Grant Standards

Number Power
Number Power
Culinary Math
Culinary Math
Making Change/Making Customer Change
Simulation (p 5-6)
Grade 4: V. Spatial Sense,
Geometry, and Measurement
Measure and calculate length and
area using appropriate tools and
units to solve real-world and
mathematical problems. Make
change with money.
3. Make change using as few coins
and bills as possible up to $20.
Grade 5: V. Spatial Sense,
Geometry, and Measurement
Measure and calculate length, area
and capacity using appropriate
tools and units to solve real-world
and mathematical problems.
3. Select and apply the appropriate
units and tools to measure
perimeter, area, and capacity.
Grade 6: I. Mathematical Reasoning
Apply skills of mathematical
representation, communication, and
reasoning throughout the remaining
four content strands.
1. Assess the reasonableness of a
solution by comparing the solution
to appropriate graphical or
numerical estimates or by
recognizing the feasibility of a
solution in a given context.
Focus on Thermometers:
Temps (p 77)
Review: Weight and Temp
(p 84)
Customary Units of
Capacity (p 90-91)
Estimating Capacity (p 93)
Estimating with Metric
units of Capacity (p 98-99)
Cumulative Review:
Capacity and Volume (p
Estimating in mg, g, kg (p
Customary units of
Capacity (p 91)
Estimating Capacity (p 93)
Estimating with Metric
units of Capacity (P 99)
Weight vs. Volume (p 13)
Scale Operation (p 15)
Cooking with Fractions (p 16)
Math Basics (p 1-24)
Making Customer Change (p 6)
Using Scoops and Ladles (p 20)
Grade 6: I. Mathematical Reasoning
Number Power
Number Power
Focus on Thermometers:
Temps (p 76-77)
Reviewing Fractions and
Decimals (p 10-11)
Culinary Math
Math Basics (p 1-24)
Applied Math Problems
with Simple Solutions (p
Math Basics (p 19)
Applied Math Problems
with Simple Solutions (p
Customary Units of
Measure (p 35-39)
Basic Math: Additional
Info and Tips for Success
(p 50-61)
Foodservice Specific
Terminology and Math (p
Apply skills of mathematical
representation, communication, and
reasoning throughout the remaining
four content strands.
Culinary Math
3. Translate a problem described
verbally or by tables, diagrams or
graphs, into suitable mathematical
language, solve the problem
mathematically and interpret the
result in the original context
Grade 6: I. Mathematical Reasoning
Apply skills of mathematical
representation, communication, and
reasoning throughout the remaining
four content strands.
4. Support mathematical results by
explaining why the steps in a
solution are valid and why a
particular solution method is
Grade 6: II. Number Sense,
Computation, and Operations.
Use positive and negative rational
numbers, represented in a variety of
ways, to quantify information and to
solve real-world and mathematical
1. Order and compare integers,
fractions, decimals and mixed
numbers with <, >, and =. Locate
and compare positive and negative
rational numbers on a number line.
Focus on Thermometers:
Temps (p 77)
Review: Weight and Temp
(p 84-85)
Cumulative Review:
Capacity and Vol. (p 122123)
Cooking with Fractions (p 16)
Number Power
Grade 6: II. Number Sense,
Computation, and Operations.
Use positive and negative rational
numbers, represented in a variety of
ways, to quantify information and to
solve real-world and mathematical
2. Use rounding and estimation
with integers, decimals and fractions
to solve real-world and
mathematical problems.
Grade 6: II. Number Sense,
Computation, and Operations.
Compute fluently and make
reasonable estimates with positive
and negative rational numbers in
real-world and mathematical
problems. Understand the meanings
of arithmetic operations and
factorization, and how they relate to
one another. Appropriately use
calculators and other technologies
to solve problems.
3. Use addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division of multidigit whole and decimal numbers to
solve multi-step real-world and
mathematical problems.
Number Power
Culinary Math
Customary Units of weight
(p 55-59)
Estimating in mg, g, kg (p
Review: Weight and Temp
Estimating Capacity (p93)
Estimating with Metric
units of Capacity (p 99)
Cumulative Review:
Capacity and Vol. (p 122123)
Rounding (p 24-25)
Estimation with Decimals
and Mixed Numbers (p 3237)
Math Basics (p 1-24)
Basic Math: Additional
Info and Tips for Success
(p 50-61)
weights (p 66-67)
Mult/Div weights (p 6869)
Focus on Thermometers:
Temp (p 76-77)
Decimals and Percents (p
Proportions (p 48-51)
Recipe Size Conversion (p
Basic Math with Whole
Numbers (p 7-14)
Basic Math Operations
with Mixed Numbers and
Non-Integer Quantities (p
The Standardized Recipe
(p 63-73)
Foodservice Specific
Terminology and Math (p
Foodservice Specific
Terminology and Math
Foodservice Specific
Terminology and Math (P
Labor Cost and Control
Techniques (p 165-177)
Purchasing and Inventory
Management (p 178-187)
Culinary Math
Calculating Convection Temp (p 17)
Costing Form (p 19)
Using Scoops and Ladles (p 20)
Costing an Invoice (p 22)
Costing a Quick-Service Meal (p 23-24, 27-28)
Costing Tuna Salad (p 31-38)
Number Power
Grade 6: II. Number Sense,
Computation, and Operations.
Number Power
Decimals (p 15)
Culinary Math
Culinary Math
Basic Math with Whole
Numbers (p 7-14)
The Standardized Recipe
(p 63-73)
Compute fluently and make
reasonable estimates with positive
and negative rational numbers in
real-world and mathematical
problems. Understand the meanings
of arithmetic operations and
factorization, and how they relate to
one another. Appropriately use
calculators and other technologies
to solve problems.
4. Multiply and divide, without a
calculator, numbers containing up to
three digits by numbers containing
up to two digits, such as 347/83 or
4.91 x 9.2.
Grade 6: II. Number Sense,
Computation, and Operations.
Compute fluently and make
reasonable estimates with positive
and negative rational numbers in
real-world and mathematical
problems. Understand the meanings
of arithmetic operations and
factorization, and how they relate to
one another. Appropriately use
calculators and other technologies
to solve problems.
7. Add, subtract, multiply and
divide common fractions and mixed
numbers as well as fractions where
the common denominator equals
one of the denominators.
Reviewing Computation
Skills (p 14)
Cooking with Fractions (p 16)
Calculating Convection Temp (p 18)
Math Scoops (p 21)
Number Power
Grade 6: II. Number Sense,
Computation, and Operations.
Number Power
Relating Fractions,
Decimals and Percents
Percents (p 15)
Compute fluently and make
reasonable estimates with positive
and negative rational numbers in
real-world and mathematical
problems. Understand the meanings
of arithmetic operations and
factorization, and how they relate to
one another. Appropriately use
calculators and other technologies
to solve problems.
Culinary Math
Yield Percent (p 87-105)
Mixed Numbers and NonInteger Quantities (p 2230)
Menu Pricing (p 137-152)
Basic Accounting for
Foodservice Operations (p
8. Find, represent and use
percentages in real-world and
mathematical problems, including
percentages greater than 100% and
less than 1%.
Grade 6: II. Number Sense,
Computation, and Operations.
Compute fluently and make
reasonable estimates with positive
and negative rational numbers in
real-world and mathematical
problems. Understand the meanings
of arithmetic operations and
factorization, and how they relate to
one another. Appropriately use
calculators and other technologies
to solve problems.
11. Understand that use of a
calculator requires appropriate
mathematical reasoning and does
not replace the need for mental
Rounding (p 24)
Foodservice Specific
Terminology and Math (p
Culinary Math
Costing Tuna Salad (p 31-38)
Number Power
Number Power
Culinary Math
Represent data and use various
measures associated with data to
draw conclusions and identify
1. Collect, organize and represent
categorical and numerical data with
tables and bar graphs..
Relating Fractions,
Decimals and Percents (p
Grade 6: V. Spatial Sense,
Geometry, and Measurement.
Make calculations of time, length,
area and volume within standard
measuring systems, using good
judgment in choice of units.
1. Solve problems requiring
conversion of units within the U.S.
customary system, and within the
metric system.
Make calculations of time, length,
area and volume within standard
measuring systems, using good
judgment in choice of units.
2. Express measures of time and
distance as fractions, mixed
numbers and decimals to solve realworld and mathematical problems.
Culinary Math
Costing Form (p 19)
Grade 6: IV. Data Analysis,
Statistics and Probability.
Grade 6: V. Spatial Sense,
Geometry, and Measurement.
Review: Weight and Temp
(p 84)
Relating Fractions,
Decimals and Percents (p
Customary Units of
Measure (p 25-39)
Basic Conversion of Units
of Measure within Volume
or Weight (p 49-59)
Number Power
Grade 7: I. Mathematical Reasoning
Apply skills of mathematical
representation, communication, and
reasoning throughout the remaining
four content strands.
Number Power
Customary Units of
Weight (p 54)
Metric Units of Weight (p
Focus on Thermometers:
Temp (p 75)
Estimations with Decimals
and Mixed Numbers (p 3237)
Changing among mg, g, kg
(p 65)
Ratios (p 44-45)
Rates (p 46-47)
Culinary Math
Culinary Math
Edible Portion Cost (p
1. Assess the reasonableness of a
solution by comparing the solution
to appropriate graphical or
numerical estimates or by
recognizing the feasibility of a
solution in a given context.
Grade 7: I. Mathematical Reasoning
Apply skills of mathematical
representation, communication, and
reasoning throughout the remaining
four content strands.
3. Translate a problem described
verbally or by tables, diagrams, or
graphs, into suitable mathematical
language, solve the problem
mathematically and interpret the
result in the original context.
Foodservice Specific
Terminology and Math (p
Costing a Quick-Service Meal (p 23-24, 27-28)
Number Power
Grade 7: II. Number Sense,
Computation and Operations
Use positive and negative rational
numbers, represented in a variety of
ways, to quantify information and to
solve real-world and mathematical
Number Power
Culinary Math
Reviewing Decimals and
Percents (p 11-12)
Relating Fractions,
Decimals and Percents (p
1. Represent rational numbers as
fractions, mixed numbers, decimals
or percents and convert among
various forms as appropriate.
Grade 7: II. Number Sense,
Computation and Operations
Compute fluently and make
reasonable estimates with rational
numbers in real-world and
mathematical problems.
Understand the meanings of the
basic operations, including the use
of integer exponents and square
roots, and how the operations relate
to one another. Appropriately use
calculators and other technologies
to solve problems.
1. Add, subtract, multiply and
divide fractions and mixed numbers.
Basic Math Operations
with Mixed Numbers and
Non-Integer Quantities (p
Culinary Math
Number Power
Grade 7: II. Number Sense,
Computation and Operations
Number Power
Culinary Math
Reviewing Decimals (p 11)
Math Basics (p 1-24)
Mixed Numbers and NonInteger Quantities (p 2230)
Rates (p 46-47)
Finding Cost (p 120-137)
Foodservice Specific
Terminology and Math (p
Culinary Math
Compute fluently and make
reasonable estimates with rational
numbers in real-world and
mathematical problems.
Understand the meanings of the
basic operations, including the use
of integer exponents and square
roots, and how the operations relate
to one another. Appropriately use
calculators and other technologies
to solve problems.
4. Convert among fractions,
decimals and percents and use these
representations for estimations and
computations in real-world and
mathematical problems.
Grade 7: III. Patterns, Functions and
Demonstrate an understanding of
rate of change graphically and
1. Demonstrate, numerically and
graphically, an understanding that
rate is a measure of change of one
quantity per unit change of another
quantity in real-world and
mathematical problems.
Costing an Invoice—Weight/Unit Prices (p 22)
Costing a Quick-Service Meal (p 23-24, 27-28)
Number Power
Number Power
Culinary Math
Culinary Math
Grade 7: III. Patterns, Functions and
Apply arithmetic operations in the
correct order to generate equivalent
algebraic expressions and to solve
simple formulas in real-world and
mathematical problems.
3. Solve simple formulas with up to
three variables, when the values of
two of the variables are given.
Grade 7: V. Spatial Sense,
Geometry, and Measurement
Use basic geometric principles and
proportional reasoning to solve
real-world and mathematical
3. Use ratios and proportions to
interpret map scales and scale
Ratios (p 44-45)
Kitchen Ratios (p 222-236)
Basic Math: Additional
Information and Tips for
Success (p 50-61)
Weight and Volume Conversions (p 12)
Volume Measures (p 14)
Number Power
Grade 7: V. Spatial Sense,
Geometry, and Measurement
Make calculations of time, length,
area and volume within standard
measuring systems using good
judgment in choice of units.
1. Choose appropriate units to
calculate, measure, and record
length, weight, area and volume in
both U.S. customary and metric
Grade 8: I. Mathematical Reasoning
Apply skills of mathematical
representation, communication and
reasoning throughout the remaining
four content strands.
Number Power
Weight and Temp (p 5259)
Estimating in mg, g, kg (p
weights (p 70-71)
Comparing Customary and
Metric units of weight (p
Customary Units of
Capacity (p 90)
Culinary Math
Customary Units of
Measure (p 25-39)
Units of Measure (p 74-93)
Recipe Costing (p 154175)
Purchasing and Inventory
Management (p 178-187)
Culinary Math
Comparing customary and
metric units of weight (p
Application: Recipes (p
Cumulative Review:
Capacity and Vol. (p 122123)
1. Assess the reasonableness of a
solution by comparing the solution
to appropriate graphical or
numerical estimates or by
recognizing the feasibility of a
solution in a given context.
Grade 8: I. Mathematical Reasoning
Apply skills of mathematical
representation, communication and
reasoning throughout the remaining
four content strands.
3. Translate a problem described
verbally or by tables, diagrams or
graphs, into suitable mathematical
language, solve the problem
mathematically, and interpret the
result in the original context.
Add/Sub. Weights (p 67)
Mult./Div. Weights (p 69)
Compare/Order weights (p
Compare Cust. and Metric
Units of Weight (p 73)
Focus on Thermometers:
Changing Between F & C
(p 79)
Review: Weight and Temp
(p 85)
Changing among cust.
units of capacity (p 97)
Add/sub with capacity
measurements (p 104)
Mult/Div with Capacity
measurements (p106)
Compare Cust./Metric
units (p 107)
Application: Recipes (p
Problems (p 50-51)
Recipe Conversion (p 10)
Volume Measures (p 14)
Number Power
Number Power
Culinary Math
Yield Percent: When to
Ignore It (p 176-185)
Grade 8: I. Mathematical Reasoning
Apply skills of mathematical
representation, communication and
reasoning throughout the remaining
four content strands.
4. Support mathematical results by
explaining why the steps in a
solution are valid and why a
particular solution method is
Applying Yield Percent (p
Edible Portion Cost (p138153)
Recipe Costing (p 154175)
Beverage Costing (p 186199)
Grade 8: III. Patterns, Functions and
Use algebraic operations to
generate equivalent expressions,
and use proportional reasoning to
solve real-world and mathematical
problems. Demonstrate the ability
to manipulate an equation by
applying arithmetic operations to
both sides to maintain equivalence.
2. Use simple formulas with more
than one variable to solve real-world
and mathematical problems.
Grade 8: III. Patterns, Functions and
Use algebraic operations to
generate equivalent expressions,
and use proportional reasoning to
solve real-world and mathematical
problems. Demonstrate the ability
to manipulate an equation by
applying arithmetic operations to
both sides to maintain equivalence.
3. Use proportions and percents
with one unknown quantity to solve
real-world and mathematical
Proportions (p 48-51)
Basic Math: Additional
Info and Tips for Success
(p 50-61)
Culinary Math
Number Power
Grade 8: V. Spatial Sense,
Geometry and Measurement
Make calculations of time, length,
area and volume within and between
standard measuring systems using
good judgment in choice of units..
1. Find approximate equivalent
measures of length, temperature and
weight for common units in U.S.
customary and metric measuring
Grade 8: V. Spatial Sense,
Geometry and Measurement
Make calculations of time, length,
area and volume within and between
standard measuring systems using
good judgment in choice of units.
2. Use arithmetic to solve simple
real-world and mathematical
problems involving mixed units
such as minutes and hours in
elapsed time, degrees and minutes in
latitude and longitude and feet and
inches in distance.
Number Power
Culinary Math
Changing among oz, lbs,
tons (p 60-61)
Changing among mg, g, kg
(p 63-65)
Compare/Order weights (p
Comparing cust./metric
units of weight (p 72-73)
Focus on Thermometers:
Changing between F & C
(p 78-79)
Review: Weight and Temp
(p 84-85)
Estimating Cap. (p 92)
Changing among cust.
Units of cap. (p 94-97)
Changing among ml, l, kl
(p 100-102)
Comparing cust/Metric
units (p 107)
Application: Recipes (p
Cumulative Review:
Cap/Vol. (p 122-123)
Metric Measures (p 40-48)
Advanced Conversions
Between Weight and
Volume (p 71-86)
Beverage Costing (p 186199)
Changing among oz, lbs,
tons (p 60-61)
Changing among mg, g, kg
(p 63-65)
Add/sub. Weights (p 6667)
Mult./Div. Weights (p 6869)
Compare Cust./Metric
units of weight (p 72-73)
Focus on Thermometers:
Changing between F & C
(p 78-79)
Review: Weight and Temp
(p 84-85)
Estimating Capacity (p 92)
Changing among cust.
Units of capacity (p 94-97)
Add/sub. w/ capacity
measurements (p 103-104)
Mult./Div. w/ capacity
measurements (p 105-106)
Application: Recipes (p
Cumulative Review:
Cap/Vol. (p 122-123)
Converting Weight and
Volume Mixed Measures
(p 60-70)
Recipe Costing (p 154175)
Units of Measure (p 74-93)
Culinary Math
Converting Equivalents (p 9)
Weight and Volume Charts/Weight and Volume
Conversion (p 11-12)
Volume Measures (p 14)
Recipe Conversion (p 10)
Weight and Volume Conversion (p 12)
Volume Measures (p 14)
Number Power
Number Power:
a real world
approach to math
Connie Eichhorn
Number Power
Number Power:
a real world
approach to math
Robert Mitchell
Culinary Math
Culinary Math
3rd Edition
Linda Blocker
and Julia Hill
John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
2nd Edition
Terri Jones
John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
Culinary Math
Culinary Math Skills
© Glenco/McGraw-Hill