© ISO/IEC 2006 – All rights reserved
October 2006, Hangzhou, China
Audio Subgroup
ISO/IEC 23003-1:2006/PDAM 1, MPEG Surround conformance testing
This document constitutes the PDAM text of the conformance testing specification for MPEG Surround.
Document type: International Standard
Document subtype: Amendment
Document stage: (30) Committee
Document language: E
D:\106738811.doc STD Version 2.1c2
Date: 2006-12-15
ISO/IEC 23003-1:2006/PDAM 1
Information technology — MPEG audio technologies — Part 1: MPEG
Surround, AMENDMENT 1: Conformance testing
Élément introductif — Élément central — Partie 1: Titre de la partie
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ISO/IEC 23003-1:2006/PDAM 1
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ISO/IEC 23003-1:2006/PDAM 1
Foreword ..............................................................................................................................................................v
Conformance testing .............................................................................................................................1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................1
Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................1
MPEG surround conformance testing .................................................................................................1
Compressed data ...................................................................................................................................1
Test procedure .......................................................................................................................................1
Decoders .................................................................................................................................................2
Characteristics .......................................................................................................................................2
Test procedure .......................................................................................................................................2
Test sequences ......................................................................................................................................4
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ISO/IEC 23003-1:2006/PDAM 1
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
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Amendment 1 to ISO/IEC 23003-1:2006 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1,
Information Technology, Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of Audio, Picture, Multimedia and Hypermedia
Part 1: MPEG Surround
© ISO/IEC 2006 – All rights reserved
ISO/IEC 23003-1:2006/PDAM 1
Information technology — MPEG audio technologies — Part 1:
MPEG Surround, AMENDMENT 1: Conformance testing
Add a new clause 8, Conformance testing, as given below:
Conformance testing
8.1 Introduction
This clause of ISO/IEC 23003-1 specifies conformance criteria for both compressed data and decoders of the
technologies standardized in the preceding clauses. This is done to assist implementers and to ensure
8.2 Terms and definitions
Relevant terms and definitions for this part of ISO/IEC 23003 can be found in ISO/IEC 23003-1. Furthermore,
the following MPEG surround related terms and definitions will be used throughout this clause:
conformance data – Conformance test sequences and conformance tools.
conformance tools – tools which are provided within an electronic annex of ISO/IEC 23003-2 to check
certain conformance criteria.
conformance test sequences – The superset of compressed data and its reference waveforms provided as
examples within an electronic annex of this document.
compressed data – encoded data according to ISO/IEC 23003-1.
reference waveforms – Decoded counterparts of the compressed data.
8.3 MPEG surround conformance testing
For Audio conformance points related to ISO/IEC14496-4, please refer to ISO/IEC14496-4, subclause 6.3
“Audio Conformance Points”.
ISO/IEC 23003-1 defines the Baseline MPEG Surround Profile consisting of 5 levels. Some conformance
requirements apply to the MPEG Surround technology in general, while some are specific to the Baseline
MPEG Surround profile. Conformance is always tested against a certain level within that profile.
8.4 Compressed data
Test procedure
Each compressed data shall meet the syntactic and semantic requirements specified in ISO/IEC 23003-1.
This subclause describes a set of semantic tests to be performed on decoder relevant data. The procedure to
verify whether the syntax is correct is straightforward and therefore not defined in this subclause. In the
description of the semantic tests it is assumed that the tested compressed data contains no errors due to
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ISO/IEC 23003-1:2006/PDAM 1
transmission or other causes. For each test the condition or conditions that must be satisfied are given, as
well as the prerequisites or conditions in which the test can be applied.
Configuration header
TODO: List elements here.
Bitstream payload
Spatial_bitstream() ?
TODO: List elements here.
8.5 Decoders
The MPEG Surround decoder can be implemented in two different versions:
High quality MPS
Low Power MPS
Other configurations
Baseline MPEG Surround profile
The ability to skip over residual data embedded in the MPS bitstream is mandatory for decoders of
level 1 and 2. Decoders of level 3 and higher shall be able to decode and apply a residual bitstream.
Add further requirements here
Test procedure
Downmix decoders
For the sake of simplicity the conformance of the underlying downmix decoder shall be satisfied separately.
The MPS conformance test procedure contains a tool to remove the influence of a potentially inaccurate
downmix decoder to the maximum extend possible.
MPS decoders
The conformance test procedure for MPS decoders internally creates a reference for comparison, given the
conformance test sequence and the output from the decoder under test. In order to accomplish this, every
MPS conformance sequence is divided into two parts as outlined in Figure AMD1-1. The downmix bitstream
for the two parts is identical but the MPS payload of the first part signals bsXXXdataMode = 0, causing the
MPEG surround decoder to pass the downmix signal through the QMF filterbank without applying any of the
MPS tools, while the second part contains the actual MPS payload that is intended for use for conformance
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ISO/IEC 23003-1:2006/PDAM 1
TODO: insert figure outlining the above
Figure AMD1-1 — The disposition of the MPEG surround conformance test sequences
The conformance test procedure will:
read the conformance test sequence;
store the output signal of the decoder under test during the first half of the bitstream
Since this signal is identical to the output-signal from the downmix decoder after QMF analysis and QMF
synthesis, it can by means of a polyphase correction filter, be approximated to be the same signal as was
used by the MPS decoder in the decoder under test.
For cases where the downmix decoder is connected directly in the QMF domain like the combination of AAC
and SBR, the MPEG surround conformance test procedure can only approximate the output of the decoder
that was used prior to the QMF analysis step. The MPEG surround conformance test sequences for such
decoder combinations are designed to keep the influence of the QMF domain based downmix decoder
In parallel to storing the signal it shall also be fed to the reference MPS decoder along with the first half of the
compressed MPS conformance sequence. This way, the reference MPS decoder will perform the exact same
processing steps as the MPS decoder in the device under test, thereby ensuring that all internal states of both
decoders match. The output signal of this shall be compared to the input signal, i.e. the output signal of the
decoder under test. This serves as a QMF test of the first half of the conformance file.
For the second half of the bitstream, an MPS processed reference signal shall be created based on the
previously derived signal. This makes it possible to test the accuracy of the MPS decoder alone without
influence from the underlying downmix decoder. Furthermore, the accuracy of the QMF implementation of the
decoder under test is tested separately for every conformance sequence.
If HE AAC is used as downmix coder, and a complex QMF filter bank with a modified internal phase angle
(hereinafter referred to as twiddles) is used in the decoder under test, the al_sbr_twi_* sequences shall be
tested first. For further information regarding these sequences, please refer to ISO/IEC 14496-4 clause (SBR conformance test procedure).
In order to ensure that the QMF is implemented correctly, the output from the QMF test specific sequences
*_qmf_* are compared to the internal reference applying the polyphase correction filter and storing the first
half of the test sequence. This is done to detect errors in the QMF implementation, which would otherwise
appear to be errors in the downmix decoder. By, for the QMF specific sequences, omitting the parts of the tool
that are designed to neglect differences in the downmix decoder implementation it is ensured that the QMF is
implemented correctly.
If the decoder under test passes the conformance criteria for the dedicated QMF test sequences, this is a
good indication that the QMF implementation is accurate. However, it is no definite guarantee, and hence it
could happen that a QMF implementation that barely passes the conformance for the QMF test, does not pass
conformance for other parts of the system due to the QMF implementation. Therefore, it is useful to observe
the result from the QMF test for the first half for any of the conformance sequences. This can give a good
indication of the origin of a potential error.
Figure 2 outlines a flowchart of the MPEG surround conformance test procedure.
TODO: insert flowchart.
Figure 2 — Flowchart of the SBR conformance test procedure
The test sequences specified in Table 2 have to be applied. The testing shall be done using the test
procedure defined above. The conformance of the underlying AAC decoder shall be tested before
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ISO/IEC 23003-1:2006/PDAM 1
conformance testing is done for the SBR Tool. The SBR Tool is based on a pseudo QMF filterbank. This is the
most critical part of the SBR Tool in terms of precision. Hence, in order to simplify conformance testing, it is
recommended to first check the accuracy of the QMF implementation, after proper identification of the
filterbank twiddling in the decoder under test.
The Low Power SBR Tool has an aliasing detection algorithm that includes threshold binary decisions which
can give rise to large output differences due to small rounding errors. In the aliasing detection algorithm a
decision is made on how to modify gain calculation in the envelope adjuster. If potentially strong aliasing is
detected, a clear indication on how to modify the gain values will be obtained, and no rounding problems will
occur. However, if no strong aliasing is detected, the gain values will be modified anyway, albeit to a much
smaller extent. Since no strong aliasing is detected, the modification decision could vary due to rounding
effects in the aliasing detection algorithm. A small rounding error will then cause the gain calculation algorithm
to modify different gain values, and hence an inaudible, but clearly measurable difference is observed in the
output. The conformance sequences are designed to avoid the above problem, but differences can appear for
other sequences.
The inverse filtering in the HF generator is another module that is prone to give output differences due to
rounding effects. Similarly to the differences due to rounding in the aliasing detection, these are inaudible
Reference waveform output files from decoding the compressed MPEG-4 data conformance sequences with
the MPEG-4 reference software are also available. These files are available for reference only, and are not
part of the official conformance testing procedure.
Notes: The reference software implementation of the conformance test procedure will behave differently for
the test sequences named al_sbr_twi_*, since for these test sequences the QMF implementation is identified
with respect to the twiddle factors used on the analysis and synthesis side of the QMF.
The reference software implementation of the conformance test procedure will behave differently for the test
sequences named al_sbr_qmf_*, since for these test sequences only the QMF implementation is tested, as
outlined above in the tool description. For these sequences only the output from the QMF test is displayed.
This QMF test is not informative as for the other sequences, it is normative and shall be passed in order for
the device under test to be conformant.
Test sequences
To test MPEG Surround decoders, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 supplies a number of test sequences. For all
conformance test sequences, the file name convention given in Table 1 is used. The test sequences are
defined in Table 2.
File basename
Compressed data properties
Tests the QMF implementation
Table AMD 1 — Naming conventions for MPEG surround conformance test sequences
Table 2 — List of MPEG surround conformance test sequences
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