BOING 737-400
APU bleed air valve open, and
Engine No 1 BLEED air switch ON or
APU bleed air valve open, and
Isolation valve open, and
Engine No 2 BLEED air switch ON
Isolation valve closes.
Illumınatıon of FWD CAB or AFT CAB
light indicates that ;
isolation valve opens automatically.
failure of the flight deck primary and standby temperature control.
light indicates that ;
excessive engine bleed air temperature or pressure,
related engine bleed air valve closes autumatically,
requires reset.
Which lights can be reset by pushing the TRIP RESET switch ?
During Master Caution light recal, illumination of the CONT CAB
duct temperature overheat.
What happens, when the ISOLATION VALVE is positioned to AUTO ; if
either engine BLEED air or air conditioning PACK switch positioned OFF ?
light indicates that ;
a duct temperature overheat, or
failure of the flight deck primary and standby temperature control.
indicates that ,
What happens , if the ISOLATION VALVE is positioned to AUTO ; when all
engines BLEED air and air conditioning PACK switches ON ?
light indicates that ;
Illumınation of CONT CAB
During Master Caution light recal, illumination of either FWD CAB or AFT
indicates that ;
failure of the associated zone tempeature control.
10. By rotating the Temperature Selector towards C (cool) or W (warm) sets the
desired temperature from _____________ to _____________.
65o F (18o C), 850 F (300 C)
11. If the all Temperature Selector are positioned OFF, what happens ?
18. What does the illumınation of amber
12. With two Pack operating if the both PACK SWITCHES are positioned to
AUTO, each PACK regulates ;
High flow .
16. On the ground, APU Bleed air switch ON, either or both pack switches are
positioned to HIGH (APU is the only source of bleed air), operating PACK
regulates ;
High flow.
17. On the ground, with APU BLEED air switch ON, if the one Pack switch is
positioned to HIGH provides ;
20. What does the illumınation of amber pressurization
Low flow
15. With One Pack operating from APU( APU bleed switch ON), if both engine
BLEED air switches positioned to OFF and associated PACK SWITCH
positioned to AUTO operating pack regulates ;
altitude warning horn sounds when cabin reaches 10.000 feet altitude.
High flow.
14. On the ground, with one pack not operating, operating pack switch at AUTO
position, operating pack regulates ;
pack temperature has exceeded limits,
related pack valve automatically closes
mix valves drive full cold
request reset.
19. When the altitude warning horn sounds ?
light indicate ?
Low flow.
13. In flight, flaps up, with one Pack operating, if the associated PACK SWITCH
positioned to AUTO, operating pack regulates ;
Pack controls will cause the left pack to maintain a fixed temperature of
750F (240C) and the right ack to maintain 650F (180C) as measured at the
pack temperature sensor.
maximum flow rate.
light with green
light indicates ? (CPCS)
Loss of AUTO AC power (automatic pressurization control fail)
Excessive rate of cabin pressure change (1800 sea level feet/minute)
High cabin altitude (13875)
Control automatically transfer to the standby mode.
21. How the STBY light is extinguished ? (CPCS)
Positioning the mode selector to STBY extinguishes light.
22. What does the illumination of the amber
27. What happens , if the Flight/Ground Switch is positioned to GND, with the
Pressurization Mode Selector is at AUTO mode, on the ground and after
takeoff? (CPCS)
indicates ? (CPCS)
Airplane descended before reaching the planned cruise altitude set in the
FLT ALT indicator.
On the ground, drives the pressurization outflow valve full open at a
controlled rate and depressurizes the airplane. After take off, inhibited;
functions the same as FLT position.
23. After normal takeoff with standart takeoff pressurization set, if flight aborted
in climb and returning to the takeoff airport, how the pressurization controller
programs the cabin ? (CPCS)
28. What happens , if the Flight/Ground Switch is positioned to FLT, with the
Pressurization Mode Selector is at AUTO mode, on the ground and after
takeoff? (CPCS)
The controller programs the cabin to land at take off field elevation
without furter pilot inputs.
On the ground, pressurizes the cabin to approximately (-200ft) below
airport elevation. After take off, cabin pressure is automatically
controlled in climb and descent as a function of airplane altitude. In
cruıse, cabin pressure is held constant.
24. What happens if the flight altitude indicator is changed or the flight altitude selector is
depressed during climb ? (CPCS)
the automatic cabin abort capability to the original takeoff field elevation will be
25. When using the cabin rate of selector, what is the rate of cabin climb or descent at
DECR, INCR and Index ? (CPCS)
DECR = 50 ft/min
INCD = 2000 ft/min
Index = 300 ft/min
26. What happens id the Pressurization Mode selector is positioned to MAN AC
or DC ? (CPCS)
Pressurization system is controlled manually by Outflow Valve Switch
AC-outflow valve operates from AC power
DC-ouyflow valve operates from DC power
All auto and standby circuits bypassed
29. What happens , if the Flight/Ground Switch is positioned to GND, with the
Pressurization Mode Selector is at STBY mode, on the ground and after
takeoff? (CPCS)
On the ground,drives outflow valve open at the rate selected by the cabin
selector. After takeoff, inhibited; functions the same as FLT position.
30. What happens , if the Flight/Ground Switch is positioned to FLT, with the
Pressurization Mode Selector is at STBY mode, on the ground and after
takeoff? (CPCS)
Pressurzes the airplane at a rate selecled by the Cabin Rate Selector to the
Cabin altitude selected on the Cabin Altitude Indicator (normally-200ft
below takeoff field elevation).
34. Which systems do rely on the bleed air system for operation ?
31. What does the illumınation of alone amber pressurization
light or
light with green
Air conditioning/pressurization
Wing and engine thermal anti-ice
Engine starting
Hydraulic reservoir pressurization
Water tank pressurization
Aux fuel tank pressurization (as installed)
35. Engine Bleed air is obtaind from___________ and _____________stages of
the compressor section
light indicates ? (DCPCS)
automatic pressurization system failure detected
Indicates a dual controller failure when illuminated alone
İndicates a single controller failure and automatic transfer to ALTN mode
when ALTN light also illuminated
5th and 9th
36. What happens if the bleed air switch is positioned to ON ?
Opens engine bleed air valve when engines are operating
37. What is the pupose of Isolation valve ?
32. What are the functions AUTO, ALTN and MAN positions of Pressurization
Mode Selector ?
AUTO- pressurization system controlled automatically
ALTN- pressurization sysem controlled automatically using ALTN
- Pressurization system controlled manually by outflow valve switch
- Both auto contrllers bypassed
The isolaton valve isolates the left and right sides of bleed air duct during
normal operations
38. Is the isolation valve position affected by the APU bleed air switch ?
39. What does illumination of
light indicate.
33. From which sources the air for bleed air system can be supplied ?
External air cart/source
The APU bleed air valve is open and the position of the engine bleed air
switches and isolation valve would permit possible backpressure of the
40. What is the crew action if the
ligt illuminated ?
46. What does illumination of ;
Thrust must be limited to idle with the DUAL BLEED light illuminated.
41. What is the purpose of ram air system ?
lights indicate ?
-The Ram air system provides cooling for the heat exchangers.
42. Is it possible to control the Ram air system manually ?
No, the Ram air system is automatically controlled by the packs through
operation of a ram door.
43. What does illumination of
both the primary and the standby pack controls fail for the same pack
the pack will continue to operate without control unless excessive temperatures
cause the pack to trip off.
47. During recall, what does illumination of CONT CAB amber
light indicate ?
light indicate ?
Whenever the ram door is fully open this light illuminates.
Failure of primary flight deck temperature control
Automatic switching to back up control
44. When the Ram door is at full open position ?
48. What does automatically illumination of CONT CAB
On the ground,
During slow flight withthe flaps not fully retracted
light indicate ?
45. During recall, what does illumination of ;
-failure of both the primary and standby controls
- A primary or standby pack control failure
- Affected pack controlled by the standby pack control in the opposite
49. What happens during failure of the forward or aft cabin temperature control ?
This failure will cause the associated trim air modilating valve close
The temperature selectors operate normally,
But the emperature selector setting of the two passenger cabin zones will
be averaged
50. What happens, if flight deck trim air lost ?
the left pack will provide conditioned air to the flight deck at the selected
the right pack will satisfy the demand of passenger zone which requires
the most cooling.
57. What will be the positiones of Left and Right recirculation fans in flight with
both recirculation fans switch is selected AUTO , if both pack are operating
and either pack is switched to HIGH ?
Left recirculation fan will automatically shut off.
Right recirculation fan will continiue to operate.
51. What happens if a passenger cabin zone trim air, or all trim air lost ?
the forward and aft zone temperature demands will be average for control
of the right pack.
52. What happens if any individual zone is switched OFF ?
the temperature selector setting will be ignored by the temperature
control system.
53. What happens if all zone control and primary pack controls fail ?
the standby pack controls command the packs to produce air temperatures
which will satisy the average temperature demand of the two cabin zones.
The trim air modulating valves will close,
The flight deck zone temperature selector will have no effect on the
standby pack controls.
54. What is the purpose of Recirculation Fan ?
The recirculation fan system reduces the airconditioning system pack
load and the engine bleed air demand.
58. What will be the positiones of Left and Right recirculation fans in flight with
both recirculation fans switch is selected AUTO , if both pack are operating
and both pack is switched to HIGH ?
Left and right recirculation fans will automatically shut off.
59. What will be the positiones of Left and Right recirculation fans on the ground
with both recirculation fans switch is selected AUTO , if both pack are
operating and either pack is switched to HIGH ?
Left recirculation fan will automatically shut off.
Right recirculation fan will continiue to operate.
60. What will be the positiones of Left and Right recirculation fans on ground
with both recirculation fans switch is selected AUTO , if both pack are
operating and both p ack is switched to HIGH ?
Left recirculation fan will automatically shut off.
Right recirculation fan will continiue to operate.
61. During the failure of an equipment cooling fan, selecting the alternate fan
should restore airflow and extinguish the _______ light within
approximatelly______ seconds.
55. How many recirculation fan are there ?
56. Each Recirculation fan wiil operate only if the respective _____________
switch is selected to __________________.
62. If an overtemperature occurs on the ground, alerting is provided through
the______________ in the nose wheel weel.
OFF, 5
Crew call horn
63. When the forward cargo compartment is warmed ?
-It is warmed in flight when more than 2.5 PSI pressure differential exists.
70. At an airplane maximum certified ceiling of 37.000 feet, what is the max ratecontrolled cabin altitude ?
64. Normally how maintains warming air flow for forward cargo compartment?
The right recirculation fan maintains this warm air flow.
Cabin altitude is normally rate-controlled by the cabin pressure controller
up to a cabin altitude of 8.000 feet at the airplane maximum certified
ceiling of 37.000 feet.
71. Where from the airplane altitude is sensed in automatic and standby mode ?
65. What happens when the right recirculation fan is off ?
The forward outflow valve remains open to ensure this warm air flow
(except when closed in order to maintain presurization)
In the automatic mode of operation, airplane altitude is sensed directly
from the static ports.
In the stand by mode of operation, airplane altitude is sensed electrically
from the air data computer. (ADC)
66. How many modes includes the CPCS ?
One Automatic mode,
One Standby mode,
Two Manual pilot-controlled modes.
67. How many modes includes the DCPCS ?
Two identical Automatic modes
- Auto
One Manual pilot-controlled mode.
68. What is the purpose of Pressure relif valves ?
Two pressure relief valves providesafety pressure relief by limiting the
differential pressure to a maximum of 8.65 psi
72. Barometric corrections to these pressure used for sensing the airplane altitude,
come from__________________in AUTO mode and__________________in
Captain’s altimeter
First officier’s altimeter.
73. Where from the airplane altitude is sensed in Automatic and Alternate mode ?
In the Automatic and Alternate modes of operation, airplane altitude is
provided by the Air Data Computers (ADCs).
In the stand by mode of operation, airplane altitude is sensed electrically
from the air data computer. (ADC)
74. When the FLOW CONTROL VALVE opens to exhaust to cooling air from
the E&Ecompartment overboard ?
69. What is the pupose of negative relief valve.
A negative relief valve prevents external atmospheric pressure from
exeeding internal cabin pressure.
During ground operation,
Unpressurized flight,
Pessurized flight below a cabin differential pressure of 2.5 psi.
75. By which system the main outflow valve can be actuated with CPCS and
81. How is the cabin depressurized after landing while taxiing in ? (DCPCS)
With CPCS by either an AC or a DC motor,
With DCPCS by DC motor in any operation mode.
76. What happens on the ground if the FLT/GRD switch is positioned to GRD ?
82. What happens on the ground, if the FLT/GRD switch is positioned to GRD in
the standby mode ?
When the switch is in the GRD position te cabin is keptdepressurized by
driving the ain outflow valve open.
77. What happens on the ground if the FLT/GRD switch is positioned to FLT ?
The controler modulates the main outflow valve toward close, slightly
pressurizing the cabin
78. When the cruise mode and descent mode for cabin pressurization is activated?
The cruise mode is activated when the airplane climbs to within 0.25 psi
of the selected FLT ALT.
The descent mode is activated when the airplane descends to 0.25 psi
below the selected FLT ALT.
the controller derives the main outflow valve slowly to full open.
80. When does the cabin begin to pressurize on the ground with DCPCS?
When N1 is greather than 60%, N2 is greather than 89% and after a time
delay of 1.5 seconds , the controller modulates the outflow valve toward
close, slightly pressurizing the cabin.
FLT position of this switch derives the main outflow valve toward close
to attempt to pressurize the cabin to the selected CAB ALT.
84. CAB ALT should be set____________________to pressurize the cabin
properly when FLT/GRD switch is placed to FLT prior takeoff in standby
200 feet below the takeoff airport altitude.
85. In descent, the cabin altitude indicator is set_____________________to
insure a presurized cabin during landing in standby mode.
79. What happens during taxiing in when the FLT/GRD switch is positioned to
GRD position of this switch der,ves the main outflow valve full open.
83. What happens on the ground, if the FLT/GRD switch is positioned to FLT in
the standby mode ?
The controller derives the outflow valve slowly to full open position
depressurizing the cabin when N1 is les tan 50%.
200 feet below landing field altitude
86. How many seconds can take the outfloww valve full range of motion ?
- Outflow valve full range of motion can take up to 20 seconds.