Part 4 - Reading Standards Standard 1: Foundational Knowledge 1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of language development and reading acquisition and the variations related to cultural and linguistic diversity. 1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of the major components of reading (phonemic awareness, word identification and phonics, vocabulary and background knowledge, fluency, comprehension strategies, and motivation) and how they are integrated in fluent reading. Standard 2: Instructional Strategies and Curriculum Materials 2.1 Use instructional grouping options (individual, small-group, whole-class, and computer based) as appropriate for accomplishing given purposes. 2.2 Use a wide range of instructional practices, approaches, and methods, including technology-based practices for learners at differing stages of development and from differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds. 2.3 Use a wide range of curriculum materials in effective reading instruction for learners at different stages of reading and writing development and from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Standard 3: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Evaluation 3.1 Use a wide range of assessment tools and practices that range from individual and group standardized tests to individual and group informal classroom assessment strategies, including technology-based assessment tools. 3.3 Use assessment information to plan, evaluate, and revise effective instruction that meets the needs of all students, including those at different developmental stages and those from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Standard 4: Creating a Literate Environment 4.2 Use a large supply of books, technology-based information, and non-print materials representing multiple levels, broad interests, and cultural and linguistic backgrounds. 4.3 Model reading and writing enthusiastically as valued lifelong activities. 4.4 Motivate learners to be lifelong readers. Standard 4: Professional Development 5.1 Display positive dispositions related to reading and the teaching of reading. Pages 91 85-90 87-88 82-84, 92-112 82-84, 92-112 110-112 110-112 92-110 96-99 96-99 96-99 Part 4 - Reading Title: Reading Poems Grade: 3rd Lesson Objective: Students will make suggestions for reading poems more expressively. IRA/NCTE Standard #1: Students read a wide range of print and nonprint texts to build an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works. Introduce the Topic - Select a poem. Make the poem visible for all students (e.g., put it on an overhead transparency). Read the poem aloud to students in a monotone voice. Ask students for opinions about the reading of the poem. Share Examples - Ask students for suggestions for improving the reading of the poem. (i.e., read more expressively, vary reading speed). Ask students which words or phrases need to be read more expressively, and mark changes on the overhead copy of the poem. Read the poem again, and ask students if the reading is better. Take additional suggestions for improvement, and read the poem once more incorporating additional changes. Provide Information - Praise students for their suggestion, and discuss how those changes improved the reading. Ask students what kind of changes can be made to make the reading more interesting (e.g., vary volume loud/soft, vary speed fast/slow, change voice for some words). Supervise Practice - Divide students into small groups and pass out transparencies of other poems. Students in each group decide how to read the poem and mark parts to be read in special ways. Circulate the room as students work, providing assistance as needed. When they are ready, students display their poems on the overhead projector and read them aloud with expression. Assess Learning - Have students write about what they have learned, mentioning how to read “the fun way” so the enjoyment of poetry can be shared with others.