Publication list Do changes in transglutaminase activity alter latent

Publication list
Do changes in transglutaminase activity alter latent transforming growth
factor beta activation in experimental diabetic nephropathy? Huang L,
Haylor JL, Fisher M, Hau Z, El Nahas AM, Griffin M, Johnson TS.Nephrol Dial
Transplant. 2010 May 26. [Epub ahead of print]
Upregulation of Hic-5 in glomerulosclerosis and its regulation of
mesangial cell apoptosis. Hornigold N, Craven RA, Keen JN, Johnson T, Banks
RE, Mooney AF. Kidney Int. 2010 Feb;77(4):329-38.
transglutaminase inhibitors.
Linghong Huang, John L. Haylor, Zoe Hau,
Richard Jones, Martin Griffin, Robert E. Saint, Ian G.C. Coutts, A. Meguid El
Nahas and Timothy S. Johnson. Kidney International. 2009 Aug;76(4):383-94
Jun 24. [Epub ahead of print]
Proteoglycans Are Receptors for the Cell-surface Trafficking and Biological
Activity of Transglutaminase-2 Heparan Sulfate. Scarpellini A, Germack R,
Lortat-Jacob H, Muramatsu T, Billett E, Johnson T, Verderio EA. J Biol Chem.
2009 Jul 3;284(27):18411-23. Epub 2009 Apr 27.
Modulation of tissue transglutaminase in tubular epithelial cells alters
extracellular matrix levels: A potential mechanism of tissue scarring. Fisher
M, Jones RA, Huang L, Haylor JL, El Nahas M, Griffin M, Johnson TS. Matrix
Biol. 2009 Jan;28(1):20-31. Epub 2008 Nov 5.
Stem cell factor in a rat model of serum nephrotoxic nephritis. El Kossi MM,
Haylor JL, Johnson TS, El Nahas AM. Nephron Exp Nephrol. 2008;108(1).
Experimental Progressive Kidney Scarring. Aimun K Ahmed A M El Nahas
and Timothy S Johnson. Kidney International. 2007 Apr;71(8):755-63. Epub
2007 Feb 7.
Transglutaminase inhibition reduces fibrosis and preserves function in
experimental kidney disease. Johnson TS, Fisher M, Haul Z, Haylor JL, Jones
R, M.E. Vickers, El Nahas M & Griffin M. Journal of the American Society of
Nephrology. 2007. Dec 18 (12): 3078-88.
Transglutaminase Inhibitors induce Hyperproliferation and Parakeratosis
in Tissue-engineered Skin. C. A. Harrison, C. M. Layton, Z. Hau, A. J. Bullock,
Use of an in vitro model of tissue-engineered human skin to investigate
the mechanism of skin graft contraction.
Caroline A. Harrison, Fatma
Gossiel, Christopher M. Layton, Anthony J. Bullock, Timothy Johnson, Aubrey
Blumsohn, Sheila MacNeil. Tissue Engineering, 2006 Nov;12(11):3119-33.
IGF-I antagonist does not inhibit renal fibrosis in the rat following subtotal
nephrectomy. Oldroyd SD, Miyamoto Y, Moir A, Johnson TS, El Nahas AM,
Haylor JL. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2006 Mar;290(3):F695-702. [2005 Oct 4;
Epub ahead of print,PMID: 16204415.
Matrix changes induced by transglutaminase 2 lead to inhibition of
angiogenesis and tumor growth. Jones RA, Kotsakis P, Johnson TS, Chau DY,
Ali S, Melino G, Griffin M. Cell Death Differ. 2006 Sep;13(9):1442-53. Epub
2005 Nov 18.
Inhibition Of Transglutaminase (Tg) Activity Reduces Extracellular Matrix
(ECM) Accumulation Induced By High Glucose Levels In Proximal Tubular
Epithelial Cells.
Skill, N.J., T.S. Johnson, I.G. Coutts, R.E. Saint, M. Fisher, L.
Huang, A.M. El Nahas, R.J. Collighan, And M. Griffin. J Biol Chem, 2004, 279:
47754 - 47762.
Elevated (-glutamyl) lysine in human diabetic nephropathy results from
increased expression and cellular release of tissue Transglutaminase.
Nahas AM, Abo-Zenah H, Skill NJ, S Bex, G Wild, Griffin M and Johnson TS.
Nephron Clin. Prac.2004. 97: (3): 107-118.
Tissue Transglutaminase: A Mediator and predictor of Chronic Allograft
Nephropathy? Timothy S Johnson, Hamdy Abo-Zenah, James N Skill, Spiros
Katsoudas, Samantha Bex, Graham Wild, Martin Griffin and Meguid A El Nahas.
Transplantation, 2004. 77 (11): p 1667-75.
Inhibitors directed towards caspase-1 and -3 are less effective than pan
caspase inhibition in preventing renal proximal tubular cell apoptosis.
Yang B, El Nahas AM, Fisher M, Wagner B, Huang L, Storie I, Barnett D, Barratt
J, Smith AC, Johnson TS.. Nephron Exp Nephrol. 2004. 96(2):p39-51.
Tissue Transglutaminase and the Progression of Human Renal Scarring.
Timothy S Johnson, Ahmed F El-Koraie, N James Skill, Nahed M Baddour, A
Meguid El Nahas, Melvin Njloma, and Martin Griffin. Journal of the American
Society of Nephrology, 2003. 14(8):2052-62.
Effects of caspase inhibition
the progression
of experimental
glomerulonephritis.Yang, B., T.S. Johnson, J.L. Haylor, B. Wagner, P.F. Watson,
M.M. El Kossi, P.N. Furness, and A.M. El Nahas.
Kidney Int, 2003. 63(6): p.
Apoptosis and expression of BCL-2 and BAX in cyclosporine-induced
experimental renal fibrosis.
Rawat S, Gray C, Johnson TS, Raftery AT, El
Nahas AM, Haylor J. Transplant Proc. 2003 Feb; 35(1):187-8.
Insulin-like growth factor I is a comitogen for hepatocyte growth factor in
a rat model of hepatocellular carcinoma. Price, J.A., S.J. Kovach, T. Johnson,
L.G. Koniaris, P.A. Cahill, J.V. Sitzmann, and I.H. McKillop Hepatology, 2002.
36(5): p. 1089-97.
A shift in the Bax/Bcl-2 balance may activate caspase-3 and modulate
apoptosis in experimental glomerulonephritis. Yang, B., T.S. Johnson, G.L.
Thomas, P.F. Watson, B. Wagner, P.N. Furness, and A.M. El Nahas Kidney Int,
2002. 62(4): p. 1301-13. (Impact factor 4.8, P, C)
Matrix Metalloproteinases and their Inhibitors in Experimental Renal
T. S. Johnson, J. L. Haylor, M. Fisher, G. L. Thomas, and A. M. El
Nahas, Experimental Nephrology, 2002, 10:182-195.
Caspase-3 and apoptosis in experimental chronic renal scarring. B. Yang,
A. M. El Nahas, G. L. Thomas, J. L. Haylor, P. F. Watson, B. Wagner, and T. S.
Johnson, Kidney Int, vol. 60, pp. 1765-76. 2001.
compartment specific changes in tissue transglutaminase in early
experimental diabetic nephropathy: Pathological implications. NJ Skill, M
Griffin, AM El Nahas, T Sanai, JL Haylor, M Fisher, MF Jamie, NN Mould and TS
Johnson. Lab Invest. 2001 May; 81(5): 705-16.
Differential Expression of the Growth Hormone Receptor and SOCS Genes
in Response to Experimental Sepsis, Nutrition and Growth Hormone. TS
Johnson, MJ O’Leary, SK Justice, M Maamra, SH Zarkesh-Esfahani, R
Furlanetto, VR Preedy, CJ Hinds, AM El Nahas & RJM Ross. J Endocrinol. 2001
May; 169(2): 409-15.
Apoptosis and Caspase-3 in Experimental Anti-Glomerular Basement
Membrane (GBM) Nephritis.
Bin Yang, Timothy S Johnson, Graham L
Thomas, Philip F Watson, Mohamed SH Sherif, Bart Wagner and A Meguid El
Nahas. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2001 Mar; 12(3): 485-95.
The Expression of Apoptosis-Related Genes and Proteins in Experimental
Chronic Renal Scarring.
Bin Yang, Timothy S Johnson, Graham L Thomas,
Philip F Watson, Bart Wagner, Nicholas J Skill, John L Haylor and A Meguid El
Nahas. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2001, 12: 275-288.
Maintenance: Patient Tolerance, Risk Assessment and Abstinence Rates.
Beaini AY, Johnson TS, Langstaff P, Carr MP, Crossfield JN and Sweeney RC.
Addiction Biology. 2000, 5, 4: 451 -- 462
Expression of cytoskeletal proteins during the course of experimental
diabetic nephropathy. T Sobka, T Johnson, T Sanai, S Oldroyd, G Thomas and
AM El Nahas. Diabetalogica. 2000. Vol 43, 91 - 100.
Effects of transforming growth factor-
-cellular matrix
components and their regulating proteins. Julie A Douthwaite, Timothy S
Johnson, John L Haylor and Meguid A El Nahas. Journal of the American
Society of Nephrology. 1999. Vol 10, 2109 – 2119.
Transglutaminase transcription and antigen translocation in experimental
scarring. Timothy S Johnson, James N Skill, Simon D Oldroyd, Graham L
Thomas, Meguid A El Nahas and Martin Griffin.
Journal of the American
Society of Nephrology. 1999. Vol 10, 2146-2157.
Induction of tissue transglutaminase by dexamethasone: its correlation to
receptor number and transglutaminase mediated cell death in a series of
malignant hamster fibrosarcomas.
Timothy S Johnson, Claire L Schofield,
James Parry, Martin Griffin. Biochemistry Journal 1998, vol 331, 105 – 112.
The role of transglutaminase in the rat subtotal nephrectomy model of
renal fibrosis.Timothy S Johnson, Martin Griffin, Graham L Thomas, James
Skill, Ann Cox, Bin Yang, Ben Nicholas, Paul J Birckbichler, Chiwoneso
Muchaneta-Kubara and Meguid A El Nahas.
Journal of Clinical Investigation
1997, vol 99, no 12, 2950 - 2690.
Cyclosporin enhances the expression of TGF-beta in the juxtaglomerular
cells of the rat kidney. Shehata, M; Cope, GH; Johnson, TS; Raftery, AT; El
Nahas, AM.. Kidney International 1995, vol 48, No 5, 1487-1496.
Transfection of tissue transglutaminase into a highly malignant hamster
fibrosarcoma leads to a reduced incidence of primary tumour growth.
Johnson, TS; Knight, CRL; El Alaoui, L; Mian, S; Rees, RC; Gentile, V; Davies, PJA;
Griffin, M. Oncogene 1994, vol. 9, number 10, 2935-2942.
Interleukin-2-activated human effector lymphocytes mediate cytotoxicity
by inducing apoptosis in human leukaemia and solid tumour target cells.
Knight CR, Rees RC, Platts A, Johnson T, Griffin M. Immunology 1993 Aug;
Novel interactions of TG2 with heparan sulfate proteoglycans: reflection
on physiological implications. Verderio EA, Scarpellini A, Johnson TS. Amino
Acids. 2009 Apr;36(4):671-7.
Tissue Transglutaminase in normal & abnormal wound healing.
Verderio, TS Johnson and M Griffin. Amino Acids 2004, 26(4):387-404.
Book Chapters
Transglutaminases: Family of enzymes with Diverse Functions.
Editor(s): Mehta, K. (Houston, Tex.); Eckert, R. (Cleveland, Ohio). Volume 38 in
the Series; Progress in Tumor Research. Karger Publishers, Basel. Chapter 6,
Transglutaminases in Wound Healing and Inflammation.
Johnson, T.; Griffin, M. pp 89-114
Verderio, E.;