Biology 105 – Human Biology Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor: Spring 2008 55244 4 Units UVC1 St. Helena F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM RIDDELL Directions in black Student ID#: 123456 Student Name: MAC GLICERIDE Team Name: FRY BABIES Lab Assignment #: 3 Lab Title: Food Chemistry Date: 080222.1 Purpose / Objective(s): Determine biological components of common foods.. Hypothesis (ese): Burgers contain protein, buns contain starch and soda pop contains sugar and these foods will test positive for these substances in standard color reagent tests State what you believe may be true or untrue. State why you hold that belief Cite observations, reports, readings etc. See attached Materials / Subjects / Specimens; List all the specimens, sources and quantities that you measured. Summarize the list here. Briefly state what specimens or sources of specimens you used. Use a Table if necessary to list all the details in an Attachment – see Table 1 Test specimens included the major items of a ………….. Methods / Tools / Instrumentation / Procedures; List and describe all tools, measuring devices, lab equipment, stains, reagents that you used to perform the lab procedures. Summarize briefly in this section and put the details in an Attachment. Make table(s) if necessary to describe what and how you did what you did in detail. See Table 2. Make diagrams / use photos if necessary to show how and what you did. The basic procedure employed was ……………………. Results List summary statements of important measurements, findings, etc. Refer to tables and graphs and drawings of your data. Be specific in your comments and direct the reader to the data of specific interest. Import abbreviated tables and graphs / charts into this section – detailed tables and charts can be included in the Attachments. Be sure to number and name your tables, graphs and illustrations. Be sure to make at least one statement regarding every table and graph and drawing / illustration in this section. The tests showed that …………………………………………… A surprise was that ……………………………………. Analysis / Discussion: Comment on the Analyses Make a statement for what your results demonstrate. Answer the question, “what is the key learning we receive from this data?” Is your hypothesis validated or not? Summarize your key understanding. Page 1 of 4 116103898 Biology 105 – Human Biology Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor: Spring 2008 55244 4 Units UVC1 St. Helena F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM RIDDELL Conclusions / Further Considerations: Answer the question, “so what, now what?” What other information / research / experiment does this data suggest that we do? Do you think that such tests may have practical application to other investigations in science, crime, food analysis, nutrition, agriculture, etc? What might they be? Page 2 of 4 116103898 Biology 105 – Human Biology Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor: Spring 2008 55244 4 Units UVC1 St. Helena F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM RIDDELL ATTACHMENTS Experimental Design Table 1 shows the quantities and reagents used for the standard tests. Can you describe in 1 or 2 statements the “set up” summarized in this table? Fill in this table in MS Excel before you import it as an enhanced metafile to this write up. Test Food Item and Control Controls Test Reagents / Dyes Quantity Benedicts Iodine Ninhydrin Procedure Expected Result Water Albumin Sucrose Starch Specimens Burger Bun Fries Coke Summary / Formal / Conclusive Results / Tables, Charts Fill in this table in MS Excel before you import it as an enhanced metafile to this write up. This table is incomplete. Table 2 shows the results of the tests. Can you describe in 1 or 2 statements the results? Test Reagents / Dyes Food Item Benedicts Iodine Ninhydrin Conclusion - Water - - - There is NO sugar, starch or protein in H2O Albumin - - + Ninhydrin = + for protein Glucose yellow - - Bendticts = + for sugar Starch - purple - Iodine = + for Starch Burger light yellow pale gray no color change purple Burger = + for protein Bun no change purple light puple Bun = + for protein and starch Fries Coke Page 3 of 4 116103898 Biology 105 – Human Biology Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor: Spring 2008 55244 4 Units UVC1 St. Helena F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM RIDDELL Use these sections for additional details. If you do not use these sections, then delete them. Detailed Results / Analyses: 1. 2. 3. 4. A B C D References 1. 2. 3. A B C Observations: 4. 5. 6. 7. A B C D Raw Data / Original Measurements: 1. 2. 3. 4. A B C D Drawings / Diagrams / Illustrations: 1. 2. 3. 4. A B C D Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. A B C D Page 4 of 4 116103898