Ralph Riley Bibliography Riley 1 Ralph Riley—Bibliography (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) RILEY, R. Species relationships in Secale. 8th Int. Conn. of Botany Comp. Ren. des Seances et Rap. Et Com. Deposes lors du Congres, Sections 9 and 10, 174. 1955 BELL, G. D. H., LUPTON, M. and RILEY, R. Investigations in the Triticinae. IIi. The morphology and field behaviour of the A2 generation of interspecific and intergeneric amphidiploids. J. agric. Sci. 46, 199-231. 1955 CHAPMAN, V. and RILEY, R. Disomic addition of rye Chromosome II to wheat. Nature, Lond., 175, 1091. 1955 RILEY, R. The cytogenetics of the differences between some Secale species. J. agric. Sci., 46, 377383. 1956 RILEY, R. The influence of the breeding system on the genecology of Thalaspi alpestre. New Phytol., 55, 319-330. 1956 RILEY, R. Adding individual rye chromosomes to wheat. Wheat Information Service, 4, 12-13. 1957 RILEY, R. and CHAPMAN, V. The comparison of wheat-rye and wheat Aegilops amphidiploids. J. agric. Sci., 49, 246-250. 1957 RILEY, R. and CHAPMAN, V. Haploids and polyhaploids in Aegilops and Triticum. Heredity, 11, 195-207. 1957 RILEY, R. and CHAPMAN, V. Chromosomes of the potato root eelworm. Nature, Lond., 180, 662. 1958 RILEY, R. Chromosome pairing and haploids in wheat. Proc. 10th Int.Congr. Genet. 2, 234-235. 1958 RILEY, R. and CHAPMAN, V. The production and phenotypes of wheat-rye chromosome addition lines. Heredity, 12, 301-315. 1958 RILEY, R. and CHAPMAN, V. Genetic control of the cytologically diploid behaviour of hexaploid wheat. Nature, Lond., 182, 713-715. 1958 RILEY, R., UNRAU, J. and CHAPMAN, V. Evidence on the origin of the B genome of wheat. J. Hered., 49, 91-99. 1959 RILEY, R. Wheat genetics. Nature, Lond., 183, 25-27. 1959 RILEY, R. Chromosomes and wheat breeding. The Times Science Review, 33, 6-9. 1959 RILEY, R. and BELL, G. D. H. The evaluation of synthetic species. Proc. 1st Int. Wheat Genet. Symp., 161-179. 1959 RILEY, R., CHAPMAN, V. and KIMBER, G. Genetic control of chromosome pairing in intergeneric hybrids in wheat. Nature, Lond., 183, 1244-1246. 1960 RILEY, R. The meiotic behaviour, fertility and stability of wheat-rye chromosome addition lines. Heredity, 14, 89-100. 1960 RILEY, R. The secondary pairing of bivalents with genetically similar chromosomes. Nature, Lond., 185, 751-752. 1960 RILEY, R., CHAPMAN, V. and KIMBER, G. Position of the gene determining the diploid-like meiotic behaviour of wheat. Nature, Lond.,186, 259-260. 1960 RILEY, R. Genetic manipulation of wheat. Discovery, 21, 510-517. 1960 RILEY, R. The diploidisation of polyploid wheat. Heredity, 15, 407-429. 1960 RILEY, R. and CHAPMAN, V. The D genome of wheat. Wheat Information Service, 11, 18-19. 1961 RILEY, R., KIMBER, G. and CHAPMAN, V. The origin of the genetic control of the diploid-like behaviour of polyploid wheat. J. Hered., 52, 22-26. 1961 RILEY, R. and KIMBER, G. Aneuploids and the cytogenetic structure of wheat varietal populations. Heredity, 16, 275-290. 1962 RILEY, R. A register of genetic teaching material. Genetical Society (Mimeo.) pp 7. 1962 KEMPANNA, C. and RILEY, R. Relationships between the genetic effects of deficiencies for chromosome III and V on meiotic pairing in Triticum aestivum. Nature, Lond., 195, 1270-1273. 1963 HACKER, J. B. and RILEY, R. Aneuploids in oat varietal populations. Nature, Lond., 197, 924-925. 1963 KIMBER, G. and RILEY, R. The relationships of the diploid progenitors of hexaploid wheat. Canad. J. Genet. and Cytol., 5, 83-88. 1963 KIMBER, G. and RILEY, R. Haploid angiosperms. Bot.Rev., 29, 480-531. 1963 RILEY, R. Wheat breeding and the behaviour of chromosomes. New Scientist, 17, 698-700. 1963 RILEY, R. Wheat genetics Nature, Lond., 200, 26-27. 1963 RILEY, R. and CHAPMAN, V. The effects of the deficiency of chromosome V(5B) of Triticum aestivum on the meiosis of synthetic amphiploids. Heredity, 18, 473-484. 1963 RILEY, R. and KEMPANNA, C. The homoeologous nature of the non-homologous meiotic pairing in Triticum aestivum deficient for chromosome v(5B), Heredity, 18, 287-306. 1964 RILEY, R. and CHAPMAN, V. Cytological determination of the homoeology of chromosomes of Triticum aestivum. Nature, Lond., 203, 156-158. 1964 KEMPANNA, C. and RILEY, R. (1964) Secondary association between genetically equivalent bivalents. Heredity, 19, 289-299. RILEY, R. and CHAPMAN, V. The effect of the deficiency of the long arm of chromosome 5B on meiotic pairing in Triticum aestivum. Wheat Information Service. 17-18, 12-15. 1954 Riley 2 (38) (39) 1964 1965 (40) 1965 (41) 1965 (42) 1965 (43) 1966 (44) 1966 (45) 1966 (46) 1966 (47) (48) 1966 1966 (49) 1966 (50) 1966 (51) 1966 (52) 1966 (53) 1966 (54) 1966 (55) 1966 (56) 1966 (57) 1967 (58) (59) (60) 1967 1967 1967 (61) 1967 (62) 1967 (63) (64) 1967 1968 (65) 1968 (66) 1968 (67) 1969 (68) 1969 (69) 1969 CHAPMAN, V. and RILEY, R. Haploid Aegilops caudata. Wheat Information Service, 17-18, 16. RILEY, R. Cytogenetics and the evolution of wheat. In, Essays on Crop Plant Evolution (ed. J. B. Hutchinson), Cambridge University Press, pp 103-122. RILEY, R. Cytogenetics and plant breeding. Genetics Today, Proc. XI Intern. Cong. Genet., 3, 681688. RILEY, R. and LAW, C. N. Genetic variation in chromosome pairing. Advances in Genetics, 13, 57114. HACKER, J. B. and RILEY, R. Morphological and cytological effects of chromosome deficiency in Avena sativa. Canad. J. Genet. Cytol., 7, 304-315. RILEY, R. and KIMBER, G. The transfer of alien genetic variation to wheat. Rep. P1. Breed.lnst. 1964-65, 6-36. RILEY, R. Genetics and the regulation of meiotic chromosome behaviour. Sci. Prog. Oxf., 54, 193207. CHAPMAN, V. and RILEY, R. The allocation of the chromosomes of T. aestivum to the A and Bgenomes. Canad. J. Genet. Cytol., 8, 57-63. RILEY, R. The genetic regulation of meiotic behaviour in wheat and its relatives. Proc. 2ns. Int. Wheat Genet. Symp. Lund., 1963, Hereditas, Suppl. Vol. 2, 396-407. RILEY, R. Cytogenetics and wheat breeding. Savrem. Poljopr., 11-12, 107-116. RILEY, R. and LEWIS, K. R. eds. Chromosome Manipulations and Plant Genetics. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh and London. RILEY, R. and CHAPMAN, V. Estimates of the homoeology of wheat chromosomes by measurements of differential affinity at meiosis. In Chromosome Manipulations and Plant Genetics. Eds. R. Riley and K. R. Lewis, pp.46-58. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh and London. RILEY, R. Genotype-environmental interaction affecting chiasma frequency in Triticum aestivum. In Chromosomes Today, 1, Eds. C. D. Darlington and K. R. Lewis, pp. 57-65. Oliver & Boyd. Edinburgh and London. RILEY, R., CHAPMAN, V. and BELFIELD, A. M. Induced mutation affecting the control of meiotic chromosome pairing in Triticum aestivum. Nature, 211, 368-369. RILEY, R. and MILLER, T. E. The differential sensitivity of desynaptic and normal genotypes of barley to X-rays. Mutation Res., 3, 355-359. RILEY, R., CHAPMAN, V. and MACER, R. C. F. The homoeology of an Aegilops chromosome causing stripe rust resistance. Can. J. Genet. Cytol., 9, 616-630. RILEY, R., CHAPMAN, V., YOUNG, R. M. and BELFIELD, A. M. Control of meiotic chromosome pairing by the chromosomes of homoeologous group 5 of Triticum aestivum. Nature, 212, 1475-1477. RILEY, R. and LAW, C. N. Proposals for the co-ordination of European work with wheat aneuploids. Savrem poljor., 11-12, 679-684. RILEY, R. and MACER, R.C. F. The chromosomal distribution of the genetic resistance of rye to wheat pathogens. Can. J. Genet. Cytol., 8, 640-653. HAYTER, A. M. and RILEY, R. Duplicate genetic activities affecting meiotic chromosome pairing at low temperatures in Triticum. Nature, 216, 1028-1029. RILEY, R. Aspeti teorici e practici dell'appaiamento cromosomico. Sementi elette, 13, 216-225. RILEY, R. Plants: off-the-peg or made-to-measure. Advmt. Sci., Lond., 24, 217-224. RILEY, R. and CHAPMAN, V. Effects of 5B S in suppressing the expression of altered dosage of 5B on meiotic chromosome pairing in Triticum aestivum. Nature, 216, 60-62. RILEY, R. and CHAPMAN, V. The inheritance in wheat of crossability with rye. Genet.Res., Camb., 9, 259-267. RILEY, R., COUCOLI, H. and CHAPMAN, V. Chromosomal interchanges and the phylogeny of wheat. Heredity, 22, 233-248. RILEY, R. Theoretical and practical aspects of chromosome pairing. Genet. agr. 21, 111-128. RILEY, R., CHAPMAN, V. and JOHNSON, R. The incorporation of alien disease resistance in wheat by genetic interference with the regulation of meiotic chromosome synapsis. Genet. Res., Camb., 12, 199-219. RILEY, R., CHAPMAN, V. and JOHNSON, R. Introduction of yellow rust resistance from Aegilops comosa into wheat by genetically induced homoeologous recombination. Nature, 217, 383-384. RILEY, R. The basic and applied genetics of chromosome pairing. Proc. 3rd Int. Wheat Genet. Symp., 185-195. BELFIELD, A. M. and RILEY, R. The relationships of the genomes of allohexaploid wheat. In Chromosomes Today, 2, 5-11 (Eds. C. D. Darlington and K. R. Lewis). Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. RILEY, R. Evidence from phylogenetic relationships of the types of bread wheat first cultivated. In The Domestication and Exploitation of Plants and Animals, 173-176. (Eds. P. J. Ucko and G. W. Dimbleby . Duckworth, London. RILEY, R. The chromosome construction and reconstruction of wheat. In Genetic Engineering, 3340. (Ed. D. Paterson) British Broadcasting Corporation, London. Riley 3 (70) 1970 (71) 1970 (72) 1970 (73) (74) (75) 1970 1971 1971 (76) 1971 (77) 1971 (78) 1972 (79) 1972 (80) 1972 (81) 1972 (82) 1972 (83) 1972 (84) 1973 (85) 1973 (86) (87) 1973 1973 (88) 1974 (89) (90) 1974 1974 (91) 1974 (92) 1974 (93) 1975 (94) 1976 (95) 1976 (96) 1976 (97) 1977 (98) 1977 (99) 1977 (100) 1978 CHAPMAN, V. and RILEY, R. Homoeologous meiotic chromosome pairing in T. aestivum in which chromosome 5B is replaced by an alien homoeologue. Nature 376-377. RILEY, R. and EWART, J. A. D. The effect of individual rye chromosomes on the amino acid content of wheat grains. Genet. Res., Camb. 15, 209-219. RILEY, R. Plant genetics in the service of man. In Fifty Years of Genetics (ed. J. L. Jinks). Pp. 37-65. Oliver b Boyd, Edinburgh. RILEY, R. and MILLER, T. E. Meiotic chromosome pairing in Triticale. Nature, Lond. 227, 82-83. RILEY, R. and BENNETT, M. D. Meiotic DNA synthesis. Nature, Lond. 230, 182-185. WALL, A. M., RILEY, R. and CHAPMAN, V. Wheat mutants permitting homoeologous meiotic chromosome pairing. Genet. Res. Camb., 18, 311-328. WALL. A. M., RILEY, R. and GALE, M. D. The position of a locus on chromosome 5B of Triticum aestivum affecting homoeologous meiotic pairing. Genet. Res. Camb., 1, 329-339. BENNETT, M. D., CHAPMAN, V. and RILEY, R. The duration of meiosis in pollen mother cells of wheat, rye and Triticale. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond, B. 178, 259-275. BAYLISS, M.W. and RILEY, Ralph Evidence of pre-meiotic control of chromosome pairing in Triticum aestivum. Genet. Res. 20, 201-212. BAYLISS, M.W. and RILEY, Ralph An analysis of temperature dependent asynapsis in Triticum aestivum. Genet. Res. 20, 193-200. DOVER, G. A. and RILEY, Ralph Variation at two loci affecting homoeologous meiotic chromosome pairing in Triticum aestivum x Aegilops mutica hybrids. Nature New Biol. 235, 61-62. DOVER, Gabriel A. and RILEY, Ralph Prevention of pairing of homeoeologous meiotic chromosomes of wheat by an activity of supernumerary chromosomes of Aegilops. Nature 240, 159161. MILLER, T. E. and RILEY, Ralph Meiotic chromosome pairing in wheat-rye combinations. Genetica Iberica 24, 241-250. RILEY, Ralph Fundamento genetico do emparelhamento cromossomico na meiose de trigo. Melhoramento 24, 45-60. DOVER, G. A. and RILEY, Ralph The effect of spindle inhibitors applied before meiosis on meiotic chromosome pairing. J. Cell Sci. 12, 143-161. RILEY, Ralph Breeding new varieties in the UK. Proc. 12th NIAB Crop Conference, December 1972. UK Cereal Production after entering the Common Market, 39-46. RILEY, Ralph Genetic changes in hosts and the significance of disease. Ann. appl. Biol. 75, 128-132. LANGE, Wouter and RILEY, Ralph The position on chromosome 5B of wheat of the locus determining crossability with rye. Genet. Res. Camb. 22, 143-153. RILEY, Ralph, CHAPMAN, Victor and MILLER, T. E. The determination of meiotic chromosome pairing. Proc. 4th International Wheat Genetics Symposium. Missouri Agr. Exp. Sta., Columbia, Mo. 1973. RILEY, Ralph Developments in plant breeding. Agricultural Progress 49, 1-16. BENNETT, M. D., DOVER, G. A. and RILEY, R. Meiotic duration in wheat genotypes with or without homeologous meiotic chromosome pairing. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B. 187, 191-207. RILEY, Ralph The status of haploid research. Proc. First. Int. Symp. June 10-14, 1974 University of Guelph, 3-9. RILEY, Ralph Cytogenetics of chromosome pairing in wheat. Proc. XIII Int. Congr. Genetics, 193203. RILEY, R. Origin of wheat. In Bread (Ed. A. Spicer) pp.27-45 London. Applied Science Publishers Ltd. CHAPMAN, V., MILLER, T. E. and RILEY, R. Equivalence of the A genome of bread wheat and that of Triticum urartu. Genetical Research 27, 69-76. RILEY, R. The evolution of crops and of agriculture Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, 275, 209-213. RILEY, R. The chromosome mechanic at work on wheat. Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 49, 313-322. DOVER, G. A. and RILEY, R. Inferences from genetical evidence on the course of meiotic chromosome pairing in plants. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, 277, 313-326. RILEY, R. The evolution of Karyopypes - an introduction. In Chromosomes Today, 6, (Eds. G. A. de la Chapelle and M. Sorsa) pp. 119-120. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press. RILEY, R. and FLAVELL, R. B. A first view of the meiotic process. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B. 277, 191-199. RILEY, R. Application of recent advances in cytogenetics to breeding improved varieties. In: Technology for Increasing Food Production. Proceedings of the Second FAO/SIDA Seminar on Field Food Crops in Africa and the Near East, Lahore, Pakistan (Ed. J. C. Holmes) pp 267-272. Rome FAO. Riley 4 (101) 1978 (102) 1979 (103) 1980 (104) 1980 (105) 1981 (106) 1981 (107) 1981 (108) 1981 (109) 1982 (110) 1982 (111) 1984 (112) 1989 (113) 1990 (114) 1988 RILEY, R. Plant breeding - an integrating technology. In: Technology for Increasing Food Production. Proceedings of the Second FAO/SIDA Seminar on Field Food Crops in Africa and the Near East, Lahore, Pakistan (Ed. J. C. Holmes) pp. 259-263. Rome, FAO. RILEY, R. and FLAVELL, R. B. Recombinant DNA and agricultural research. In: Recombinant DNA and Genetic Experimentation. (Eds. Joan Morgan and W. J. Whelan pp.101-107, Oxford: Pergamon Press. RILEY, R. Science and Technology in Agricultural Research. Glasshouse Crops Research Institute, Littlehampton. RILEY, R. Genetics and World Grain Production. In Well-Being of Mankind and Genetics, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Genetics, I, 81-91. RILEY, R. Plant Breeding. In Agricultural Research 1931-1981 (Ed. G W Cooke) Agricultural Research Council, London. RILEY, R. Prospects. In Wheat Science - Today and Tomorrow (Eds: L T Evans and W J Peacock Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 271-277. RILEY, R., LAW, C. N., CHAPMAN, V. The control of recombination. In The Manipulation of Genetic Systems in Plant Breeding. (Eds: H Rees, R Riley, E L Breese and C N Law) Royal Society, London, pp. 129-134. MILLER, T. E., SHEPHERD, K. W., RILEY, R. The relationship of chromosome 4A of diploid wheat to that of hexaploid wheat: a clarification of an earlier study. Cereal Research Communications, 9, 327-329. RILEY, R. The Contribution of Genetics to Crop Production. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Barley Genetics Symposium. Symposium organisers, Edinburgh. pp. 4-9. RILEY, R. Cytogenetic Evidence on the Nature of Speciation in Wheat and its Relatives. In Mechanisms of Speciation (Eds C Barigozzi, G Montalenti and M J D White) Rome. pp.471-478. RILEY, R. and LAW, C N Chromosome manipulation in plant breeding: progress and prospects. In Gene Manipulation in Plant Improvement (Ed: J P Gustafson) Plenum Publishing Corp., New York and London. pp. 301-322. RILEY, R. Using biotechnology in international research for development. In Review of Advances in Plant Biotechnology (Ed: A. Myjecb-Kasi and L.A. Sitch) Mexico and Phillipines. pp. 259-264. RILEY, R. Plant biotechnologies in developing countries: the plant breeders’ perspective. In Plant Biotechnologies for Developing Countries (Ed: A. Sasson) CTA/FAO. RILEY, R. Biotechnology in Agricultural Research. In Biotechnology in Tropical Crop Improvement. ICRISAT, Patancheru , India. pp. 1-3. Riley 5