1. A NOVEL SETTING-FREE POWER SWING DETECTOR Gerhard Koch Siemens AG, Nuremberg, Germany gerhard.koch@siemens.com SUMMARY Power swing detectors prevent distance relays from maloperation under power system out-of-step conditions. The traditional swing detection approach is to measure the time, which the traveling swing impedance trajectory needs to pass through two impedance thresholds, e.g. blinders. This method has deficiencies with power swings and simultaneous power system faults as well as with high swing frequencies. Apart from these difficulties proper swing detection settings require comprehensive power system studies. The power system is dynamic, it changes its parameters with the system configuration, generation and system load. This paper describes a novel adaptive out-of-step detection algorithm based on dissimilar measurement approaches. Two superimposed measurements enable the algorithm to detect fast as well as slow power swings. Both methods recognize power swings right from the beginning of the swing impedance movement. The first principle is based on continuous rate-of-change measurement of the traveling swing impedance. The second method continuously monitors the speed and the shape of the swing impedance trajectory. The algorithm detects extremely high swing frequencies of up to 7 Hz and maintains functionality under singlepole open conditions, i.e. auto-reclose dead time. The associated distance relay detects all kinds of internal faults, e.g. 3-phase, 1-phase and 2-phase also in the presence of power swings. Contrary to the traditional approach, the power swing detector does not need any set points or any power system stability calculation. Thus it also contributes to simpler and setting-free relaying. KEY WORDS Power swing blocking - Power swing tripping - Out-ofstep - Power swing - Distance relay. 1. POWER SYSTEM SWINGS A sudden change of load in the power system caused by a fault, by a disconnection of line load or auto-reclosure forces the generators to adjust to new load conditions. Due to the generator inertia, the adjustment may not happen instantly, but rather as transient oscillation. This causes the current and the voltage of the power system to change, with oscillation of amplitude and phase. With stable systems, this oscillation will be damped and the generators remain in service. In extreme cases the power swing may be so large that it causes unstable out of step conditions, in which case the grid needs to be separated. 2. IMPACT OF POWER SWINGS ON DISTANCE MEASUREMENT The fluctuations of voltage and current in case of power swings make it difficult for the relay to discriminate between 3-phase faults and power swings. Impedance calculations based on these measurement quantities suggest similar conditions as under system faults. Thus, the swing impedance trajectory may enter the fault detection zone or even the instantaneous impedance zone of distance relays, Fig. 1. With stable swings, the swing impedance trajectory returns to the actual load impedance locus. Thus all distance relays in the power system subject to swings need to be securely blocked for the time the swing impedance remains within the distance relay characteristic in order not to disrupt the power system integrity. A controlled trip in a out of step situation can be desirable at the electrical center of the power system during unstable swings. The relay may then divide the power system into separate stable subsystems. The logic of the relay in the electrical centre distinguishes between stable power swings where the system recovers and an unstable out of step conditions where the grid needs to be separated. 3. TRADITIONAL POWER SWING DETECTION The swing impedance moving along its trajectory needs some time to travel through e.g. the two blinders in Fig.1. Its trajectory speed is slow compared to the sudden impedance jump when faults occur. With faults, the impedance jumps instantly from load to fault impedance. Traditional power swing detection is based on the time Δt that elapses as the traveling swing impedance trajectory enters and leaves two thresholds (circles or blinders). If the time, the swing impedance requires to pass through the two impedance set points is longer than a set time Δt, the swing detector will block the distance relay’s impedance zones. Blinder B Line ΔZ X In conclusion, new swing detectors and their associated distance relays must Blinder A Instant jump from load to fault impedance Power swing impedance trajectory trajectory Δt R Load Prior to swing Figure 1: Fault and swing impedance trajectory cover extremely fast swings frequencies maintain operation during under open pole conditions, i.e. single-pole auto-reclose dead time clear all kinds of internal fault during power swings be virtually setting free All these requirements cannot be met by one single measurement approach. Only an adaptive approach can cope with these numerous and changing measurement conditions the relay is exposed to. 5. ENHANCED SWING DETECTION 4. NEW CHALLENGES Interconnected power systems cause large geographic areas to be affected by power swing conditions. With further expansion the system fault probability also increases and the number of simultaneous faults, which make the grid system vulnerable to wide-area outages. Particularly grid systems interconnected by long transmission lines and fed by huge hydro power stations are exposed to power swings having extremely short frequencies down to some 7Hz, i.e. 150 ms. The present technology for power swing detection is not capable of fully coping with all the protection requirements of large grid systems. The common predictive method to determine loss of synchronism is the Equal-Area Criterion. It assumes that the power system behaves like a two-machine model where one area oscillates against the rest of the system. In reality a power system is more complex and changes its parameters over time. The time Δt as criterion does not fully cover all possible situations. The set points are fixed and do not adapt to power system changes. Finding proper settings for traditional swing detectors is not simple and often requires comprehensive grid studies. If the study does not consider worst case conditions, then the relays may lack security. When single pole auto-reclosure is applied, the swing detector may not assume symmetrical conditions during the auto-reclose dead time. A more comprehensive logic is required to cope with open pole conditions in the presence of power swings. Another challenge is the clearance of line faults during power swings. The swing detector blocks the ordinary distance processing under those conditions. Thus, the distance relay itself requires extra provisions to cover faults during power swings. E.g. for all unbalanced faults the negative or zero sequence current or voltage, which are not affected by power swings, may be used for line fault calculation. Three phase fault detection is more challenging. Nevertheless there are differences between swing and fault quantities for fault detection. Swing quantities oscillate, while fault quantities remain constant as long as the fault prevails in the power system. The enhanced approach utilizes virtually all criteria that distinguish between fault and swing conditions. It is based on two dissimilar principles and a number of plausibility checks. Each one is ideal for its specific conditions, i.e. for fast or slowly moving swings along the impedance trajectories. 5.1 Rate-of-change in Swing Impedance The speed of the resistance dR (k) moving along the fault or swing trajectory is one criterion to distinguish between fault and swing conditions, Figure 2. The swing impedance movement is relatively slow when compared with the instant jump from load to fault impedance during system faults. x Fault Impedance Jump from load to fault impedance dR(k-n) dX(k-n) swing trajectory dR(k) dX(k) Load impedance R Figure 2: Rate-of-change in swing impedance X The continuity and monotony monitors detect power swings 30 ms after the impedance begins to travel, even before the moving swing impedance trajectory enters the relay polygon PPOL, Fig. 4. 0° estimated centre +90° -90° x PPOL unstable area Swing Trajectory -180° +180° R reversal on stable power swing R Figure 3: Steady state instability range The continuous dR/dt rate-of-change measurement along the trajectory covers slow swing impedances with high accuracy. If a number of consecutive measurements exceed a threshold a power swing is detected. This method is optimized for detection of slow swing impedance movements < 5 Ohm/s. 5.2 Space Vector Estimation The space vector estimation is based on speed estimation and a shape analysis of the impedance trajectories derived from some consecutive measurements fig. 4. Under swing conditions the impedance vectors describe an elliptical trajectory. By analyzing this ellipse with its estimated centre, one can also distinguish between stable and unstable swings. The swing trajectory and its associated centre are continuously assessed with measurements at consecutive points in time. Thus, any change in the trajectory shape and swing speed is recognized. This method enables detection of high slip frequencies of up to 7 Hz. Swing polygon set > Fault detector °°° instants of measurement Figure 4: Trajectory shape and speed estimation as well as monotony check When the swing impedance enters the relay polygon, the detector blocks the distance relay as per set selection. If for two consecutive calculations no continuity prevails, a system fault is assumed. Thus, one can also detect power system faults occurring simultaneously with power swings. I/A 5.0 2.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 t/s 0.0 -2.5 5.3 Plausibility monitoring -5.0 Strom iL1 Strom iL2 Strom iL3 Strom iE U/V 75 50 For plausibility, the impedances of three fault loops are continuously monitored for continuity, monotony, symmetry and stability. 25 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 t/s -50 -75 Spannung uL1 Continuity means, the phenomena must prevail for at least 6 consecutive measurements; monotony prevails when the impedance trajectory does not change its sign, i.e. direction. Monotony only need to be checked as long as the impedance has not yet entered the relay polygon. Inside the polygon the impedance trajectory may reverse, if the power swing returns to normal service conditions. 0.5 -25 Spannung uL2 Spannung uL3 Spannung uen >Meldung 1 >Meldung 2 >Meldung 3 >Meldung 4 Ger.Anr. L1 Ger.Anr. L2 Ger.Anr. L3 Ger.Anr. E Ger.AUS L1 Ger.AUS L2 Ger.AUS L3 EF Anr 75%Ie Not G-Anr Res G-Anr WE nicht ber. WE EIN-Kom Dist.Anr L1 Dist.Anr L2 Dist.Anr L3 Dist.Anr E Dis Anr vorw. Dis Anr rück. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 t/s Figure 5: Three phase fault detection under swing conditions, lower trace indicate relay tripping 6. SYSTEM FAULTS SIMULTANEOUS WITH POWER SWINGS Trajectory stop Figure 6: Trajectory-continuity, three phase fault detection under swing conditions In addition to symmetrical component evaluation, phasesegregated detectors evaluate all 3 phase loops separately. If there is no fault in the system, these three calculated impedances must be symmetrical, if one pole is open; only the remaining 2 loop impedances must be symmetrical. Trajectory stability- When the impedance trajectory enters the relay’s swing polygon, the power system must be at “steady state instability”. Thus, the swing detector estimates the swing ellipse center and checks whether the calculated impedance at the point of entry is closer to the origin than the center, Fig.3. Once the power swing is detected it remains picked-up until the swing impedance vector leaves the power swing polygon (PPOL). This is unless a fault occurs during this time. The detection of a jump in the trajectory or non-symmetry of the trajectories will reset the power swing blocking condition. The power system becomes particularly vulnerable, if system faults occur simultaneously with power swings. The operation of traditional relays subjected to power swings is blocked in this very instant. 3-phase, 2-phase and ground faults, such as cross country faults or intersystem faults on multi-circuit lines may cause system instabilities. This applies to long fault clearance times and particularly to breaker failures, where the breaker fail relay or the up- and downstream relays and breakers must remove the fault from the system. Thus modern relays must have provisions for dependable fault clearance even under these unusual conditions. 6.1 Ground faults The distance relay already has a special ground fault detection operative during the single pole dead time. This measurement is based on sequence component currents. The ground fault detector also modifies the swing detector during single pole open conditions. 5.4 Open Pole Conditions Open pole situations prevail within the dead time of auto-reclose cycles of the associated, and also parallel or adjacent lines. Only two of the three phases show a swing impedance trajectory. The swing detector must also consider that load may also be transferred via the zero sequence system. On single pole open conditions the detector reverts to the single pole dead time mode. It distinguishes between power swings and two phase to ground faults elsewhere in the system during the dead time. A comprehensive logic and measurement secures reliable swing and fault detection under these complex conditions. For one, the detector distinguishes between symmetrical (load, three phase faults and power swings) and non-symmetrical conditions with unbalanced faults, by symmetrical component evaluation. Phase symmetry is a prerequisite for the release of the swing detector. During open pole conditions this applies for the two remaining phases. Figure 7: Power swing detection during one pole open situation 6.2 Directional polarization with phase-to-phase faults Under swing conditions directional polarization of distance relays with healthy phase or memorized voltages is not always applicable. The angle shift after swing inception is not predictable and may assume any value from 0 to 360 degrees. I/A 2 .5 0 .0 0 .0 0 0 .2 5 0 .5 0 0 .7 5 1 .0 0 1 .2 5 1 .5 0 1 .7 5 2 .0 0 2 .2 5 2 .5 0 2 .7 5 3 .0 0 2 .2 5 2 .5 0 2 .7 5 3 .0 0 t/s - 2 .5 - 5 .0 S tro m iL 1 S tro m iL 2 S tro m iL 3 S tro m iE U /V 100 50 0 .0 0 0 .2 5 0 .5 0 0 .7 5 1 .0 0 1 .2 5 1 .5 0 1 .7 5 2 .0 0 t/s 0 -50 -100 -150 S pannung uL1 Spannung uL2 Spannung uL3 S pannung uen > M e ld u n g 1 > M e ld u n g 2 > M e ld u n g 3 > M e ld u n g 4 G e r.A n r. L 1 G e r.A n r. L 2 G e r.A n r. L 3 G e r.A n r. E G e r.A U S L 1 G e r.A U S L 2 G e r.A U S L 3 E F A n r 7 5 % Ie N o t G -A n r R e s G -A n r W E n ic h t b e r. W E E IN -K o m D is t.A n r L 1 D is t.A n r L 2 D is t.A n r L 3 D is t.A n r E D is A n r v o rw . D is A n r rü c k . Fig. 9 shows an example of a correctly cleared close in single-phase to ground fault during a power swing (with CVT transient). The distance relay remained stable on reverse bus faults. The fault current was smaller than the swing current although this was a close in fault. The negative sequence direction measurement does not allow phase-segregated measurement of the fault loops. Thus it is only applied under these difficult conditions where the fault voltage is too small for a secure direction determination. 7. CONCLUSIONS 0 .0 0 0 .2 5 0 .5 0 0 .7 5 1 .0 0 1 .2 5 1 .5 0 1 .7 5 2 .0 0 2 .2 5 2 .5 0 2 .7 5 3 .0 0 t/s Figure 8: Swing detection during one pole open situation The phase angle is predominantly dependant on the relay’s location relative to the “electrical centre” of the power system. The actual faulted loop voltage returns a correct direction decision. On close in forward faults and reverse bus faults this voltage is zero which again renders it unsuitable for a direction decision. To cope with these situations, phase currents and phase to ground voltages are used for negative sequence current I2 computation and further for the negative sequence impedance Z2 = V2 / I2. The negative sequence impedance is not affected by power swings. It indicates the relative position of the relay to the fault locus. On reverse bus faults, the downstream negative sequence source impedance is seen by the relay, while it sees on forward faults the upstream negative sequence source impedance. i L 1 /A 0 -2 1,85 1 ,9 0 1,95 2,00 2,05 2,10 2 ,1 5 2,20 2 ,2 5 2,30 2 ,3 5 1,85 1 ,9 0 1,95 2,00 2,05 2,10 2 ,1 5 2,20 2 ,2 5 2,30 2 ,3 5 1,85 1 ,9 0 1,95 2,00 2,05 2,10 2 ,1 5 2,20 2 ,2 5 2,30 2 ,3 5 t/s i E /A 0 ,5 t/s 0 ,0 -0 ,5 u L 1 /V 50 0 -5 0 t/s -1 0 0 Figure 9: Single phase-ground fault during power swings, top = phase L1 current, middle = E/F current, bottom = L1-E voltage Because of economy in system design and operation, many systems today have smaller margins than ever before between normal operating conditions and transient stability limits. Thus, there is a need for a reappraisal of to-day’s out-of-step relaying practices. The fact remains that it is complex to assess all combinations of events which may cause an out-of-step and simultaneous fault conditions. This paper has presented a novel patented power swing algorithm which detects swings and even simultaneous power system faults under extreme conditions. The adaptive approach of the new generation of out-of-step relays utilizes more dissimilar measurements and plausibility checks to cope with all system changes and peculiar measurement conditions. 8. REFERENCES [1] CIGRE Working Group SC34-WG04, Application Guide on Protection of Complex Transmission Network Configurations, Paris, 1991 [2] 7SA52 Relay Instruction Manual, Siemens AG, Nuremberg, 2002 [3] Ziegler, G., Numerical Distance Protection: Berlin and Munich, 1999 [4] Steynberg, G., Power Swing Detection, Siemens AG, Nuremberg, 2001 [5] Holbach, J., New Out-of-step Blocking Algorithm, 30th Annual Western Protective Relay Conference Spokane, Washington [5] Koch, G., The Contribution of Relaying towards Power System Stability, Southern African Power System Protection Conference, Johannesburg, 2002