Cathedral Library book of the month for October

Wells Cathedral Email Newsletter
October 2015
This is a printed copy of the email newsletter from Wells Cathedral. If you would like to receive this by
email please send your details to or follow the link on our website.
Welcome to the October issue of the Wells Cathedral newsletter
Below is a snapshot of what's coming up this month at the Cathedral. Remember - news and events are
also always available via our website and our Facebook page. We hope to see you in the Cathedral
The Dean of Wells, John Clarke, to retire in December 2015 after 11 years in post
The Dean of Wells, John Clarke, is to retire in December 2015 after 11
years in post.
John said: “It has been a privilege to serve as Dean of Wells and to work
with clergy and lay colleagues on the cathedral chapter. This much-loved
cathedral has an outstanding team of highly committed staff and volunteers
that enable so many different activities to take place in and around the
building. I am sorry to retire earlier than I intended following a stroke in
April 2015, but I look forward to coming back to Wells and seeing future
growth and development of the building and of the contemporary
community of faith.”
John has encouraged the cathedral in its role as a place of welcome, open and accessible to all. In his
preaching and teaching he has aimed to make the Christian faith alive and relevant to 21st century life.
He accompanies a number of people on their spiritual journey.
John will say farewell to the diocese of Bath and Wells and to the county of Somerset at Cathedral
Evensong on Thursday 19 November at 5.15pm and to the cathedral congregation and volunteers at the
Eucharist on Sunday 22 November at 9.45am.
More details about John's work, as well as comments from his colleagues and friends, are available on
our website.
What's On in October
Saturday 3rd October from 2.00 - 3.30pm
All are welcome to the combined service of celebration of Reader
ministry and service of welcome for the Rt. Revd. Ruth Worsley
taking place here at Wells Cathedral, where she will also be
installed as a member of the College of Canons.
Wednesday 7 October from 11.00am - 12.30pm
A time to give thanks for the life of the Cathedral. All are welcome to join us for this service.
Thursday 8 October from 1.05 - 1.40pm
Samuel Hudson, Director of Music at Blackburn Cathedral (a former Senior Organ Scholar at
Wells). Admission is free, with a retiring collection in aid of Wells Cathedral Music
Friday 23 October from 1.05 - 2pm
Recital by Richard Lennox (Organist), to include works by Walton, Gershwin and Lanquitait.
There will be a retiring collection in aid of Wells Cathedral Music.
Saturday 24th October from 12:00 - 12:50pm
A reflective service which offers an opportunity to pray for healing and to come forward for the
laying on of hands
Friday 30 October from 1.05 - 2pm
To include works by Marenzio, Palestrina and Tippett.
new music wells festival 2015
Sunday 11 – Thursday 15 October 2015 (inclusive)
Wells Cathedral is preparing to celebrate its eighth annual festival
of new music: new music wells 75-15, to be held from Sunday 11 –
Thursday 15 October 2015.
Building on the success of previous years, all music during the
Cathedral’s services and at three special concerts will be selected
from repertoire written over the last 40 years.
This year’s featured composer is the distinguished Lord Michael Berkeley. 'The Tale of St Andrew' will be
premièred on Thursday 15 October at the 5.15pm Evensong service. Berkeley’s music will also be featured
throughout the week, and there will be a special “Evening with Michael Berkeley” event on Wednesday 14
October at 7.30pm in the Cathedral’s Friends building.
new music wells 75-15 will also include world première performances of works by Robin Walker and William
There will be three concerts during the week: students from Wells Cathedral School will give lunchtime
recitals on Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 October at 1.05pm, including music by the School’s student
composers. In addition, the Assistant Organist of Bristol Cathedral, Paul Walton, will give an organ recital at
1.05pm on Thursday 15 October, which will feature music by David Bednall, Philip Wilby, and Elizabeth
Winters. Admission to all three performances is free, with retiring collections to support Wells Cathedral
Lord Michael Berkeley to Visit Wells for Première of New Piece and
Special “Evening With” Event
Wells Cathedral Commissions is delighted that the distinguished composer Lord Michael Berkeley CBE,
has written a new work for Wells Cathedral Choir which will be premièred during the cathedral’s
innovative annual festival, new music wells, on Thursday 15 October. Berkeley was born in 1948, the
eldest son of the composer Sir Lennox Berkeley and a godson of Benjamin Britten. He is one of the UK’s
foremost composers and is well known for presenting the weekly programme, Private Passions, on BBC
Radio 3.
As part of new music wells 75-15, there will be 'An Evening with Michael Berkeley' who will be in
conversation with fellow composers Howard Skempton and Judith Bingham (President of new music
wells) and the cathedral’s Organist and Master of the Choristers, Matthew Owens.
It will take place on Wednesday 14 October at 7.30pm, in the Education Room. Don’t miss this rare
opportunity to meet Lord Berkeley and ask him about his work, in advance of the world première the
next day. Admission is free, with a retiring collection in aid of the Cathedral Commissions Scheme.
The North Nave Aisle Roof Project
The need for attention to the fabric of Wells Cathedral is
ever present and the Cathedral operates an annual
programme of minor repairs to maintain all of the roofs on
a rolling basis. However, a Quinquennial report highlighted
the pressing need to make more substantial repairs to the
North Nave Aisle Roof (West End) as the lead on the roof
had reached the end of its lifespan.
The start of the North Nave Aisle Roof project
This roof is a primary part of the main building at Wells Cathedral and incorporates original
mediaeval timbers from when the roof was constructed. The lead on this section of roof had
started to fail and allow water ingress, which was damaging the timber structures within the roof.
The Cathedral embarked on a fundraising challenge and thanks to the support of the Friends of
Wells Cathedral, Viridor Credits, the Cathedral Repair Fund and the fundraising efforts of Tim
Angel (a member of our Vicars' Choral) the work started in the Spring and is nearly complete.
Ensuring the Cathedral is weather tight is a top priority for our works team and although this area
of roof is largely unseen by worshippers and visitors it is nevertheless vital as part of the primary
building fabric. The work has involved replacing the lead, repairing or where needed replacing
timbers and support boards, making alterations to gutters and ensuring the roof was made sound to
protect it from future damage.
Our Clerk of the Works, Jez Fry, has reported that the
works are nearing completion and everyone is looking
forward to soon seeing the North side of the Cathedral
without scaffolding. The Chapter of Wells would like to
thank all of those who have supported this project both
financially and in terms of sharing their skills.
Nearing completion; replacement of roof lead
Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Martin Cavender
A reminder that all are welcome to join family and friends for a Service of Thanksgiving for Martin
Cavender's life here at the Cathedral on Saturday 31 October at 1pm.
Martin, who passed away recently following a period of illness, was Registrar of the Diocese of Bath and
Wells from 1977 until 1992. He also served as Clerk to the Dean and Chapter of Wells Cathedral. In
1992, he was asked by Archbishop George Carey to move from Wells to the national scene and become
Director of Springboard, the Archbishop’s Initiative for Evangelism.
He returned to Wells in 2008 when ReSource, the initiative that followed on from Springboard, set up
their office in Wells and he once more became a familiar figure in and around the city.
Autumn Study Group ‘The Spirituality of Jane Austen’
Sunday 25 October, Sunday 1 November, Sunday 8 November and Sunday 15
An invitation is extended to join an Autumn Study Group led by The Rev
Prebendary Paula Hollingsworth (Sub Dean Wells Cathedral) who is writing a
book on the spirituality of Jane Austen. Paula would enormously value the
opportunity to put some thoughts into the spoken word and to engage with
participants’ responses, thoughts and questions.
A deep knowledge of the Jane Austen’s life and novels is not essential, but
please come willing to listen and respond! Each session will consist of a
delivered paper (for about 45 minutes), a short break and time for questions,
comments and discussion. You are welcome to attend all or some of the sessions.
There will be a retiring collection for Burkino Faso as part of a partnership between Wells Cathedral and
Christian Aid.
Sessions will be held in the Cathedral’s Education Education Room, 4.30 – 6pm:
▪ Sunday 25 October : Introduction to Jane Austen
▪ Sunday 1 November : How might a novel speak of God?
▪ Sunday 8 November : Ethics and Virtue within Jane Austen’s novels
▪ Sunday 15 November : Jane Austen and the Spirituality of Holiness
Advent Quiet Day
An Advent Quiet Day will be held at Abbey House, Glastonbury, on Tuesday 24 November from 10am
to 4pm. The Revd. David Wilcox (Priest Vicar) will lead the day. The cost, which includes lunch, will be
£25 plus £2 in cash for expenses. Cheques should be made payable to "Abbey House". To sign up for the
day, please complete the form on the table in the North Trancept in the Cathedral or further details
may be obtained from Alison Wilcox (01749 673689).
Free Weekly Walks : October
October sees the last of our weekly walks taking place until we
recommence in April next year.
Our stained glass theme for October will be 'At the Foot of the
Cross'. The depiction of the donor - the person who had paid - in a piece
of religious art such as a painting, an altarpiece or a stained glass window,
has been common since the medieval times. They may be depicted
pictorially, using some form of symbolism - such as heraldry - or just in
words. October’s walk will look at several donor references in the windows of the Cathedral, filling in
some background as to who the donor was and the background to the installation of the window.
Our free embroidery walk for October will explore 'Musical Instruments'. Before organs came
into use a variety of instruments were used in making music on special occasions; some are illustrated in
our embroideries. Lasting 20-25 minutes, from April to October, our stained glass walks begin at
11.15am and our embroidery walks at 11.40am every Saturday and Wednesday. There is no booking
required, simply gather at the Information Desk in the Entry Cloister to join the Window Walk tour of
your choice.
Cathedral Library book of the month for October
Our Cathedral library book of the month for October is 'Most notable
Antiquity of Great Britain (1655)' by Inigo Jones. Inigo Jones (15731652) is regarded as the first significant British architect and was Surveyor to
Charles I and James I. James I visited Stonehenge and asked Jones to explain
its history.
Wells Cathedral has one of the few chained libraries in Britain. It is especially
attractive as it is still in its original location built in the 1450s, although the
current bookshelves and chains are 17th Century.
Tours of our library are available to groups, ideally between 8 and 12 people
in number. The pre-booked tour costs £10 per person (inc VAT) and takes up to 1 ½ hours.
Tours can take place most days and generally at times to suit the group but must be booked
and with at least two weeks notice.
For information about the Library or other Cathedral tours please contact our Visits Officer via
email at or call 01749 674483.
In our thoughts : Amnesty Victim of Injustice
Amnesty Victim of Injustice for October – Iran
Atena Farghadani, an artist, was arrested on 23 August 2014 for illustrations relating to killings in the
aftermath of the disputed 2009 election, and a cartoon she posted on Facebook criticising members of
parliament for considering a bill threatening access to family planning services. Throughout her time in
prison she was held in solitary confinement and denied access to a lawyer. She was later released on bail
but re-arrested on 10 January 2015, possibly for a YouTube video she posted on her treatment in prison.
It described beatings and body searches by female guards. In protest at her treatment Atena Farghadani
began a hunger strike in Gharchak prison on 9 February, and is critically ill. Her lawyer reports that she
suffered a heart attack and temporarily lost consciousness.
Former Prisoner Update – May 2014 – BURMA Dr Tun Aung, a community leader, who was serving a
seventeen year sentence, has been released.
Calendar of Events October 2015
2.00 pm
7.00 pm
6.15 pm
12.25 pm
9.30 am
11.00 am
1.05 pm
1.05 pm
4.00 pm
12.25 pm
1.05 pm
9.30 am
1.05 pm
7.30 pm
11.30 am
1.05 pm
5.15 pm
7.30 pm
5.15 pm
12.25 pm
5.15 pm
9.30 am
5.15 pm
5.15 pm
1.05 pm
5.15 pm
12 noon
5.15 pm
4.30 pm
5.15 pm
12.25 pm
5.15 pm
9.30 am
1.00 pm
5.15 pm
5.15 pm
1.05 pm
5.15 pm
1.00 pm
5.15 pm
Readers Service with Welcome to the Bishop of Taunton
Young Farmers Harvest Festival Thanksgiving Service
Taste & See in the Chapter Room
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Dedication Festival Eucharist
Lunchtime Organ Recital: Samuel Hudson, Blackburn Cathedral
Lunchtime Concert: Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls
Evening Prayer Said
Evensong with children from Be a Chorister for a Day
Holy Communion
Lunchtime Concert: Wells Cathedral School, part of nmw 75-15
Holy Communion
Lunchtime Concert: Wells Cathedral School, part of nmw 75-15
New Music Wells Forum with Lord Michael Berkeley in the
Education Room
Mothers Union Prayers
Lunchtime Concert: Paul Walton, part of nmw 75-15
Evening Prayer Said
Concert: Wells Cathedral School Prestige Series
Trinitati Cathedral Singers to sing Evensong
Holy Communion
Trinitati Cathedral Singers to sing Evensong
Holy Communion
Trinitati Cathedral Singers to sing Evensong
Wells Cathedral Voluntary Choir to sing Evensong
Lunchtime Concert: Richard Lennox, Organist
The Choir of St John’s Church, Glastonbury to sing Evensong
Eucharist with Healing
Wells Cathedral Voluntary Choir to sing Evensong
Wells Cathedral Voluntary Choir to sing all services
Autumn Study Group in the Education Room
Evening Prayer Said
Holy Communion
Evening Prayer Said
Holy Communion
Holiday Workshop ‘Saints Discovery Trail’
Evening Prayer Said
Wells Cathedral Voluntary Choir to sing Evensong
Lunchtime Concert: Levens Choir
Evening Prayer Said
Thanksgiving Service
The Chancel Singers to sing Evensong