Nonliving Systems and Patterns of - North East Independent School

N o r t h E a st I n d ep en d e nt S c h o o l D i st ric t
4th Grade Science
Unit 4 Assessment Spotlight
December, 2004
Nonliving Systems and Patterns of Change
Assessment Spotlights are designed as a reference for teachers to further clarify
the TEKS of this unit and to align instruction with information provided at the
state level. The Information booklet and Study Guide provide helpful explanations
and sample items that are similar to those found on the Grade 5 TAKS test. The
following references are not designed to be the assessment of this unit, but
certain items could be incorporated into the unit test.
Item 1
Study Guide
Which picture shows a circuit that will light the light bulbs?
This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is
prohibited without express written permission from NEISD.
N o r t h E a st I n d ep en d e nt S c h o o l D i st ric t
4th Grade Science
Unit 4 Assessment Spotlight
December, 2004
TAKS 2004
Item 2
Air Pressure
(mm of mercury)
Fair; mild temperatures
Fair; mild temperatures
Cloudy; mild temperatures
Rainy; windy; cool temperatures
Rainy; cool temperatures
Fair; mild temperature
Sunny; mild temperatures
According to this information, what kind of weather is related to low air pressure?
F Sunny
G Fair
H* Rainy
J Mild
Item 3
Tides on the Texas coast usually occur twice —
A* daily
B weekly
C monthly
D yearly
TAKS 2003
Item 4
About how long does it take Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis?
A* One day
B One week
C One month
D One year
This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is
prohibited without express written permission from NEISD.
N o r t h E a st I n d ep en d e nt S c h o o l D i st ric t
4th Grade Science
Unit 4 Assessment Spotlight
December, 2004
Information Booklet
Item 5
A student saw the constellation Scorpius in the southern part of the summer sky. In
the winter Scorpius was not visible at all. What causes this constellation to disappear
from the winter sky?
A The stars moving away from Earth
B The solar winds covering the night sky
C* The revolution of Earth around the sun
D The orbiting of the stars in the galaxy
Study Guide
Item 6
A sudden change in wind direction, air temperature, and cloud cover most likely signals a
change in —
A climate
B landforms
C seasons
D* weather
Item 7
Study Guide
Which landform was most likely made by the process of depositing sediments?
This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is
prohibited without express written permission from NEISD.
N o r t h E a st I n d ep en d e nt S c h o o l D i st ric t
4th Grade Science
Unit 4 Assessment Spotlight
December, 2004
TAKS 2004
Item 8
Texas has more than 5,000 kilometers of shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico. Many
families are able to visit the coast to have fun or just to relax. Many people have jobs
and homes on or near the coast.
The energy that causes seawater to form water vapor comes from —
F the clouds
G underwater mountains
H chemical reactions in the sea
J* the sun
Item 9
In order for tomato plants to make their own food, their leaves must absorb —
A rain
B* sunlight
C oxygen
D minerals
This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is
prohibited without express written permission from NEISD.