Who’s In The Zoo? Integrated Science Biomes Project Objective: Working in groups, students will design a zoo that represents 5 of Earth’s biomes and the climate found in their respective habitats. The groups will then prepare a proposal and poster of their zoo design that they will present in class to the class. Procedure: The local park has decided to add a new tourist attraction: a small zoo. The park is accepting proposals for the best zoo design that will attract the most visitors, maintain a high quality of life for the animals displayed, and create sustainable ecosystems. You and your lab partners are zoo planners who are preparing a proposal of the habitats and animals that should be found in this zoo. Working in groups of 4, each of you will fill a role: The materials manager and artist is responsible for art supplies and oversees the construction of the zoo poster. The writer organizes the group’s ideas into the written proposal and types it up. The communicator facilitates conversations within the group and the teacher. The technology expert organizes the online research and helps the writer with the typing. The park has specified the following requirements for zoo proposals: 1) There will be 5 large habitat areas. The zoo must have variety to keep visitors interested. Therefore, each habitat should be from a different biome of the world. 2) Each habitat must contain one animal as the main attraction. This should be something charismatic that will attract tourists. 3) Each habitat must contain at least one minor animal that will live successfully with the major animal. This zoo is not encouraging dramatic predator-prey interactions. This component could be a separate small display (i.e. insects) or another large animal that lives freely in the habitat. 4) Each habitat must have at least 4 plants living within it. These plants should be used by the animals for food, shelter, or both. 5) Each habitat must have a recommended climate to maintain. Any mechanisms needed to keep the climate controlled must be included. Other abiotic factors, such as sunlight, shade, water, and air quality, should also be considered. 6) A feeding and watering regimen and schedule for the plants and animals living in the habitat should be included. Your group’s proposal project will consist of 4 things: 1) A drawing on a large sheet of paper (or poster) that includes a map of the zoo and how you envision each of the habitats. (15 pts) 2) A written proposal that is broken down by each habitat area. For each habitat you should describe which biome it represents the major animal in the exhibit and why you chose it the minor animals in the exhibit, why you chose them, and how they might interact with the major animal an explanation of why you chose the various plants and how the animals will interact with them an explanation of how you will control the climate a schedule, type, and amount of food and water needed in each habitat (25 pts) 3) An educational display (info poster) for each of the 5 habitats. They educational display should tell visitors your major animals’ country or region of origin, endangered status, and 3 interesting facts your minor animals’ country or region of origin, endangered status, and 3 interesting facts a food web or chain for all animals and plants a list of interesting facts for your plant species a brief overview of the biome’s climate and where is found in the world (25 points) 4) A group presentation will be offered to the class in which each group presents its zoo design to the class. Student groups will be encouraged to ask questions of one another. (10 pts) This project will be worth 75 points and will be due on _______________________.