Draft Job Description

Job Description
Post Title:
Learning Resource Centre Manager
Reporting to:
Responsible for:
Senior Leader responsible for English Learning Area / Principal
Management of the Learning Resource Centre
Liaising with:
All Learning Area Co-ordinators/Senior Leadership Team / Middle
Leaders and Principal
Working Time:
Full time (37 hours), term time + 5 days
NJC 16 - 20
Disclosure level:
Academy Mission
To strive to achieve perfection in everything reflecting the
Academy's Mission Statement.
To contribute fully to the Academy achieving its main purpose as
highlighted in the Mission Statement.
To promote the Academy's aims, ethos and Vision Statement.
To promote the Academy and its mission to parents, staff and the
wider community.
To contribute fully to the worship life of the Academy.
To encourage all members of the Academy's family to participate
in all aspects of Academy life by personal example
To foster a caring, supportive working environment
To plan, implement, monitor and review the work for which
responsible and the resources employed, in accordance with
Academy policies.
To foster good relationships with parents.
To promote the image of the Academy on all occasions.
To acknowledge and act upon the necessity for personal
professional development.
To participate in regular performance review.
Core Requirements
In fulfilling the requirements of the post, the Learning Resource
characteristics, and in particular will work:
To strive to achieve perfection in everything reflecting the
Academy's Mission Statement.
To contribute fully to the Academy achieving its main purpose as
highlighted in the Mission Statement.
To promote the Academy's aims, ethos and Technology College
Vision Statement.
To promote the Academy and its mission to parents, pupils and the
wider community.
To contribute fully to the worship life of the Academy.
To encourage all members of the Academy's family to participate
in all aspects of Academy life through personal example
To foster a caring, supportive working environment.
To inspire trust and confidence in pupils and colleagues.
To engage and motivate pupils.
To demonstrate analytical thinking.
To improve the quality of pupils’ learning.
To operate at all times within stated policies and practices of the
To contribute to the corporate life of the Academy through
effective participation in meetings and management systems
necessary to coordinate the management of the Academy.
To take responsibility for their own professional development and
duties in relation to Academy policies and practices.
To liaise effectively with parents and external agencies.
To take on any additional responsibilities which might from time to
time be determined.
To promote the LRC within the Academy.
To have excellent inter personal skills.
To actively encourage the whole Academy community to fully
utilise the LRC.
To develop strategies for managing the LRC.
To manage the LRC budget and instigate bids for additional
and externals funds.
To train staff and students in the use of the facility.
To have an understanding of new educational requirements
across the curriculum.
To enhance and evaluate stock levels within the LRC.
To manage referred pupils (whether through curriculum need or
Induct all new staff, pupils and students in the use of the LRC
and the opportunities it affords.
To ensure an effective security system for stock.
To be able to use and manage the Eclipse Library system.
Strategic planning
To take an active role in addressing the needs of pupils who
need particular help to overcome barriers to learning in order to
achieve their full potential.
To access and utilise data to identify those pupils needing
support such as weak readers.
To take an active role in supporting the raising of standards by
managing and delivering support to pupils.
To assist in the Academy’s pastoral programme.
To plan and oversee suitable support package for pupils.
Manage the supervision of pupils excluded from, or otherwise
not working to, a normal timetable.
Facilitate the sharing of information and resources.
To take a lead role on the development and implementation of
procedures and policies as they relate to the LRC.
To support the delivery of PSHEE.
To support pupils in accessing learning activities using specialist
skills and expertise.
To be responsible for the creation of an orderly working
To administer routine tests and contribute to the invigilation of
examinations if required.
To establish constructive relationships with other agencies,
suppliers, professionals.
To assist in the development and training of staff as appropriate
To take an active role in out of Academy learning activities
within the guidelines set by the Academy.
Staff Development:
To undertake and conduct personal development through
training and other learning activities, including performance
management, as required.
Quality Assurance:
To engage in the Academy’s procedures for quality assurance
and self-evaluation.
To have a good working knowledge of the Academy’s
management information system and to use this system to
record pupil attainment.
Marketing and
Management of
To be an effective communicator and to encourage active
participation through clubs and displays.
To promote the LRC and its work through all available avenues.
To operate an effective and efficient stock control system within the
To bid for resources to meet the needs of the area.
To manage a substantive LRC budget and additional budgets
through a bid system.
Other Specific Duties:
Whilst every effort has been made to explain the main duties and responsibilities of the post, each
individual task undertaken may not be identified.
Employees will be expected to comply with any reasonable request from a manager to undertake
work of a similar level that is not specified in this job description.
Employees are expected to be courteous to colleagues and provide a welcoming environment to
visitors and telephone callers.
The Academy will endeavour to make any necessary reasonable adjustments to the job and the
working environment to enable access to employment opportunities for disabled job applicants or
continued employment for any employee who develops a disabling condition.
This job description is current at the date shown, but, in consultation with you, may be changed by the
Headteacher to reflect or anticipate changes in the job commensurate with the grade and job title.
Signed by colleague …………………… Signed by Principal………………………