Total Herd Enrollment (THE) Total Herd Enrollment is a cow inventory based program. Participation in the program requires an inventory of all your Simmental registered cows that is updated yearly. Participation in THE Requires 1. Yearly Updated Cowherd Inventory — Members will have an opportunity to update their cowherd inventory each year. There are two enrollment periods in which an inventory can be updated and are dependent on calving season: Spring calving herds will update inventories in Fall of previous year (Oct 15-Dec 15) Fall calving herds will update their inventories in late spring of current enrollment year (April 15-June 15) 2. Designated Calving Season — Cows will have to be assigned to a calving season, either Spring or Fall. Spring calving season is from January 1 to June 30 Fall calving season is from July 1 to December 31 If your calving season overlaps these dates, then please determine your calving season to the best of your ability. Cows can be moved from Spring to Fall or Fall to Spring by using an enrollment code of 3, which moves the cow to the next season. 3. Removal Codes — When a cow is removed from your herd a reason for her removal is required, use codes (7-26). In addition to a removal code, you will need to supply a Reproductive Status code (1-4), which designates the cow’s pregnancy status at the time of removal. Removal of cows from your herd is done once a year when updating the season the cow was enrolled in for the previous year. 4. Productivity Record. — A productivity record on every cow in your herd for the enrollment year is required. This record can be the reporting of a calf or updating the dam’s Productivity (codes located on the calf data standard codes sheet). Cows that came up open for the year, aborted a calf, or had a stillborn calf will need to be reported to ASA using the appropriate Productivity code. Goals of THE Improve Quality of Data Submitted and Used by ASA in Genetic Evaluations — Submitting data on the entire cowherd provides the complete contemporary group, which leads to more informative EPDs and adjusted measurements. Submitting only a portion of the cowherd causes the contemporary group to be biased, ultimately leading to misinformative EPDs. Improve and Develop Female Records — A reproductive record on every cow, every year aids in improvement and development of female oriented EPDs, such as Stayability and Heifer Pregnancy. It will also enable an accurate calving interval to be calculated. National Animal Identification Program — Enrolling in THE will provide every animals with a unique number and allow for continuous data to be reported to that number each year. Benefits Of Enrolling in THE Reduced or No Registration Fees — Registration fees for members enrolled in THE will be less or they may even be free depending on the enrollment option. More Informative EPDs Returned — Performance based EPDs will be provided to members enrolled in THE on any animal registered, which means the animal’s own weights and contemporary group will go in to the calculation of its EPDs. Members not enrolled in THE will only receive pedigree estimated EPDs on the animals registered, which will be the average of their parent’s EPDs. Contribution to Genetic Improvement — Data from members participating in THE will be the only data used in the genetic evaluation. Data submitted by members not enrolled in THE will not be used in the genetic evaluation because there is a possibility the entire contemporary group was not turned in, therefore, biasing the contemporary group. Enrollment Options There are two enrollment options, Total Registration and Selective Registration, members can chose from when taking part in THE. Similarities Between Enrollment Options Every Cow Enrolled (cows of other breeds and commercial cows are optional) Productivity Record Submitted on Every Cow Enrolled Total Registration (TR) Every cow enrolled for $12/cow/year (*increasing to $15/cow/year in Spring 2009) Calves born in enrollment year and meeting all registration requirements are registered for FREE Performance based EPDs returned on all calves Selective Registration (SR) Every cow enrolled for FREE Age dependent calf registration fees as of July 1, 2008 Under 10 months of age $30 ≥10 to < 15 months of age $40 15 months of age and older $50 Adjusted measurements returned on all calves EPDs returned on registered calves only Important Highlights Inventory Deadlines for calving seasons Spring Calving inventories are due to ASA by December 15 of previous year Fall Calving inventories are due to ASA by June 15 of current year All Simmental or Simbrah registered cows must be enrolled in SAME option Commercial cows and cows of other breeds can be enrolled in either option Members can have all ASA registered cows in TR and non-ASA registered cows in SR Enrolling a cow in THE does NOT register the cow with ASA