmark: H62 Han.
8. Pickering, Michael (ed.). (2008). Research methods for cultural studies. pp. 1240. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Main Library Shelfmark: HM623
9. Reason, Peter and Hilary Bradbury. (eds.) (2008). The SAGE handbook of
action research: Participative inquiry and practice, 2nd edition. pp. 1-720. Los
Angeles, Calif.; London: SAGE. Moray House Library Shelfmark: HM571 Sag.
10. Robson, Colin. (2002). Real World Research: A Resource for Social Scientists
and Practitioner-researchers. pp. 1-624. Wiley. Main Library Shelfmark: H62
11. Seale, Clive (ed.). (2004). Social Research Methods: A Reader. London:
Routledge. Main Library (HUB Reserve) Shelfmark: HM511 Soc.
12. Smith, Hazel and Roger T. Dean. (eds.). (2009). Practice-led research,
research-led practice in the creative arts. pp. 1-278. Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Press. Main Library Shelfmark: NX280 Pra.
13. Snodgrass, Adrian, and Richard Coyne. (2006). Interpretation in Architecture:
Design as a Way of Thinking. London: Routledge. Main Library (HUB Reserve)
Shelfmark: NA2750 Sno.