What is the energetic symbol

Introduction of “Fu” –
Spiritual Calligraphy Symbol
By Zhongxian Wu
Master Calligrapher & Qigong Teacher
In Chinese Shamanic (Wu) Qigong, one very important practice is creating Fu Qigong. It
means “skill in creating energetic symbol that communicates with the qi field”. Wu
(Shamans) use Fu to connect with the universal Qi to help people. Daoist tradition has
continued some of the ancient Wu practices by incorporating them into its own. In
modern times, monks still use Fu to communicate with different beings and nature in
different rituals. Some classical style Chinese medicine doctors still use Fu as a
powerful treatment for their patients. As a shamanic Qigong practitioner, I want to share
some information about Fu with friends.
What is the nature of a calligraphy energetic symbol?
The energetic symbol is called Fu in Chinese. It is the traditional Wu (Chinese
shamanism) way of accessing the universal Qi for healing or creating harmonizing Feng
Shui energy. You might be able to find symbols for healing in Chinese medicine classics
or in some Daoist classics. In these books, you can find information about using
symbols to treat certain kinds of disease or for other functions. You might decide to try
to follow the instructions, but find that nothing happens as you had expected based on
what the book said about treating this kind of disease. You might conclude that this
practice is just superstition. However, the truth is that the practice of using symbols for
healing is not for everyone. The secret part is that you must have the ability to use the
symbol for channeling universal Qi. This is similar to the way a car functions. It can
bring you to your destination, but only if you know how to drive and can control the car.
Likewise, not everyone has the ability to use symbols to channel universal Qi.
The ability to use symbols for healing can be developed through special shamanic
training. In all of my Qigong practice, the most powerful part is Fu (symbol) Qigong. In
the Shamanic Emei Sage Style Qigong School, the lineage master was allowed to teach
no more than five students this practice in his whole life. He could teach all of the other
Qigong forms to everyone, but this most secret form was carefully protected. After many
years of Qigong practice, fortunately, my master started training me in Fu Qigong. In
1994, I spent 49 consecutive days with my master to practice this Fu Qigong. After 49
days of intense practice, he qualified me to do the Fu Qigong and passed the lineage on
to me. I became the lineage holder of the Shamanic Emei Sage Style Qigong School.
Over the past ten years, I have used this Fu Qigong to create different symbols to help
people recover from their suffering and to create more joy of life with good results.
What is the process of writing calligraphy symbols?
Before I start drawing symbols, I do a Chinese astrology reading to pick the best days -those with harmonizing universal Qi. On these special days, I purify my physical and
spiritual body according to Wu (Chinese shamanic) tradition. Holding my calligraphy
brush, I meditate myself into the harmonizing Qi state. Then I channel special universal
Qi to penetrate into the rice paper through the tip of the brush during my drawing.
After making the symbol on the rice paper, I affix my seal with red Chinese calligraphy
ink next to the symbol at an auspicious time during the drawing to harmonize with the
universal Qi. In the Chinese shamanic tradition, a seal is like a mudra in that it functions
as a vehicle to access the universal Qi.
After I have created the calligraphy symbol, I must find someone to make an attractive
scroll with silk paper and decorate it in the traditional Chinese way. This treatment holds
the energy on the paper and also helps physically protect the symbol so it can be kept
for a long time.
What is the spiritual function of the calligraphy symbols?
The symbols contain the universal energy and have both common and special
functions. A symbol can convey the type of energy needed to strengthen or improve:
1. Personal health -- to help balance personal energy and to release disease
2. Family -- to create better Feng Shui at home and to harmonize the family
3. Business -- to help build a better business. Harmonizing Qi can give birth to more
money. Good business comes from the harmonizing Qi. There is a saying of
Chinese businessmen: “He Qi sheng cai,” meaning “Harmony Qi generates
wellness and riches.”
4. Qigong practitioners -- to help practitioners move into the better Qi state and
spiritual cultivation state.
5. Energy workers -- to help create a strong universal Qi field in the treatment room
and office
For special functions, I can create symbols to fit a person’s particular situation. I will
need a description of the situation or the requirements for the kind of symbol needed.
Working with a person’s birth date, I will use Chinese astrology to identify the best kind
of universal energy to help harmonize the person’s life.
At this time, only seven scrolls are available for purchase. Each one
has been created individually by me and was mounted on a special
scroll in China when I was there over the summer. I was in intense
qigong state when creating these paintings.They come through me, as
a deep communication from the Dao (Tao).
Symbol 1
This symbol combines two Chinese characters: Fu and Shou. Fu
means good luck and happiness. Shou means wellness and longevity. In
Chinese tradition, a good life is one that is filled with the Fu and Shou.
Qigong is a way of life and in the practice of Qigong, we often cultivate
with these Fu and Shou energies. When I am drawing this symbol, I feel
my heart open and peace and rich Qi fill my body. I pulse the happiness
and longevity into the rice paper through my brush.
The prices are set by Daoist astrology and numerology. I have agreed to
a special discount for my old friend Michael Winn, whom I met on
Huashan mountain in China many years ago. So for his students and
fellow travelers in the Dao the discount is also based on numerology.
Money (as sacred number) can be used to enhance the spiritual power of
the artwork.
Size: 17.12inch X 58.8 inch
Regular Price: $ 888.88
Discount to Healing Tao USA: 33.3%
Symbol 2
This symbol is made from the Chinese character Hu: tiger. In
Qigong practice, tiger stands for the vital breath of the Dao and
righteous Qi. In Chinese tradition, families hang this symbol in their
living rooms to bring in peace and good luck to protect their
families. When I draw this symbol, I access the vital energy of tiger
and I feel my body full of the life force.
Size: 17.12inch X 50inch
Price: $ 800.00
Discount to Healing Tao USA: 33.3%
Symbol 3
This symbol is made from the Chinese character Long: dragon. In Chinese shamanic
tradition, dragon is the symbol of transformation and auspiciousness. During my
processing of this symbol, I feel currents moving in my body and my spirit was
wandering in Heaven.
Size: 17.12inch X 50inch
Price: $ 800.00
Discount to Healing Tao USA: 33.3%
Symbol 4
This scroll combines two symbols: tiger and dragon. According to
Chinese cosmology, tiger is the symbol of the west and dragon is the
symbol of the east. Communication between eastern and western Qi,
creates the pattern of harmony. In Qigong internal alchemy practice,
the coming together of tiger and dragon is the symbol of harmonizing
yin and yang – Kan (Water) and Li (Fire) as intercourse of these
Size: 17.12inch X 58.8 inch
Price: $ 999.99
Discount to Healing Tao USA: 33.3%
Symbol 5
This scroll is made up of three Chinese characters -- Jin, Qi, and
Shen, the three treasures of the body: essence, vital energy, and
spirit. Qigong is the way of strengthening and harmonizing the three
treasures. These energetic symbols can help deepen your Qi and
spiritual cultivation.
Size: 17.12inch X 58.8 inch
Price: $ 999.99
Discount to Healing Tao USA: 33.3%
Symbol 6
This symbol is made from the ancient Chinese Oracle bones character
(around 4,000 years ago). It stands for the lightning, spirit, and
enlightenment. Ancient shamans considered the lightning in the sky to
be spirits from Heaven bringing messages. In Qigong practice, the
spiritual energy in the high level cultivation state is the same as
Size: 17.12inch X 58.8 inch
Price: $ 999.99
Discount to Healing Tao USA: 33.3% ($666.99)
Symbol 7
Spiritual Transformation
These four symbols are the major symbols of alchemical
transformation: jing, qi, shen, and wu. This painting will help anyone
to cultivate deeply the relationship between these treasures from the
Dao that exist inside the human body.
When these four symbolic essences can freely transmute into each
other, human immortality becomes possible.
Size: 17.12inch X 58.8 inch
Price: $1200.00
Discount to Healing Tao USA: 33.3% ($800.00)
Delivery will take approximately 4 weeks if you order above scrolls. Additional scrolls
can be ordered if the one you want has sold; however, the delivery will take 3-5 months.
Custom Orders based on Astrology:
For special order, please send your requirements and your birth date and I will create a
special symbol for you. It will take three to five months for delivery. A 50% deposit is
required to secure your order. 10% discount for prepaid orders.