1. Summary of Today’s Lesson on Harvesting Energy: A. Cells need to make ATP to store Energy. What are the 3 or 4 main ways that life forms make ATP? a. _ b. – c. _ d. _ B. What do all forms of respiration burn to get energy? provide a brief chemical equation for respiration (as the products differ depending on the type of respiration, just say products rather than listing all of them) C. What does aerobic respiration burn to get energy? provide a brief chemical equation for respiration (as there is only one equation, you can provide it) D. What does photosynthesis use to make ATP? provide a brief chemical equation for photosynthesis 2. How Do Cells Make ATP? (assign w/ #5?) A. Glucose is the preferred energy source, but cells can breakdown what molecules to get energy? B. Where does the Energy come from that the cells use to make ATP? 3. JV Discuss One of the Circles of Life 4. Compare the Main Types of Energy-Releasing Pathways. A. List the different types of Anaerobic respiration: (there are several, but limit it to 3-4) a. _ b. _ c. _ d. B. Give an example of each type of Anaerobic respiration (a cell or species that uses it) a. _ b. _ c. _ C. List the different types of Aerobic respiration. a. _ b. Which cells use aerobic respiration? D. What is the main difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration? E. Where do the chemical reactions for aerobic and anaerobic respiration start in the cell? F. Where do the chemical reactions for aerobic and anaerobic respiration end in the cell? 5. All Pathways of Respiration Start with what process ____________________? A. This process prefers to burn or work on what molecule? B. It splits this molecule into two molecules named? C. So, a molecule w/ 6 carbon atoms is split into two molecules with how many carbon atoms? D. This process occurs in the cytoplasm, does this process require oxygen? E. What is the Net gain ATP? F. What two other molecules are produced? 6. Overview of Aerobic Respiration 1. Aerobic respiration is a process that generates how many ATPs? 2. Glycolysis only generates how many ATP? ____. Which is more efficient? 3. What is the chemical equation for aerobic respiration: 4. Name the Three series of reactions that make up aerobic respiration? a. __________________________ which breakdown glucose into what ______ and generates how many ATP? b. __________________________ which converts pyruvate into what? generating how many ____ ATP and ____ NADH and _____ FADH2 molecules? c. __________________________ What are some of the other names for this process? what happens to hydrogen ions and electrons in this process? about how many molecules of ATP are made? What is the final electron acceptor? When the electron flows to the final electron acceptor, two other ions join it which is? And together, they form?